/** * highlighter.cpp * * Copyright (C) 2004 Zack Rusin * Copyright (C) 2006 Laurent Montel * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA */ #include "highlighter.h" #include "moc_highlighter.cpp" #include "speller.h" #include "loader_p.h" #include "filter_p.h" #include "settings_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Sonnet { class Highlighter::Private { public: ~Private(); Filter *filter; Loader *loader; Speller *dict; QHash dictCache; QTextEdit *edit; bool active; bool automatic; bool completeRehighlightRequired; bool intraWordEditing; bool spellCheckerFound; //cached d->dict->isValid() value int disablePercentage; int disableWordCount; int wordCount, errorCount; QTimer *rehighlightRequest; QColor spellColor; int suggestionListeners; // #of connections for the newSuggestions signal }; Highlighter::Private::~Private() { qDeleteAll(dictCache); delete filter; } Highlighter::Highlighter(QTextEdit *textEdit, const QString& configFile, const QColor& _col) : QSyntaxHighlighter(textEdit), d(new Private) { d->filter = Filter::defaultFilter(); d->edit = textEdit; d->active = true; d->automatic = true; d->wordCount = 0; d->errorCount = 0; d->intraWordEditing = false; d->completeRehighlightRequired = false; d->spellColor = _col.isValid() ? _col : Qt::red; d->suggestionListeners = 0; textEdit->installEventFilter( this ); textEdit->viewport()->installEventFilter( this ); d->loader = Loader::openLoader(); //Do not load an empty settings file as it will cause the spellchecker to fail //if the KGlobal::locale()->language() (default value) spellchecker is not installed, //and we have a global sonnetrc file with a spellcheck lang installed which could be used. if (!configFile.isEmpty()) { KConfig conf(configFile); if (conf.hasGroup("Spelling")) { d->loader->settings()->restore(&conf); d->filter->setSettings(d->loader->settings()); } } d->dict = new Sonnet::Speller(); d->spellCheckerFound = d->dict->isValid(); d->rehighlightRequest = new QTimer(this); connect( d->rehighlightRequest, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotRehighlight())); if(!d->spellCheckerFound) return; d->dictCache.insert(d->dict->language(), d->dict); d->disablePercentage = d->loader->settings()->disablePercentageWordError(); d->disableWordCount = d->loader->settings()->disableWordErrorCount(); //Add kde personal word const QStringList l = Highlighter::personalWords(); for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it ) { d->dict->addToSession( *it ); } d->completeRehighlightRequired = true; d->rehighlightRequest->setInterval(0); d->rehighlightRequest->setSingleShot(true); d->rehighlightRequest->start(); } Highlighter::~Highlighter() { delete d; } bool Highlighter::spellCheckerFound() const { return d->spellCheckerFound; } // Since figuring out spell correction suggestions is extremely costly, // we keep track of whether the user actually wants some, and only offer them // in that case void Highlighter::connectNotify(const char* signal) { if (QLatin1String(signal) == SIGNAL(newSuggestions(QString,QStringList))) ++d->suggestionListeners; QSyntaxHighlighter::connectNotify(signal); } void Highlighter::disconnectNotify(const char* signal) { if (QLatin1String(signal) == SIGNAL(newSuggestions(QString,QStringList))) --d->suggestionListeners; QSyntaxHighlighter::disconnectNotify(signal); } void Highlighter::slotRehighlight() { kDebug(0) << "Highlighter::slotRehighlight()"; if (d->completeRehighlightRequired) { d->wordCount = 0; d->errorCount = 0; rehighlight(); } else { //rehighlight the current para only (undo/redo safe) QTextCursor cursor = d->edit->textCursor(); cursor.insertText( "" ); } //if (d->checksDone == d->checksRequested) //d->completeRehighlightRequired = false; QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(slotAutoDetection())); } QStringList Highlighter::personalWords() { QStringList l; l.append( "KMail" ); l.append( "KOrganizer" ); l.append( "KAddressBook" ); l.append( "KWebKit" ); l.append( "KIO" ); l.append( "KJS" ); l.append( "Konqueror" ); l.append( "Sonnet" ); l.append( "Kontact" ); l.append( "Qt" ); return l; } bool Highlighter::automatic() const { return d->automatic; } bool Highlighter::intraWordEditing() const { return d->intraWordEditing; } void Highlighter::setIntraWordEditing( bool editing ) { d->intraWordEditing = editing; } void Highlighter::setAutomatic( bool automatic ) { if ( automatic == d->automatic ) return; d->automatic = automatic; if ( d->automatic ) slotAutoDetection(); } void Highlighter::slotAutoDetection() { bool savedActive = d->active; //don't disable just because 1 of 4 is misspelled. if (d->automatic && d->wordCount >= 10) { // tme = Too many errors bool tme = (d->errorCount >= d->disableWordCount) && ( d->errorCount * 100 >= d->disablePercentage * d->wordCount); if (d->active && tme) { d->active = false; } else if (!d->active && !tme) { d->active = true; } } if (d->active != savedActive) { if (d->active) { emit activeChanged(i18n("As-you-type spell checking enabled.")); } else { emit activeChanged(i18n( "Too many misspelled words. " "As-you-type spell checking disabled.")); } d->completeRehighlightRequired = true; d->rehighlightRequest->setInterval(100); d->rehighlightRequest->setSingleShot(true); kDebug()<<" Highlighter::slotAutoDetection :"<active; } } void Highlighter::setActive( bool active ) { if ( active == d->active ) return; d->active = active; rehighlight(); if ( d->active ) emit activeChanged( i18n("As-you-type spell checking enabled.") ); else emit activeChanged( i18n("As-you-type spell checking disabled.") ); } bool Highlighter::isActive() const { return d->active; } void Highlighter::highlightBlock(const QString &text) { if (text.isEmpty() || !d->active || !d->spellCheckerFound) return; d->filter->setBuffer( text ); Word w = d->filter->nextWord(); while ( !w.end ) { ++d->wordCount; if (d->dict->isMisspelled(w.word)) { ++d->errorCount; setMisspelled(w.start, w.word.length()); if (d->suggestionListeners) emit newSuggestions(w.word, d->dict->suggest(w.word)); } else unsetMisspelled(w.start, w.word.length()); w = d->filter->nextWord(); } //QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(checkWords()) ); setCurrentBlockState(0); } QString Highlighter::currentLanguage() const { return d->dict->language(); } void Highlighter::setCurrentLanguage(const QString &lang) { if (!d->dictCache.contains(lang)) { d->dict = new Speller(*d->dict); d->dict->setLanguage(lang); if (d->dict->isValid()) { d->dictCache.insert(lang, d->dict); } else { d->spellCheckerFound = false; kDebug()<<"No dictionary for \"" <dict = d->dictCache[lang]; d->spellCheckerFound = d->dict->isValid(); d->wordCount = 0; d->errorCount = 0; if (d->automatic) slotAutoDetection(); } void Highlighter::setMisspelled(int start, int count) { QTextCharFormat format; format.setFontUnderline(true); format.setUnderlineStyle(QTextCharFormat::SpellCheckUnderline); format.setUnderlineColor(d->spellColor); setFormat(start, count, format); } void Highlighter::unsetMisspelled( int start, int count ) { setFormat(start, count, QTextCharFormat()); } bool Highlighter::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e) { #if 0 if (o == textEdit() && (e->type() == QEvent::FocusIn)) { if ( d->globalConfig ) { QString skey = spellKey(); if ( d->spell && d->spellKey != skey ) { d->spellKey = skey; KDictSpellingHighlighter::dictionaryChanged(); } } } #endif if (!d->spellCheckerFound) return false; if (o == d->edit && (e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress)) { QKeyEvent *k = static_cast(e); //d->autoReady = true; if (d->rehighlightRequest->isActive()) // try to stay out of the users way d->rehighlightRequest->start( 500 ); if ( k->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || k->key() == Qt::Key_Return || k->key() == Qt::Key_Up || k->key() == Qt::Key_Down || k->key() == Qt::Key_Left || k->key() == Qt::Key_Right || k->key() == Qt::Key_PageUp || k->key() == Qt::Key_PageDown || k->key() == Qt::Key_Home || k->key() == Qt::Key_End || (( k->modifiers()== Qt::ControlModifier ) && ((k->key() == Qt::Key_A) || (k->key() == Qt::Key_B) || (k->key() == Qt::Key_E) || (k->key() == Qt::Key_N) || (k->key() == Qt::Key_P))) ) { if ( intraWordEditing() ) { setIntraWordEditing( false ); d->completeRehighlightRequired = true; d->rehighlightRequest->setInterval(500); d->rehighlightRequest->setSingleShot(true); d->rehighlightRequest->start(); } #if 0 if (d->checksDone != d->checksRequested) { // Handle possible change of paragraph while // words are pending spell checking d->completeRehighlightRequired = true; d->rehighlightRequest->start( 500, true ); } #endif } else { setIntraWordEditing( true ); } if ( k->key() == Qt::Key_Space || k->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || k->key() == Qt::Key_Return ) { QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(slotAutoDetection())); } } else if ( o == d->edit->viewport() && ( e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress )) { //d->autoReady = true; if ( intraWordEditing() ) { setIntraWordEditing( false ); d->completeRehighlightRequired = true; d->rehighlightRequest->setInterval(0); d->rehighlightRequest->setSingleShot(true); d->rehighlightRequest->start(); } } return false; } void Highlighter::addWordToDictionary(const QString &word) { d->dict->addToPersonal(word); } void Highlighter::ignoreWord(const QString &word) { d->dict->addToSession(word); } QStringList Highlighter::suggestionsForWord(const QString &word, int max) { QStringList suggestions = d->dict->suggest(word); if ( max != -1 ) { while ( suggestions.count() > max ) suggestions.removeLast(); } return suggestions; } bool Highlighter::isWordMisspelled(const QString &word) { return d->dict->isMisspelled(word); } void Highlighter::setMisspelledColor(const QColor &color) { d->spellColor = color; } bool Highlighter::checkerEnabledByDefault() const { return d->loader->settings()->checkerEnabledByDefault(); } }