/* * This file is part of the KDE libraries * Copyright (c) 2008 John Layt * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kcupsoptionspageswidget_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** @internal */ KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::KCupsOptionsPagesWidget( QPrintDialog *parent ) : KCupsOptionsWidget( parent ) { ui.setupUi( this ); //set all the default values //TODO restore last used values initPagesPerSheet(); initPagesPerSheetLayout(); initPageBorder(); initStartBannerPage(); initEndBannerPage(); initPageLabel(); initMirrorPages(); } KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::~KCupsOptionsPagesWidget() { } void KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::setupCupsOptions( QStringList &cupsOptions ) { switch ( pagesPerSheet() ) { case OnePagePerSheet : break; //default case TwoPagesPerSheet : setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "number-up", "2"); break; case FourPagesPerSheet : setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "number-up", "4"); break; case SixPagesPerSheet : setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "number-up", "6"); break; case NinePagesPerSheet : setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "number-up", "9"); break; case SixteenPagesPerSheet : setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "number-up", "16"); break; } switch ( pagesPerSheetLayout() ) { case LeftToRightTopToBottom : break; //default case LeftToRightBottomToTop : setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "number-up-layout", "lrbt" ); break; case RightToLeftTopToBottom : setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "number-up-layout", "rltb" ); break; case RightToLeftBottomToTop : setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "number-up-layout", "rlbt" ); break; case BottomToTopLeftToRight : setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "number-up-layout", "btlr" ); break; case BottomToTopRightToLeft : setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "number-up-layout", "btrl" ); break; case TopToBottomLeftToRight : setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "number-up-layout", "tblr" ); break; case TopToBottomRightToLeft : setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "number-up-layout", "tbrl" ); break; } switch ( pageBorder() ) { case NoBorder : break; //default case SingleLine : setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "page-border", "single" ); break; case SingleThickLine : setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "page-border", "single-thick" ); break; case DoubleLine : setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "page-border", "double" ); break; case DoubleThickLine : setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "page-border", "double-thick" ); break; } if ( startBannerPage() != NoBanner || endBannerPage() != NoBanner ) { QString startBanner, endBanner; switch ( startBannerPage() ) { case NoBanner : startBanner = "none"; break; case Standard : startBanner = "standard"; break; case Unclassified : startBanner = "unclassified"; break; case Confidential : startBanner = "confidential"; break; case Classified : startBanner = "classified"; break; case Secret : startBanner = "secret"; break; case TopSecret : startBanner = "topsecret"; break; } switch ( endBannerPage() ) { case NoBanner : endBanner = "none"; break; case Standard : endBanner = "standard"; break; case Unclassified : endBanner = "unclassified"; break; case Confidential : endBanner = "confidential"; break; case Classified : endBanner = "classified"; break; case Secret : endBanner = "secret"; break; case TopSecret : endBanner = "topsecret"; break; } setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "job-sheets", startBanner + ',' + endBanner ); } if ( !pageLabel().isEmpty() ) { setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "page-label", pageLabel() ); } if ( mirrorPages() ) { setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "mirror", "" ); } } void KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::initPagesPerSheet() { setPagesPerSheet( OnePagePerSheet ); ui.oneUpRadioButton->setIcon( QIcon( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "kdeui/pics/kdeprint_nup1.png" ) ) ); ui.twoUpRadioButton->setIcon( QIcon( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "kdeui/pics/kdeprint_nup2.png" ) ) ); ui.fourUpRadioButton->setIcon( QIcon( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "kdeui/pics/kdeprint_nup4.png" ) ) ); ui.sixUpRadioButton->setIcon( QIcon( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "kdeui/pics/kdeprint_nupother.png" ) ) ); ui.nineUpRadioButton->setIcon( QIcon( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "kdeui/pics/kdeprint_nupother.png" ) ) ); ui.sixteenUpRadioButton->setIcon( QIcon( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", "kdeui/pics/kdeprint_nupother.png" ) ) ); } void KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::setPagesPerSheet( KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::PagesPerSheet pagesPerSheet ) { switch ( pagesPerSheet ) { case OnePagePerSheet : ui.oneUpRadioButton->setChecked(true); break; case TwoPagesPerSheet : ui.twoUpRadioButton->setChecked(true); break; case FourPagesPerSheet : ui.fourUpRadioButton->setChecked(true); break; case SixPagesPerSheet : ui.sixUpRadioButton->setChecked(true); break; case NinePagesPerSheet : ui.nineUpRadioButton->setChecked(true); break; case SixteenPagesPerSheet : ui.sixteenUpRadioButton->setChecked(true); break; default : ui.oneUpRadioButton->setChecked(true); break; } } KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::PagesPerSheet KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::pagesPerSheet() const { if ( ui.oneUpRadioButton->isChecked() ) return OnePagePerSheet; if ( ui.twoUpRadioButton->isChecked() ) return TwoPagesPerSheet; if ( ui.fourUpRadioButton->isChecked() ) return FourPagesPerSheet; if ( ui.sixUpRadioButton->isChecked() ) return SixPagesPerSheet; if ( ui.nineUpRadioButton->isChecked() ) return NinePagesPerSheet; if ( ui.sixteenUpRadioButton->isChecked() ) return SixteenPagesPerSheet; return OnePagePerSheet; } void KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::initPagesPerSheetLayout() { ui.pagesPerSheetLayoutCombo->addItem( i18n("Left to Right, Top to Bottom"), QVariant( LeftToRightTopToBottom ) ); ui.pagesPerSheetLayoutCombo->addItem( i18n("Left to Right, Bottom to Top"), QVariant( LeftToRightBottomToTop ) ); ui.pagesPerSheetLayoutCombo->addItem( i18n("Right to Left, Bottom to Top"), QVariant( RightToLeftBottomToTop ) ); ui.pagesPerSheetLayoutCombo->addItem( i18n("Right to Left, Top to Bottom"), QVariant( RightToLeftTopToBottom ) ); ui.pagesPerSheetLayoutCombo->addItem( i18n("Bottom to Top, Left to Right"), QVariant( BottomToTopLeftToRight ) ); ui.pagesPerSheetLayoutCombo->addItem( i18n("Bottom to Top, Right to Left"), QVariant( BottomToTopRightToLeft ) ); ui.pagesPerSheetLayoutCombo->addItem( i18n("Top to Bottom, Left to Right"), QVariant( TopToBottomLeftToRight ) ); ui.pagesPerSheetLayoutCombo->addItem( i18n("Top to Bottom, Right to Left"), QVariant( TopToBottomRightToLeft ) ); setPagesPerSheetLayout( LeftToRightTopToBottom ); } void KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::setPagesPerSheetLayout( KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::PagesPerSheetLayout pagesPerSheetLayout ) { ui.pagesPerSheetLayoutCombo->setCurrentIndex( ui.pagesPerSheetLayoutCombo->findData( QVariant( pagesPerSheetLayout ) ) ); } KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::PagesPerSheetLayout KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::pagesPerSheetLayout() const { return (KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::PagesPerSheetLayout) ui.pagesPerSheetLayoutCombo->itemData( ui.pagesPerSheetLayoutCombo->currentIndex() ).toInt(); } void KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::initPageBorder() { ui.pageBorderCombo->addItem( i18nc("No border line", "None"), NoBorder ); ui.pageBorderCombo->addItem( i18n("Single Line"), SingleLine ); ui.pageBorderCombo->addItem( i18n("Single Thick Line"), SingleThickLine ); ui.pageBorderCombo->addItem( i18n("Double Line"), DoubleLine ); ui.pageBorderCombo->addItem( i18n("Double Thick Line"), DoubleThickLine ); setPageBorder( NoBorder ); } void KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::setPageBorder( KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::PageBorder pageBorder ) { ui.pageBorderCombo->setCurrentIndex( ui.pageBorderCombo->findData( QVariant( pageBorder ) ) ); } KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::PageBorder KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::pageBorder() const { return (KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::PageBorder) ui.pageBorderCombo->itemData( ui.pageBorderCombo->currentIndex() ).toInt(); } void KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::initStartBannerPage() { ui.startBannerPageCombo->addItem( i18nc("Banner page", "None"), NoBanner ); ui.startBannerPageCombo->addItem( i18nc("Banner page", "Standard"), Standard ); ui.startBannerPageCombo->addItem( i18nc("Banner page", "Unclassified"), Unclassified ); ui.startBannerPageCombo->addItem( i18nc("Banner page", "Confidential"), Confidential ); ui.startBannerPageCombo->addItem( i18nc("Banner page", "Classified"), Classified ); ui.startBannerPageCombo->addItem( i18nc("Banner page", "Secret"), Secret ); ui.startBannerPageCombo->addItem( i18nc("Banner page", "Top Secret"), TopSecret ); setStartBannerPage( NoBanner ); } void KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::setStartBannerPage( KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::BannerPage bannerPage ) { ui.startBannerPageCombo->setCurrentIndex( ui.startBannerPageCombo->findData( QVariant( bannerPage ) ) ); } KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::BannerPage KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::startBannerPage() const { return (KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::BannerPage) ui.startBannerPageCombo->itemData( ui.startBannerPageCombo->currentIndex() ).toInt(); } void KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::initEndBannerPage() { ui.endBannerPageCombo->addItem( i18nc("Banner page", "None"), NoBanner ); ui.endBannerPageCombo->addItem( i18nc("Banner page", "Standard"), Standard ); ui.endBannerPageCombo->addItem( i18nc("Banner page", "Unclassified"), Unclassified ); ui.endBannerPageCombo->addItem( i18nc("Banner page", "Confidential"), Confidential ); ui.endBannerPageCombo->addItem( i18nc("Banner page", "Classified"), Classified ); ui.endBannerPageCombo->addItem( i18nc("Banner page", "Secret"), Secret ); ui.endBannerPageCombo->addItem( i18nc("Banner page", "Top Secret"), TopSecret ); setEndBannerPage( NoBanner ); } void KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::setEndBannerPage( KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::BannerPage bannerPage ) { ui.endBannerPageCombo->setCurrentIndex( ui.endBannerPageCombo->findData( QVariant( bannerPage ) ) ); } KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::BannerPage KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::endBannerPage() const { return (KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::BannerPage) ui.endBannerPageCombo->itemData( ui.endBannerPageCombo->currentIndex() ).toInt(); } void KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::initPageLabel() { setPageLabel( "" ); } void KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::setPageLabel( QString label ) { ui.pageLabelLineEdit->insert( label ); } QString KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::pageLabel() const { return ui.pageLabelLineEdit->text(); } void KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::initMirrorPages() { setMirrorPages( false ); } void KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::setMirrorPages( bool mirror ) { ui.mirrorPagesCheckBox->setChecked( mirror ); } bool KCupsOptionsPagesWidget::mirrorPages() const { return ui.mirrorPagesCheckBox->isChecked(); } #include "kcupsoptionspageswidget_p.moc"