/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Ellis Whitehead Copyright (C) 2006 Hamish Rodda Copyright (C) 2006 Andreas Hartmetz This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kshortcut.h" #include #include #include #include #include "kdebug.h" #include "kglobal.h" #include "klocale.h" class KShortcutPrivate { public: KShortcutPrivate() {} QKeySequence primary; QKeySequence alternate; }; KShortcut::KShortcut() : d(new KShortcutPrivate) { qRegisterMetaType(); } KShortcut::KShortcut(const QKeySequence &primary) : d(new KShortcutPrivate) { qRegisterMetaType(); d->primary = primary; } KShortcut::KShortcut(const QKeySequence &primary, const QKeySequence &alternate) : d(new KShortcutPrivate) { qRegisterMetaType(); d->primary = primary; d->alternate = alternate; } KShortcut::KShortcut(int keyQtPri, int keyQtAlt) : d(new KShortcutPrivate) { qRegisterMetaType(); d->primary = keyQtPri; d->alternate = keyQtAlt; } KShortcut::KShortcut(const KShortcut &other) : d(new KShortcutPrivate) { d->primary = other.d->primary; d->alternate = other.d->alternate; } KShortcut::KShortcut(const QList &seqs) : d(new KShortcutPrivate) { qRegisterMetaType(); if (seqs.count() >= 1) d->primary = seqs.at(0); if (seqs.count() >= 2) d->alternate = seqs.at(1); } KShortcut::KShortcut(const QString &s) : d(new KShortcutPrivate) { qRegisterMetaType(); if (s == QLatin1String("none")) return; QStringList sCuts = s.split("; "); if (sCuts.count() > 2) kWarning() << "asked to store more than two key sequences but can only hold two."; //TODO: what is the "(default)" thingie used for? for( int i=0; i < sCuts.count(); i++) if( sCuts[i].startsWith( QLatin1String("default(") ) ) sCuts[i] = sCuts[i].mid( 8, sCuts[i].length() - 9 ); if (sCuts.count() >= 1) { QString k = sCuts.at(0); k.replace( "Win+", "Meta+" ); // workaround for KDE3-style shortcuts k.replace("Plus", "+"); // workaround for KDE3-style "Alt+Plus" k.replace("Minus", "-"); // workaround for KDE3-style "Alt+Plus" d->primary = QKeySequence::fromString(k); // Complain about a unusable shortcuts sequence only if we have got // something. if (d->primary.isEmpty() && !k.isEmpty()) { kDebug(240) << "unusable primary shortcut sequence " << sCuts[0]; } } if (sCuts.count() >= 2) { QString k = sCuts.at(1); k.replace( "Win+", "Meta+" ); // workaround for KDE3-style shortcuts d->alternate = QKeySequence::fromString(k); if (d->alternate.isEmpty()) { kDebug(240) << "unusable alternate shortcut sequence " << sCuts[1]; } } } KShortcut::~KShortcut() { delete d; } QKeySequence KShortcut::primary() const { return d->primary; } QKeySequence KShortcut::alternate() const { return d->alternate; } bool KShortcut::isEmpty() const { return d->primary.isEmpty() && d->alternate.isEmpty(); } bool KShortcut::contains(const QKeySequence &needle) const { if (needle.isEmpty()) return false; return d->primary == needle || d->alternate == needle; } bool KShortcut::conflictsWith(const QKeySequence &needle) const { if (needle.isEmpty()) return false; bool primaryConflicts = false; bool alternateConflicts = false; if (!d->primary.isEmpty()) { primaryConflicts = ( d->primary.matches(needle) == QKeySequence::NoMatch && needle.matches(d->primary) == QKeySequence::NoMatch ) ? false : true; } if (!d->alternate.isEmpty()) { alternateConflicts= ( d->alternate.matches(needle) == QKeySequence::NoMatch && needle.matches(d->alternate) == QKeySequence::NoMatch ) ? false : true; } return primaryConflicts || alternateConflicts; } void KShortcut::setPrimary(const QKeySequence &newPrimary) { d->primary = newPrimary; } void KShortcut::setAlternate(const QKeySequence &newAlternate) { d->alternate = newAlternate; } void KShortcut::remove(const QKeySequence &keySeq, enum EmptyHandling handleEmpty) { if (keySeq.isEmpty()) return; if (d->primary == keySeq) { if (handleEmpty == KeepEmpty) d->primary = QKeySequence(); else { d->primary = d->alternate; d->alternate = QKeySequence(); } } if (d->alternate == keySeq) d->alternate = QKeySequence(); } KShortcut &KShortcut::operator=(const KShortcut &other) { d->primary = other.d->primary; d->alternate = other.d->alternate; return (*this); } bool KShortcut::operator==(const KShortcut &other) const { return (d->primary == other.d->primary && d->alternate == other.d->alternate); } bool KShortcut::operator!=(const KShortcut &other) const { return !operator==(other); } KShortcut::operator QList() const { return toList(RemoveEmpty); } QList KShortcut::toList(enum EmptyHandling handleEmpty) const { QList ret; if (handleEmpty == RemoveEmpty) { if (!d->primary.isEmpty()) ret.append(d->primary); if (!d->alternate.isEmpty()) ret.append(d->alternate); } else { ret.append(d->primary); ret.append(d->alternate); } return ret; } QString KShortcut::toString() const { return toString(QKeySequence::PortableText); } QString KShortcut::toString(QKeySequence::SequenceFormat format) const { QString ret; foreach(const QKeySequence &seq, toList()) { ret.append(seq.toString(format)); ret.append("; "); } ret.chop(2); return ret; } KShortcut::operator QVariant() const { return qVariantFromValue(*this); }