/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2001 Christoph Cullmann (cullmann@kde.org) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include "cursor.h" #include "configpage.h" #include "moc_configpage.cpp" #include "factory.h" #include "moc_factory.cpp" #include "editor.h" #include "moc_editor.cpp" #include "document.h" #include "view.h" #include "moc_view.cpp" #include "plugin.h" #include "moc_plugin.cpp" #include "recoveryinterface.h" #include "commandinterface.h" #include "markinterface.h" #include "modificationinterface.h" #include "searchinterface.h" #include "sessionconfiginterface.h" #include "templateinterface.h" #include "texthintinterface.h" #include "variableinterface.h" #include "containerinterface.h" #include "annotationinterface.h" #include "moc_annotationinterface.cpp" #include "loadsavefiltercheckplugin.h" #include "moc_loadsavefiltercheckplugin.cpp" #include "modeinterface.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace KTextEditor; Factory::Factory( QObject *parent ) : KParts::Factory( parent ) , d(0) { } Factory::~Factory() { } class KTextEditor::EditorPrivate { public: EditorPrivate() : simpleMode (false) { } bool simpleMode; QString defaultEncoding; }; Editor::Editor( QObject *parent ) : QObject ( parent ) , d(new KTextEditor::EditorPrivate()) { } Editor::~Editor() { delete d; } void Editor::setSimpleMode (bool on) { d->simpleMode = on; } bool Editor::simpleMode () const { return d->simpleMode; } const QString &Editor::defaultEncoding () const { return d->defaultEncoding; } void Editor::setDefaultEncoding (const QString &defaultEncoding) { d->defaultEncoding = defaultEncoding; } bool View::isActiveView() const { return this == document()->activeView(); } bool View::setSelection(const Cursor& position, int length,bool wrap) { KTextEditor::Document *doc=document(); if (!document()) return false; if (length==0) return false; if (!doc->cursorInText(position)) return false; Cursor end=Cursor(position.line(),position.column()); if (!wrap) { int col=end.column()+length; if (col<0) col=0; if (col>doc->lineLength(end.line())) col=doc->lineLength(end.line()); end.setColumn(col); } else { kDebug()<<"KTextEditor::View::setSelection(pos,len,true) not implemented yet"; } return setSelection(Range(position,end)); } bool View::insertText (const QString &text ) { KTextEditor::Document *doc=document(); if (!doc) return false; return doc->insertText(cursorPosition(),text,blockSelection()); } struct KTextEditorFactorySet : public QSet { KTextEditorFactorySet(); ~KTextEditorFactorySet(); }; K_GLOBAL_STATIC(KTextEditorFactorySet, s_factories) KTextEditorFactorySet::KTextEditorFactorySet() { // K_GLOBAL_STATIC is cleaned up *after* Q(Core)Application is gone // but we have to cleanup before -> use qAddPostRoutine qAddPostRoutine(s_factories.destroy); } KTextEditorFactorySet::~KTextEditorFactorySet() { qRemovePostRoutine(s_factories.destroy); // post routine is installed! qDeleteAll(*this); } Editor *KTextEditor::editor(const char *libname) { KPluginFactory *fact=KPluginLoader(libname).factory(); KTextEditor::Factory *ef=qobject_cast(fact); if (!ef) { delete fact; return 0; } s_factories->insert(fact); return ef->editor(); } ConfigPage::ConfigPage ( QWidget *parent ) : QWidget (parent) , d(0) {} ConfigPage::~ConfigPage () {} View::View ( QWidget *parent ) : QWidget(parent), KXMLGUIClient() , d(0) {} View::~View () {} Plugin::Plugin ( QObject *parent ) : QObject (parent) , d(0) {} Plugin::~Plugin () {} MarkInterface::MarkInterface () : d(0) {} MarkInterface::~MarkInterface () {} ModificationInterface::ModificationInterface () : d(0) {} ModificationInterface::~ModificationInterface () {} ContainerInterface::ContainerInterface () {} ContainerInterface::~ContainerInterface () {} MdiContainer::MdiContainer () {} MdiContainer::~MdiContainer () {} ViewBarContainer::ViewBarContainer() {} ViewBarContainer::~ViewBarContainer() {} SearchInterface::SearchInterface() : d(0) {} SearchInterface::~SearchInterface() {} SessionConfigInterface::SessionConfigInterface() : d(0) {} SessionConfigInterface::~SessionConfigInterface() {} ParameterizedSessionConfigInterface::ParameterizedSessionConfigInterface() {} ParameterizedSessionConfigInterface::~ParameterizedSessionConfigInterface() {} TemplateInterface::TemplateInterface() : d(0) {} TemplateInterface::~TemplateInterface() {} TextHintInterface::TextHintInterface() : d(0) {} TextHintInterface::~TextHintInterface() {} VariableInterface::VariableInterface() : d(0) {} VariableInterface::~VariableInterface() {} class KTextEditor::LoadSaveFilterCheckPluginPrivate { public: LoadSaveFilterCheckPluginPrivate(){} ~LoadSaveFilterCheckPluginPrivate(){} }; LoadSaveFilterCheckPlugin::LoadSaveFilterCheckPlugin(QObject *parent): QObject(parent), d(new LoadSaveFilterCheckPluginPrivate()) { } LoadSaveFilterCheckPlugin::~LoadSaveFilterCheckPlugin() { delete d; } CoordinatesToCursorInterface::~CoordinatesToCursorInterface() { } ModeInterface::ModeInterface() { } ModeInterface::~ModeInterface() { } RecoveryInterface::RecoveryInterface() : d(0) { } RecoveryInterface::~RecoveryInterface() { } // kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;