/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 1998 Mark Donohoe Copyright (C) 1997 Nicolas Hadacek Copyright (C) 1998 Matthias Ettrich Copyright (C) 2001 Ellis Whitehead Copyright (C) 2006 Hamish Rodda Copyright (C) 2007 Roberto Raggi Copyright (C) 2007 Andreas Hartmetz Copyright (C) 2008 Michael Jansen This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kshortcutseditor.h" // The following is needed for KShortcutsEditorPrivate and QTreeWidgetHack #include "kshortcutsdialog_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kaction.h" #include "kactioncollection.h" #include "kactioncategory.h" #include "kdebug.h" #include "kdeprintdialog.h" #include "kglobalaccel.h" #include "kmessagebox.h" #include "kshortcut.h" #include "kaboutdata.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // KShortcutsEditor //--------------------------------------------------------------------- KShortcutsEditor::KShortcutsEditor(KActionCollection *collection, QWidget *parent, ActionTypes actionType, LetterShortcuts allowLetterShortcuts ) : QWidget( parent ) , d(new KShortcutsEditorPrivate(this)) { d->initGUI(actionType, allowLetterShortcuts); addCollection(collection); } KShortcutsEditor::KShortcutsEditor(QWidget *parent, ActionTypes actionType, LetterShortcuts allowLetterShortcuts) : QWidget(parent) , d(new KShortcutsEditorPrivate(this)) { d->initGUI(actionType, allowLetterShortcuts); } KShortcutsEditor::~KShortcutsEditor() { delete d; } bool KShortcutsEditor::isModified() const { // Iterate over all items QTreeWidgetItemIterator it(d->ui.list, QTreeWidgetItemIterator::NoChildren); for (; (*it); ++it) { KShortcutsEditorItem* item = dynamic_cast(*it); if (item && item->isModified()) { return true; } } return false; } void KShortcutsEditor::clearCollections() { d->delegate->contractAll(); d->ui.list->clear(); d->actionCollections.clear(); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(resizeColumns())); } void KShortcutsEditor::addCollection(KActionCollection *collection, const QString &title) { // KXmlGui add action collections unconditionally. If some plugin doesn't // provide actions we don't want to create empty subgroups. if (collection->isEmpty()) { return; } // We add a bunch of items. Prevent the treewidget from permanently // updating. setUpdatesEnabled(false); d->actionCollections.append(collection); // Forward our actionCollections to the delegate which does the conflict // checking. d->delegate->setCheckActionCollections(d->actionCollections); QString displayTitle = title; if (displayTitle.isEmpty()) { // Use the programName (Translated). if (const KAboutData *about = collection->componentData().aboutData()) { displayTitle = about->programName(); } // Yes it happens. Some apps don't set the programName. if (displayTitle.isEmpty()) { displayTitle = i18n("Unknown"); } } QTreeWidgetItem *hier[3]; hier[KShortcutsEditorPrivate::Root] = d->ui.list->invisibleRootItem(); hier[KShortcutsEditorPrivate::Program] = d->findOrMakeItem( hier[KShortcutsEditorPrivate::Root], displayTitle); hier[KShortcutsEditorPrivate::Action] = NULL; // Set to remember which actions we have seen. QSet actionsSeen; // Add all categories in their own subtree below the collections root node QList categories = collection->findChildren(); foreach (KActionCategory *category, categories) { hier[KShortcutsEditorPrivate::Action] = d->findOrMakeItem(hier[KShortcutsEditorPrivate::Program], category->text()); foreach(QAction *action, category->actions()) { // Set a marker that we have seen this action actionsSeen.insert(action); d->addAction(action, hier, KShortcutsEditorPrivate::Action); } } // The rest of the shortcuts is added as a direct shild of the action // collections root node foreach (QAction *action, collection->actions()) { if (actionsSeen.contains(action)) { continue; } d->addAction(action, hier, KShortcutsEditorPrivate::Program); } // sort the list d->ui.list->sortItems(Name, Qt::AscendingOrder); // reenable updating setUpdatesEnabled(true); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(resizeColumns())); } void KShortcutsEditor::clearConfiguration() { d->clearConfiguration(); } void KShortcutsEditor::importConfiguration( KConfigBase *config) { d->importConfiguration(config); } void KShortcutsEditor::exportConfiguration( KConfigBase *config) const { Q_ASSERT(config); if (!config) return; if (d->actionTypes & KShortcutsEditor::GlobalAction) { QString groupName = "Global Shortcuts"; KConfigGroup group( config, groupName ); foreach (KActionCollection* collection, d->actionCollections) { collection->exportGlobalShortcuts( &group, true ); } } if (d->actionTypes & ~KShortcutsEditor::GlobalAction) { QString groupName = "Shortcuts"; KConfigGroup group( config, groupName ); foreach (KActionCollection* collection, d->actionCollections) { collection->writeSettings( &group, true ); } } } void KShortcutsEditor::writeConfiguration( KConfigGroup *config) const { foreach (KActionCollection* collection, d->actionCollections) collection->writeSettings(config); } //slot void KShortcutsEditor::resizeColumns() { for (int i = 0; i < d->ui.list->columnCount(); i++) d->ui.list->resizeColumnToContents(i); } void KShortcutsEditor::commit() { for (QTreeWidgetItemIterator it(d->ui.list); (*it); ++it) { if (KShortcutsEditorItem* item = dynamic_cast(*it)) { item->commit(); } } } void KShortcutsEditor::save() { writeConfiguration(); // we have to call commit. If we wouldn't do that the changes would be // undone on deletion! That would lead to weird problems. Changes to // Global Shortcuts would vanish completely. Changes to local shortcuts // would vanish for this session. commit(); } // KDE5 : rename to undo() void KShortcutsEditor::undoChanges() { //This function used to crash sometimes when invoked by clicking on "cancel" //with Qt 4.2.something. Apparently items were deleted too early by Qt. //It seems to work with 4.3-ish Qt versions. Keep an eye on this. for (QTreeWidgetItemIterator it(d->ui.list); (*it); ++it) { if (KShortcutsEditorItem* item = dynamic_cast(*it)) { item->undo(); } } } //We ask the user here if there are any conflicts, as opposed to undoChanges(). //They don't do the same thing anyway, this just not to confuse any readers. //slot void KShortcutsEditor::allDefault() { d->allDefault(); } void KShortcutsEditor::printShortcuts() const { d->printShortcuts(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // KShortcutsEditorPrivate //--------------------------------------------------------------------- KShortcutsEditorPrivate::KShortcutsEditorPrivate( KShortcutsEditor *q ) : q(q), delegate(0) {} void KShortcutsEditorPrivate::initGUI( KShortcutsEditor::ActionTypes types, KShortcutsEditor::LetterShortcuts allowLetterShortcuts ) { actionTypes = types; ui.setupUi(q); q->layout()->setMargin(0); ui.searchFilter->searchLine()->setTreeWidget(ui.list); // Plug into search line ui.list->header()->setResizeMode(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); ui.list->header()->hideSection(GlobalAlternate); //not expected to be very useful ui.list->header()->hideSection(ShapeGesture); //mouse gestures didn't make it in time... ui.list->header()->hideSection(RockerGesture); if (!(actionTypes & KShortcutsEditor::GlobalAction)) { ui.list->header()->hideSection(GlobalPrimary); } else if (!(actionTypes & ~KShortcutsEditor::GlobalAction)) { ui.list->header()->hideSection(LocalPrimary); ui.list->header()->hideSection(LocalAlternate); } // Create the Delegate. It is responsible for the KKeySeqeunceWidgets that // really change the shortcuts. delegate = new KShortcutsEditorDelegate( ui.list, allowLetterShortcuts == KShortcutsEditor::LetterShortcutsAllowed); ui.list->setItemDelegate(delegate); ui.list->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectItems); ui.list->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); //we have our own editing mechanism ui.list->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); ui.list->setAlternatingRowColors(true); //TODO listen to changes to global shortcuts QObject::connect(delegate, SIGNAL(shortcutChanged(QVariant,QModelIndex)), q, SLOT(capturedShortcut(QVariant,QModelIndex))); //hide the editor widget chen its item becomes hidden QObject::connect(ui.searchFilter->searchLine(), SIGNAL(hiddenChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,bool)), delegate, SLOT(hiddenBySearchLine(QTreeWidgetItem*,bool))); ui.searchFilter->setFocus(); } bool KShortcutsEditorPrivate::addAction(QAction *action, QTreeWidgetItem *hier[], hierarchyLevel level) { // If the action name starts with unnamed- spit out a warning and ignore // it. That name will change at will and will break loading and writing QString actionName = action->objectName(); if (actionName.isEmpty() || actionName.startsWith(QLatin1String("unnamed-"))) { kError() << "Skipping action without name " << action->text() << "," << actionName << "!"; return false; } // This code doesn't allow editing of QAction. It can not distinguish // between default and active shortcuts. This breaks many assumptions the // editor makes. KAction *kact; if ((kact = qobject_cast(action)) && kact->isShortcutConfigurable()) { new KShortcutsEditorItem((hier[level]), kact); return true; } return false; } void KShortcutsEditorPrivate::allDefault() { for (QTreeWidgetItemIterator it(ui.list); (*it); ++it) { if (!(*it)->parent() || (*it)->type() != ActionItem) continue; KShortcutsEditorItem *item = static_cast(*it); KAction *act = item->m_action; if (act->shortcut() != act->shortcut(KAction::DefaultShortcut)) { changeKeyShortcut(item, LocalPrimary, act->shortcut(KAction::DefaultShortcut).primary()); changeKeyShortcut(item, LocalAlternate, act->shortcut(KAction::DefaultShortcut).alternate()); } if (act->globalShortcut() != act->globalShortcut(KAction::DefaultShortcut)) { changeKeyShortcut(item, GlobalPrimary, act->globalShortcut(KAction::DefaultShortcut).primary()); changeKeyShortcut(item, GlobalAlternate, act->globalShortcut(KAction::DefaultShortcut).alternate()); } if (act->shapeGesture() != act->shapeGesture(KAction::DefaultShortcut)) changeShapeGesture(item, act->shapeGesture(KAction::DefaultShortcut)); if (act->rockerGesture() != act->rockerGesture(KAction::DefaultShortcut)) changeRockerGesture(item, act->rockerGesture(KAction::DefaultShortcut)); } } //static KShortcutsEditorItem *KShortcutsEditorPrivate::itemFromIndex(QTreeWidget *const w, const QModelIndex &index) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = static_cast(w)->itemFromIndex(index); if (item && item->type() == ActionItem) { return static_cast(item); } return 0; } QTreeWidgetItem *KShortcutsEditorPrivate::findOrMakeItem(QTreeWidgetItem *parent, const QString &name) { for (int i = 0; i < parent->childCount(); i++) { QTreeWidgetItem *child = parent->child(i); if (child->text(0) == name) return child; } QTreeWidgetItem *ret = new QTreeWidgetItem(parent, NonActionItem); ret->setText(0, name); ui.list->expandItem(ret); ret->setFlags(ret->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsSelectable); return ret; } //private slot void KShortcutsEditorPrivate::capturedShortcut(const QVariant &newShortcut, const QModelIndex &index) { //dispatch to the right handler if (!index.isValid()) return; int column = index.column(); KShortcutsEditorItem *item = itemFromIndex(ui.list, index); Q_ASSERT(item); if (column >= LocalPrimary && column <= GlobalAlternate) changeKeyShortcut(item, column, newShortcut.value()); else if (column == ShapeGesture) changeShapeGesture(item, newShortcut.value()); else if (column == RockerGesture) changeRockerGesture(item, newShortcut.value()); } void KShortcutsEditorPrivate::changeKeyShortcut(KShortcutsEditorItem *item, uint column, const QKeySequence &capture) { // The keySequence we get is cleared by KKeySequenceWidget. No conflicts. if (capture == item->keySequence(column)) { return; } item->setKeySequence(column, capture); q->keyChange(); //force view update item->setText(column, capture.toString(QKeySequence::NativeText)); } void KShortcutsEditorPrivate::changeShapeGesture(KShortcutsEditorItem *item, const KShapeGesture &capture) { if (capture == item->m_action->shapeGesture()) return; if (capture.isValid()) { bool conflict = false; KShortcutsEditorItem *otherItem; //search for conflicts for (QTreeWidgetItemIterator it(ui.list); (*it); ++it) { if (!(*it)->parent() || (*it == item)) continue; otherItem = static_cast(*it); //comparisons are possibly expensive if (!otherItem->m_action->shapeGesture().isValid()) continue; if (capture == otherItem->m_action->shapeGesture()) { conflict = true; break; } } if (conflict && !stealShapeGesture(otherItem, capture)) return; } item->setShapeGesture(capture); } void KShortcutsEditorPrivate::changeRockerGesture(KShortcutsEditorItem *item, const KRockerGesture &capture) { if (capture == item->m_action->rockerGesture()) return; if (capture.isValid()) { bool conflict = false; KShortcutsEditorItem *otherItem; for (QTreeWidgetItemIterator it(ui.list); (*it); ++it) { if (!(*it)->parent() || (*it == item)) continue; otherItem = static_cast(*it); if (capture == otherItem->m_action->rockerGesture()) { conflict = true; break; } } if (conflict && !stealRockerGesture(otherItem, capture)) return; } item->setRockerGesture(capture); } void KShortcutsEditorPrivate::clearConfiguration() { for (QTreeWidgetItemIterator it(ui.list); (*it); ++it) { if (!(*it)->parent()) continue; KShortcutsEditorItem *item = static_cast(*it); changeKeyShortcut(item, LocalPrimary, QKeySequence()); changeKeyShortcut(item, LocalAlternate, QKeySequence()); changeKeyShortcut(item, GlobalPrimary, QKeySequence()); changeKeyShortcut(item, GlobalAlternate, QKeySequence()); changeShapeGesture(item, KShapeGesture() ); } } void KShortcutsEditorPrivate::importConfiguration(KConfigBase *config) { Q_ASSERT(config); if (!config) return; KConfigGroup globalShortcutsGroup(config, QLatin1String("Global Shortcuts")); if ((actionTypes & KShortcutsEditor::GlobalAction) && globalShortcutsGroup.exists()) { for (QTreeWidgetItemIterator it(ui.list); (*it); ++it) { if (!(*it)->parent()) continue; KShortcutsEditorItem *item = static_cast(*it); QString actionName = item->data(Id).toString(); KShortcut sc(globalShortcutsGroup.readEntry(actionName, QString())); changeKeyShortcut(item, GlobalPrimary, sc.primary()); } } KConfigGroup localShortcutsGroup(config, QLatin1String("Shortcuts")); if (actionTypes & ~KShortcutsEditor::GlobalAction) { for (QTreeWidgetItemIterator it(ui.list); (*it); ++it) { if (!(*it)->parent()) continue; KShortcutsEditorItem *item = static_cast(*it); QString actionName = item->data(Name).toString(); KShortcut sc(localShortcutsGroup.readEntry(actionName, QString())); changeKeyShortcut(item, LocalPrimary, sc.primary()); changeKeyShortcut(item, LocalAlternate, sc.alternate()); } } } bool KShortcutsEditorPrivate::stealShapeGesture(KShortcutsEditorItem *item, const KShapeGesture &gst) { QString title = i18n("Key Conflict"); QString message = i18n("The '%1' shape gesture has already been allocated to the \"%2\" action.\n" "Do you want to reassign it from that action to the current one?", gst.shapeName(), item->m_action->text()); if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(q, message, title, KGuiItem(i18n("Reassign"))) != KMessageBox::Continue) return false; item->setShapeGesture(KShapeGesture()); return true; } bool KShortcutsEditorPrivate::stealRockerGesture(KShortcutsEditorItem *item, const KRockerGesture &gst) { QString title = i18n("Key Conflict"); QString message = i18n("The '%1' rocker gesture has already been allocated to the \"%2\" action.\n" "Do you want to reassign it from that action to the current one?", gst.rockerName(), item->m_action->text()); if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(q, message, title, KGuiItem(i18n("Reassign"))) != KMessageBox::Continue) return false; item->setRockerGesture(KRockerGesture()); return true; } /*TODO for the printShortcuts function Nice to have features (which I'm not sure I can do before may due to more important things): - adjust the general page borders, IMHO they're too wide - add a custom printer options page that allows to filter out all actions that don't have a shortcut set to reduce this list. IMHO this should be optional as people might want to simply print all and when they find a new action that they assign a shortcut they can simply use a pen to fill out the empty space - find a way to align the Main/Alternate/Global entries in the shortcuts column without adding borders. I first did this without a nested table but instead simply added 3 rows and merged the 3 cells in the Action name and description column, but unfortunately I didn't find a way to remove the borders between the 6 shortcut cells. */ void KShortcutsEditorPrivate::printShortcuts() const { // One cant print on wince QTreeWidgetItem* root = ui.list->invisibleRootItem(); QTextDocument doc; doc.setDefaultFont(KGlobalSettings::generalFont()); QTextCursor cursor(&doc); cursor.beginEditBlock(); QTextCharFormat headerFormat; headerFormat.setProperty(QTextFormat::FontSizeAdjustment, 3); headerFormat.setFontWeight(QFont::Bold); cursor.insertText(i18nc("header for an applications shortcut list","Shortcuts for %1", KGlobal::mainComponent().aboutData()->programName()), headerFormat); QTextCharFormat componentFormat; componentFormat.setProperty(QTextFormat::FontSizeAdjustment, 2); componentFormat.setFontWeight(QFont::Bold); QTextBlockFormat componentBlockFormat = cursor.blockFormat(); componentBlockFormat.setTopMargin(16); componentBlockFormat.setBottomMargin(16); QTextTableFormat tableformat; tableformat.setHeaderRowCount(1); tableformat.setCellPadding(4.0); tableformat.setCellSpacing(0); tableformat.setBorderStyle(QTextFrameFormat::BorderStyle_Solid); tableformat.setBorder(0.5); QList > shortcutTitleToColumn; shortcutTitleToColumn << qMakePair(i18n("Main:"), LocalPrimary); shortcutTitleToColumn << qMakePair(i18n("Alternate:"), LocalAlternate); shortcutTitleToColumn << qMakePair(i18n("Global:"), GlobalPrimary); for (int i = 0; i < root->childCount(); i++) { QTreeWidgetItem* item = root->child(i); cursor.insertBlock(componentBlockFormat, componentFormat); cursor.insertText(item->text(0)); QTextTable* table = cursor.insertTable(1,3); table->setFormat(tableformat); int currow = 0; QTextTableCell cell = table->cellAt(currow,0); QTextCharFormat format = cell.format(); format.setFontWeight(QFont::Bold); cell.setFormat(format); cell.firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("Action Name")); cell = table->cellAt(currow,1); cell.setFormat(format); cell.firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("Shortcuts")); cell = table->cellAt(currow,2); cell.setFormat(format); cell.firstCursorPosition().insertText(i18n("Description")); currow++; for (QTreeWidgetItemIterator it(item); *it; ++it) { if ((*it)->type() != ActionItem) continue; KShortcutsEditorItem* editoritem = static_cast(*it); table->insertRows(table->rows(),1); QVariant data = editoritem->data(Name,Qt::DisplayRole); table->cellAt(currow, 0).firstCursorPosition().insertText(data.toString()); QTextTable* shortcutTable = 0 ; for(int k = 0; k < shortcutTitleToColumn.count(); k++) { data = editoritem->data(shortcutTitleToColumn.at(k).second,Qt::DisplayRole); QString key = data.value().toString(); if(!key.isEmpty()) { if( !shortcutTable ) { shortcutTable = table->cellAt(currow, 1).firstCursorPosition().insertTable(1,2); QTextTableFormat shortcutTableFormat = tableformat; shortcutTableFormat.setCellSpacing(0.0); shortcutTableFormat.setHeaderRowCount(0); shortcutTableFormat.setBorder(0.0); shortcutTable->setFormat(shortcutTableFormat); } else { shortcutTable->insertRows(shortcutTable->rows(),1); } shortcutTable->cellAt(shortcutTable->rows()-1,0).firstCursorPosition().insertText(shortcutTitleToColumn.at(k).first); shortcutTable->cellAt(shortcutTable->rows()-1,1).firstCursorPosition().insertText(key); } } KAction* action = editoritem->m_action; cell = table->cellAt(currow, 2); format = cell.format(); format.setProperty(QTextFormat::FontSizeAdjustment, -1); cell.setFormat(format); cell.firstCursorPosition().insertHtml(action->whatsThis()); currow++; } cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); } cursor.endEditBlock(); QPrinter printer; QPrintDialog *dlg = KdePrint::createPrintDialog(&printer, q); if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { doc.print(&printer); } delete dlg; } #include "moc_kshortcutseditor.cpp"