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* This file is part of the KDE libraries
* Copyright (C) 2012 Bernd Buschinski (b.buschinski@googlemail.com)
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "jsonlexer.h"
#include <stack>
#include "lexer.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "wtf/Assertions.h"
namespace KJS {
using namespace JSONParserState;
static const unsigned short InvalidJSONUnicode = 0x001F;
static inline bool isDecimalDigit(const UChar &c)
return (c.uc >= '0' && c.uc <= '9');
static inline bool isHexDigit(const UChar& c)
return (isDecimalDigit(c) ||
(c.uc >= 'a' && c.uc <= 'f') ||
(c.uc >= 'A' && c.uc <= 'F'));
static inline bool isJSONWhiteSpace(const UChar& c)
//ECMA Edition 5.1r6 - - Syntax
switch (c.uc) {
case 0x0020: //SP
case 0x0009: //TAB
case 0x000A: //LF
case 0x000D: //CR
return true;
return false;
static inline UString tokenToString(TokenType type)
switch (type) {
case TokLBracket: return UString("TokLBracket");
case TokRBracket: return UString("TokRBracket");
case TokLBrace: return UString("TokLBrace");
case TokRBrace: return UString("TokRBrace");
case TokString: return UString("TokString");
case TokIdentifier: return UString("TokIdentifier");
case TokNumber: return UString("TokNumber");
case TokColon: return UString("TokColon");
case TokLParen: return UString("TokLParen");
case TokRParen: return UString("TokRParen");
case TokComma: return UString("TokComma");
case TokTrue: return UString("TokTrue");
case TokFalse: return UString("TokFalse");
case TokNull: return UString("TokNull");
case TokEnd: return UString("TokEnd");
case TokError: return UString("TokError");
return UString("Default");
static inline UString parserStateToString(ParserState state)
switch (state) {
case JSONValue: return UString("JSONValue");
case JSONObject: return UString("JSONObject");
case JSONArray: return UString("JSONArray");
return UString("Default");
// ------------------------------ JSONParser --------------------------------
JSONParser::JSONParser(const UString& code)
: m_lexer(code)
fprintf(stderr, "=============== new JSONParser ===============\n%s\n===============\n", code.ascii());
JSValue* JSONParser::tryParse(ExecState* exec)
JSValue* ret = parse(exec);
// If the syntax is correct, we never see the EOF, the last used token may be '}'.
// But Syntax like "{} xyz" is also invalid, so we have to check if the next(last) token is EOF
if (ret && nextParseIsEOF())
return ret;
return 0;
// helper function for adding a value to the object.
// the arrayStack saves all added values and gives the correct array position.
// This function will return false for NULL value or on exception.
static inline bool addArrayItem(ExecState* exec, std::stack<JSValue*>* arrayStack, JSValue* value, JSObject* object)
if (exec->hadException())
return false;
if (!value)
return false;
object->put(exec, arrayStack->size()-1, value);
return true;
JSValue* JSONParser::parse(ExecState* exec, ParserState state)
if (exec->hadException())
return 0;
ParserState tState = state;
TokenType type = m_lexer.next();
JSObject* object = 0;
std::stack<JSValue*> arrayObjectStack;
UString propertyName;
// For parsing the Object, did we found a propertyName?
// NOTE: empty propertynames are allowed.
bool havePropertyName = false;
// For parsing the Object/Array, checks if we really added/found a propertyName
// before we find the comma ','
bool propAdded = false;
// For parsing the Array, remember if last found token is Comma
bool lastFoundIsTokComma = false;
while (type != TokEnd && type != TokError) {
fprintf(stderr, "TokenType: %s \t State: %s\n", tokenToString(type).ascii(), parserStateToString(tState).ascii());
switch (tState) {
case JSONValue:
switch (type) {
case TokLBracket:
object = static_cast<JSObject *>(exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinArray()->construct(exec, List::empty()));
tState = JSONArray;
case TokLBrace:
object = static_cast<JSObject *>(exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinObject()->construct(exec, List::empty()));
tState = JSONObject;
case TokString:
return jsString(m_lexer.currentString());
case TokNull:
return jsNull();
case TokTrue:
return jsBoolean(true);
case TokFalse:
return jsBoolean(false);
case TokNumber:
return jsNumber(m_lexer.currentNumber());
// This can only happen on invalid syntax and with 0 return
// we tell the caller we got a syntax error.
return 0;
case JSONObject: {
// if we got called from JSONArray-TokLBrace we did not create an object.
// In more detail for the following JSON String "[{}]"
// If we are in parse with type=JSONArray and state=TokLBrace,
// means we just found the "{" in the Array, and call parse(exec, JSONObject),
// now in this call type=JSONObject, state=TokRBrace ("}") and, our new, object=0 (!)
// We will finish the object and return it, but as object is null, we return 0.
// which would be wrong, as empty objects are allowed.
// In this case we just report invalid data.
// But for JSON String like "[{"a":1}]", we end up using object(0)->putDirect
// and crash.
// In short, remove this line and we will crash.
object = object ? object : static_cast<JSObject *>(exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinObject()->construct(exec, List::empty()));
switch (type) {
case TokString: // PropertyName
if (havePropertyName)
return 0;
propertyName = m_lexer.currentString();
havePropertyName = true;
case TokColon: {
if (!havePropertyName)
return 0;
JSValue* val = parse(exec, JSONValue);
if (!val)
return 0;
// use putDirect to by-pass __proto__
object->putDirect(Identifier(propertyName), val);
propertyName = "";
havePropertyName = false;
propAdded = true;
case TokRBrace: //Finish Object
if (havePropertyName)
return 0;
return object;
case TokComma: // Next Property
if (!propAdded)
return 0;
propAdded = false;
// This can only happen on invalid syntax and with 0 return
// we tell the caller we got a syntax error.
return 0;
case JSONArray: {
// if we got called from JSONArray-TokLBracket we did not create an object
object = object ? object : static_cast<JSObject *>(exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinArray()->construct(exec, List::empty()));
// Check for invalid Array syntax, like ["1" "2"]
switch (type) {
case TokNumber:
case TokString:
case TokNull:
case TokTrue:
case TokFalse:
case TokLBrace:
case TokLBracket:
if (propAdded)
return 0;
propAdded = true;
lastFoundIsTokComma = false;
switch (type) {
case TokRBracket: // Finish array
// Check for invalid syntax like "[1,]"
if (lastFoundIsTokComma)
return 0;
return object;
case TokNumber:
if (!addArrayItem(exec, &arrayObjectStack, jsNumber(m_lexer.currentNumber()), object))
return 0;
case TokString:
if (!addArrayItem(exec, &arrayObjectStack, jsString(m_lexer.currentString()), object))
return 0;
case TokNull:
if (!addArrayItem(exec, &arrayObjectStack, jsNull(), object))
return 0;
case TokTrue:
if (!addArrayItem(exec, &arrayObjectStack, jsBoolean(true), object))
return 0;
case TokFalse:
if (!addArrayItem(exec, &arrayObjectStack, jsBoolean(false), object))
return 0;
case TokLBrace:
if (!addArrayItem(exec, &arrayObjectStack, parse(exec, JSONObject), object))
return 0;
case TokLBracket:
if (!addArrayItem(exec, &arrayObjectStack, parse(exec, JSONArray), object))
return 0;
case TokComma: // Skip Comma and parse next Array Element
// if we found a comma without a leading property, this is invalid syntax
if (!propAdded)
return 0;
propAdded = false;
lastFoundIsTokComma = true;
// This can only happen on invalid syntax and with 0 return
// we tell the caller we got a syntax error.
return 0;
return 0;
type = m_lexer.next();
if (type == TokError) {
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: JSONParse ending with error!\n");
return 0;
if (type == TokEnd) {
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: JSONParse ending with unexpected END!\n");
return 0;
return 0;
// ------------------------------ JSONLexer --------------------------------
JSONLexer::JSONLexer(const UString& code)
: m_code(code),
TokenType JSONLexer::current()
return m_type;
double JSONLexer::currentNumber() const
ASSERT(m_type == TokNumber);
return m_numberToken;
UString JSONLexer::currentString() const
ASSERT(m_type == TokString);
return m_stringToken;
TokenType JSONLexer::lexString()
UString string;
const int codeSize = m_code.size();
//skip first detected '"'
if (m_pos >= codeSize) {
m_type = TokError;
return m_type;
//while not at the end of the string '"'
while (!(m_code[m_pos] == '"')) {
UChar cur = m_code[m_pos];
if (cur == UChar('\\')) {
bool error = false;
if (error) {
m_type = TokError;
return m_type;
} else {
if (cur.uc <= InvalidJSONUnicode) {
m_type = TokError;
return m_type;
if (m_pos >= codeSize) {
m_type = TokError;
return m_type;
m_type = TokString;
m_stringToken = string;
fprintf(stderr, "JSONLexer::lexString: Pos:%d stringlength:%d string:%s\n", m_pos, string.size(), string.ascii());
return m_type;
TokenType JSONLexer::lexNumber()
const int start = m_pos;
const int codeSize = m_code.size();
// -?(0 | [1-9][0-9]*) ('.' [0-9]+)? ([eE][+-]? [0-9]+)?
// -?
if (m_pos < codeSize && m_code[m_pos] == '-')
// (0 | [1-9][0-9]*)
if (m_pos < codeSize && m_code[m_pos] == '0') {
} else if (m_pos < codeSize) {
while (m_pos < codeSize && isDecimalDigit(m_code[m_pos])) {
} else {
m_type = TokError;
return m_type;
// ('.' [0-9]+)?
if (m_pos < codeSize && m_code[m_pos] == '.') {
// [0-9]+
if (m_pos >= codeSize || !isDecimalDigit(m_code[m_pos])) {
m_type = TokError;
return m_type;
while (m_pos < codeSize && isDecimalDigit(m_code[m_pos]))
// ([eE][+-]? [0-9]+)?
if (m_pos < codeSize && (m_code[m_pos] == 'e' || m_code[m_pos] == 'E')) { // [eE]
// [-+]?
if (m_pos < codeSize && (m_code[m_pos] == '-' || m_code[m_pos] == '+'))
// [0-9]+
if (m_pos >= codeSize || !isDecimalDigit(m_code[m_pos])) {
m_type = TokError;
return m_type;
while (m_pos < codeSize && isDecimalDigit(m_code[m_pos]))
m_numberToken = m_code.substr(start, m_pos-start).toDouble(false, false);
m_type = TokNumber;
fprintf(stderr, "Number: %f\n", m_numberToken);
return m_type;
UChar JSONLexer::parseEscapeChar(bool* error)
UChar cur = m_code[m_pos];
switch (cur.uc) {
case '"':
case '\\':
case '/':
return cur;
case 'b':
return UChar('\b');
case 'f':
return UChar('\f');
case 'n':
return UChar('\n');
case 'r':
return UChar('\r');
case 't':
return UChar('\t');
case 'u':
if ((m_code.size() - (m_pos+1)) < 4) {
*error = true;
return UChar(' ');
if (!isHexDigit(m_code[m_pos+1]) || !isHexDigit(m_code[m_pos+2]) ||
!isHexDigit(m_code[m_pos+3]) || !isHexDigit(m_code[m_pos+4])) {
*error = true;
return UChar(' ');
UChar next = Lexer::convertUnicode(m_code[m_pos+1].uc, m_code[m_pos+2].uc, m_code[m_pos+3].uc, m_code[m_pos+4].uc);
*error = false;
m_pos += 5;
return next;
*error = true;
return UChar(' ');
//helper function, checks if "word" is in the "code" at "pos".
static inline bool isStringSequence(int pos, const UString& code, const UString& word)
const int wordSize = word.size();
if (pos + wordSize > code.size())
return false;
//Skip first, we already checked it
for (int i = 1; i < wordSize; ++i) {
if (code[pos+i].uc != word[i].uc)
return false;
return true;
TokenType JSONLexer::next()
while(true) {
if (m_pos >= m_code.size()) {
m_type = TokEnd;
return m_type;
if (!isJSONWhiteSpace(m_code[m_pos])) {
m_type = TokError;
fprintf(stderr, "JSONLexer::next current: %c \t\t pos: %d/%d\n", char(m_code[m_pos].uc), m_pos, m_code.size());
switch (m_code[m_pos].uc) {
case '[':
m_type = TokLBracket;
return m_type;
case ']':
m_type = TokRBracket;
return m_type;
case '(':
m_type = TokLParen;
return m_type;
case ')':
m_type = TokRParen;
return m_type;
case '{':
m_type = TokLBrace;
return m_type;
case '}':
m_type = TokRBrace;
return m_type;
case ',':
m_type = TokComma;
return m_type;
case ':':
m_type = TokColon;
return m_type;
case '"':
return lexString();
case 't':
if (isStringSequence(m_pos, m_code, "true")) {
m_type = TokTrue;
m_pos += 4;
return m_type;
case 'f':
if (isStringSequence(m_pos, m_code, "false")) {
m_type = TokFalse;
m_pos += 5;
return m_type;
case 'n':
if (isStringSequence(m_pos, m_code, "null")) {
m_type = TokNull;
m_pos += 4;
return m_type;
case '-':
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
return lexNumber();
return m_type;
bool JSONParser::nextParseIsEOF()
return m_lexer.next() == TokEnd;
} // namespace KJS