2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
Copyright ( C ) 2001 David Faure < faure @ kde . org >
This library is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation .
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library ; see the file COPYING . LIB . If not , write to
the Free Software Foundation , Inc . , 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor ,
Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 , USA .
2015-07-11 18:20:46 +03:00
# ifndef KWORDWRAP_H
# define KWORDWRAP_H
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
# include <kdeui_export.h>
# include <QtCore/Qt>
class QFontMetrics ;
class QRect ;
class QString ;
class QPainter ;
* Word - wrap algorithm that takes into account beautifulness ; )
* That means :
* @ li not letting a letter alone on the last line ,
* @ li breaking at punctuation signs ( not only at spaces )
* @ li improved handling of ( ) , [ ] and { }
* @ li improved handling of ' / ' ( e . g . for paths )
* Usage : call the static method , formatText , with the text to
* wrap and the constraining rectangle etc . , it will return an instance of KWordWrap
* containing internal data , result of the word - wrapping .
* From that instance you can retrieve the boundingRect , and invoke drawing .
* This design allows to call the word - wrap algorithm only when the text changes
* and not every time we want to know the bounding rect or draw the text .
* @ author David Faure < faure @ kde . org >
class KDEUI_EXPORT KWordWrap
public :
* Use this flag in drawText ( ) if you want to fade out the text if it does
* not fit into the constraining rectangle .
enum { FadeOut = 0x10000000 , Truncate = 0x20000000 } ;
* Main method for wrapping text .
* @ param fm Font metrics , for the chosen font . Better cache it , creating a QFontMetrics is expensive .
* @ param r Constraining rectangle . Only the width and height matter . With
* negative height the complete text will be rendered
* @ param flags currently unused
* @ param str The text to be wrapped .
* @ param len Length of text to wrap ( default is - 1 for all ) .
* @ return a KWordWrap instance . The caller is responsible for storing and deleting the result .
static KWordWrap * formatText ( QFontMetrics & fm , const QRect & r , int flags , const QString & str , int len = - 1 ) ; // KDE5 TODO: return a value, not a pointer, and use QSharedDataPointer.
* @ return the bounding rect , calculated by formatText . The width is the
* width of the widest text line , and never wider than
* the rectangle given to formatText . The height is the
* text block . X and Y are always 0.
QRect boundingRect ( ) const ;
* @ return the original string , with ' \n ' inserted where
* the text is broken by the wordwrap algorithm .
QString wrappedString ( ) const ; // gift for Dirk :)
* @ return the original string , truncated to the first line .
* If @ p dots was set , ' . . . ' is appended in case the string was truncated .
* Bug : Note that the ' . . . ' come out of the bounding rect .
QString truncatedString ( bool dots = true ) const ;
* Draw the text that has been previously wrapped , at position x , y .
* Flags are for alignment , e . g . Qt : : AlignHCenter . Default is
* Qt : : AlignAuto .
* @ param painter the QPainter to use .
* @ param x the horizontal position of the text
* @ param y the vertical position of the text
* @ param flags the ORed text alignment flags from the Qt namespace ,
* ORed with FadeOut if you want the text to fade out if it
* does not fit ( the @ p painter ' s background must be set
* accordingly )
void drawText ( QPainter * painter , int x , int y , int flags = Qt : : AlignLeft ) const ;
* Destructor .
~ KWordWrap ( ) ;
* Draws the string @ p t at the given coordinates , if it does not
* @ p fit into @ p maxW the text will be faded out .
* @ param p the painter to use . Must have set the pen for the text
* color and the background for the color to fade out
* @ param x the horizontal position of the text
* @ param y the vertical position of the text
* @ param maxW the maximum width of the text ( including the fade - out
* effect )
* @ param t the text to draw
static void drawFadeoutText ( QPainter * p , int x , int y , int maxW ,
const QString & t ) ;
* Draws the string @ p t at the given coordinates , if it does not
* @ p fit into @ p maxW the text will be truncated .
* @ param p the painter to use
* @ param x the horizontal position of the text
* @ param y the vertical position of the text
* @ param maxW the maximum width of the text ( including the ' . . . ' )
* @ param t the text to draw
static void drawTruncateText ( QPainter * p , int x , int y , int maxW ,
const QString & t ) ;
private :
KWordWrap ( const QRect & r ) ;
class KWordWrapPrivate * const d ;
} ;
# endif