/** * This file is part of the KDE project * * Copyright (C) 2006 Nikolas Zimmermann * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "moc_test_regression_gui_window.cpp" // Taken from QUrl #define Q_HAS_FLAG(a, b) ( ((a) & (b)) == (b) ) #define Q_SET_FLAG(a, b) { (a) |= (b); } #define Q_UNSET_FLAG(a, b) { (a) &= ~(b); } TestRegressionWindow::TestRegressionWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), m_flags(None), m_runCounter(0), m_testCounter(0), m_totalTests(0), m_totalTestsJS(0), m_totalTestsDOMTS(0), m_lastResult(Unknown), m_browserPart(0), m_activeProcess(0), m_activeTreeItem(0), m_suspended(false), m_justProcessingQueue(false) { m_ui.setupUi(this); // Setup actions/connections connect(m_ui.actionOnly_run_JS_tests, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(toggleJSTests(bool))); connect(m_ui.actionOnly_run_HTML_tests, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(toggleHTMLTests(bool))); connect(m_ui.actionDo_not_suppress_debug_output, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(toggleDebugOutput(bool))); connect(m_ui.actionDo_not_use_Xvfb, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(toggleNoXvfbUse(bool))); connect(m_ui.actionSpecify_tests_directory, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(setTestsDirectory())); connect(m_ui.actionSpecify_khtml_directory, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(setKHTMLDirectory())); connect(m_ui.actionSpecify_output_directory, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(setOutputDirectory())); connect(m_ui.actionRun_tests, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(runTests())); connect(m_ui.pauseContinueButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(pauseContinueButtonClicked())); connect(m_ui.saveLogButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(saveLogButtonClicked())); connect(m_ui.treeWidget, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(treeWidgetContextMenuRequested(QPoint))); // Setup actions' default state m_ui.progressBar->setValue(0); m_ui.textEdit->setReadOnly(true); m_ui.actionRun_tests->setEnabled(false); m_ui.pauseContinueButton->setEnabled(false); m_ui.treeWidget->headerItem()->setTextAlignment(0, Qt::AlignLeft); m_ui.treeWidget->headerItem()->setText(0, i18n("Available Tests: 0")); // Load default values for tests directory/khtml directory... KConfig config("testregressiongui", KConfig::SimpleConfig); KConfigGroup grp = config.group(""); m_testsUrl = KUrl::fromPath(grp.readPathEntry("TestsDirectory", QString())); m_khtmlUrl = KUrl::fromPath(grp.readPathEntry("KHTMLDirectory", QString())); initTestsDirectory(); // Init early visible items in the text edit... initLegend(); initOutputBrowser(); } TestRegressionWindow::~TestRegressionWindow() { if(m_activeProcess) { m_activeProcess->kill(); /* This leads to: * QProcess object destroyed while process is still running. * Any idea why?? delete m_activeProcess; */ m_activeProcess = 0; } } void TestRegressionWindow::toggleJSTests(bool checked) { if(checked) { Q_SET_FLAG(m_flags, JSTests) Q_UNSET_FLAG(m_flags, HTMLTests) m_ui.actionOnly_run_HTML_tests->setChecked(false); } else Q_UNSET_FLAG(m_flags, JSTests) // Eventually update progress bar range... updateProgressBarRange(); } void TestRegressionWindow::toggleHTMLTests(bool checked) { if(checked) { Q_SET_FLAG(m_flags, HTMLTests) Q_UNSET_FLAG(m_flags, JSTests) m_ui.actionOnly_run_JS_tests->setChecked(false); } else Q_UNSET_FLAG(m_flags, HTMLTests) // Eventually update progress bar range... updateProgressBarRange(); } void TestRegressionWindow::toggleDebugOutput(bool checked) { if(checked) Q_SET_FLAG(m_flags, DebugOutput) else Q_UNSET_FLAG(m_flags, DebugOutput) } void TestRegressionWindow::toggleNoXvfbUse(bool checked) { if(checked) Q_SET_FLAG(m_flags, NoXvfbUse) else Q_UNSET_FLAG(m_flags, NoXvfbUse) } void TestRegressionWindow::setTestsDirectory() { m_testsUrl = KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(); initTestsDirectory(); loadOutputHTML(); } void TestRegressionWindow::setOutputDirectory() { m_outputUrl = KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(); loadOutputHTML(); } void TestRegressionWindow::initTestsDirectory() { bool okay = !m_testsUrl.isEmpty(); if(okay) { const char *subdirs[] = { "tests", "baseline", "output", "resources" }; for(int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { QFileInfo sourceDir(m_testsUrl.path() + "/" + subdirs[i]); //krazy:exclude=duoblequote_chars DOM demands chars if(!sourceDir.exists() || !sourceDir.isDir()) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Please choose a valid 'khtmltests/regression/' directory.")); okay = false; m_testsUrl = KUrl(); break; } } } if(okay) { // Clean up... m_itemMap.clear(); m_ignoreMap.clear(); m_failureMap.clear(); m_directoryMap.clear(); m_ui.treeWidget->clear(); if(!m_khtmlUrl.isEmpty()) m_ui.actionRun_tests->setEnabled(true); // Initialize map (to prevent assert below)... m_directoryMap.insert(QString(), QStringList()); // Setup root tree widget item... (void) new QTreeWidgetItem(m_ui.treeWidget, QStringList(m_testsUrl.path() + "/tests")); // Check for ignore & failure file in root directory... QString ignoreFile = m_testsUrl.path() + "/tests/ignore"; QString failureFile = m_testsUrl.path() + "/tests/KNOWN_FAILURES"; QStringList ignoreFileList = readListFile(ignoreFile); QStringList failureFileList = readListFile(failureFile); if(!ignoreFileList.isEmpty()) m_ignoreMap.insert(QString(), ignoreFileList); if(!failureFileList.isEmpty()) m_failureMap.insert(QString(), failureFileList); // Remember directory... KConfig config("testregressiongui", KConfig::SimpleConfig); KConfigGroup grp = config.group(""); grp.writePathEntry("TestsDirectory", m_testsUrl.path()); // Start listing directory... KUrl listUrl = m_testsUrl; listUrl.addPath("tests"); KIO::ListJob *job = KIO::listRecursive(listUrl, KIO::HideProgressInfo, false /* no hidden files */); connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), SLOT(directoryListingFinished(KJob*))); connect(job, SIGNAL(entries(KIO::Job*,KIO::UDSEntryList)), this, SLOT(directoryListingResult(KIO::Job*,KIO::UDSEntryList))); } } void TestRegressionWindow::setKHTMLDirectory() { m_khtmlUrl = KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(); if(!m_khtmlUrl.isEmpty()) { const char *subdirs[] = { "css", "dom", "xml", "html" }; // That's enough ;-) for(int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { QFileInfo sourceDir(m_khtmlUrl.path() + "/" + subdirs[i]); //krazy:exclude=duoblequote_chars DOM demands chars if(!sourceDir.exists() || !sourceDir.isDir()) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Please choose a valid 'khtml/' build directory.")); m_khtmlUrl = KUrl(); break; } } // Remember directory... KConfig config("testregressiongui", KConfig::SimpleConfig); KConfigGroup grp = config.group(""); grp.writePathEntry("KHTMLDirectory", m_khtmlUrl.path()); if(!m_testsUrl.isEmpty() && !m_khtmlUrl.isEmpty()) m_ui.actionRun_tests->setEnabled(true); } } void TestRegressionWindow::directoryListingResult(KIO::Job *, const KIO::UDSEntryList &list) { KIO::UDSEntryList::ConstIterator it = list.constBegin(); const KIO::UDSEntryList::ConstIterator end = list.constEnd(); for(; it != end; ++it) { const KIO::UDSEntry &entry = *it; QString name = entry.stringValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_NAME); if(entry.isDir()) // Create new map entry... { assert(m_directoryMap.constFind(name) == m_directoryMap.constEnd()); m_directoryMap.insert(name, QStringList()); QString ignoreFile = m_testsUrl.path() + "/tests/" + name + "/ignore"; QString failureFile = m_testsUrl.path() + "/tests/" + name + "/KNOWN_FAILURES"; QStringList ignoreFileList = readListFile(ignoreFile); QStringList failureFileList = readListFile(failureFile); if(!ignoreFileList.isEmpty()) m_ignoreMap.insert(name, ignoreFileList); if(!failureFileList.isEmpty()) m_failureMap.insert(name, failureFileList); } else if(name.endsWith(".html") || name.endsWith(".htm") || name.endsWith(".xhtml") || name.endsWith(".xml") || name.endsWith(".js")) { int lastSlashPos = name.lastIndexOf('/'); QString cachedDirectory = (lastSlashPos > 0 ? name.mid(0, lastSlashPos) : QString()); QString cachedFilename = name.mid(lastSlashPos + 1); assert(m_directoryMap.constFind(cachedDirectory) != m_directoryMap.constEnd()); m_directoryMap[cachedDirectory].append(cachedFilename); } } } void TestRegressionWindow::directoryListingFinished(KJob *) { QTreeWidgetItem *topLevelItem = m_ui.treeWidget->topLevelItem(0); // Gather a lot of statistics... unsigned long availableDomFiles = 0; unsigned long availableDumpFiles = 0; unsigned long availableRenderFiles = 0; unsigned long ignoredJSTests = 0; unsigned long availableJSTests = 0; unsigned long ignoredXMLTests = 0; unsigned long availableXMLTests = 0; unsigned long ignoredHTMLTests = 0; unsigned long availableHTMLTests = 0; unsigned long ignoredDOMTSTests = 0; unsigned long availableDOMTSTests = 0; // Start the actual data processing... QMap::const_iterator it = m_directoryMap.constBegin(); const QMap::const_iterator end = m_directoryMap.constEnd(); for(; it != end; ++it) { QString directory = it.key(); QStringList filenames = it.value(); if(filenames.isEmpty()) // Do not add empty directories at all... continue; bool hasIgnores = (m_ignoreMap.constFind(directory) != m_directoryMap.constEnd()); bool hasFailures = (m_failureMap.constFind(directory) != m_failureMap.constEnd()); // Extract parent directory... int position = directory.lastIndexOf('/'); QString parentDirectory = directory.mid(0, (position == -1 ? 0 : position)); QString parentDirectoryItem = directory.mid(position + 1); bool hasParentIgnores = (m_ignoreMap.constFind(parentDirectory) != m_directoryMap.constEnd()); bool hasParentFailures = (m_failureMap.constFind(parentDirectory) != m_failureMap.constEnd()); // Sort in ascending order... filenames.sort(); QStringList::const_iterator it2 = filenames.constBegin(); const QStringList::const_iterator end2 = filenames.constEnd(); // Create new tree widget item for the active directory... QTreeWidgetItem *parent = topLevelItem; if(!directory.isEmpty()) { parent = new QTreeWidgetItem(topLevelItem, QStringList(directory)); // Directory is completely ignored, mark it 'yellow'... if(hasParentIgnores && m_ignoreMap[parentDirectory].contains(parentDirectoryItem)) parent->setIcon(0, m_ignorePixmap); // Directory is completely known to fail, mark it 'red'... if(hasParentFailures && m_failureMap[parentDirectory].contains(parentDirectoryItem)) parent->setIcon(0, m_failKnownPixmap); } // Add all contained files as new items below 'parent'... for(; it2 != end2; ++it2) { QString test = (*it2); QString cacheName = directory + "/" + test; //krazy:exclude=duoblequote_chars DOM demands chars QTreeWidgetItem *testItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(parent, QStringList(KUrl(test).path())); // Remember name <-> item pair... assert(m_itemMap.contains(cacheName)); m_itemMap.insert(cacheName, testItem); bool ignore = (hasIgnores && m_ignoreMap[directory].contains(test)); bool ignoreParent = (hasParentIgnores && m_ignoreMap[parentDirectory].contains(parentDirectoryItem)); bool failure = (hasFailures && m_failureMap[directory].contains(test)); // Check baseline directory for this test... QString baseLinePath = m_testsUrl.path() + "/baseline/" + cacheName; bool dom[9], render[9]; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { if(i == 0) { dom[i] = (QFileInfo(baseLinePath + "-dom").exists()); render[i] = (QFileInfo(baseLinePath + "-render").exists()); } else { dom[i] = (QFileInfo(baseLinePath + "-" + QString::number(i) + "-dom").exists()); //krazy:exclude=duoblequote_chars DOM demands chars render[i] = (QFileInfo(baseLinePath + "-" + QString::number(i) + "-render").exists()); //krazy:exclude=duoblequote_chars DOM demands chars } } bool dump = (QFileInfo(baseLinePath + "-dump.png").exists()); // Ignored tests are marked 'yellow'... if(ignore) testItem->setIcon(0, m_ignorePixmap); // Tests, known to fail, are marked 'red'... if(failure) testItem->setIcon(0, m_failKnownPixmap); // Detect whether the tests has no corresponding baseline items... if(!ignore && !failure) { if(!dom[0] && !dump && !render && !cacheName.endsWith(".js") && !cacheName.startsWith("domts")) { // See if parent directory is completely ignored... if(!ignoreParent) testItem->setIcon(0, m_noBaselinePixmap); } } // Update statistics... if(dump) availableDumpFiles++; for(unsigned i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { if(dom[i]) availableDomFiles++; if(render[i]) availableRenderFiles++; } // Count DOM Testsuite files separated... (these have no baseline items!) if(cacheName.startsWith("domts")) { // See if parent directory is completely ignored... if(ignore || ignoreParent) ignoredDOMTSTests++; else availableDOMTSTests++; } if(cacheName.endsWith(".html") || cacheName.endsWith(".htm") || cacheName.endsWith(".xhtml")) { if(ignore || ignoreParent) ignoredHTMLTests++; else availableHTMLTests++; } else if(cacheName.endsWith(".xml")) { if(ignore || ignoreParent) ignoredXMLTests++; else availableXMLTests++; } else if(cacheName.endsWith(".js")) { unsigned long containedTests = 0; // Try hard to _ESTIMATE_ the number of tests... // I really meant estimate, no way to calculate it perfectly. QString jsFilePath = m_testsUrl.path() + "/tests/" + cacheName; assert(QFileInfo(jsFilePath).exists() == true); QStringList fileList = readListFile(jsFilePath); QString fileContent = fileList.join(""); // #1 -> Check js file for the 'reportResult' calls... containedTests = fileContent.count("reportResult"); // #2 -> Check js file for 'openPage' calls... containedTests += fileContent.count("openPage"); // #3 -> Check js file for 'checkOutput' calls... containedTests += fileContent.count("checkOutput"); // #4 -> Fallback for ie. mozilla/ecma files... if(containedTests == 0) // Doesn't use 'reportResult' scheme... containedTests++; if(ignore || ignoreParent) ignoredJSTests += containedTests; else availableJSTests += containedTests; } } } // Now we can calculate all ignored/available tests... unsigned long ignoredTests = ignoredJSTests + ignoredXMLTests + ignoredHTMLTests; unsigned long availableTests = availableJSTests + availableXMLTests + availableHTMLTests; // This estimates the number of total tests, depending on the mode... m_totalTests = availableDomFiles + availableDumpFiles + availableRenderFiles + availableDOMTSTests + availableJSTests; m_totalTestsJS = availableJSTests; m_totalTestsDOMTS = availableDOMTSTests; // Update progress bar range... updateProgressBarRange(); QString statistics = QString("") + QString("") + QString("") + QString("") + QString("") + QString("
JS Tests" + QString::number(availableJSTests) + "(" + QString::number(ignoredJSTests) + " ignored)
XML Tests" + QString::number(availableXMLTests) + "(" + QString::number(ignoredXMLTests) + " ignored)
HTML Tests" + QString::number(availableHTMLTests) + "(" + QString::number(ignoredHTMLTests) + " ignored)
"); // Go to end... QTextCursor cursor = m_ui.textEdit->textCursor(); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); m_ui.textEdit->setTextCursor(cursor); // Insert statistics... m_ui.textEdit->insertHtml(statistics); // Update treeview... m_ui.treeWidget->headerItem()->setText(0, i18n("Available Tests: %1 (ignored: %2)", availableTests, ignoredTests)); } void TestRegressionWindow::updateProgressBarRange() const { if(m_totalTests != 0 && m_totalTestsJS != 0) { unsigned long totalTests = m_totalTests; if(Q_HAS_FLAG(m_flags, JSTests)) totalTests = m_totalTestsJS; else if(Q_HAS_FLAG(m_flags, HTMLTests)) { totalTests -= m_totalTestsJS; totalTests -= m_totalTestsDOMTS; } m_ui.progressBar->setRange(0, totalTests); } } void TestRegressionWindow::pauseContinueButtonClicked() { assert(m_activeProcess != 0); if(!m_suspended) { // Suspend process kill(m_activeProcess->pid(), SIGSTOP); m_suspended = true; m_ui.pauseContinueButton->setText(i18n("Continue")); } else { // Continue process kill(m_activeProcess->pid(), SIGCONT); m_suspended = false; m_ui.pauseContinueButton->setText(i18n("Pause")); } } void TestRegressionWindow::saveLogButtonClicked() { assert(m_activeProcess == 0); m_saveLogUrl = KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(); QString fileName = m_saveLogUrl.path() + "/logOutput.html"; if(QFileInfo(fileName).exists()) { // Remove file if already existent... QFile file(fileName); if(!file.remove()) { kError() << " Can't remove " << fileName << endl; exit(1); } } } void TestRegressionWindow::runTests() { // Run in all-in-one mode... m_runCounter = 0; m_testCounter = 0; initRegressionTesting(QString()); } void TestRegressionWindow::runSingleTest() { assert(m_activeTreeItem != 0); QString testFileName = pathFromItem(m_activeTreeItem); // Run in single-test mode... m_runCounter = 0; m_testCounter = -1; initRegressionTesting(testFileName); } void TestRegressionWindow::initRegressionTesting(const QString &testFileName) { assert(m_activeProcess == 0); m_activeProcess = new QProcess(); m_activeProcess->setReadChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); QStringList environment = QProcess::systemEnvironment(); environment << "KDE_DEBUG=false"; // No Dr. Konqi please! QString program = m_khtmlUrl.path() + "/.libs/testregression"; QString program2 = m_khtmlUrl.path() + "/testregression"; // with CMake, it's in $buildir/bin if(!QFileInfo(program).exists()) { if(!QFileInfo(program2).exists()) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Cannot find testregression executable.")); return; } else { program = program2; } } QStringList arguments; arguments << "--base" << m_testsUrl.path(); if(!m_outputUrl.isEmpty()) arguments << "--output" << m_outputUrl.path(); if(!testFileName.isEmpty()) arguments << "--test" << testFileName; if(Q_HAS_FLAG(m_flags, JSTests)) arguments << "--js"; if(Q_HAS_FLAG(m_flags, HTMLTests)) arguments << "--html"; if(Q_HAS_FLAG(m_flags, DebugOutput)) arguments << "--debug"; if(Q_HAS_FLAG(m_flags, NoXvfbUse)) arguments << "--noxvfb"; connect(m_activeProcess, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), SLOT(testerExited(int,QProcess::ExitStatus))); connect(m_activeProcess, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), SLOT(testerReceivedData())); // Clear processing queue before starting... m_processingQueue.clear(); // Clean up gui... m_ui.textEdit->clear(); m_ui.progressBar->reset(); m_ui.saveLogButton->setEnabled(false); m_ui.actionRun_tests->setEnabled(false); m_ui.pauseContinueButton->setEnabled(true); // Start regression testing process... m_activeProcess->setEnvironment(environment); m_activeProcess->start(program, arguments, QIODevice::ReadOnly); } void TestRegressionWindow::initOutputBrowser() { assert(m_browserPart == 0); m_browserPart = new KHTMLPart(m_ui.secondTab, m_ui.secondTab, KHTMLPart::BrowserViewGUI); // Setup vertical layout for the browser widget... QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(); layout->addWidget(m_browserPart->widget()); m_ui.secondTab->setLayout(layout); m_browserPart->setJavaEnabled(true); m_browserPart->setJScriptEnabled(true); m_browserPart->setPluginsEnabled(true); m_browserPart->setURLCursor(QCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor)); m_browserPart->widget()->show(); // Check if there is already an output/index.html present... loadOutputHTML(); } void TestRegressionWindow::loadOutputHTML() const { if(m_testsUrl.isEmpty()) return; QString fileName = m_testsUrl.path() + "/output/index.html"; if(!m_outputUrl.isEmpty()) fileName = m_outputUrl.path() + "/index.html"; QFileInfo indexHtml(fileName); if(indexHtml.exists()) { m_browserPart->openUrl(KUrl::fromPath(fileName)); m_ui.tabWidget->setTabEnabled(1, true); } else m_ui.tabWidget->setTabEnabled(1, false); } void TestRegressionWindow::updateItemStatus(TestResult result, QTreeWidgetItem *item, const QString &testFileName) { if(!item) return; // Ensure item is visible... QTreeWidgetItem *parent = item; while(parent != 0) { m_ui.treeWidget->setItemExpanded(parent, true); parent = parent->parent(); } m_ui.treeWidget->scrollToItem(item); bool updateIcon = true; if(m_lastName == testFileName && !m_lastName.isEmpty()) { if(m_lastResult == result) updateIcon = false; else if((m_lastResult == Pass || m_lastResult == PassUnexpected) && (result == Fail || result == FailKnown || result == Crash)) { // If one part of the test (render/dom/paint) passed, // and the current part fails, update to 'failed' icon... updateIcon = true; } else if((m_lastResult == Fail || m_lastResult == FailKnown || m_lastResult == Crash) && (result == Pass || result == PassUnexpected)) { // If one part of the test (render/dom/paint) failed, // and the current part passes, don't update to 'passed' icon... updateIcon = false; } } // Update icon, if necessary... if(updateIcon) { if(result == Crash) item->setIcon(0, m_crashPixmap); else if(result == Fail) item->setIcon(0, m_failPixmap); else if(result == FailKnown) item->setIcon(0, m_failKnownPixmap); else if(result == Pass) item->setIcon(0, m_passPixmap); else if(result == PassUnexpected) item->setIcon(0, m_passUnexpectedPixmap); else // Unhandled state... assert(false); } // Remember test & result... m_lastResult = result; m_lastName = testFileName; m_activeTreeItem = item; } void TestRegressionWindow::initLegend() { // Init pixmaps... m_failPixmap = QPixmap(":/test/pics/fail.xpm"); m_failKnownPixmap = QPixmap(":/test/pics/failKnown.xpm"); m_passPixmap = QPixmap(":/test/pics/pass.xpm"); m_passUnexpectedPixmap = QPixmap(":/test/pics/passUnexpected.xpm"); m_ignorePixmap = QPixmap(":/test/pics/ignore.xpm"); m_crashPixmap = QPixmap(":/test/pics/crash.xpm"); m_noBaselinePixmap = QPixmap(":/test/pics/noBaseline.xpm"); QString legend = QLatin1String("
Welcome to the khtml
") + QLatin1String("regression testing tool!

") + QLatin1String("") + QLatin1String("") + QLatin1String("") + QLatin1String("") + QLatin1String("") + QLatin1String("") + QLatin1String("") + QLatin1String("") + QLatin1String("") + QLatin1String("
Pass unexpected
Fail known
Baseline missing
"); m_ui.textEdit->setHtml(legend); } void TestRegressionWindow::testerExited(int /* exitCode */, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus) { assert(m_activeProcess != 0); assert(m_activeTreeItem != 0); if(exitStatus == QProcess::CrashExit) // Special case: crash! { QTreeWidgetItem *useItem = m_activeTreeItem; if(m_testCounter >= 0 || m_runCounter > 0) // Single-tests mode invoked on a directory OR All-test-mode { QTreeWidgetItem *parent = useItem->parent(); assert(parent != 0); useItem = parent->child(parent->indexOfChild(useItem) + 1); assert(useItem != 0); } // Reflect crashed test... updateItemStatus(Crash, useItem, QString()); } if(m_testCounter >= 0) // All-tests mode m_ui.progressBar->setValue(m_ui.progressBar->maximum()); // Eventually save log output... if(!m_saveLogUrl.isEmpty()) { // We should close our written log with . m_processingQueue.enqueue(QString::fromLatin1("\n\n")); if(!m_justProcessingQueue) { m_justProcessingQueue = true; QTimer::singleShot(50, this, SLOT(processQueue())); } } // Cleanup gui... m_ui.saveLogButton->setEnabled(true); m_ui.actionRun_tests->setEnabled(true); m_ui.pauseContinueButton->setEnabled(false); // Check if there is already an output/index.html present... loadOutputHTML(); // Cleanup data.. delete m_activeProcess; m_activeProcess = 0; m_runCounter = 0; m_testCounter = 0; m_activeTreeItem = 0; } void TestRegressionWindow::testerReceivedData() { assert(m_activeProcess != 0); QString data(m_activeProcess->readAllStandardOutput()); QStringList list = data.split('\n'); QStringList::const_iterator it = list.constBegin(); const QStringList::const_iterator end = list.constEnd(); for(; it != end; ++it) { QString temp = *it; if(!temp.isEmpty()) m_processingQueue.enqueue(temp); } if(!m_justProcessingQueue) { m_justProcessingQueue = true; QTimer::singleShot(50, this, SLOT(processQueue())); } } void TestRegressionWindow::processQueue() { while(!m_processingQueue.isEmpty()) { QString data = m_processingQueue.dequeue(); TestResult result = Unknown; QString cacheName = extractTestNameFromData(data, result); if(result != Unknown) // Yes, we're dealing with a test result... { if(cacheName.isEmpty()) // Make sure everything is alright! { kError() << "Couldn't extract cacheName from data=\"" << data << "\"! Ignoring!" << endl; continue; } } parseRegressionTestingOutput(data, result, cacheName); } m_justProcessingQueue = false; } void TestRegressionWindow::addToIgnores() { assert(m_activeTreeItem != 0); QString treeItemText = pathFromItem(m_activeTreeItem); // Extract directory/file name... int position = treeItemText.lastIndexOf('/'); QString directory = treeItemText.mid(0, (position == -1 ? 0 : position)); QString fileName = treeItemText.mid(position + 1); // Read corresponding ignore file.. QString ignoreFile = m_testsUrl.path() + "/tests/" + directory + "/ignore"; QStringList ignoreFileList = readListFile(ignoreFile); if(!ignoreFileList.contains(fileName)) ignoreFileList.append(fileName); // Commit changes... writeListFile(ignoreFile, ignoreFileList); // Reset icon status... m_activeTreeItem->setIcon(0, m_ignorePixmap); } void TestRegressionWindow::removeFromIgnores() { assert(m_activeTreeItem != 0); QString treeItemText = pathFromItem(m_activeTreeItem); // Extract directory/file name... int position = treeItemText.lastIndexOf('/'); QString directory = treeItemText.mid(0, (position == -1 ? 0 : position)); QString fileName = treeItemText.mid(position + 1); // Read corresponding ignore file.. QString ignoreFile = m_testsUrl.path() + "/tests/" + directory + "/ignore"; QStringList ignoreFileList = readListFile(ignoreFile); if(ignoreFileList.contains(fileName)) ignoreFileList.removeAll(fileName); // Commit changes... writeListFile(ignoreFile, ignoreFileList); // Reset icon status... m_activeTreeItem->setIcon(0, QPixmap()); } QString TestRegressionWindow::pathFromItem(const QTreeWidgetItem *item) const { QString path = item->text(0); QTreeWidgetItem *parent = item->parent(); while(parent != 0) { if(parent->parent() != 0) path.prepend(parent->text(0) + "/"); //krazy:exclude=duoblequote_chars DOM demands chars parent = parent->parent(); } return path; } QString TestRegressionWindow::extractTestNameFromData(QString &data, TestResult &result) const { if(data.indexOf("PASS") >= 0 || data.indexOf("FAIL") >= 0) { // Name extraction regexps... QString bracesSelector("[0-9a-zA-Z-_<>\\* +-,.:!?$'\"=/\\[\\]\\(\\)]*"); QRegExp expPass("PASS: (" + bracesSelector + ")"); //krazy:exclude=duoblequote_chars DOM demands chars QRegExp expPassUnexpected("PASS \\(unexpected!\\): (" + bracesSelector + ")"); //krazy:exclude=duoblequote_chars DOM demands chars QRegExp expFail("FAIL: (" + bracesSelector + ")"); //krazy:exclude=duoblequote_chars DOM demands chars QRegExp expFailKnown("FAIL \\(known\\): (" + bracesSelector + ")"); //krazy:exclude=duoblequote_chars DOM demands chars // Extract name of test... (while using regexps as rare as possible!) int pos = -1; QString test; QRegExp cleanTest(" \\[" + bracesSelector + "\\]"); pos = expPass.indexIn(data); if(pos > -1) { test = expPass.cap(1); result = Pass; } if(result == Unknown) { pos = expPassUnexpected.indexIn(data); if(pos > -1) { test = expPassUnexpected.cap(1); result = PassUnexpected; } } if(result == Unknown) { pos = expFail.indexIn(data); if(pos > -1) { test = expFail.cap(1); result = Fail; } } if(result == Unknown) { pos = expFailKnown.indexIn(data); if(pos > -1) { test = expFailKnown.cap(1); result = FailKnown; } } if(!test.isEmpty() && result != Unknown) // Got information about test... { // Clean up first, so we only get the file name... test.replace(cleanTest, QString()); // Extract cached directory/filename pair... int lastSlashPos = test.lastIndexOf('/'); QString cachedDirectory = (lastSlashPos > 0 ? test.mid(0, lastSlashPos) : QString()); QString cachedFilename = test.mid(lastSlashPos + 1); if(cachedDirectory == ".") // Handle cases like "./empty.html" cachedDirectory.clear(); assert(m_directoryMap.constFind(cachedDirectory) != m_directoryMap.constEnd()); QString cacheName = cachedDirectory + "/" + cachedFilename; //krazy:exclude=duoblequote_chars DOM demands chars if(m_itemMap.constFind(cacheName) != m_itemMap.constEnd()) { // Highlight test... data.replace(expPass, "PASS:\t\\1"); data.replace(expPassUnexpected, "PASS (unexpected!):\t\\1"); data.replace(expFail, "FAIL:\t\\1"); data.replace(expFailKnown, "FAIL (known):\t\\1"); return cacheName; } } } return QString(); } void TestRegressionWindow::parseRegressionTestingOutput(QString data, TestResult result, const QString &cacheName) { if(!cacheName.isEmpty()) { if(m_testCounter >= 0) // Only increment in all-tests mode... m_testCounter++; m_runCounter++; // Always increment... // Update the icon... updateItemStatus(result, m_itemMap[cacheName], cacheName); } // Apply some nice formatting for the statistics... if(data.indexOf("Total") >= 0 || data.indexOf("Passes") >= 0 || data.indexOf("Tests completed") >= 0 || data.indexOf("Errors:") >= 0 || data.indexOf("Failures:") >= 0) { QRegExp expTotal("Total: ([0-9]*)"); QRegExp expPasses("Passes: ([0-9 a-z\\(\\)]*)"); QRegExp expErrors("Errors: ([0-9 a-z]*)"); QRegExp expFailures("Failures: ([0-9 a-z\\(\\)]*)"); data.replace("Tests completed.", "

Tests completed.

"); data.replace(expTotal, "Total: \\1"); data.replace(expPasses, "Passes: \\1"); data.replace(expErrors, "Errors: \\1"); data.replace(expFailures, "Failures: \\1"); } if(!data.contains("\n")) // Don't put
behind ! data.append("
"); // Update text edit... updateLogOutput(data); // Update progressbar... if(m_testCounter > 0) m_ui.progressBar->setValue(m_testCounter); } void TestRegressionWindow::treeWidgetContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &pos) { if((m_testCounter == -1 && m_activeProcess) || (m_testCounter > 0 && m_activeProcess) || m_testsUrl.isEmpty() || m_khtmlUrl.isEmpty()) // Still processing/not ready yet... { return; } QTreeWidgetItem *item = m_ui.treeWidget->itemAt(pos); if(item && item != m_ui.treeWidget->topLevelItem(0)) { m_activeTreeItem = item; // Build & show popup menu... QMenu menu(m_ui.treeWidget); menu.addAction(SmallIcon("media-playback-start"), i18n("Run test..."), this, SLOT(runSingleTest())); menu.addSeparator(); menu.addAction(SmallIcon("list-add"), i18n("Add to ignores..."), this, SLOT(addToIgnores())); menu.addAction(SmallIcon("dialog-cancel"), i18n("Remove from ignores..."), this, SLOT(removeFromIgnores())); if(!menu.exec(m_ui.treeWidget->mapToGlobal(pos))) m_activeTreeItem = 0; // Needs reset... } } void TestRegressionWindow::updateLogOutput(const QString &data) { QTextCursor cursor = m_ui.textEdit->textCursor(); // Append 'data'... m_ui.textEdit->insertHtml(data); // Keep a maximum of 100 lines in the log... const int maxLogLines = 100; long logLines = countLogLines(); if(logLines > maxLogLines) { cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Start); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Down, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, logLines - maxLogLines); cursor.removeSelectedText(); } // Go to end... cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); m_ui.textEdit->setTextCursor(cursor); // Eventually save log output... if(!m_saveLogUrl.isEmpty()) { QString fileName = m_saveLogUrl.path() + "/logOutput.html"; QIODevice::OpenMode fileFlags = QIODevice::WriteOnly; bool fileExists = QFileInfo(fileName).exists(); if(fileExists) fileFlags |= QIODevice::Append; QFile file(fileName); if(!file.open(fileFlags)) { kError() << " Can't open " << fileName << endl; exit(1); } if(!fileExists) file.write(QString::fromLatin1("\n\n").toLatin1()); file.write(QString(data + "\n").toLatin1()); //krazy:exclude=duoblequote_chars DOM demands chars file.close(); // Reset save log url, if we reached the end... if(data.contains("\n")) m_saveLogUrl = KUrl(); } } unsigned long TestRegressionWindow::countLogLines() const { QTextCursor cursor = m_ui.textEdit->textCursor(); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Start); unsigned long lines = 0; while(cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Down, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor)) lines++; return lines; } QStringList TestRegressionWindow::readListFile(const QString &fileName) const { QStringList files; QFileInfo fileInfo(fileName); if(fileInfo.exists()) { QFile file(fileName); if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { kError() << " Can't open " << fileName << endl; exit(1); } QString line; QTextStream fileStream(&file); while(!(line = fileStream.readLine()).isNull()) files.append(line); file.close(); } return files; } void TestRegressionWindow::writeListFile(const QString &fileName, const QStringList &content) const { QFile file(fileName); if(!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { kError() << " Can't open " << fileName << endl; exit(1); } file.write(content.join("\n").toLatin1()); file.close(); } // vim:ts=4:tw=4:noet