# - Try to find HUPnP library # Once done this will define # # HUPNP_FOUND - system has HUPnP # HUPNP_INCLUDE_DIR - the LIBHUpnp include directory # HUPNP_LIBS - the LIBHUpnp libraries # HUPNP_VERSION_STRING - The version of HUpnp # HUPNP_VERSION_MAJOR - The major version of HUpnp # HUPNP_VERSION_MINOR - The minor version of HUpnp # HUPNP_VERSION_PATCH - The patch version of HUpnp # # Copyright (c) 2010, Paulo Romulo Alves Barros # The minimum HUpnp version we require if(NOT HUpnp_FIND_VERSION) set(HUpnp_FIND_VERSION "0.9.1") endif() find_path( HUPNP_INCLUDE_DIR HUpnpCore/HUpnp ) find_library( HUPNP_LIBS NAMES HUpnp HUpnp1 ) if( HUPNP_INCLUDE_DIR AND EXISTS "${HUPNP_INCLUDE_DIR}/HUpnpCore/public/hupnpinfo.h" ) file( STRINGS "${HUPNP_INCLUDE_DIR}/HUpnpCore/public/hupnpinfo.h" HUPNP_INFO_H REGEX "^#define HUPNP_CORE_.*_VERSION .*$" ) string( REGEX REPLACE ".*HUPNP_CORE_MAJOR_VERSION ([0-9]+).*" "\\1" HUPNP_VERSION_MAJOR "${HUPNP_INFO_H}" ) string( REGEX REPLACE ".*HUPNP_CORE_MINOR_VERSION ([0-9]+).*" "\\1" HUPNP_VERSION_MINOR "${HUPNP_INFO_H}" ) string( REGEX REPLACE ".*HUPNP_CORE_PATCH_VERSION ([0-9]+).*" "\\1" HUPNP_VERSION_PATCH "${HUPNP_INFO_H}" ) set( HUPNP_VERSION_STRING "${HUPNP_VERSION_MAJOR}.${HUPNP_VERSION_MINOR}.${HUPNP_VERSION_PATCH}" ) endif() include( FindPackageHandleStandardArgs ) find_package_handle_standard_args( HUpnp REQUIRED_VARS HUPNP_INCLUDE_DIR HUPNP_LIBS VERSION_VAR HUPNP_VERSION_STRING ) mark_as_advanced( HUPNP_INCLUDE_DIR HUPNP_LIBS )