kdecore: update debug area configs

Signed-off-by: Ivailo Monev <xakepa10@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Ivailo Monev 2021-02-26 10:59:38 +02:00
parent 33c18735be
commit c68843e793
2 changed files with 0 additions and 582 deletions

View file

@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
711 kutils (KCModuleProxy)
712 kutils (KCModuleInfo)
713 kutils (KCModuleContainer)
800 kdewebkit
912 ksmartcard (kdelibs)
920 Solid (kdelibs)
921 Solid Networking
@ -80,23 +79,12 @@
1420 kikbd
1421 ki18b_keys (kcmodule)
1430 nspluginviewer (Qt/Xt)
1431 nspluginviewer (plugin)
1432 nspluginviewer (part)
1433 nspluginscan
1441 Solid (NetworkManager)
# kdeutils
1511 kdessh (kdeutils)
1512 kdepasswd
1601 ark (kdeutils)
1800 okteta
1801 liboktetacore
1802 liboktetagui
1803 libkastencore
1804 libkastengui
1805 libkastencontrollers
1806 oktetakasten
1901 kfind
1902 kfind (KfindWindow::updateResults)
@ -118,10 +106,6 @@
# 2500-2999 Reserved for private use
# kdeadmin
3000 ksysv
3100 ksysv (model)
# kdegraphics
4300 kdvi (kdegraphics)
4400 kpaint (kdegraphics)
@ -154,56 +138,6 @@
5052 libkmime (Plugin Loader)
5100 libkdenetwork
# kdepim
5149 kdepim
5150 libkleo
5151 kleopatra
5152 kleopatra (kcm)
5153 kwatchgnupg
5154 kgpgconf
5200 kitchensync
5295 kode
5300 libkdepim
5310 kprefs
5320 kdepimlibs (kmime)
5321 kdepimlibs (kpimutils)
5322 kdepimlibs (kldap)
5323 kdepimlibs (kblog)
5324 kdepimlibs (mailtransport)
5325 kdepimlibs (kpimidentities)
5326 kdepimlibs (kpgp)
5327 kdepimlibs (kimap)
5328 kdepimlibs (microblog)
5329 kdepimlibs (kpimtextedit)
5350 kdepimlibs (kholidays)
5400 calendarsystem
5500 knotes
5510 kpilot
5511 kpilotdaemon
5512 kpilotconduit
5600 kontact (core)
5601 kontact (interfaces)
5602 kontact (plugins)
5650 kresources
5700 kdepimlibs (kabc)
5710 kabc/vcard
5720 kaddressbook
5800 kdepimlibs (kcal)
5810 kdepimlibs (kcalcore)
5820 kdepimlibs (kcalutils)
5850 korganizer
5855 korganizer (verbose)
5860 konsolekalendar
5890 korgac
5891 korgac (check)
5900 kalarmautostart
5950 kalarm
5951 kalarm (resources)
5955 kdepimlibs (kalarmcal)
5960 kandy
5970 ktimetracker
5975 ktnef
# libkio
7000 kio
7001 kio (KDirWatch)
@ -246,30 +180,15 @@
7102 kio_ftp
7103 kio_http
7104 kcookiejar
7105 kio_pop3
7106 kio_smb
7107 kio_man
7108 kio_info
7109 kio_tar
7110 kio_gzip
7111 kio_sql
7112 kio_smtp
7113 kio_http_debug
7114 kio_nntp
7115 kio_thumbnail
7116 kio_imap
7117 kio_audiocd
7118 kio_bzip2
7119 kio_help
7120 kio_sftp
7121 kio_nfs
7122 kio_sieve
7123 kio_kamera
7124 kio_cgi
7125 kio_ldap
7126 kio_devices
7127 kio_fish
7128 kio_svn
7131 kio_xz
# kdesdk
@ -284,116 +203,6 @@
8111 lokalize (TM)
8112 lokalize (Gettext)
8113 lokalize (XLIFF)
8050 cervisia
8051 cervisia (cvsservice)
8060 umbrello
# kdevelop
9000 kdevelop
9001 kdevelop (grep view)
9002 kdevelop (valgrind)
9003 kdevelop (xtest)
9004 kdevelop (output views)
#9005 kdevelop (class store)
#9006 kdevelop (cvs interface)
9007 kdevelop (cpp support)
#9008 kdevelop (gcc options)
#9009 kdevelop (astyle)
9010 kdevelop (appwizard)
9011 kdevelop (python support)
9012 kdevelop (gdb debugger)
9013 kdevelop (java support)
#9014 kdevelop (python support)
#9015 kdevelop (script project)
#9016 kdevelop (perl support)
9017 kdevelop (file view)
#9018 kdevelop (php support)
#9019 kdevelop (fortran support)
#9020 kdevelop (autotools project)
#9021 kdevelop (pgi options)
#9022 kdevelop (ctags)
#9023 kdevelop (regexptest)
9024 kdevelop (qmake support)
9025 kdevelop (custommakefile)
#9026 kdevelop (doxygen)
#9027 kdevelop (cvs)
#9028 kdevelop (abbrev)
#9029 kdevelop (filter)
#9030 kdevelop (texttools)
#9031 kdevelop (history)
9032 kdevelop (cmake support)
#9033 kdevelop (diff frontend)
#9034 kdevelop (filecreate part)
9035 kdevelop (konsole part)
9037 kdevelop (make builder)
9038 kdevelop (qtdesigner)
9039 kdevelop (qmake builder)
9040 kdevelop (cpp parser)
9041 kdevelop (cpp duchain)
9042 kdevelop (cmake support debug)
9043 kdevelop (php support)
9044 kdevelop (csharp support)
9045 kdevelop (qthelp support)
9046 kdevelop (xdebug)
9500 kdevplatform
9501 kdevplatform (shell)
9502 kdevplatform (interfaces)
9503 kdevplatform (project)
9504 kdevplatform (sublime)
9505 kdevplatform (language)
9506 kdevplatform (editor)
9507 kdevplatform (outputview)
9508 kdevplatform (util)
9509 kdevplatform (vcs)
9510 kdevplatform (subversion)
9511 kdevplatform (projectmanagerview)
9512 kdevplatform (classbrowser)
9513 kdevplatform (cvs)
9514 kdevplatform (duchainviewer)
9515 kdevplatform (execute)
9516 kdevplatform (filemanager)
9517 kdevplatform (genericprojectmanager)
9518 kdevplatform (konsole)
9519 kdevplatform (problemreporter)
9520 kdevplatform (quickopen)
9521 kdevplatform (snippet)
9522 kdevplatform (standardoutputview)
9523 kdevplatform (teamwork)
9524 kdevplatform (usehighlight)
9525 kdevplatform (git)
9526 kdevplatform (mercurial)
9527 kdevplatform (bazaar)
9528 kdevplatform (vcscommon)
9529 kdevplatform (documentation)
9530 kdevplatform (documentswitcher)
9531 kdevplatform (debugger)
9532 kdevplatform (openwith)
# toys and games
10000 amor
10500 KBackgammon
11000 libkdegames
11001 libkdegames (KGame)
11002 libkdegames (Highscores)
11003 libkdegames (kggzmod)
11004 libkdegames (kggzgames)
11005 libkdegames (kggznet)
12000 KPoker
12001 KPoker (Server)
12002 kvoctrain (application)
12003 kvoctrain (core library)
12004 kweather
12005 kallers
12006 kweatherservice
12007 kolf
12008 kbounce
12009 KBlackBox
12010 kwin4
12011 kenolaba
12012 kasteroids
# KatePart/Kate/KWrite
13000 Kate
@ -409,60 +218,6 @@
13050 Kate (Scripting)
13060 Kate (Indentation)
# Kopete
14000 kopete
14001 kopete (contactlist)
14010 libkopete
14100 kopete (gadu)
14101 kopete (gadu - raw protocol)
14110 kopete (icq)
14111 kopete (icq - raw protocol)
14120 kopete (irc)
14121 kopete (irc - raw protocol)
14130 kopete (jabber)
14131 kopete (jabber - raw protocol)
14140 kopete (msn)
14141 kopete (msn - raw protocol)
14150 kopete (oscar)
14151 kopete (oscar - raw protocol)
14152 kopete (oscar/aim)
14153 kopete (oscar/icq)
14160 kopete (sms)
14161 kopete (sms - raw protocol)
14170 kopete (winpopup)
14171 kopete (winpopup - raw protocol)
14180 kopete (yahoo)
14181 kopete (yahoo - raw protocol)
14190 kopete (groupwise)
14191 kopete (libgroupwise)
14192 kopete (libgroupwise - raw)
14200 kopete (meanwhile)
14210 kopete (testbed)
14220 kopete (bonjour)
14300 kopete (autoaway)
14301 kopete (connectionstatus)
14302 kopete (contactnotes)
14303 kopete (cryptography)
14304 kopete (importer)
14305 kopete (motionautoaway)
14306 kopete (msginfo)
14307 kopete (nowlistening)
14308 kopete (translator)
14309 kopete (webpresence)
14310 kopete (history)
14311 kopete (skype)
14312 kopete (smpppdcs)
14313 kopete (privacy)
14314 kopete (urlpicpreview)
14315 kopete (statistics)
14316 kopete (pipes)
14317 kopete (latex)
14318 kopete (otr)
14400 kopete (Telepathy)
# Python support, bindings and plugins.
15000 python (plugin)
20000 KDB (core)
20001 KDB (ui)
@ -476,124 +231,9 @@
23100 KLinkStatus
# Quanta
24000 Quanta
24001 Quanta (parser)
24002 Quanta (debugger)
# kafka
#25000 Kafka (kafkapp)
#25001 Kafka (kafkaeditpart)
#25002 Kafka (kafkapluginloader)
#25003 Kafka (kafkaplugins)
#25004 Kafka (kafkaobjectmgr)
#25005 Kafka (kafkadom)
26500 KDOM XInclude
26550 KDOM XPointer
26560 Patternist
26600 KDOM Catalog
26650 KDOM kxmllint
# libkscan / kooka
28000 Kooka
29000 libkscan
# 30001-40000 are for KOffice
30001 koffice (lib koml)
30002 koffice (lib store)
30003 koffice (lib komain)
30004 koffice (lib koguiutils)
30005 koffice (lib kopainter)
30006 koffice (lib flake)
30008 koffice (lib pigment)
30009 koffice (lib resources)
30010 koffice (lib kopageapp)
30500 koffice (filter manager)
30501 csvfilter
30502 asciifilter
30503 htmlfilter
30504 wmffilter
30505 msodfilter
30506 abiwordfilter
30507 docbookfilter
30508 export-filter-lib
30509 mswritefilter
30510 ole-lib
30511 ole-excel
30512 ole-powerpoint
30513 winword-filter
30514 svgfilter
30515 rtffilter
30516 pdffilter
30517 applix-filter
30518 openoffice-filter
30519 import-export-openoffice-filter-lib
30520 kword-1.3-filter
30521 gnumeric-filter
30522 latex-filter
30523 quattro-pro-filter
# 30524
30525 palmdoc-filter
31000 koffice
32001 kword
32002 kword (formatting)
32003 kword (UI)
32004 kword (tables)
32010 kword/kross (scripting)
32500 kotext
32600 textshape
33001 kpresenter
33002 kpresenter (page transitions)
33003 kpresenter (shape animations)
#34000 kpresenter
34001 klyx
35000 klyx
35001 kchart
36000 kchart
36001 kspread
36002 kspread (Formula)
36003 kspread (OpenDocument)
36004 kspread (Painting)
36005 kspread (UI)
36006 kspread (Style)
36007 kspread (Damage)
37000 kspread
38000 karbon
39001 kformula
40000 kformula
41000 krita (general)
41001 krita (core)
41002 krita (registry)
41003 krita (tools)
41004 krita (tiles)
41005 krita (filters)
41006 krita (plugins)
41007 krita (user interface)
41008 krita (file handling)
41009 krita (math)
41010 krita (render)
41011 krita (scripting)
42000 kplato
43000 kivio
44000 KexiDB
44001 KexiDB (driver impl)
44010 kexi (general)
44019 kexi (main)
44020 kexi (core)
44021 kexi (plugins)
44022 kexi (property)
44023 kexi (widgets)
44024 kexi (utils)
# extragear
50001 kfortune
50003 digikam (core)
50004 digikam (kio-slave)
50005 digikam (showfoto)
50006 digikam (editor plugins)
50007 digikam (database server)
# kdegraphics
# KIPI - KDE Imaging Plugin Interface
@ -609,15 +249,6 @@
# KSANE - KDE C++ wrapper for LibSane
51004 KSANE
# KFACE - KDE C++ wrapper for LibFace
51005 KFACE
# KMAP - KDE wrapper for world map widgets
# MEDIAWIKI - KDE C++ interface for mediawiki based web service
# Network Management
51010 Network Management (internals)
51011 Network Management (service)
@ -627,19 +258,9 @@
51020 Network Management (NetworkManager backend)
# kdemultimedia
60001 kreatecd
60002 kaudiocreator
60005 krec
65432 juk
66666 noatun
67000 kscd
67100 kmix
67200 kmid
# kdeaddons
90000 vimpart
90010 noatun-plugins (dub)
90020 noatun-plugins (lyrics)
90100 konq-plugins (fsview)
90110 konq-plugins (webarchiver)
90120 konq-plugins (validators)
@ -651,21 +272,6 @@
90190 konq-plugins (dirfilter)
90210 konq-plugins (rellinks)
# kdenonbeta
100000 reaktivate (KPart)
100001 reaktivate (proxy)
100100 geheimnis
100101 geheimnis (backends)
100200 kfs
# rosegarden
200000 rosegarden
200001 rosegarden (notation)
200002 rosegarden (matrix)
200003 rosegarden (sequencer)
200004 rosegarden (sequence manager)
300000 kuassel

View file

@ -104,194 +104,6 @@ InfoOutput=4
# kio_nntp debug info off
# KRun debug info off
# KGame debug info off
# generic koffice debug off
# koml debug info off (KOffice)
# kostore debug info off (KOffice)
# komain debug info off (KOffice)
# koguitutils debug info off (KOffice)
# kopainter debug info off (KOffice)
# flake debug info off (KOffice)
# pigment debug info off (KOffice)
# resources debug info off (KOffice)
# kopageapp debug info off (KOffice)
# koffice filter manager debug info off (KOffice)
# kword debug info off
# kword formatting debug info off
# kword ui debug info off
# kword tables debug info off
# kword kross scripting debug info off
# kpresenter debug info off
# kpresenter page transitions debug off
# kpresenter shape animations debug off
# kchart debug info off
# kchart debug info off
# kspread debug info off
# kspread formula debug info off
# kspread opendocument debug info off
# kspread painting debug info off
# kspread ui debug info off
# kspread style debug info off
# kspread damage debug info off
# kspread debug info off
# kformula debug info off
# kformula debug info off
# krita debug info off
# krita debug info off (core)
# krita debug info off (registry)
# krita debug info off (tools)
# krita debug info off (tiles)
# krita debug info off (filters)
# krita debug info off (plugins)
# krita debug info off (user interface)
# krita debug info off (file handling)
# krita debug info off (math)
# krita debug info off (render)
# krita debug info off (scripting)
# kplato debug info off
# kivio debug info off