/* Copyright (C) 1996 Bernd Johannes Wuebben Copyright (c) 1999 Preston Brown Copyright (c) 1999 Mario Weilguni This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kfontchooser.h" #include "fonthelpers_p.h" #include "sampleedit_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // When message extraction needs to be avoided. #define I18NC_NOX i18nc static int minimumListWidth( const QListWidget *list ) { int w=0; for( int i=0; icount(); i++ ) { int itemWidth = list->visualItemRect(list->item(i)).width(); // ...and add a space on both sides for not too tight look. itemWidth += list->fontMetrics().width(' ') * 2; w = qMax(w,itemWidth); } if( w == 0 ) { w = 40; } w += list->frameWidth() * 2; w += list->verticalScrollBar()->sizeHint().width(); return w; } static int minimumListHeight( const QListWidget *list, int numVisibleEntry ) { int w = list->count() > 0 ? list->visualItemRect(list->item(0)).height() : list->fontMetrics().lineSpacing(); if( w < 0 ) { w = 10; } if( numVisibleEntry <= 0 ) { numVisibleEntry = 4; } return ( w * numVisibleEntry + 2 * list->frameWidth() ); } static QString formatFontSize(qreal size) { return KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(size, (size == floor(size)) ? 0 : 1); } class KFontChooser::Private { public: Private( KFontChooser* qq ) : q( qq ) { m_palette.setColor(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text, Qt::black); m_palette.setColor(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base, Qt::white); signalsAllowed = true; selectedSize = -1; customSizeRow = -1; } // pointer to an optinally supplied list of fonts to // inserted into the fontdialog font-family combo-box // QStringList fontList; void setFamilyBoxItems(const QStringList &fonts); void fillFamilyListBox(bool onlyFixedFonts = false); int nearestSizeRow(qreal val, bool customize); qreal fillSizeList(const QList &sizes = QList()); qreal setupSizeListBox(const QString& family, const QString& style); void setupDisplay(); QString styleIdentifier (const QFont &font); void _k_toggled_checkbox(); void _k_family_chosen_slot(const QString&); void _k_size_chosen_slot(const QString&); void _k_style_chosen_slot(const QString&); void _k_displaySample(const QFont &font); void _k_showXLFDArea(bool); void _k_size_value_slot(double); KFontChooser *q; QPalette m_palette; bool signalsAllowed:1; bool usingFixed:1; KDoubleNumInput *sizeOfFont; SampleEdit *sampleEdit; KLineEdit *xlfdEdit; QLabel *familyLabel; QLabel *styleLabel; QCheckBox *familyCheckbox; QCheckBox *styleCheckbox; QCheckBox *sizeCheckbox; QLabel *sizeLabel; KListWidget *familyListBox; KListWidget *styleListBox; KListWidget *sizeListBox; QCheckBox *sizeIsRelativeCheckBox; QFont selFont; QString selectedStyle; qreal selectedSize; int customSizeRow; QString standardSizeAtCustom; // Mappings of translated to Qt originated family and style strings. QHash qtFamilies; QHash qtStyles; // Mapping of translated style strings to internal style identifiers. QHash styleIDs; }; KFontChooser::KFontChooser( QWidget *parent, const DisplayFlags& flags, const QStringList &fontList, int visibleListSize, Qt::CheckState *sizeIsRelativeState ) : QWidget(parent), d( new KFontChooser::Private( this ) ) { d->usingFixed = flags & FixedFontsOnly; setWhatsThis(i18nc("@info:whatsthis", "Here you can choose the font to be used." )); // The top layout is divided vertically into a splitter with font // attribute widgets and preview on the top, and XLFD data at the bottom. QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this ); topLayout->setMargin( 0 ); int checkBoxGap = KDialog::spacingHint() / 2; // The splitter contains font attribute widgets in the top part, // and the font preview in the bottom part. // The splitter is there to allow the user to resize the font preview. QSplitter *splitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Vertical, this); splitter->setChildrenCollapsible(false); topLayout->addWidget(splitter); // Build the grid of font attribute widgets for the upper splitter part. // QWidget *page; QGridLayout *gridLayout; int row = 0; if( flags & DisplayFrame ) { page = new QGroupBox( i18n("Requested Font"), this ); splitter->addWidget(page); gridLayout = new QGridLayout( page ); row = 1; } else { page = new QWidget( this ); splitter->addWidget(page); gridLayout = new QGridLayout( page ); gridLayout->setMargin( 0 ); } // // first, create the labels across the top // QHBoxLayout *familyLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); familyLayout->addSpacing( checkBoxGap ); if ( flags & ShowDifferences ) { d->familyCheckbox = new QCheckBox(i18nc("@option:check","Font"), page); connect(d->familyCheckbox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(_k_toggled_checkbox())); familyLayout->addWidget(d->familyCheckbox, 0, Qt::AlignLeft); d->familyCheckbox->setWhatsThis(i18nc("@info:whatsthis","Enable this checkbox to change the font family settings.")); d->familyCheckbox->setToolTip(i18nc("@info:tooltip","Change font family?") ); d->familyLabel = 0; } else { d->familyCheckbox = 0; d->familyLabel = new QLabel( i18nc("@label","Font:"), page ); familyLayout->addWidget(d->familyLabel, 1, Qt::AlignLeft); } gridLayout->addLayout(familyLayout, row, 0 ); QHBoxLayout *styleLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); if ( flags & ShowDifferences ) { d->styleCheckbox = new QCheckBox(i18nc("@option:check","Font style"), page); connect(d->styleCheckbox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(_k_toggled_checkbox())); styleLayout->addWidget(d->styleCheckbox, 0, Qt::AlignLeft); d->styleCheckbox->setWhatsThis(i18nc("@info:whatsthis","Enable this checkbox to change the font style settings.")); d->styleCheckbox->setToolTip(i18nc("@info:tooltip","Change font style?")); d->styleLabel = 0; } else { d->styleCheckbox = 0; d->styleLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Font style:"), page ); styleLayout->addWidget(d->styleLabel, 1, Qt::AlignLeft); } styleLayout->addSpacing( checkBoxGap ); gridLayout->addLayout(styleLayout, row, 1 ); QHBoxLayout *sizeLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); if ( flags & ShowDifferences ) { d->sizeCheckbox = new QCheckBox(i18nc("@option:check","Size"),page); connect(d->sizeCheckbox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(_k_toggled_checkbox())); sizeLayout->addWidget(d->sizeCheckbox, 0, Qt::AlignLeft); d->sizeCheckbox->setWhatsThis(i18nc("@info:whatsthis","Enable this checkbox to change the font size settings.")); d->sizeCheckbox->setToolTip(i18nc("@info:tooltip","Change font size?")); d->sizeLabel = 0; } else { d->sizeCheckbox = 0; d->sizeLabel = new QLabel(i18nc("@label:listbox Font size", "Size:"), page ); sizeLayout->addWidget(d->sizeLabel, 1, Qt::AlignLeft); } sizeLayout->addSpacing( checkBoxGap ); sizeLayout->addSpacing( checkBoxGap ); // prevent label from eating border gridLayout->addLayout(sizeLayout, row, 2 ); row ++; // // now create the actual boxes that hold the info // d->familyListBox = new KListWidget( page ); d->familyListBox->setEnabled( flags ^ ShowDifferences ); gridLayout->addWidget( d->familyListBox, row, 0 ); QString fontFamilyWhatsThisText ( i18nc("@info:whatsthis","Here you can choose the font family to be used." )); d->familyListBox->setWhatsThis(fontFamilyWhatsThisText ); if ( flags & ShowDifferences ) { d->familyCheckbox->setWhatsThis(fontFamilyWhatsThisText ); } else { d->familyLabel->setWhatsThis(fontFamilyWhatsThisText ); } connect(d->familyListBox, SIGNAL(currentTextChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(_k_family_chosen_slot(QString))); if ( !fontList.isEmpty() ) { d->setFamilyBoxItems(fontList); } else { d->fillFamilyListBox( flags & FixedFontsOnly ); } d->familyListBox->setMinimumWidth( minimumListWidth( d->familyListBox ) ); d->familyListBox->setMinimumHeight( minimumListHeight( d->familyListBox, visibleListSize ) ); d->styleListBox = new KListWidget( page ); d->styleListBox->setEnabled( flags ^ ShowDifferences ); gridLayout->addWidget(d->styleListBox, row, 1); d->styleListBox->setWhatsThis(i18nc("@info:whatsthis","Here you can choose the font style to be used." )); if ( flags & ShowDifferences ) { ((QWidget *)d->styleCheckbox)->setWhatsThis(fontFamilyWhatsThisText ); } else { ((QWidget *)d->styleLabel)->setWhatsThis( fontFamilyWhatsThisText ); } // Populate usual styles, to determine minimum list width; // will be replaced later with correct styles. d->styleListBox->addItem(I18NC_NOX("QFontDatabase", "Normal")); d->styleListBox->addItem(i18nc("@item font","Italic")); d->styleListBox->addItem(i18nc("@item font","Oblique")); d->styleListBox->addItem(i18nc("@item font","Bold")); d->styleListBox->addItem(i18nc("@item font","Bold Italic")); d->styleListBox->setMinimumWidth( minimumListWidth( d->styleListBox ) ); d->styleListBox->setMinimumHeight( minimumListHeight( d->styleListBox, visibleListSize ) ); connect(d->styleListBox, SIGNAL(currentTextChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(_k_style_chosen_slot(QString))); d->sizeListBox = new KListWidget( page ); d->sizeOfFont = new KDoubleNumInput(page); d->sizeOfFont->setMinimum(4); d->sizeOfFont->setMaximum(999); d->sizeOfFont->setDecimals(1); d->sizeOfFont->setSingleStep(1); d->sizeOfFont->setSliderEnabled(false); d->sizeListBox->setEnabled( flags ^ ShowDifferences ); d->sizeOfFont->setEnabled( flags ^ ShowDifferences ); if( sizeIsRelativeState ) { QString sizeIsRelativeCBText = i18nc("@item font size","Relative"); QString sizeIsRelativeCBToolTipText = i18n("Font size
fixed or relative
to environment"); QString sizeIsRelativeCBWhatsThisText = i18n("Here you can switch between fixed font size and font size " "to be calculated dynamically and adjusted to changing " "environment (e.g. widget dimensions, paper size)." ); d->sizeIsRelativeCheckBox = new QCheckBox( sizeIsRelativeCBText, page ); d->sizeIsRelativeCheckBox->setTristate( flags & ShowDifferences ); QGridLayout *sizeLayout2 = new QGridLayout(); sizeLayout2->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint()/2 ); gridLayout->addLayout(sizeLayout2, row, 2); sizeLayout2->setColumnStretch( 1, 1 ); // to prevent text from eating the right border sizeLayout2->addWidget( d->sizeOfFont, 0, 0, 1, 2); sizeLayout2->addWidget(d->sizeListBox, 1,0, 1,2); sizeLayout2->addWidget(d->sizeIsRelativeCheckBox, 2, 0, Qt::AlignLeft); d->sizeIsRelativeCheckBox->setWhatsThis(sizeIsRelativeCBWhatsThisText ); d->sizeIsRelativeCheckBox->setToolTip( sizeIsRelativeCBToolTipText ); } else { d->sizeIsRelativeCheckBox = 0L; QGridLayout *sizeLayout2 = new QGridLayout(); sizeLayout2->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint()/2 ); gridLayout->addLayout(sizeLayout2, row, 2); sizeLayout2->addWidget( d->sizeOfFont, 0, 0); sizeLayout2->addWidget(d->sizeListBox, 1,0); } QString fontSizeWhatsThisText = i18n("Here you can choose the font size to be used." ); d->sizeListBox->setWhatsThis(fontSizeWhatsThisText ); if ( flags & ShowDifferences ) { ((QWidget *)d->sizeCheckbox)->setWhatsThis(fontSizeWhatsThisText ); } else { ((QWidget *)d->sizeLabel)->setWhatsThis( fontSizeWhatsThisText ); } // Populate with usual sizes, to determine minimum list width; // will be replaced later with correct sizes. d->fillSizeList(); d->sizeListBox->setMinimumWidth( minimumListWidth(d->sizeListBox) + d->sizeListBox->fontMetrics().maxWidth() ); d->sizeListBox->setMinimumHeight( minimumListHeight( d->sizeListBox, visibleListSize ) ); connect( d->sizeOfFont, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(_k_size_value_slot(double))); connect( d->sizeListBox, SIGNAL(currentTextChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(_k_size_chosen_slot(QString)) ); row ++; // // Completed the font attribute grid. // Add the font preview into the lower part of the splitter. // d->sampleEdit = new SampleEdit(page); d->sampleEdit->setAcceptRichText(false); QFont tmpFont( KGlobalSettings::generalFont().family(), 64, QFont::Black ); d->sampleEdit->setFont(tmpFont); d->sampleEdit->setMinimumHeight( d->sampleEdit->fontMetrics().lineSpacing() ); // i18n: A classical test phrase, with all letters of the English alphabet. // Replace it with a sample text in your language, such that it is // representative of language's writing system. // If you wish, you can input several lines of text separated by \n. setSampleText(i18n("The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog")); d->sampleEdit->setTextCursor(QTextCursor(d->sampleEdit->document())); QString sampleEditWhatsThisText = i18n("This sample text illustrates the current settings. " "You may edit it to test special characters." ); d->sampleEdit->setWhatsThis(sampleEditWhatsThisText ); connect(this, SIGNAL(fontSelected(QFont)), this, SLOT(_k_displaySample(QFont))); splitter->addWidget(d->sampleEdit); // // Finished setting up the splitter. // Add XLFD data below the font attributes/preview splitter. // QVBoxLayout *vbox; if( flags & DisplayFrame ) { page = new QGroupBox( i18n("Actual Font"), this ); topLayout->addWidget(page); vbox = new QVBoxLayout( page ); vbox->addSpacing( fontMetrics().lineSpacing() ); } else { page = new QWidget( this ); topLayout->addWidget(page); vbox = new QVBoxLayout( page ); vbox->setMargin( 0 ); QLabel *label = new QLabel( i18n("Actual Font"), page ); vbox->addWidget( label ); } d->xlfdEdit = new KLineEdit( page ); vbox->addWidget( d->xlfdEdit ); // // Finished setting up the chooser layout. // lets initialize the display if possible setFont( d->usingFixed ? KGlobalSettings::fixedFont() : KGlobalSettings::generalFont(), d->usingFixed ); // check or uncheck or gray out the "relative" checkbox if( sizeIsRelativeState && d->sizeIsRelativeCheckBox ) setSizeIsRelative( *sizeIsRelativeState ); KConfigGroup cg(KGlobal::config(), QLatin1String("General")); d->_k_showXLFDArea(cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("fontSelectorShowXLFD"), false)); // Set focus to the size list as this is the most commonly changed property d->sizeListBox->setFocus(); } KFontChooser::~KFontChooser() { delete d; } void KFontChooser::setColor( const QColor & col ) { d->m_palette.setColor( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text, col ); QPalette pal = d->sampleEdit->palette(); pal.setColor( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text, col ); d->sampleEdit->setPalette( pal ); QTextCursor cursor = d->sampleEdit->textCursor(); d->sampleEdit->selectAll(); d->sampleEdit->setTextColor( col ); d->sampleEdit->setTextCursor( cursor ); } QColor KFontChooser::color() const { return d->m_palette.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text ); } void KFontChooser::setBackgroundColor( const QColor & col ) { d->m_palette.setColor( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base, col ); QPalette pal = d->sampleEdit->palette(); pal.setColor( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base, col ); d->sampleEdit->setPalette( pal ); } QColor KFontChooser::backgroundColor() const { return d->m_palette.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base ); } void KFontChooser::setSizeIsRelative( Qt::CheckState relative ) { // check or uncheck or gray out the "relative" checkbox if( d->sizeIsRelativeCheckBox ) { if( Qt::PartiallyChecked == relative ) d->sizeIsRelativeCheckBox->setCheckState(Qt::PartiallyChecked); else d->sizeIsRelativeCheckBox->setCheckState( (Qt::Checked == relative ) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); } } Qt::CheckState KFontChooser::sizeIsRelative() const { return d->sizeIsRelativeCheckBox ? d->sizeIsRelativeCheckBox->checkState() : Qt::PartiallyChecked; } QString KFontChooser::sampleText() const { return d->sampleEdit->toPlainText(); } void KFontChooser::setSampleText( const QString &text ) { d->sampleEdit->setPlainText(text); } void KFontChooser::setSampleBoxVisible( bool visible ) { d->sampleEdit->setVisible( visible ); } QSize KFontChooser::sizeHint( void ) const { return minimumSizeHint(); } void KFontChooser::enableColumn( int column, bool state ) { if( column & FamilyList ) { d->familyListBox->setEnabled(state); } if( column & StyleList ) { d->styleListBox->setEnabled(state); } if( column & SizeList ) { d->sizeListBox->setEnabled(state); d->sizeOfFont->setEnabled(state); } } void KFontChooser::setFont( const QFont& aFont, bool onlyFixed ) { d->selFont = aFont; d->selectedSize=aFont.pointSizeF(); if (d->selectedSize == -1) d->selectedSize = QFontInfo(aFont).pointSizeF(); if( onlyFixed != d->usingFixed) { d->usingFixed = onlyFixed; d->fillFamilyListBox(d->usingFixed); } d->setupDisplay(); } KFontChooser::FontDiffFlags KFontChooser::fontDiffFlags() const { FontDiffFlags diffFlags = NoFontDiffFlags; if ( d->familyCheckbox && d->familyCheckbox->isChecked() ) { diffFlags |= FontDiffFamily; } if ( d->styleCheckbox && d->styleCheckbox->isChecked() ) { diffFlags |= FontDiffStyle; } if ( d->sizeCheckbox && d->sizeCheckbox->isChecked() ) { diffFlags |= FontDiffSize; } return diffFlags; } QFont KFontChooser::font() const { return d->selFont; } void KFontChooser::Private::_k_toggled_checkbox() { familyListBox->setEnabled( familyCheckbox->isChecked() ); styleListBox->setEnabled( styleCheckbox->isChecked() ); sizeListBox->setEnabled( sizeCheckbox->isChecked() ); sizeOfFont->setEnabled( sizeCheckbox->isChecked() ); } void KFontChooser::Private::_k_family_chosen_slot(const QString& family) { if ( !signalsAllowed ) { return; } signalsAllowed = false; QString currentFamily; if (family.isEmpty()) { Q_ASSERT( familyListBox->currentItem() ); if (familyListBox->currentItem()) { currentFamily = qtFamilies[familyListBox->currentItem()->text()]; } } else { currentFamily = qtFamilies[family]; } // Get the list of styles available in this family. QFontDatabase dbase; QStringList styles = dbase.styles(currentFamily); if (styles.isEmpty()) { // Avoid extraction, it is in kdeqt.po styles.append(I18NC_NOX("QFontDatabase", "Normal")); } // Filter style strings and add to the listbox. QString pureFamily; splitFontString(family, &pureFamily); QStringList filteredStyles; qtStyles.clear(); styleIDs.clear(); foreach (const QString &style, styles) { // Sometimes the font database will report an invalid style, // that falls back back to another when set. // Remove such styles, by checking set/get round-trip. QFont testFont = dbase.font(currentFamily, style, 10); if (dbase.styleString(testFont) != style) { styles.removeAll(style); continue; } // i18n: Filtering message, so that translators can script the // style string according to the font family name (e.g. may need // noun-adjective congruence wrt. gender of the family name). // The message provides the dynamic context 'family', which is // the family name to which the style string corresponds. QString fstyle = ki18nc("@item Font style", "%1").subs(style).inContext("family", pureFamily).toString(); if (!filteredStyles.contains(fstyle)) { filteredStyles.append(fstyle); qtStyles.insert(fstyle, style); styleIDs.insert(fstyle, styleIdentifier(testFont)); } } styleListBox->clear(); styleListBox->addItems(filteredStyles); // Try to set the current style in the listbox to that previous. int listPos = filteredStyles.indexOf(selectedStyle.isEmpty() ? I18NC_NOX("QFontDatabase", "Normal") : selectedStyle); if (listPos < 0) { // Make extra effort to have Italic selected when Oblique was chosen, // and vice versa, as that is what the user would probably want. QString styleIt = i18nc("@item font", "Italic"); QString styleOb = i18nc("@item font", "Oblique"); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { int pos = selectedStyle.indexOf(styleIt); if (pos >= 0) { QString style = selectedStyle; style.replace(pos, styleIt.length(), styleOb); listPos = filteredStyles.indexOf(style); if (listPos >= 0) break; } qSwap(styleIt, styleOb); } } styleListBox->setCurrentRow(listPos >= 0 ? listPos : 0); QString currentStyle = qtStyles[styleListBox->currentItem()->text()]; // Recompute the size listbox for this family/style. qreal currentSize = setupSizeListBox(currentFamily, currentStyle); sizeOfFont->setValue(currentSize); selFont = dbase.font(currentFamily, currentStyle, int(currentSize)); if (dbase.isSmoothlyScalable(currentFamily, currentStyle) && selFont.pointSize() == floor(currentSize)) { selFont.setPointSizeF(currentSize); } emit q->fontSelected(selFont); signalsAllowed = true; } void KFontChooser::Private::_k_style_chosen_slot(const QString& style) { if ( !signalsAllowed ) { return; } signalsAllowed = false; QFontDatabase dbase; QString currentFamily = qtFamilies[familyListBox->currentItem()->text()]; QString currentStyle; if (style.isEmpty()) { currentStyle = qtStyles[styleListBox->currentItem()->text()]; } else { currentStyle = qtStyles[style]; } // Recompute the size listbox for this family/style. qreal currentSize = setupSizeListBox(currentFamily, currentStyle); sizeOfFont->setValue(currentSize); selFont = dbase.font(currentFamily, currentStyle, int(currentSize)); if (dbase.isSmoothlyScalable(currentFamily, currentStyle) && selFont.pointSize() == floor(currentSize)) { selFont.setPointSizeF(currentSize); } emit q->fontSelected(selFont); if (!style.isEmpty()) { selectedStyle = currentStyle; } signalsAllowed = true; } void KFontChooser::Private::_k_size_chosen_slot(const QString& size) { if ( !signalsAllowed ) { return; } signalsAllowed = false; qreal currentSize; if (size.isEmpty()) { currentSize = KGlobal::locale()->readNumber(sizeListBox->currentItem()->text()); } else { currentSize = KGlobal::locale()->readNumber(size); } // Reset the customized size slot in the list if not needed. if (customSizeRow >= 0 && selFont.pointSizeF() != currentSize) { sizeListBox->item(customSizeRow)->setText(standardSizeAtCustom); customSizeRow = -1; } sizeOfFont->setValue(currentSize); selFont.setPointSizeF(currentSize); emit q->fontSelected(selFont); if (!size.isEmpty()) { selectedSize = currentSize; } signalsAllowed = true; } void KFontChooser::Private::_k_size_value_slot(double dval) { if ( !signalsAllowed ) { return; } signalsAllowed = false; // We compare with qreal, so convert for platforms where qreal != double. qreal val = qreal(dval); QFontDatabase dbase; QString family = qtFamilies[familyListBox->currentItem()->text()]; QString style = qtStyles[styleListBox->currentItem()->text()]; // Reset current size slot in list if it was customized. if (customSizeRow >= 0 && sizeListBox->currentRow() == customSizeRow) { sizeListBox->item(customSizeRow)->setText(standardSizeAtCustom); customSizeRow = -1; } bool canCustomize = true; // For Qt-bad-sizes workaround: skip this block unconditionally if (!dbase.isSmoothlyScalable(family, style)) { // Bitmap font, allow only discrete sizes. // Determine the nearest in the direction of change. canCustomize = false; int nrows = sizeListBox->count(); int row = sizeListBox->currentRow(); int nrow; if (val - selFont.pointSizeF() > 0) { for (nrow = row + 1; nrow < nrows; ++nrow) if (KGlobal::locale()->readNumber(sizeListBox->item(nrow)->text()) >= val) break; } else { for (nrow = row - 1; nrow >= 0; --nrow) if (KGlobal::locale()->readNumber(sizeListBox->item(nrow)->text()) <= val) break; } // Make sure the new row is not out of bounds. nrow = nrow < 0 ? 0 : nrow >= nrows ? nrows - 1 : nrow; // Get the size from the new row and set the spinbox to that size. val = KGlobal::locale()->readNumber(sizeListBox->item(nrow)->text()); sizeOfFont->setValue(val); } // Set the current size in the size listbox. int row = nearestSizeRow(val, canCustomize); sizeListBox->setCurrentRow(row); selectedSize = val; selFont.setPointSizeF(val); emit q->fontSelected( selFont ); signalsAllowed = true; } void KFontChooser::Private::_k_displaySample( const QFont& font ) { sampleEdit->setFont(font); //sampleEdit->setCursorPosition(0); xlfdEdit->setText(font.rawName()); xlfdEdit->setCursorPosition(0); //QFontInfo a = QFontInfo(font); //kDebug() << "font: " << a.family () << ", " << a.pointSize (); //kDebug() << " (" << font.toString() << ")\n"; } int KFontChooser::Private::nearestSizeRow (qreal val, bool customize) { qreal diff = 1000; int row = 0; for (int r = 0; r < sizeListBox->count(); ++r) { qreal cval = KGlobal::locale()->readNumber(sizeListBox->item(r)->text()); if (qAbs(cval - val) < diff) { diff = qAbs(cval - val); row = r; } } // For Qt-bad-sizes workaround: ignore value of customize, use true if (customize && diff > 0) { customSizeRow = row; standardSizeAtCustom = sizeListBox->item(row)->text(); sizeListBox->item(row)->setText(formatFontSize(val)); } return row; } qreal KFontChooser::Private::fillSizeList (const QList &sizes_) { if ( !sizeListBox ) { return 0; //assertion. } QList sizes = sizes_; bool canCustomize = false; if (sizes.count() == 0) { static const int c[] = { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 32, 48, 64, 72, 80, 96, 128, 0 }; for (int i = 0; c[i]; ++i) { sizes.append(c[i]); } // Since sizes were not supplied, this is a vector font, // and size slot customization is allowed. canCustomize = true; } // Insert sizes into the listbox. sizeListBox->clear(); qSort(sizes); foreach (qreal size, sizes) { sizeListBox->addItem(formatFontSize(size)); } // Return the nearest to selected size. // If the font is vector, the nearest size is always same as selected, // thus size slot customization is allowed. // If the font is bitmap, the nearest size need not be same as selected, // thus size slot customization is not allowed. customSizeRow = -1; int row = nearestSizeRow(selectedSize, canCustomize); return KGlobal::locale()->readNumber(sizeListBox->item(row)->text()); } qreal KFontChooser::Private::setupSizeListBox (const QString& family, const QString& style) { QFontDatabase dbase; QList sizes; if (dbase.isSmoothlyScalable(family, style)) { // A vector font. //>sampleEdit->setPaletteBackgroundPixmap( VectorPixmap ); // TODO } else { // A bitmap font. //sampleEdit->setPaletteBackgroundPixmap( BitmapPixmap ); // TODO QList smoothSizes = dbase.smoothSizes(family, style); foreach (int size, smoothSizes) { sizes.append(size); } } // Fill the listbox (uses default list of sizes if the given is empty). // Collect the best fitting size to selected size, to use if not smooth. qreal bestFitSize = fillSizeList(sizes); // Set the best fit size as current in the listbox if available. const QList selectedSizeList = sizeListBox->findItems( formatFontSize(bestFitSize), Qt::MatchExactly ); if ( !selectedSizeList.isEmpty() ) { sizeListBox->setCurrentItem(selectedSizeList.first()); } //TODO - KDE4 : sizeListBox->scrollTo(sizeListBox->currentItem()); return bestFitSize; } void KFontChooser::Private::setupDisplay() { QFontDatabase dbase; QString family = selFont.family().toLower(); QString styleID = styleIdentifier(selFont); qreal size = selFont.pointSizeF(); if (size == -1) size = QFontInfo( selFont ).pointSizeF(); int numEntries, i; // Direct family match. numEntries = familyListBox->count(); for (i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) { if (family == qtFamilies[familyListBox->item(i)->text()].toLower()) { familyListBox->setCurrentRow(i); break; } } // 1st family fallback. if ( i == numEntries ) { if (family.contains('[')) { family = family.left(family.indexOf('[')).trimmed(); for (i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) { if (family == qtFamilies[familyListBox->item(i)->text()].toLower()) { familyListBox->setCurrentRow(i); break; } } } } // 2nd family fallback. if ( i == numEntries ) { QString fallback = family+" ["; for (i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) { if (qtFamilies[familyListBox->item(i)->text()].toLower().startsWith(fallback)) { familyListBox->setCurrentRow(i); break; } } } // 3rd family fallback. if ( i == numEntries ) { for (i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) { if (qtFamilies[familyListBox->item(i)->text()].toLower().startsWith(family)) { familyListBox->setCurrentRow(i); break; } } } // Family fallback in case nothing matched. Otherwise, diff doesn't work if ( i == numEntries ) { familyListBox->setCurrentRow( 0 ); } // By setting the current item in the family box, the available // styles and sizes for that family have been collected. // Try now to set the current items in the style and size boxes. // Set current style in the listbox. numEntries = styleListBox->count(); for (i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) { if (styleID == styleIDs[styleListBox->item(i)->text()]) { styleListBox->setCurrentRow(i); break; } } if (i == numEntries) { // Style not found, fallback. styleListBox->setCurrentRow(0); } // Set current size in the listbox. // If smoothly scalable, allow customizing one of the standard size slots, // otherwise just select the nearest available size. QString currentFamily = qtFamilies[familyListBox->currentItem()->text()]; QString currentStyle = qtStyles[styleListBox->currentItem()->text()]; bool canCustomize = dbase.isSmoothlyScalable(currentFamily, currentStyle); sizeListBox->setCurrentRow(nearestSizeRow(size, canCustomize)); // Set current size in the spinbox. sizeOfFont->setValue(KGlobal::locale()->readNumber(sizeListBox->currentItem()->text())); } void KFontChooser::getFontList( QStringList &list, uint fontListCriteria) { QFontDatabase dbase; QStringList lstSys(dbase.families()); // if we have criteria; then check fonts before adding if (fontListCriteria) { QStringList lstFonts; for (QStringList::const_iterator it = lstSys.constBegin(); it != lstSys.constEnd(); ++it) { if ((fontListCriteria & FixedWidthFonts) > 0 && !dbase.isFixedPitch(*it)) continue; if (((fontListCriteria & (SmoothScalableFonts | ScalableFonts)) == ScalableFonts) && !dbase.isBitmapScalable(*it)) continue; if ((fontListCriteria & SmoothScalableFonts) > 0 && !dbase.isSmoothlyScalable(*it)) continue; lstFonts.append(*it); } if((fontListCriteria & FixedWidthFonts) > 0) { // Fallback.. if there are no fixed fonts found, it's probably a // bug in the font server or Qt. In this case, just use 'fixed' if (lstFonts.count() == 0) lstFonts.append("fixed"); } lstSys = lstFonts; } lstSys.sort(); list = lstSys; } void KFontChooser::Private::setFamilyBoxItems(const QStringList &fonts) { signalsAllowed = false; QStringList trfonts = translateFontNameList(fonts, &qtFamilies); familyListBox->clear(); familyListBox->addItems(trfonts); signalsAllowed = true; } void KFontChooser::Private::fillFamilyListBox(bool onlyFixedFonts) { QStringList fontList; getFontList(fontList, onlyFixedFonts?FixedWidthFonts:0); setFamilyBoxItems(fontList); } void KFontChooser::Private::_k_showXLFDArea(bool show) { if( show ) { xlfdEdit->parentWidget()->show(); } else { xlfdEdit->parentWidget()->hide(); } } // Human-readable style identifiers returned by QFontDatabase::styleString() // do not always survive round trip of QFont serialization/deserialization, // causing wrong style in the style box to be highlighted when // the chooser dialog is opened. This will cause the style to be changed // when the dialog is closed and the user did not touch the style box. // Hence, construct custom style identifiers sufficient for the purpose. QString KFontChooser::Private::styleIdentifier(const QFont &font) { const QChar comma(QLatin1Char(',')); return QString::number(font.weight()) + comma + QString::number((int)font.style()) + comma + QString::number(font.stretch()); } #include "moc_kfontchooser.cpp" #include "moc_sampleedit_p.cpp"