/* * This file is part of the KDE libraries * Copyright (C) 2007 Andreas Hartmetz * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ktcpsockettest.h" #include #include #include #include "ktcpsocket.h" /* TODO items: - test errors including error strings - test overriding errors - test the most important SSL operations (full coverage is very hard) - test readLine() - test nonblocking, signal based usage - test that waitForDisconnected() writes out all buffered data - (test local and peer address and port getters) - test isValid(). Its documentation is less than clear :( */ static const quint16 testPort = 22342; class ServerThread : public QThread { public: Server *volatile server; ServerThread() : server(0) {} ~ServerThread() { wait(100); } protected: virtual void run(); }; KTcpSocketTest::KTcpSocketTest() { server = 0; } KTcpSocketTest::~KTcpSocketTest() { delete server; } void KTcpSocketTest::invokeOnServer(const char *method) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(server, method, Qt::QueuedConnection); QTest::qWait(1); //Enter the event loop } void ServerThread::run() { server = new Server(testPort); exec(); //Start the event loop; this won't return. } Server::Server(quint16 _port) : listener(0), socket(0), port(_port) { listener = new QTcpServer(); listener->listen(QHostAddress(""), testPort); } void Server::cleanupSocket() { Q_ASSERT(socket); socket->close(); socket->deleteLater(); socket = 0; } void KTcpSocketTest::initTestCase() { ServerThread *st = new ServerThread(); st->start(); while (!st->server) ; //Let the other thread initialize its event loop or whatever; there were problems... QTest::qWait(200); server = st->server; } void KTcpSocketTest::connectDisconnect() { invokeOnServer("connectDisconnect"); KTcpSocket *s = new KTcpSocket(this); QCOMPARE(s->openMode(), QIODevice::NotOpen); QCOMPARE(s->error(), KTcpSocket::UnknownError); s->connectToHost("", testPort); QCOMPARE(s->state(), KTcpSocket::ConnectingState); QVERIFY(s->openMode() & QIODevice::ReadWrite); const bool connected = s->waitForConnected(150); QVERIFY(connected); QCOMPARE(s->state(), KTcpSocket::ConnectedState); s->waitForDisconnected(150); //ClosingState occurs only when there is buffered data QCOMPARE(s->state(), KTcpSocket::UnconnectedState); s->deleteLater(); } void Server::connectDisconnect() { listener->waitForNewConnection(10000, 0); socket = listener->nextPendingConnection(); cleanupSocket(); } #define TESTDATA QByteArray("things and stuff and a bag of chips") void KTcpSocketTest::read() { invokeOnServer("read"); KTcpSocket *s = new KTcpSocket(this); s->connectToHost("", testPort); s->waitForConnected(40); s->waitForReadyRead(40); QCOMPARE((int)s->bytesAvailable(), TESTDATA.size()); QCOMPARE(s->readAll(), TESTDATA); s->deleteLater(); } void Server::read() { listener->waitForNewConnection(10000, 0); socket = listener->nextPendingConnection(); socket->write(TESTDATA); socket->waitForBytesWritten(150); cleanupSocket(); } void KTcpSocketTest::write() { invokeOnServer("write"); KTcpSocket *s = new KTcpSocket(this); s->connectToHost("", testPort); s->waitForConnected(40); s->write(TESTDATA); QCOMPARE((int)s->bytesToWrite(), TESTDATA.size()); s->waitForReadyRead(150); QCOMPARE((int)s->bytesAvailable(), TESTDATA.size()); QCOMPARE(s->readAll(), TESTDATA); s->write(TESTDATA); QCOMPARE((int)s->bytesToWrite(), TESTDATA.size()); s->disconnectFromHost(); //Test closing with pending data to transmit (pending rx data comes later) QCOMPARE(s->state(), KTcpSocket::ClosingState); s->waitForDisconnected(150); QCOMPARE(s->state(), KTcpSocket::UnconnectedState); s->deleteLater(); } void Server::write() { listener->waitForNewConnection(10000, 0); socket = listener->nextPendingConnection(); socket->waitForReadyRead(40); socket->write(socket->readAll()); //echo socket->waitForBytesWritten(150); socket->waitForReadyRead(40); socket->write(socket->readAll()); cleanupSocket(); } static QString stateToString(KTcpSocket::State state) { switch(state) { case KTcpSocket::UnconnectedState: return "UnconnectedState"; case KTcpSocket::HostLookupState: return "HostLookupState"; case KTcpSocket::ConnectingState: return "ConnectingState"; case KTcpSocket::ConnectedState: return "ConnectedState"; case KTcpSocket::BoundState: return "BoundState"; case KTcpSocket::ListeningState: return "ListeningState"; case KTcpSocket::ClosingState: return "ClosingState"; } return "ERROR"; } #define HTTPREQUEST QByteArray("GET / HTTP/1.1\nHost: www.example.com\n\n") void KTcpSocketTest::statesIana() { QSKIP("Too unreliable", SkipAll); //A connection to a real internet host KTcpSocket *s = new KTcpSocket(this); connect(s, SIGNAL(hostFound()), this, SLOT(states_hostFound())); QCOMPARE(s->state(), KTcpSocket::UnconnectedState); s->connectToHost("www.iana.org", 80); QCOMPARE(s->state(), KTcpSocket::HostLookupState); s->write(HTTPREQUEST); QCOMPARE(s->state(), KTcpSocket::HostLookupState); s->waitForBytesWritten(2500) ; QCOMPARE(s->state(), KTcpSocket::ConnectedState); s->waitForReadyRead(2500); //I actually assume that the page delivered by www.iana.org will exist for years QVERIFY(s->bytesAvailable() > 200); s->write(HTTPREQUEST); s->waitForReadyRead(); s->close(); if (s->state() == KTcpSocket::ClosingState) s->waitForDisconnected(); //What happens is that during waitForReadyRead() the write buffer is written out //completely so that the socket can shut down without having to wait for writeout. QCOMPARE((int)s->state(), (int)KTcpSocket::UnconnectedState); delete s; } void KTcpSocketTest::statesLocalHost() { //Now again an internal connection invokeOnServer("states"); KTcpSocket *s = new KTcpSocket(this); connect(s, SIGNAL(hostFound()), this, SLOT(states_hostFound())); s->connectToHost("", testPort); QCOMPARE(s->state(), KTcpSocket::ConnectingState); s->waitForConnected(40); QCOMPARE(s->state(), KTcpSocket::ConnectedState); s->write(HTTPREQUEST); s->waitForReadyRead(); QCOMPARE((int)s->bytesAvailable(), HTTPREQUEST.size()); //for good measure... QCOMPARE(s->state(), KTcpSocket::ConnectedState); s->waitForDisconnected(40); QCOMPARE(s->state(), KTcpSocket::UnconnectedState); disconnect(s, SIGNAL(hostFound())); delete s; } void KTcpSocketTest::statesManyHosts() { KTcpSocket *s = new KTcpSocket(this); QByteArray requestProlog("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n" //exact copy of a real HTTP query "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" //not really... "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.96; Linux) " "KHTML/3.96.0 (like Gecko)\r\n" "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" "Cache-control: no-cache\r\n" "Accept: text/html, image/jpeg, image/png, text/*, image/*, */*\r\n" "Accept-Encoding: x-gzip, x-deflate, gzip, deflate\r\n" "Accept-Charset: utf-8, utf-8;q=0.5, *;q=0.5\r\n" "Accept-Language: en-US, en\r\n" "Host: "); QByteArray requestEpilog("\r\n\r\n"); //Test rapid connection and disconnection to different hosts static const char *hosts[] = {"www.google.de", "www.spiegel.de", "www.stern.de", "www.laut.de"}; static const int numHosts = 4; for (int i = 0; i < numHosts * 5; i++) { qDebug("\nNow trying %s...", hosts[i % numHosts]); QCOMPARE(s->state(), KTcpSocket::UnconnectedState); s->connectToHost(hosts[i % numHosts], 80); bool skip = false; KTcpSocket::State expectedState = KTcpSocket::ConnectingState; #if QT_VERSION > 0x040701 // Since Qt 4.6.3 the Qt-internal DNS cache returns a result (if cached) immediately // but it was unreliable (when called from QTcpSocket) until 4.7.2 if (i < numHosts) { expectedState = KTcpSocket::HostLookupState; } else { expectedState = KTcpSocket::ConnectingState; } #elif QT_VERSION < 0x040603 // Previously there was no caching expectedState = KTcpSocket::HostLookupState; #else // 4.6.3 to 4.7.1: unreliable results, skip test skip = true; qDebug() << "Skipping test on state(), because DNS caching is unreliable in this Qt version"; #endif if (!skip) QCOMPARE(stateToString(s->state()), stateToString(expectedState)); else { // let's make sure it's at least one of the two expected states QVERIFY(stateToString(s->state()) == stateToString(KTcpSocket::HostLookupState) || stateToString(s->state()) == stateToString(KTcpSocket::ConnectingState)); } //weave the host address into the HTTP request QByteArray request(requestProlog); request.append(hosts[i % numHosts]); request.append(requestEpilog); s->write(request); if (!skip) QCOMPARE(stateToString(s->state()), stateToString(expectedState)); s->waitForBytesWritten(-1); QCOMPARE(s->state(), KTcpSocket::ConnectedState); s->waitForReadyRead(-1); QVERIFY(s->bytesAvailable() > 100); if (i % (numHosts + 1)) { s->readAll(); QVERIFY(s->bytesAvailable() == 0); } else { char dummy[4]; s->read(dummy, 1); QVERIFY(s->bytesAvailable() > 100 - 1); } s->disconnectFromHost(); if (s->state() != KTcpSocket::UnconnectedState) s->waitForDisconnected(-1); if (i % 2) s->close(); //close() is not very well defined for sockets so just check that it //does no harm } s->deleteLater(); } void KTcpSocketTest::states_hostFound() { QCOMPARE(static_cast(sender())->state(), KTcpSocket::ConnectingState); } void Server::states() { listener->waitForNewConnection(10000, 0); socket = listener->nextPendingConnection(); socket->waitForReadyRead(40); socket->write(socket->readAll()); //echo socket->waitForBytesWritten(150); cleanupSocket(); } void KTcpSocketTest::errors() { //invokeOnServer("errors"); } void Server::errors() { listener->waitForNewConnection(10000, 0); socket = listener->nextPendingConnection(); cleanupSocket(); } QTEST_MAIN(KTcpSocketTest) #include "moc_ktcpsockettest.cpp"