/** =========================================================== * @file * * This file is a part of digiKam project * http://www.digikam.org * * @date 2007-09-03 * @brief Exiv2 library interface for KDE * * @author Copyright (C) 2006-2014 by Gilles Caulier * caulier dot gilles at gmail dot com * @author Copyright (C) 2006-2012 by Marcel Wiesweg * marcel dot wiesweg at gmx dot de * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * ============================================================ */ #include "kexiv2_p.h" // C ANSI includes extern "C" { #include } #include #include namespace KExiv2Iface { KExiv2::Private::Private() : data(new KExiv2Data::Private) { writeRawFiles = false; updateFileTimeStamp = false; useXMPSidecar4Reading = false; metadataWritingMode = WRITETOIMAGEONLY; loadedFromSidecar = false; Exiv2::LogMsg::setHandler(KExiv2::Private::printExiv2MessageHandler); } KExiv2::Private::~Private() { } void KExiv2::Private::copyPrivateData(const Private* const other) { data = other->data; filePath = other->filePath; writeRawFiles = other->writeRawFiles; updateFileTimeStamp = other->updateFileTimeStamp; useXMPSidecar4Reading = other->useXMPSidecar4Reading; metadataWritingMode = other->metadataWritingMode; } bool KExiv2::Private::saveToXMPSidecar(const QFileInfo& finfo) const { QString filePath = KExiv2::sidecarFilePathForFile(finfo.filePath()); if (filePath.isEmpty()) { return false; } try { Exiv2::Image::AutoPtr image; image = Exiv2::ImageFactory::create(Exiv2::ImageType::xmp, (const char*)(QFile::encodeName(filePath))); return saveOperations(finfo, image); } catch( Exiv2::Error& e ) { printExiv2ExceptionError("Cannot save metadata to XMP sidecar using Exiv2 ", e); return false; } catch(...) { kError() << "Default exception from Exiv2"; return false; } } bool KExiv2::Private::saveToFile(const QFileInfo& finfo) const { if (!finfo.isWritable()) { kDebug() << "File '" << finfo.fileName().toAscii().constData() << "' is read only. Metadata not written."; return false; } QStringList rawTiffBasedSupported, rawTiffBasedNotSupported; // Raw files supported by Exiv2 0.21 rawTiffBasedSupported << "dng" << "nef" << "pef" << "orf" << "srw"; if (Exiv2::testVersion(0,23,0)) { rawTiffBasedSupported << "cr2"; } // Raw files not supported by Exiv2 0.21 rawTiffBasedNotSupported << "3fr" << "arw" << "dcr" << "erf" << "k25" << "kdc" << "mos" << "raw" << "sr2" << "srf" << "rw2"; if (!Exiv2::testVersion(0,23,0)) { rawTiffBasedNotSupported << "cr2"; } QString ext = finfo.suffix().toLower(); if (!writeRawFiles && (rawTiffBasedSupported.contains(ext) || rawTiffBasedNotSupported.contains(ext)) ) { kDebug() << finfo.fileName() << "is a TIFF based RAW file, writing to such a file is disabled by current settings."; return false; } /* if (rawTiffBasedNotSupported.contains(ext)) { kDebug() << finfo.fileName() << "is TIFF based RAW file not yet supported. Metadata not saved."; return false; } if (rawTiffBasedSupported.contains(ext) && !writeRawFiles) { kDebug() << finfo.fileName() << "is TIFF based RAW file supported but writing mode is disabled. " << "Metadata not saved."; return false; } kDebug() << "File Extension: " << ext << " is supported for writing mode"; bool ret = false; */ try { Exiv2::Image::AutoPtr image; image = Exiv2::ImageFactory::open((const char*)(QFile::encodeName(finfo.filePath()))); return saveOperations(finfo, image); } catch( Exiv2::Error& e ) { printExiv2ExceptionError("Cannot save metadata to image using Exiv2 ", e); return false; } catch(...) { kError() << "Default exception from Exiv2"; return false; } } bool KExiv2::Private::saveOperations(const QFileInfo& finfo, Exiv2::Image::AutoPtr image) const { try { Exiv2::AccessMode mode; bool wroteComment = false, wroteEXIF = false, wroteIPTC = false, wroteXMP = false; // We need to load target file metadata to merge with new one. It's mandatory with TIFF format: // like all tiff file structure is based on Exif. image->readMetadata(); // Image Comments --------------------------------- mode = image->checkMode(Exiv2::mdComment); if ((mode == Exiv2::amWrite) || (mode == Exiv2::amReadWrite)) { image->setComment(imageComments()); wroteComment = true; } // Exif metadata ---------------------------------- mode = image->checkMode(Exiv2::mdExif); if ((mode == Exiv2::amWrite) || (mode == Exiv2::amReadWrite)) { if (image->mimeType() == "image/tiff") { Exiv2::ExifData orgExif = image->exifData(); Exiv2::ExifData newExif; QStringList untouchedTags; // With tiff image we cannot overwrite whole Exif data as well, because // image data are stored in Exif container. We need to take a care about // to not lost image data. untouchedTags << "Exif.Image.ImageWidth"; untouchedTags << "Exif.Image.ImageLength"; untouchedTags << "Exif.Image.BitsPerSample"; untouchedTags << "Exif.Image.Compression"; untouchedTags << "Exif.Image.PhotometricInterpretation"; untouchedTags << "Exif.Image.FillOrder"; untouchedTags << "Exif.Image.SamplesPerPixel"; untouchedTags << "Exif.Image.StripOffsets"; untouchedTags << "Exif.Image.RowsPerStrip"; untouchedTags << "Exif.Image.StripByteCounts"; untouchedTags << "Exif.Image.XResolution"; untouchedTags << "Exif.Image.YResolution"; untouchedTags << "Exif.Image.PlanarConfiguration"; untouchedTags << "Exif.Image.ResolutionUnit"; for (Exiv2::ExifData::iterator it = orgExif.begin(); it != orgExif.end(); ++it) { if (untouchedTags.contains(it->key().c_str())) { newExif[it->key().c_str()] = orgExif[it->key().c_str()]; } } Exiv2::ExifData readedExif = exifMetadata(); for (Exiv2::ExifData::iterator it = readedExif.begin(); it != readedExif.end(); ++it) { if (!untouchedTags.contains(it->key().c_str())) { newExif[it->key().c_str()] = readedExif[it->key().c_str()]; } } image->setExifData(newExif); } else { image->setExifData(exifMetadata()); } wroteEXIF = true; } // Iptc metadata ---------------------------------- mode = image->checkMode(Exiv2::mdIptc); if ((mode == Exiv2::amWrite) || (mode == Exiv2::amReadWrite)) { image->setIptcData(iptcMetadata()); wroteIPTC = true; } // Xmp metadata ----------------------------------- mode = image->checkMode(Exiv2::mdXmp); if ((mode == Exiv2::amWrite) || (mode == Exiv2::amReadWrite)) { #ifdef _XMP_SUPPORT_ image->setXmpData(xmpMetadata()); wroteXMP = true; #endif } if (!wroteComment && !wroteEXIF && !wroteIPTC && !wroteXMP) { kDebug() << "Writing metadata is not supported for file" << finfo.fileName(); return false; } else if (!wroteEXIF || !wroteIPTC || !wroteXMP) { kDebug() << "Support for writing metadata is limited for file" << finfo.fileName() << "EXIF" << wroteEXIF << "IPTC" << wroteIPTC << "XMP" << wroteXMP; } if (!updateFileTimeStamp) { // Don't touch access and modification timestamp of file. KDE_struct_stat st; struct utimbuf ut; int ret = KDE_stat(QFile::encodeName(filePath), &st); if (ret == 0) { ut.modtime = st.st_mtime; ut.actime = st.st_atime; } image->writeMetadata(); if (ret == 0) { ::utime(QFile::encodeName(filePath), &ut); } } else { image->writeMetadata(); } return true; } catch( Exiv2::Error& e ) { printExiv2ExceptionError("Cannot save metadata using Exiv2 ", e); } catch(...) { kError() << "Default exception from Exiv2"; } return false; } void KExiv2Data::Private::clear() { imageComments.clear(); exifMetadata.clear(); iptcMetadata.clear(); #ifdef _XMP_SUPPORT_ xmpMetadata.clear(); #endif } void KExiv2::Private::printExiv2ExceptionError(const QString& msg, Exiv2::Error& e) { std::string s(e.what()); kError() << msg.toAscii().constData() << " (Error #" << e.code() << ": " << s.c_str(); } void KExiv2::Private::printExiv2MessageHandler(int lvl, const char* msg) { kDebug() << "Exiv2 (" << lvl << ") : " << msg; } QString KExiv2::Private::convertCommentValue(const Exiv2::Exifdatum& exifDatum) const { try { std::string comment; std::string charset; comment = exifDatum.toString(); // libexiv2 will prepend "charset=\"SomeCharset\" " if charset is specified // Before conversion to QString, we must know the charset, so we stay with std::string for a while if (comment.length() > 8 && comment.substr(0, 8) == "charset=") { // the prepended charset specification is followed by a blank std::string::size_type pos = comment.find_first_of(' '); if (pos != std::string::npos) { // extract string between the = and the blank charset = comment.substr(8, pos-8); // get the rest of the string after the charset specification comment = comment.substr(pos+1); } } if (charset == "\"Unicode\"") { return QString::fromUtf8(comment.data()); } else if (charset == "\"Jis\"") { QTextCodec* codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("JIS7"); return codec->toUnicode(comment.c_str()); } else if (charset == "\"Ascii\"") { return QString::fromLatin1(comment.c_str()); } else { return detectEncodingAndDecode(comment); } } catch( Exiv2::Error& e ) { printExiv2ExceptionError("Cannot convert Comment using Exiv2 ", e); } catch(...) { kError() << "Default exception from Exiv2"; } return QString(); } QString KExiv2::Private::detectEncodingAndDecode(const std::string& value) const { // For charset autodetection, we could use sophisticated code // (Mozilla chardet, KHTML's autodetection, QTextCodec::codecForContent), // but that is probably too much. // We check for UTF8, Local encoding and ASCII. // TODO: Gilles ==> Marcel : Look like KEncodingDetector class can provide a full implementation for encoding detection. if (value.empty()) { return QString(); } if (KStringHandler::isUtf8(value.c_str())) { return QString::fromUtf8(value.c_str()); } // Utf8 has a pretty unique byte pattern. // Thats not true for ASCII, it is not possible // to reliably autodetect different ISO-8859 charsets. // So we can use either local encoding, or latin1. //TODO: KDE4PORT: check for regression of #134999 (very probably no regression!) return QString::fromLocal8Bit(value.c_str()); //return QString::fromLatin1(value.c_str()); } int KExiv2::Private::getXMPTagsListFromPrefix(const QString& pf, KExiv2::TagsMap& tagsMap) const { QList tags; tags << Exiv2::XmpProperties::propertyList(pf.toAscii().data()); int i = 0; for (QList::iterator it = tags.begin(); it != tags.end(); ++it) { while ( (*it) && !QString((*it)->name_).isNull() ) { QString key = QLatin1String( Exiv2::XmpKey( pf.toAscii().data(), (*it)->name_ ).key().c_str() ); QStringList values; values << (*it)->name_ << (*it)->title_ << (*it)->desc_; tagsMap.insert(key, values); ++(*it); i++; } } return i; } #ifdef _XMP_SUPPORT_ void KExiv2::Private::loadSidecarData(Exiv2::Image::AutoPtr xmpsidecar) { // Having a sidecar is a special situation. // The sidecar data often "dominates", see in particular bug 309058 for important aspects: // If a field is removed from the sidecar, we must ignore (older) data for this field in the file. // First: Ignore file XMP, only use sidecar XMP xmpMetadata() = xmpsidecar->xmpData(); loadedFromSidecar = true; // EXIF // Four groups of properties are mapped between EXIF and XMP: // Date/Time, Description, Copyright, Creator // A few more tags are defined "writeback" tags in the XMP specification, the sidecar value therefore overrides the Exif value. // The rest is kept side-by-side. // (to understand, remember that the xmpsidecar's Exif data is actually XMP data mapped back to Exif) // Description, Copyright and Creator is dominated by the sidecar: Remove file Exif fields, if field not in XMP. ExifMergeHelper exifDominatedHelper; exifDominatedHelper << QLatin1String("Exif.Image.ImageDescription") << QLatin1String("Exif.Photo.UserComment") << QLatin1String("Exif.Image.Copyright") << QLatin1String("Exif.Image.Artist"); exifDominatedHelper.exclusiveMerge(xmpsidecar->exifData(), exifMetadata()); // Date/Time and "the few more" from the XMP spec are handled as writeback // Note that Date/Time mapping is slightly contradictory in latest specs. ExifMergeHelper exifWritebackHelper; exifWritebackHelper << QLatin1String("Exif.Image.DateTime") << QLatin1String("Exif.Image.DateTime") << QLatin1String("Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal") << QLatin1String("Exif.Photo.DateTimeDigitized") << QLatin1String("Exif.Image.Orientation") << QLatin1String("Exif.Image.XResolution") << QLatin1String("Exif.Image.YResolution") << QLatin1String("Exif.Image.ResolutionUnit") << QLatin1String("Exif.Image.Software") << QLatin1String("Exif.Photo.RelatedSoundFile"); exifWritebackHelper.mergeFields(xmpsidecar->exifData(), exifMetadata()); // IPTC // These fields cover almost all relevant IPTC data and are defined in the XMP specification for reconciliation. IptcMergeHelper iptcDominatedHelper; iptcDominatedHelper << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.ObjectName") << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.Urgency") << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.Category") << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.SuppCategory") << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.Keywords") << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.SubLocation") << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.SpecialInstructions") << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.Byline") << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.BylineTitle") << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.City") << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.ProvinceState") << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.CountryCode") << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.CountryName") << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.TransmissionReference") << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.Headline") << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.Credit") << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.Source") << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.Copyright") << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.Caption") << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.Writer"); iptcDominatedHelper.exclusiveMerge(xmpsidecar->iptcData(), iptcMetadata()); IptcMergeHelper iptcWritebackHelper; iptcWritebackHelper << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.DateCreated") << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.TimeCreated") << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.DigitizationDate") << QLatin1String("Iptc.Application2.DigitizationTime"); iptcWritebackHelper.mergeFields(xmpsidecar->iptcData(), iptcMetadata()); /* * TODO: Exiv2 (referring to 0.23) does not correctly synchronize all times values as given below. * Time values and their synchronization: * Original Date/Time – Creation date of the intellectual content (e.g. the photograph), rather than the creatio*n date of the content being shown Exif DateTimeOriginal (36867, 0x9003) and SubSecTimeOriginal (37521, 0x9291) IPTC DateCreated (IIM 2:55, 0x0237) and TimeCreated (IIM 2:60, 0x023C) XMP (photoshop:DateCreated) * Digitized Date/Time – Creation date of the digital representation Exif DateTimeDigitized (36868, 0x9004) and SubSecTimeDigitized (37522, 0x9292) IPTC DigitalCreationDate (IIM 2:62, 0x023E) and DigitalCreationTime (IIM 2:63, 0x023F) XMP (xmp:CreateDate) * Modification Date/Time – Modification date of the digital image file Exif DateTime (306, 0x132) and SubSecTime (37520, 0x9290) XMP (xmp:ModifyDate) */ } #endif // _XMP_SUPPORT_ } // NameSpace KExiv2Iface