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2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
Copyright (C) 1998 Mark Donohoe <donohoe@kde.org>
Copyright (C) 2001 Ellis Whitehead <ellis@kde.org>
Copyright (C) 2007 Andreas Hartmetz <ahartmetz@gmail.com>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kkeysequencewidget.h"
#include "kkeysequencewidget_p.h"
#include "kkeyserver.h"
#include <QKeyEvent>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QtCore/QHash>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QToolButton>
#include <QApplication>
#include <kglobalaccel.h>
#include <kicon.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kshortcut.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kactioncollection.h>
#include "kdebug.h"
class KKeySequenceWidgetPrivate
KKeySequenceWidgetPrivate(KKeySequenceWidget *q);
void init();
static QKeySequence appendToSequence(const QKeySequence& seq, int keyQt);
static bool isOkWhenModifierless(int keyQt);
void updateShortcutDisplay();
void startRecording();
* Conflicts the key sequence @a seq with a current standard
* shortcut?
bool conflictWithStandardShortcuts(const QKeySequence &seq);
* Conflicts the key sequence @a seq with a current local
* shortcut?
bool conflictWithLocalShortcuts(const QKeySequence &seq);
* Conflicts the key sequence @a seq with a current global
* shortcut?
bool conflictWithGlobalShortcuts(const QKeySequence &seq);
* Get permission to steal the shortcut @seq from the standard shortcut @a std.
bool stealStandardShortcut(KStandardShortcut::StandardShortcut std, const QKeySequence &seq);
bool checkAgainstStandardShortcuts() const
return checkAgainstShortcutTypes & KKeySequenceWidget::StandardShortcuts;
bool checkAgainstGlobalShortcuts() const
return checkAgainstShortcutTypes & KKeySequenceWidget::GlobalShortcuts;
bool checkAgainstLocalShortcuts() const
return checkAgainstShortcutTypes & KKeySequenceWidget::LocalShortcuts;
void controlModifierlessTimout()
if (nKey != 0 && !modifierKeys) {
// No modifier key pressed currently. Start the timout
} else {
// A modifier is pressed. Stop the timeout
void cancelRecording()
keySequence = oldKeySequence;
bool promptStealShortcutSystemwide(
QWidget *parent,
const QHash<QKeySequence, QList<KGlobalShortcutInfo> > &shortcuts,
const QKeySequence &sequence)
if (shortcuts.isEmpty()) {
// Usage error. Just say no
return false;
QString clashingKeys = "";
Q_FOREACH (const QKeySequence &seq, shortcuts.keys()) {
Q_FOREACH (const KGlobalShortcutInfo &info, shortcuts[seq]) {
clashingKeys += i18n("Shortcut '%1' in Application %2 for action %3\n",
const int hashSize = shortcuts.size();
QString message = i18ncp("%1 is the number of conflicts (hidden), %2 is the key sequence of the shortcut that is problematic",
"The shortcut '%2' conflicts with the following key combination:\n",
"The shortcut '%2' conflicts with the following key combinations:\n",
hashSize, sequence.toString());
QString title = i18ncp("%1 is the number of shortcuts with which there is a conflict",
"Conflict with Registered Global Shortcut", "Conflict with Registered Global Shortcuts", hashSize);
return KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(parent, message, title, KGuiItem(i18n("Reassign")))
== KMessageBox::Continue;
//private slot
void doneRecording(bool validate = true);
KKeySequenceWidget *const q;
QHBoxLayout *layout;
KKeySequenceButton *keyButton;
QToolButton *clearButton;
QKeySequence keySequence;
QKeySequence oldKeySequence;
QTimer modifierlessTimeout;
bool allowModifierless;
uint nKey;
uint modifierKeys;
bool isRecording;
bool multiKeyShortcutsAllowed;
QString componentName;
//! Check the key sequence against KStandardShortcut::find()
KKeySequenceWidget::ShortcutTypes checkAgainstShortcutTypes;
* The list of action to check against for conflict shortcut
QList<QAction*> checkList; // deprecated
* The list of action collections to check against for conflict shortcut
QList<KActionCollection*> checkActionCollections;
* The action to steal the shortcut from.
QList<KAction*> stealActions;
bool stealShortcuts(const QList<KAction *> &actions, const QKeySequence &seq);
void wontStealShortcut(QAction *item, const QKeySequence &seq);
KKeySequenceWidgetPrivate::KKeySequenceWidgetPrivate(KKeySequenceWidget *q)
: q(q)
,checkAgainstShortcutTypes(KKeySequenceWidget::LocalShortcuts & KKeySequenceWidget::GlobalShortcuts)
bool KKeySequenceWidgetPrivate::stealShortcuts(
const QList<KAction *> &actions,
const QKeySequence &seq)
const int listSize = actions.size();
QString title = i18ncp("%1 is the number of conflicts", "Shortcut Conflict", "Shortcut Conflicts", listSize);
QString conflictingShortcuts;
Q_FOREACH(const KAction *action, actions) {
conflictingShortcuts += i18n("Shortcut '%1' for action '%2'\n",
QString message = i18ncp("%1 is the number of ambigious shortcut clashes (hidden)",
"The \"%2\" shortcut is ambiguous with the following shortcut.\n"
"Do you want to assign an empty shortcut to this action?\n"
"The \"%2\" shortcut is ambiguous with the following shortcuts.\n"
"Do you want to assign an empty shortcut to these actions?\n"
if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(q, message, title, KGuiItem(i18n("Reassign"))) != KMessageBox::Continue)
return false;
return true;
void KKeySequenceWidgetPrivate::wontStealShortcut(QAction *item, const QKeySequence &seq)
QString title( i18n( "Shortcut conflict" ) );
QString msg( i18n( "<qt>The '%1' key combination is already used by the <b>%2</b> action.<br>"
"Please select a different one.</qt>", seq.toString(QKeySequence::NativeText) ,
KGlobal::locale()->removeAcceleratorMarker(item->text()) ) );
KMessageBox::sorry( q, msg );
KKeySequenceWidget::KKeySequenceWidget(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent),
d(new KKeySequenceWidgetPrivate(this))
setFocusProxy( d->keyButton );
connect(d->keyButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(captureKeySequence()));
connect(d->clearButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clearKeySequence()));
connect(&d->modifierlessTimeout, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(doneRecording()));
//TODO: how to adopt style changes at runtime?
/*QFont modFont = d->clearButton->font();
void KKeySequenceWidgetPrivate::init()
layout = new QHBoxLayout(q);
keyButton = new KKeySequenceButton(this, q);
keyButton->setToolTip(i18n("Click on the button, then enter the shortcut like you would in the program.\nExample for Ctrl+a: hold the Ctrl key and press a."));
clearButton = new QToolButton(q);
if (qApp->isLeftToRight())
KKeySequenceWidget::~KKeySequenceWidget ()
delete d;
KKeySequenceWidget::ShortcutTypes KKeySequenceWidget::checkForConflictsAgainst() const
return d->checkAgainstShortcutTypes;
void KKeySequenceWidget::setComponentName(const QString &componentName)
d->componentName = componentName;
bool KKeySequenceWidget::multiKeyShortcutsAllowed() const
return d->multiKeyShortcutsAllowed;
void KKeySequenceWidget::setMultiKeyShortcutsAllowed(bool allowed)
d->multiKeyShortcutsAllowed = allowed;
void KKeySequenceWidget::setCheckForConflictsAgainst(ShortcutTypes types)
d->checkAgainstShortcutTypes = types;
void KKeySequenceWidget::setModifierlessAllowed(bool allow)
d->allowModifierless = allow;
bool KKeySequenceWidget::isKeySequenceAvailable(const QKeySequence &keySequence) const
if (keySequence.isEmpty())
return true;
return ! ( d->conflictWithLocalShortcuts(keySequence)
|| d->conflictWithGlobalShortcuts(keySequence)
|| d->conflictWithStandardShortcuts(keySequence));
bool KKeySequenceWidget::isModifierlessAllowed()
return d->allowModifierless;
void KKeySequenceWidget::setClearButtonShown(bool show)
void KKeySequenceWidget::setCheckActionCollections(const QList<KActionCollection *>& actionCollections)
d->checkActionCollections = actionCollections;
void KKeySequenceWidget::captureKeySequence()
QKeySequence KKeySequenceWidget::keySequence() const
return d->keySequence;
void KKeySequenceWidget::setKeySequence(const QKeySequence &seq, Validation validate)
// oldKeySequence holds the key sequence before recording started, if setKeySequence()
// is called while not recording then set oldKeySequence to the existing sequence so
// that the keySequenceChanged() signal is emitted if the new and previous key
// sequences are different
if (!d->isRecording)
d->oldKeySequence = d->keySequence;
d->keySequence = seq;
d->doneRecording(validate == Validate);
void KKeySequenceWidget::clearKeySequence()
void KKeySequenceWidget::applyStealShortcut()
QSet<KActionCollection *> changedCollections;
Q_FOREACH (KAction *stealAction, d->stealActions) {
// Stealing a shortcut means setting it to an empty one.
stealAction->setShortcut(KShortcut(), KAction::ActiveShortcut);
// The following code will find the action we are about to
// steal from and save it's actioncollection.
KActionCollection* parentCollection = 0;
foreach(KActionCollection* collection, d->checkActionCollections) {
if (collection->actions().contains(stealAction)) {
parentCollection = collection;
// Remember the changed collection
if (parentCollection) {
Q_FOREACH (KActionCollection *col, changedCollections) {
void KKeySequenceButton::setText(const QString &text)
//setFixedSize( sizeHint().width()+12, sizeHint().height()+8 );
void KKeySequenceWidgetPrivate::startRecording()
nKey = 0;
modifierKeys = 0;
oldKeySequence = keySequence;
keySequence = QKeySequence();
isRecording = true;
if (!QWidget::keyboardGrabber()) {
kWarning() << "Failed to grab the keyboard! Most likely qt's nograb option is active";
void KKeySequenceWidgetPrivate::doneRecording(bool validate)
isRecording = false;
if (keySequence==oldKeySequence) {
// The sequence hasn't changed
if (validate && !q->isKeySequenceAvailable(keySequence)) {
// The sequence had conflicts and the user said no to stealing it
keySequence = oldKeySequence;
} else {
emit q->keySequenceChanged(keySequence);
bool KKeySequenceWidgetPrivate::conflictWithGlobalShortcuts(const QKeySequence &keySequence)
if (!(checkAgainstShortcutTypes & KKeySequenceWidget::GlobalShortcuts)) {
return false;
// Global shortcuts are on key+modifier shortcuts. They can clash with
// each of the keys of a multi key shortcut.
QHash<QKeySequence, QList<KGlobalShortcutInfo> > others;
for (uint i=0; i<keySequence.count(); ++i) {
QKeySequence tmp(keySequence[i]);
if (!KGlobalAccel::isGlobalShortcutAvailable(tmp, componentName)) {
others.insert(tmp, KGlobalAccel::getGlobalShortcutsByKey(tmp));
if (!others.isEmpty()
&& !promptStealShortcutSystemwide(q, others, keySequence)) {
return true;
// The user approved stealing the shortcut. We have to steal
// it immediately because KAction::setGlobalShortcut() refuses
// to set a global shortcut that is already used. There is no
// error it just silently fails. So be nice because this is
// most likely the first action that is done in the slot
// listening to keySequenceChanged().
for (uint i=0; i<keySequence.count(); ++i) {
return false;
bool KKeySequenceWidgetPrivate::conflictWithLocalShortcuts(const QKeySequence &keySequence)
if (!(checkAgainstShortcutTypes & KKeySequenceWidget::LocalShortcuts)) {
return false;
// We have actions both in the deprecated checkList and the
// checkActionCollections list. Add all the actions to a single list to
// be able to process them in a single loop below.
// Note that this can't be done in setCheckActionCollections(), because we
// keep pointers to the action collections, and between the call to
// setCheckActionCollections() and this function some actions might already be
// removed from the collection again.
QList<QAction*> allActions;
allActions += checkList;
foreach(KActionCollection* collection, checkActionCollections) {
allActions += collection->actions();
// Because of multikey shortcuts we can have clashes with many shortcuts.
// Example 1:
// Application currently uses 'CTRL-X,a', 'CTRL-X,f' and 'CTRL-X,CTRL-F'
// and the user wants to use 'CTRL-X'. 'CTRL-X' will only trigger as
// 'activatedAmbiguously()' for obvious reasons.
// Example 2:
// Application currently uses 'CTRL-X'. User wants to use 'CTRL-X,CTRL-F'.
// This will shadow 'CTRL-X' for the same reason as above.
// Example 3:
// Some weird combination of Example 1 and 2 with three shortcuts using
// 1/2/3 key shortcuts. I think you can imagine.
QList<KAction*> conflictingActions;
//find conflicting shortcuts with existing actions
foreach(QAction * qaction , allActions ) {
KAction *kaction=qobject_cast<KAction*>(qaction);
if(kaction) {
if(kaction->shortcut().conflictsWith(keySequence)) {
// A conflict with a KAction. If that action is configurable
// ask the user what to do. If not reject this keySequence.
if(kaction->isShortcutConfigurable ()) {
} else {
wontStealShortcut(kaction, keySequence);
return true;
} else {
if(qaction->shortcut() == keySequence) {
// A conflict with a QAction. Don't know why :-( but we won't
// steal from that kind of actions.
wontStealShortcut(qaction, keySequence);
return true;
if (conflictingActions.isEmpty()) {
// No conflicting shortcuts found.
return false;
if(stealShortcuts(conflictingActions, keySequence)) {
stealActions = conflictingActions;
// Announce that the user
// agreed
Q_FOREACH (KAction *stealAction, stealActions) {
emit q->stealShortcut(
return false;
} else {
return true;
bool KKeySequenceWidgetPrivate::conflictWithStandardShortcuts(const QKeySequence &keySequence)
if (!(checkAgainstShortcutTypes & KKeySequenceWidget::StandardShortcuts)) {
return false;
KStandardShortcut::StandardShortcut ssc = KStandardShortcut::find(keySequence);
if (ssc != KStandardShortcut::AccelNone && !stealStandardShortcut(ssc, keySequence)) {
return true;
return false;
bool KKeySequenceWidgetPrivate::stealStandardShortcut(KStandardShortcut::StandardShortcut std, const QKeySequence &seq)
QString title = i18n("Conflict with Standard Application Shortcut");
QString message = i18n("The '%1' key combination is also used for the standard action "
"\"%2\" that some applications use.\n"
"Do you really want to use it as a global shortcut as well?",
seq.toString(QKeySequence::NativeText), KStandardShortcut::label(std));
if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(q, message, title, KGuiItem(i18n("Reassign"))) != KMessageBox::Continue) {
return false;
return true;
void KKeySequenceWidgetPrivate::updateShortcutDisplay()
//empty string if no non-modifier was pressed
QString s = keySequence.toString(QKeySequence::NativeText);
s.replace('&', QLatin1String("&&"));
if (isRecording) {
if (modifierKeys) {
if (!s.isEmpty()) s.append(",");
if (modifierKeys & Qt::META) s += KKeyServer::modToStringUser(Qt::META) + '+';
2014-11-19 15:30:39 +00:00
#if defined(Q_WS_X11)
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
if (modifierKeys & Qt::CTRL) s += KKeyServer::modToStringUser(Qt::CTRL) + '+';
if (modifierKeys & Qt::ALT) s += KKeyServer::modToStringUser(Qt::ALT) + '+';
if (modifierKeys & Qt::SHIFT) s += KKeyServer::modToStringUser(Qt::SHIFT) + '+';
} else if (nKey == 0) {
s = i18nc("What the user inputs now will be taken as the new shortcut", "Input");
//make it clear that input is still going on
s.append(" ...");
if (s.isEmpty()) {
s = i18nc("No shortcut defined", "None");
s.prepend(' ');
s.append(' ');
//prevent Qt from special casing Tab and Backtab
bool KKeySequenceButton::event (QEvent* e)
if (d->isRecording && e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) {
keyPressEvent(static_cast<QKeyEvent *>(e));
return true;
// The shortcut 'alt+c' ( or any other dialog local action shortcut )
// ended the recording and triggered the action associated with the
// action. In case of 'alt+c' ending the dialog. It seems that those
// ShortcutOverride events get sent even if grabKeyboard() is active.
if (d->isRecording && e->type() == QEvent::ShortcutOverride) {
return true;
return QPushButton::event(e);
void KKeySequenceButton::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
int keyQt = e->key();
if (keyQt == -1) {
// Qt sometimes returns garbage keycodes, I observed -1, if it doesn't know a key.
// We cannot do anything useful with those (several keys have -1, indistinguishable)
// and QKeySequence.toString() will also yield a garbage string.
i18n("The key you just pressed is not supported by Qt."),
i18n("Unsupported Key"));
return d->cancelRecording();
uint newModifiers = e->modifiers() & (Qt::SHIFT | Qt::CTRL | Qt::ALT | Qt::META);
//don't have the return or space key appear as first key of the sequence when they
//were pressed to start editing - catch and them and imitate their effect
if (!d->isRecording && ((keyQt == Qt::Key_Return || keyQt == Qt::Key_Space))) {
d->modifierKeys = newModifiers;
// We get events even if recording isn't active.
if (!d->isRecording)
return QPushButton::keyPressEvent(e);
d->modifierKeys = newModifiers;
switch(keyQt) {
case Qt::Key_AltGr: //or else we get unicode salad
case Qt::Key_Shift:
case Qt::Key_Control:
case Qt::Key_Alt:
case Qt::Key_Meta:
case Qt::Key_Menu: //unused (yes, but why?)
if (d->nKey == 0 && !(d->modifierKeys & ~Qt::SHIFT)) {
// It's the first key and no modifier pressed. Check if this is
// allowed
if (!(KKeySequenceWidgetPrivate::isOkWhenModifierless(keyQt)
|| d->allowModifierless)) {
// No it's not
// We now have a valid key press.
if (keyQt) {
if ((keyQt == Qt::Key_Backtab) && (d->modifierKeys & Qt::SHIFT)) {
keyQt = Qt::Key_Tab | d->modifierKeys;
else if (KKeyServer::isShiftAsModifierAllowed(keyQt)) {
keyQt |= d->modifierKeys;
keyQt |= (d->modifierKeys & ~Qt::SHIFT);
if (d->nKey == 0) {
d->keySequence = QKeySequence(keyQt);
} else {
d->keySequence =
KKeySequenceWidgetPrivate::appendToSequence(d->keySequence, keyQt);
if ((!d->multiKeyShortcutsAllowed) || (d->nKey >= 4)) {
void KKeySequenceButton::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
if (e->key() == -1) {
// ignore garbage, see keyPressEvent()
if (!d->isRecording)
return QPushButton::keyReleaseEvent(e);
uint newModifiers = e->modifiers() & (Qt::SHIFT | Qt::CTRL | Qt::ALT | Qt::META);
//if a modifier that belongs to the shortcut was released...
if ((newModifiers & d->modifierKeys) < d->modifierKeys) {
d->modifierKeys = newModifiers;
QKeySequence KKeySequenceWidgetPrivate::appendToSequence(const QKeySequence& seq, int keyQt)
switch (seq.count()) {
case 0:
return QKeySequence(keyQt);
case 1:
return QKeySequence(seq[0], keyQt);
case 2:
return QKeySequence(seq[0], seq[1], keyQt);
case 3:
return QKeySequence(seq[0], seq[1], seq[2], keyQt);
return seq;
bool KKeySequenceWidgetPrivate::isOkWhenModifierless(int keyQt)
//this whole function is a hack, but especially the first line of code
if (QKeySequence(keyQt).toString().length() == 1)
return false;
switch (keyQt) {
case Qt::Key_Return:
case Qt::Key_Space:
case Qt::Key_Tab:
case Qt::Key_Backtab: //does this ever happen?
case Qt::Key_Backspace:
case Qt::Key_Delete:
return false;
return true;
#include "moc_kkeysequencewidget.cpp"
#include "moc_kkeysequencewidget_p.cpp"