## install the cmake files # This variable doesn't actually do anything, but it's probably a good idea # to have it around, so there is a place where the modules which are not installed # are listed explicitly: set(cmakeFilesDontInstall FindMPV.cmake FindUDev.cmake FindAvahi.cmake FindENCHANT.cmake FindACL.cmake FindLibCDIO.cmake FindDevinfo.cmake FindFFmpeg.cmake FindLibRaw.cmake FindLibJPEG.cmake FindOpenJPEG.cmake FindWebP.cmake FindExiv2.cmake ) # Explicitly list all files which will be installed. # We don't use a GLOB anymore so we can have also cmake files here # which are used inside kdelibs, but which don't have to be installed (and # so become part of the public interface of kdelibs which has to be kept # compatible). set(cmakeFiles cmake-modules-styleguide.txt FindDjVuLibre.cmake FindEPub.cmake FindFFmpegThumbnailer.cmake FindFontconfig.cmake FindGettextPO.cmake FindGLIB2.cmake FindGphoto2.cmake FindKmod.cmake FindLibATASmart.cmake FindLibDeflate.cmake FindLibDRM.cmake FindLibLZMA.cmake FindLIBPARTED.cmake FindLibSpectre.cmake FindLibTorrent.cmake FindLibUSB.cmake FindLightDM.cmake FindLibGit2.cmake FindMtp.cmake FindPCIUTILS.cmake FindPoppler.cmake FindQalculate.cmake FindRAW1394.cmake FindSensors.cmake FindSharedMimeInfo.cmake FindSudo.cmake FindTaglib.cmake FindX11_XCB.cmake FindXCB.cmake kde4_exec.sh.in ) install( FILES ${cmakeFiles} DESTINATION ${KDE4_DATA_INSTALL_DIR}/cmake/modules ) install( FILES KDE4Defaults.cmake KDE4Macros.cmake DESTINATION ${KDE4_DATA_INSTALL_DIR}/cmake/KDELibs4 )