When evaluate is pressed, the given expression is evaluated and the result is displayed in the result(s) field. In case of list properties being pressed, the result of the expression is taken as an object and the objects properties are displayed with their type and value in the result(s) field.
Expression must be a valid javascript expression, e.g.window
"Today: " + (new Date()).toString()
It is also possible to assign a value, e.g.document.getElementsByTagName('H1').item(0).innerText="Hello World"
You may execute these examples by pasting them into the expression field.
The type of the result of the given expression.
The result of the expression is implicitly converted to a primitive type by the javascript interpreter,
if evaluate was pressed. When list properties was pressed, a for (var i in obj)
is executed to list the properties. These object properties are in turn evaluated and their types and values
are displayed.