/*************************************************************************** kmultitabbar.h - description ------------------- begin : 2001 copyright : (C) 2001,2002,2003 by Joseph Wenninger ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _KMultitabbar_h_ #define _KMultitabbar_h_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class KMultiTabBarPrivate; class KMultiTabBarTabPrivate; class KMultiTabBarInternal; /** * A Widget for horizontal and vertical tabs. * (Note that in Qt4, QTabBar can be vertical as well) * * It is possible to add normal buttons to the top/left * The handling if only one tab at a time or multiple tabs * should be raisable is left to the "user". * * \image html kmultitabbar.png "KDE Multi Tab Bar Widget" * * @author Joseph Wenninger */ class KDEUI_EXPORT KMultiTabBar: public QWidget { Q_OBJECT Q_ENUMS(KMultiTabBarPosition KMultiTabBarStyle) Q_PROPERTY(KMultiTabBarPosition position READ position WRITE setPosition) Q_PROPERTY(KMultiTabBarStyle tabStyle READ tabStyle WRITE setStyle) public: enum KMultiTabBarPosition { Left, Right, Top, Bottom }; /** * The list of available styles for KMultiTabBar * - VSNET - Visual Studio .Net like, always shows icon, only show the text of active tabs * - KDEV3ICON - Kdevelop 3 like, always shows the text and icons */ enum KMultiTabBarStyle{VSNET=0, KDEV3ICON=2,STYLELAST=0xffff}; explicit KMultiTabBar(KMultiTabBarPosition pos, QWidget *parent=0 ); virtual ~KMultiTabBar(); /** * append a new button to the button area. The button can later on be accessed with button(ID) * eg for connecting signals to it * @param pic a pixmap for the button * @param id an arbitraty ID value. It will be emitted in the clicked signal for identifying the button * if more than one button is connected to a signals. * @param popup A popup menu which should be displayed if the button is clicked * @param not_used_yet will be used for a popup text in the future */ int appendButton(const QPixmap &pic,int id=-1,QMenu* popup=0,const QString& not_used_yet=QString()); /** * remove a button with the given ID */ void removeButton(int id); /** * append a new tab to the tab area. It can be accessed lateron with tabb(id); * @param pic a bitmap for the tab * @param id an arbitrary ID which can be used later on to identify the tab * @param text if a mode with text is used it will be the tab text, otherwise a mouse over hint */ int appendTab(const QPixmap &pic,int id=-1,const QString& text=QString()); /** * remove a tab with a given ID */ void removeTab(int id); /** * set a tab to "raised" * @param id The ID of the tab to manipulate * @param state true == activated/raised, false == not active */ void setTab(int id ,bool state); /** * return the state of a tab, identified by its ID */ bool isTabRaised(int id) const; /** * get a pointer to a button within the button area identified by its ID */ class KMultiTabBarButton *button(int id) const; /** * get a pointer to a tab within the tab area, identiifed by its ID */ class KMultiTabBarTab *tab(int id) const; /** * set the real position of the widget. * @param pos if the mode is horizontal, only use top, bottom, if it is vertical use left or right */ void setPosition(KMultiTabBarPosition pos); /** * get the tabbar position. * @return position */ KMultiTabBarPosition position() const; /** * set the display style of the tabs */ void setStyle(KMultiTabBarStyle style); /** * get the display style of the tabs * @return display style */ KMultiTabBarStyle tabStyle() const; protected: friend class KMultiTabBarButton; virtual void fontChange( const QFont& ); void updateSeparator(); private: KMultiTabBarPrivate * const d; }; /** * Use KMultiTabBar::appendButton to append a button, which creates a KMultiTabBarButton instance */ class KDEUI_EXPORT KMultiTabBarButton: public QPushButton { Q_OBJECT public: int id() const; virtual ~KMultiTabBarButton(); public Q_SLOTS: void setText(const QString &text); Q_SIGNALS: /** * this is emitted if the button is clicked * @param id the ID identifying the button */ void clicked(int id); protected Q_SLOTS: virtual void slotClicked(); protected: virtual void hideEvent( class QHideEvent*); virtual void showEvent( class QShowEvent*); virtual void paintEvent( class QPaintEvent*); /** Should not be created directly. Use KMultiTabBar::appendButton */ KMultiTabBarButton(const QPixmap& pic, const QString&, int id, QWidget *parent); private: friend class KMultiTabBar; int m_id; }; /** * Use KMultiTabBar::appendTab to append a tab, which creates a KMultiTabBarTab instance */ class KDEUI_EXPORT KMultiTabBarTab: public KMultiTabBarButton { Q_OBJECT public: virtual ~KMultiTabBarTab(); virtual QSize sizeHint() const; virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const; public Q_SLOTS: /** * this is used internaly, but can be used by the user, if (s)he wants to * It the according call of KMultiTabBar is invoked though this modifications will be overwritten */ void setPosition(KMultiTabBar::KMultiTabBarPosition); /** * this is used internaly, but can be used by the user, if (s)he wants to * It the according call of KMultiTabBar is invoked though this modifications will be overwritten */ void setStyle(KMultiTabBar::KMultiTabBarStyle); /** * set the active state of the tab * @param state true==active false==not active */ void setState(bool state); void setIcon(const QString&); void setIcon(const QPixmap&); protected: virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *); private: KMultiTabBar::KMultiTabBarPosition m_position; KMultiTabBar::KMultiTabBarStyle m_style; void computeMargins (int* hMargin, int* vMargin) const; QSize computeSizeHint(bool withText) const; bool shouldDrawText() const; bool isVertical() const; QPixmap iconPixmap() const; void initStyleOption(QStyleOptionToolButton* opt) const; friend class KMultiTabBarInternal; /** * This class should never be created except with the appendTab call of KMultiTabBar */ KMultiTabBarTab(const QPixmap& pic, const QString&, int id, QWidget *parent, KMultiTabBar::KMultiTabBarPosition pos, KMultiTabBar::KMultiTabBarStyle style); KMultiTabBarTabPrivate * const d; }; #endif // kate: indent-width 4; replace-tabs on; tab-width 4; space-indent on;