/* -*- C++ -*- This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2003 Jason Harris This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KPLOTWIDGET_H #define KPLOTWIDGET_H #include #include #include class KPlotAxis; class KPlotObject; class KPlotPoint; /** *@class KPlotWidget * *@short Generic data plotting widget. * *Widget for drawing plots. The basic idea behind KPlotWidget is that *you don't have to worry about any transformation from your data's *natural units to screen pixel coordinates; this is handled internally *by the widget. * *Data to be plotted are represented by one or more instances of *KPlotObject. KPlotObject contains a list of QPointFs to be plotted *(again, in the data's natural units), as well as information about how *the data are to be rendered in the plot (i.e., as separate points or *connected by lines? With what color and point style? etc). See *KPlotObject for more information. * *KPlotWidget automatically adds axis labels with tickmarks and tick *labels. These are encapsulated in the KPlotAxis class. All you have *to do is set the limits of the plotting area in data units, and *KPlotWidget wil figure out the optimal positions and labels for the *tickmarks on the axes. * *Example of usage: * * @code KPlotWidget *kpw = new KPlotWidget( parent ); // setting our limits for the plot kpw->setLimits( 1.0, 5.0, 1.0, 25.0 ); // creating a plot object whose points are connected by red lines ... KPlotObject *kpo = new KPlotObject( Qt::red, KPlotObject::Lines ); // ... adding some points to it ... for ( float x = 1.0; x <= 5.0; x += 0.1 ) kpo->addPoint( x, x*x ); // ... and adding the object to the plot widget kpw->addPlotObject( kpo ); * @endcode * *@note KPlotWidget will take care of the objects added to it, so when *clearing the objects list (eg with removeAllPlotObjects()) any previous *reference to a KPlotObject already added to a KPlotWidget will be invalid. * *@author Jason Harris *@version 1.1 */ class KDEUI_EXPORT KPlotWidget : public QFrame { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(int leftPadding READ leftPadding) Q_PROPERTY(int rightPadding READ rightPadding) Q_PROPERTY(int topPadding READ topPadding) Q_PROPERTY(int bottomPadding READ bottomPadding) Q_PROPERTY(QColor backgroundColor READ backgroundColor WRITE setBackgroundColor) Q_PROPERTY(QColor foregroundColor READ foregroundColor WRITE setForegroundColor) Q_PROPERTY(QColor gridColor READ gridColor WRITE setGridColor) Q_PROPERTY(bool grid READ isGridShown WRITE setShowGrid) Q_PROPERTY(bool objectToolTip READ isObjectToolTipShown WRITE setObjectToolTipShown) public: /** *@short Constructor. *@param parent the parent widget */ explicit KPlotWidget( QWidget * parent = 0 ); /** *@short Destructor. */ virtual ~KPlotWidget(); /** * The four types of plot axes. */ enum Axis { LeftAxis = 0, ///< the left axis BottomAxis, ///< the bottom axis RightAxis, ///< the right axis TopAxis ///< the top axis }; /** *@return suggested minimum size for the plot widget */ virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const; /** *@return suggested size for the plot widget */ virtual QSize sizeHint() const; /** * Set new data limits for the plot. * @param x1 the minimum X value in data units * @param x2 the maximum X value in data units * @param y1 the minimum Y value in data units * @param y2 the maximum Y value in data units */ void setLimits( double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2 ); /** * @short Reset the secondary data limits, which control the * values displayed along the top and right axes. * * All data points are *plotted* using the coordinates * defined by setLimits(), so this function is only useful for * showing alternate tickmark labels along the top and right * edges. For example, if you were plotting temperature on the * X-axis, you could use Centigrade units for the primary * (bottom) axis, using setLimits( 0.0, 100.0, 0.0, 1.0 ). If * you also wanted to show Farenheit units along the secondary * (top) axis, you would additionally use * setSecondaryLimits( 32.0, 212.0, 0.0, 1.0 ). The data * added to the plot would have x-coordinates in Centigrade degrees. * * @param x1 the minimum X value in secondary data units * @param x2 the maximum X value in secondary data units * @param y1 the minimum Y value in secondary data units * @param y2 the maximum Y value in secondary data units * @sa setLimits() */ void setSecondaryLimits( double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2 ); /** * Unset the secondary limits, so the top and right axes * show the same tickmarks as the bottom and left axes (no tickmark * labels will be drawn for the top and right axes in this case) */ void clearSecondaryLimits(); /** * @return the rectangle representing the boundaries of the current plot, * in natural data units. * @sa setLimits() */ QRectF dataRect() const; /** * @return the rectangle representing the boundaries of the secondary * data limits, if they have been set. Otherwise, this function * behaves the same as dataRect(). * @sa setSecondaryLimits() */ QRectF secondaryDataRect() const; /** * @return the rectangle representing the boundaries of the current plot, * in screen pixel units. */ QRect pixRect() const; /** * Add an item to the list of KPlotObjects to be plotted. * @note do not use this multiple time if many objects have to be added, * addPlotObjects() is strongly suggested in this case * @param object the KPlotObject to be added */ void addPlotObject( KPlotObject *object ); /** * Add more than one KPlotObject at one time. * @param objects the list of KPlotObjects to be added */ void addPlotObjects( const QList< KPlotObject* >& objects ); /** * @return the current list of plot objects */ QList< KPlotObject* > plotObjects() const; /** * Remove and delete all items from the list of KPlotObjects */ void removeAllPlotObjects(); /** * Reset the mask used for non-overlapping labels so that all * regions of the plot area are considered empty. */ void resetPlotMask(); /** * Clear the object list, reset the data limits, and remove axis labels */ void resetPlot(); /** * Replace an item in the KPlotObject list. * @param i the index of the item to be replaced * @param o pointer to the replacement KPlotObject */ void replacePlotObject( int i, KPlotObject *o ); /** * @return the background color of the plot. * * The default color is black. */ QColor backgroundColor() const; /** * @return the foreground color, used for axes, tickmarks and associated * labels. * * The default color is white. */ QColor foregroundColor() const; /** * @return the grid color. * * The default color is gray. */ QColor gridColor() const; /** * Set the background color * @param bg the new background color */ void setBackgroundColor( const QColor &bg ); /** * Set the foreground color * @param fg the new foreground color */ void setForegroundColor( const QColor &fg ); /** * Set the grid color * @param gc the new grid color */ void setGridColor( const QColor &gc ); /** * @return whether the grid lines are shown * Grid lines are not shown by default. */ bool isGridShown() const; /** * @return whether the tooltip for the point objects is shown. * Tooltips are enabled by default. */ bool isObjectToolTipShown() const; /** * @return whether the antialiasing is active * Antialiasing is not active by default. */ bool antialiasing() const; /** * Toggle antialiased drawing. * @param b if true, the plot graphics will be antialiased. */ void setAntialiasing( bool b ); /** * @return the number of pixels to the left of the plot area. * * Padding values are set to -1 by default; if unchanged, this * function will try to guess a good value, based on whether * ticklabels and/or axis labels need to be drawn. */ int leftPadding() const; /** * @return the number of pixels to the right of the plot area. * Padding values are set to -1 by default; if unchanged, this * function will try to guess a good value, based on whether * ticklabels and/or axis labels are to be drawn. */ int rightPadding() const; /** * @return the number of pixels above the plot area. * Padding values are set to -1 by default; if unchanged, this * function will try to guess a good value, based on whether * ticklabels and/or axis labels are to be drawn. */ int topPadding() const; /** * @return the number of pixels below the plot area. * Padding values are set to -1 by default; if unchanged, this * function will try to guess a good value, based on whether * ticklabels and/or axis labels are to be drawn. */ int bottomPadding() const; /** * @short Set the number of pixels to the left of the plot area. * Set this to -1 to revert to automatic determination of padding values. */ void setLeftPadding( int padding ); /** * @short Set the number of pixels to the right of the plot area. * Set this to -1 to revert to automatic determination of padding values. */ void setRightPadding( int padding ); /** * @short Set the number of pixels above the plot area. * Set this to -1 to revert to automatic determination of padding values. */ void setTopPadding( int padding ); /** * @short Set the number of pixels below the plot area. * Set this to -1 to revert to automatic determination of padding values. */ void setBottomPadding( int padding ); /** * @short Revert all four padding values to -1, so that they will be * automatically determined. */ void setDefaultPaddings(); /** * @short Map a coordinate @param p from the data rect to the physical * pixel rect. * Used mainly when drawing. * @param p the point to be converted, in natural data units * @return the coordinate in the pixel coordinate system */ QPointF mapToWidget( const QPointF& p ) const; /** * Indicate that object labels should try to avoid the given * rectangle in the plot. The rectangle is in pixel coordinates. * * @note You should not normally call this function directly. * It is called by KPlotObject when points, bars and labels are drawn. * @param r the rectangle defining the region in the plot that * text labels should avoid (in pixel coordinates) * @param value Allows you to determine how strongly the rectangle * should be avoided. Larger values are avoided more strongly. */ void maskRect( const QRectF &r, float value=1.0 ); /** * Indicate that object labels should try to avoid the line * joining the two given points (in pixel coordinates). * * @note You should not normally call this function directly. * It is called by KPlotObject when lines are drawn in the plot. * @param p1 the starting point for the line * @param p2 the ending point for the line * @param value Allows you to determine how strongly the line * should be avoided. Larger values are avoided more strongly. */ void maskAlongLine( const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, float value=1.0 ); /** * Place an object label optimally in the plot. This function will * attempt to place the label as close as it can to the point to which * the label belongs, while avoiding overlap with regions of the plot * that have been masked. * * @note You should not normally call this function directly. * It is called internally in KPlotObject::draw(). * * @param painter Pointer to the painter on which to draw the label * @param pp pointer to the KPlotPoint whose label is to be drawn. */ void placeLabel( QPainter *painter, KPlotPoint *pp ); /** * @return the axis of the specified @p type, or 0 if no axis has been set. * @sa Axis */ KPlotAxis* axis( Axis type ); /** * @return the axis of the specified @p type, or 0 if no axis has been set. * @sa Axis */ const KPlotAxis* axis( Axis type ) const; public Q_SLOTS: /** * Toggle whether grid lines are drawn at major tickmarks. * @param show if true, grid lines will be drawn. * @sa isGridShown() */ void setShowGrid( bool show ); /** * Toggle the display of a tooltip for point objects. * @param show whether show the tooltip. * @sa isObjectToolTipShown() */ void setObjectToolTipShown( bool show ); protected: /** * Generic event handler. */ virtual bool event( QEvent* ); /** * The paint event handler, executed when update() or repaint() is called. */ virtual void paintEvent( QPaintEvent* ); /** * The resize event handler, called when the widget is resized. */ virtual void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* ); /** * Draws the plot axes and axis labels. * @internal Internal use only; one should simply call update() * to draw the widget with axes and all objects. * @param p pointer to the painter on which we are drawing */ virtual void drawAxes( QPainter *p ); /** * Synchronize the PixRect with the current widget size and * padding settings. */ void setPixRect(); /** * @return a list of points in the plot which are within 4 pixels * of the screen position given as an argument. * @param p The screen position from which to check for plot points. */ QList pointsUnderPoint( const QPoint& p ) const; private: class Private; Private * const d; Q_DISABLE_COPY( KPlotWidget ) }; #endif