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2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
* This file is part of the KDE project
* Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Rafael Fernández López <ereslibre@kde.org>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* QListView::setRowHidden() and QListView::isRowHidden() are not taken into
* account. This methods should actually not exist. This effect should be handled
* by an hypothetical QSortFilterProxyModel which filters out the desired rows.
* In case this needs to be implemented, contact me, but I consider this a faulty
* design.
#include "kcategorizedview.h"
#include "kcategorizedview_p.h"
#include <math.h> // trunc on C99 compliant systems
#include <kdefakes.h> // trunc for not C99 compliant systems
#include <QPainter>
#include <QScrollBar>
#include <QPaintEvent>
#include "kcategorydrawer.h"
#include "kcategorizedsortfilterproxymodel.h"
//BEGIN: Private part
struct KCategorizedView::Private::Item
: topLeft(QPoint())
, size(QSize())
QPoint topLeft;
QSize size;
struct KCategorizedView::Private::Block
: topLeft(QPoint())
, height(-1)
, firstIndex(QModelIndex())
, quarantineStart(QModelIndex())
, items(QList<Item>())
, outOfQuarantine(false)
, alternate(false)
, collapsed(false)
bool operator!=(const Block &rhs) const
return firstIndex != rhs.firstIndex;
static bool lessThan(const Block &left, const Block &right)
return left.firstIndex.row() < right.firstIndex.row();
QPoint topLeft;
int height;
QPersistentModelIndex firstIndex;
// if we have n elements on this block, and we inserted an element at position i. The quarantine
// will start at index (i, column, parent). This means that for all elements j where i <= j <= n, the
// visual rect position of item j will have to be recomputed (cannot use the cached point). The quarantine
// will only affect the current block, since the rest of blocks can be affected only in the way
// that the whole block will have different offset, but items will keep the same relative position
// in terms of their parent blocks.
QPersistentModelIndex quarantineStart;
QList<Item> items;
// this affects the whole block, not items separately. items contain the topLeft point relative
// to the block. Because of insertions or removals a whole block can be moved, so the whole block
// will enter in quarantine, what is faster than moving all items in absolute terms.
bool outOfQuarantine;
// should we alternate its color ? is just a hint, could not be used
bool alternate;
bool collapsed;
KCategorizedView::Private::Private(KCategorizedView *q)
: q(q)
, proxyModel(0)
, categoryDrawer(0)
, categorySpacing(5)
, alternatingBlockColors(false)
, collapsibleBlocks(false)
, hoveredBlock(new Block())
, hoveredIndex(QModelIndex())
, pressedPosition(QPoint())
, rubberBandRect(QRect())
delete hoveredBlock;
bool KCategorizedView::Private::isCategorized() const
return proxyModel && categoryDrawer && proxyModel->isCategorizedModel();
QStyleOptionViewItemV4 KCategorizedView::Private::blockRect(const QModelIndex &representative)
QStyleOptionViewItemV4 option(q->viewOptions());
const int height = categoryDrawer->categoryHeight(representative, option);
const QString categoryDisplay = representative.data(KCategorizedSortFilterProxyModel::CategoryDisplayRole).toString();
QPoint pos = blockPosition(categoryDisplay);
pos.ry() -= height;
option.rect.setWidth(viewportWidth() + categoryDrawer->leftMargin() + categoryDrawer->rightMargin());
option.rect.setHeight(height + blockHeight(categoryDisplay));
option.rect = mapToViewport(option.rect);
return option;
QPair<QModelIndex, QModelIndex> KCategorizedView::Private::intersectingIndexesWithRect(const QRect &_rect) const
const int rowCount = proxyModel->rowCount();
const QRect rect = _rect.normalized();
// binary search to find out the top border
int bottom = 0;
int top = rowCount - 1;
while (bottom <= top) {
const int middle = (bottom + top) / 2;
const QModelIndex index = proxyModel->index(middle, q->modelColumn(), q->rootIndex());
const QRect itemRect = q->visualRect(index);
if (itemRect.bottomRight().y() <= rect.topLeft().y()) {
bottom = middle + 1;
} else {
top = middle - 1;
const QModelIndex bottomIndex = proxyModel->index(bottom, q->modelColumn(), q->rootIndex());
// binary search to find out the bottom border
bottom = 0;
top = rowCount - 1;
while (bottom <= top) {
const int middle = (bottom + top) / 2;
const QModelIndex index = proxyModel->index(middle, q->modelColumn(), q->rootIndex());
const QRect itemRect = q->visualRect(index);
if (itemRect.topLeft().y() <= rect.bottomRight().y()) {
bottom = middle + 1;
} else {
top = middle - 1;
const QModelIndex topIndex = proxyModel->index(top, q->modelColumn(), q->rootIndex());
return qMakePair(bottomIndex, topIndex);
QPoint KCategorizedView::Private::blockPosition(const QString &category)
Block &block = blocks[category];
if (block.outOfQuarantine && !block.topLeft.isNull()) {
return block.topLeft;
QPoint res(categorySpacing, 0);
const QModelIndex index = block.firstIndex;
for (QHash<QString, Private::Block>::Iterator it = blocks.begin(); it != blocks.end(); ++it) {
Block &block = *it;
const QModelIndex categoryIndex = block.firstIndex;
if (index.row() < categoryIndex.row()) {
res.ry() += categoryDrawer->categoryHeight(categoryIndex, q->viewOptions()) + categorySpacing;
if (index.row() == categoryIndex.row()) {
res.ry() += blockHeight(it.key());
block.outOfQuarantine = true;
block.topLeft = res;
return res;
int KCategorizedView::Private::blockHeight(const QString &category)
Block &block = blocks[category];
if (block.collapsed) {
return 0;
if (block.height > -1) {
return block.height;
const QModelIndex firstIndex = block.firstIndex;
const QModelIndex lastIndex = proxyModel->index(firstIndex.row() + block.items.count() - 1, q->modelColumn(), q->rootIndex());
const QRect topLeft = q->visualRect(firstIndex);
QRect bottomRight = q->visualRect(lastIndex);
if (hasGrid()) {
bottomRight.setHeight(qMax(bottomRight.height(), q->gridSize().height()));
} else {
if (!q->uniformItemSizes()) {
bottomRight.setHeight(highestElementInLastRow(block) + q->spacing() * 2);
const int height = bottomRight.bottomRight().y() - topLeft.topLeft().y() + 1;
block.height = height;
return height;
int KCategorizedView::Private::viewportWidth() const
return q->viewport()->width() - categorySpacing * 2 - categoryDrawer->leftMargin() - categoryDrawer->rightMargin();
void KCategorizedView::Private::regenerateAllElements()
for (QHash<QString, Block>::Iterator it = blocks.begin(); it != blocks.end(); ++it) {
Block &block = *it;
block.outOfQuarantine = false;
block.quarantineStart = block.firstIndex;
block.height = -1;
void KCategorizedView::Private::rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end)
if (!isCategorized()) {
for (int i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
const QModelIndex index = proxyModel->index(i, q->modelColumn(), parent);
const QString category = categoryForIndex(index);
Block &block = blocks[category];
//BEGIN: update firstIndex
// save as firstIndex in block if
// - it forced the category creation (first element on this category)
// - it is before the first row on that category
const QModelIndex firstIndex = block.firstIndex;
if (!firstIndex.isValid() || index.row() < firstIndex.row()) {
block.firstIndex = index;
//END: update firstIndex
const int firstIndexRow = block.firstIndex.row();
block.items.insert(index.row() - firstIndexRow, Private::Item());
block.height = -1;
//BEGIN: update the items that are in quarantine in affected categories
const QModelIndex lastIndex = proxyModel->index(end, q->modelColumn(), parent);
const QString category = categoryForIndex(lastIndex);
Private::Block &block = blocks[category];
block.quarantineStart = block.firstIndex;
//END: update the items that are in quarantine in affected categories
//BEGIN: mark as in quarantine those categories that are under the affected ones
const QModelIndex firstIndex = proxyModel->index(start, q->modelColumn(), parent);
const QString category = categoryForIndex(firstIndex);
const QModelIndex firstAffectedCategory = blocks[category].firstIndex;
//BEGIN: order for marking as alternate those blocks that are alternate
QList<Block> blockList = blocks.values();
qSort(blockList.begin(), blockList.end(), Block::lessThan);
QList<int> firstIndexesRows;
foreach (const Block &block, blockList) {
firstIndexesRows << block.firstIndex.row();
//END: order for marking as alternate those blocks that are alternate
for (QHash<QString, Private::Block>::Iterator it = blocks.begin(); it != blocks.end(); ++it) {
Private::Block &block = *it;
if (block.firstIndex.row() > firstAffectedCategory.row()) {
block.outOfQuarantine = false;
block.alternate = firstIndexesRows.indexOf(block.firstIndex.row()) % 2;
} else if (block.firstIndex.row() == firstAffectedCategory.row()) {
block.alternate = firstIndexesRows.indexOf(block.firstIndex.row()) % 2;
//END: mark as in quarantine those categories that are under the affected ones
QRect KCategorizedView::Private::mapToViewport(const QRect &rect) const
const int dx = -q->horizontalOffset();
const int dy = -q->verticalOffset();
return rect.adjusted(dx, dy, dx, dy);
QRect KCategorizedView::Private::mapFromViewport(const QRect &rect) const
const int dx = q->horizontalOffset();
const int dy = q->verticalOffset();
return rect.adjusted(dx, dy, dx, dy);
int KCategorizedView::Private::highestElementInLastRow(const Block &block) const
//Find the highest element in the last row
const QModelIndex lastIndex = proxyModel->index(block.firstIndex.row() + block.items.count() - 1, q->modelColumn(), q->rootIndex());
const QRect prevRect = q->visualRect(lastIndex);
int res = prevRect.height();
QModelIndex prevIndex = proxyModel->index(lastIndex.row() - 1, q->modelColumn(), q->rootIndex());
if (!prevIndex.isValid()) {
return res;
const QRect tempRect = q->visualRect(prevIndex);
if (tempRect.topLeft().y() < prevRect.topLeft().y()) {
res = qMax(res, tempRect.height());
if (prevIndex == block.firstIndex) {
prevIndex = proxyModel->index(prevIndex.row() - 1, q->modelColumn(), q->rootIndex());
return res;
bool KCategorizedView::Private::hasGrid() const
const QSize gridSize = q->gridSize();
return gridSize.isValid() && !gridSize.isNull();
QString KCategorizedView::Private::categoryForIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const
const QModelIndex categoryIndex = index.model()->index(index.row(), proxyModel->sortColumn(), index.parent());
return categoryIndex.data(KCategorizedSortFilterProxyModel::CategoryDisplayRole).toString();
void KCategorizedView::Private::leftToRightVisualRect(const QModelIndex &index, Item &item,
const Block &block, const QPoint &blockPos) const
const int firstIndexRow = block.firstIndex.row();
if (hasGrid()) {
const int relativeRow = index.row() - firstIndexRow;
const int maxItemsPerRow = qMax(viewportWidth() / q->gridSize().width(), 1);
if (q->layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight) {
item.topLeft.rx() = (relativeRow % maxItemsPerRow) * q->gridSize().width() + blockPos.x() + categoryDrawer->leftMargin();
} else {
item.topLeft.rx() = viewportWidth() - ((relativeRow % maxItemsPerRow) + 1) * q->gridSize().width() + categoryDrawer->leftMargin() + categorySpacing;
item.topLeft.ry() = (relativeRow / maxItemsPerRow) * q->gridSize().height();
} else {
if (q->uniformItemSizes()) {
const int relativeRow = index.row() - firstIndexRow;
const QSize itemSize = q->sizeHintForIndex(index);
const int maxItemsPerRow = qMax((viewportWidth() - q->spacing()) / (itemSize.width() + q->spacing()), 1);
if (q->layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight) {
item.topLeft.rx() = (relativeRow % maxItemsPerRow) * itemSize.width() + blockPos.x() + categoryDrawer->leftMargin();
} else {
item.topLeft.rx() = viewportWidth() - (relativeRow % maxItemsPerRow) * itemSize.width() + categoryDrawer->leftMargin() + categorySpacing;
item.topLeft.ry() = (relativeRow / maxItemsPerRow) * itemSize.height();
} else {
const QSize currSize = q->sizeHintForIndex(index);
if (index != block.firstIndex) {
const int viewportW = viewportWidth() - q->spacing();
QModelIndex prevIndex = proxyModel->index(index.row() - 1, q->modelColumn(), q->rootIndex());
QRect prevRect = q->visualRect(prevIndex);
prevRect = mapFromViewport(prevRect);
if ((prevRect.bottomRight().x() + 1) + currSize.width() - blockPos.x() + q->spacing() > viewportW) {
// we have to check the whole previous row, and see which one was the
// highest.
prevIndex = proxyModel->index(prevIndex.row() - 1, q->modelColumn(), q->rootIndex());
const QRect tempRect = q->visualRect(prevIndex);
if (tempRect.topLeft().y() < prevRect.topLeft().y()) {
if (tempRect.bottomRight().y() > prevRect.bottomRight().y()) {
prevRect = tempRect;
if (prevIndex == block.firstIndex) {
if (q->layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight) {
item.topLeft.rx() = categoryDrawer->leftMargin() + blockPos.x() + q->spacing();
} else {
item.topLeft.rx() = viewportWidth() - currSize.width() + categoryDrawer->leftMargin() + categorySpacing;
item.topLeft.ry() = (prevRect.bottomRight().y() + 1) + q->spacing() - blockPos.y();
} else {
if (q->layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight) {
item.topLeft.rx() = (prevRect.bottomRight().x() + 1) + q->spacing();
} else {
item.topLeft.rx() = (prevRect.bottomLeft().x() - 1) - q->spacing() - item.size.width() + categoryDrawer->leftMargin() + categorySpacing;
item.topLeft.ry() = prevRect.topLeft().y() - blockPos.y();
} else {
if (q->layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight) {
item.topLeft.rx() = blockPos.x() + categoryDrawer->leftMargin() + q->spacing();
} else {
item.topLeft.rx() = viewportWidth() - currSize.width() + categoryDrawer->leftMargin() + categorySpacing;
item.topLeft.ry() = q->spacing();
item.size = q->sizeHintForIndex(index);
void KCategorizedView::Private::topToBottomVisualRect(const QModelIndex &index, Item &item,
const Block &block, const QPoint &blockPos) const
const int firstIndexRow = block.firstIndex.row();
if (hasGrid()) {
const int relativeRow = index.row() - firstIndexRow;
item.topLeft.rx() = blockPos.x() + categoryDrawer->leftMargin();
item.topLeft.ry() = relativeRow * q->gridSize().height();
} else {
if (q->uniformItemSizes()) {
const int relativeRow = index.row() - firstIndexRow;
const QSize itemSize = q->sizeHintForIndex(index);
item.topLeft.rx() = blockPos.x() + categoryDrawer->leftMargin();
item.topLeft.ry() = relativeRow * itemSize.height();
} else {
if (index != block.firstIndex) {
QModelIndex prevIndex = proxyModel->index(index.row() - 1, q->modelColumn(), q->rootIndex());
QRect prevRect = q->visualRect(prevIndex);
prevRect = mapFromViewport(prevRect);
item.topLeft.rx() = blockPos.x() + categoryDrawer->leftMargin() + q->spacing();
item.topLeft.ry() = (prevRect.bottomRight().y() + 1) + q->spacing() - blockPos.y();
} else {
item.topLeft.rx() = blockPos.x() + categoryDrawer->leftMargin() + q->spacing();
item.topLeft.ry() = q->spacing();
item.size = q->sizeHintForIndex(index);
void KCategorizedView::Private::_k_slotCollapseOrExpandClicked(QModelIndex)
//END: Private part
//BEGIN: Public part
KCategorizedView::KCategorizedView(QWidget *parent)
: QListView(parent)
, d(new Private(this))
delete d;
void KCategorizedView::setModel(QAbstractItemModel *model)
if (d->proxyModel == model) {
if (d->proxyModel) {
disconnect(d->proxyModel, SIGNAL(layoutChanged()), this, SLOT(slotLayoutChanged()));
d->proxyModel = dynamic_cast<KCategorizedSortFilterProxyModel*>(model);
if (d->proxyModel) {
connect(d->proxyModel, SIGNAL(layoutChanged()), this, SLOT(slotLayoutChanged()));
// if the model already had information inserted, update our data structures to it
if (model->rowCount()) {
void KCategorizedView::setGridSize(const QSize &size)
void KCategorizedView::setGridSizeOwn(const QSize &size)
QRect KCategorizedView::visualRect(const QModelIndex &index) const
if (!d->isCategorized()) {
return QListView::visualRect(index);
if (!index.isValid()) {
return QRect();
const QString category = d->categoryForIndex(index);
if (!d->blocks.contains(category)) {
return QRect();
Private::Block &block = d->blocks[category];
const int firstIndexRow = block.firstIndex.row();
if (index.row() - firstIndexRow < 0 || index.row() - firstIndexRow >= block.items.count()) {
return QRect();
const QPoint blockPos = d->blockPosition(category);
Private::Item &ritem = block.items[index.row() - firstIndexRow];
if (ritem.topLeft.isNull() || (block.quarantineStart.isValid() &&
index.row() >= block.quarantineStart.row())) {
if (flow() == LeftToRight) {
d->leftToRightVisualRect(index, ritem, block, blockPos);
} else {
d->topToBottomVisualRect(index, ritem, block, blockPos);
//BEGIN: update the quarantine start
const bool wasLastIndex = (index.row() == (block.firstIndex.row() + block.items.count() - 1));
if (index.row() == block.quarantineStart.row()) {
if (wasLastIndex) {
block.quarantineStart = QModelIndex();
} else {
const QModelIndex nextIndex = d->proxyModel->index(index.row() + 1, modelColumn(), rootIndex());
block.quarantineStart = nextIndex;
//END: update the quarantine start
// we get now the absolute position through the relative position of the parent block. do not
// save this on ritem, since this would override the item relative position in block terms.
Private::Item item(ritem);
item.topLeft.ry() += blockPos.y();
const QSize sizeHint = item.size;
if (d->hasGrid()) {
const QSize sizeGrid = gridSize();
const QSize resultingSize = sizeHint.boundedTo(sizeGrid);
QRect res(item.topLeft.x() + ((sizeGrid.width() - resultingSize.width()) / 2),
item.topLeft.y(), resultingSize.width(), resultingSize.height());
if (block.collapsed) {
// we can still do binary search, while we "hide" items. We move those items in collapsed
// blocks to the left and set a 0 height.
return d->mapToViewport(res);
QRect res(item.topLeft.x(), item.topLeft.y(), sizeHint.width(), sizeHint.height());
if (block.collapsed) {
// we can still do binary search, while we "hide" items. We move those items in collapsed
// blocks to the left and set a 0 height.
return d->mapToViewport(res);
KCategoryDrawer *KCategorizedView::categoryDrawer() const
return d->categoryDrawer;
void KCategorizedView::setCategoryDrawer(KCategoryDrawer *categoryDrawer)
if (d->categoryDrawer) {
disconnect(d->categoryDrawer, SIGNAL(collapseOrExpandClicked(QModelIndex)),
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
this, SLOT(_k_slotCollapseOrExpandClicked(QModelIndex)));
d->categoryDrawer = categoryDrawer;
if (d->categoryDrawer) {
connect(d->categoryDrawer, SIGNAL(collapseOrExpandClicked(QModelIndex)),
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
this, SLOT(_k_slotCollapseOrExpandClicked(QModelIndex)));
int KCategorizedView::categorySpacing() const
return d->categorySpacing;
void KCategorizedView::setCategorySpacing(int categorySpacing)
if (d->categorySpacing == categorySpacing) {
d->categorySpacing = categorySpacing;
for (QHash<QString, Private::Block>::Iterator it = d->blocks.begin(); it != d->blocks.end(); ++it) {
Private::Block &block = *it;
block.outOfQuarantine = false;
bool KCategorizedView::alternatingBlockColors() const
return d->alternatingBlockColors;
void KCategorizedView::setAlternatingBlockColors(bool enable)
d->alternatingBlockColors = enable;
bool KCategorizedView::collapsibleBlocks() const
return d->collapsibleBlocks;
void KCategorizedView::setCollapsibleBlocks(bool enable)
d->collapsibleBlocks = enable;
QModelIndexList KCategorizedView::block(const QString &category)
QModelIndexList res;
const Private::Block &block = d->blocks[category];
if (block.height == -1) {
return res;
QModelIndex current = block.firstIndex;
const int first = current.row();
for (int i = 1; i <= block.items.count(); ++i) {
if (current.isValid()) {
res << current;
current = d->proxyModel->index(first + i, modelColumn(), rootIndex());
return res;
QModelIndexList KCategorizedView::block(const QModelIndex &representative)
return block(representative.data(KCategorizedSortFilterProxyModel::CategoryDisplayRole).toString());
QModelIndex KCategorizedView::indexAt(const QPoint &point) const
if (!d->isCategorized()) {
return QListView::indexAt(point);
const int rowCount = d->proxyModel->rowCount();
if (!rowCount) {
return QModelIndex();
// Binary search that will try to spot if there is an index under point
int bottom = 0;
int top = rowCount - 1;
while (bottom <= top) {
const int middle = (bottom + top) / 2;
const QModelIndex index = d->proxyModel->index(middle, modelColumn(), rootIndex());
const QRect rect = visualRect(index);
if (rect.contains(point)) {
if (index.model()->flags(index) & Qt::ItemIsEnabled) {
return index;
return QModelIndex();
bool directionCondition;
if (layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight) {
directionCondition = point.x() >= rect.bottomLeft().x();
} else {
directionCondition = point.x() <= rect.bottomRight().x();
if (point.y() < rect.topLeft().y()) {
top = middle - 1;
} else if (directionCondition) {
bottom = middle + 1;
} else if (point.y() <= rect.bottomRight().y()) {
top = middle - 1;
} else {
bool after = true;
for (int i = middle - 1;i >= bottom;i--) {
const QModelIndex newIndex =
d->proxyModel->index(i, modelColumn(), rootIndex());
const QRect newRect = visualRect(newIndex);
if (newRect.topLeft().y() < rect.topLeft().y()) {
} else if (newRect.contains(point)) {
if (newIndex.model()->flags(newIndex) & Qt::ItemIsEnabled) {
return newIndex;
return QModelIndex();
} else if ((layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight) ?
(newRect.topLeft().x() <= point.x()) :
(newRect.topRight().x() >= point.x())) {
} else if (newRect.bottomRight().y() >= point.y()) {
after = false;
if (!after) {
return QModelIndex();
bottom = middle + 1;
return QModelIndex();
void KCategorizedView::reset()
void KCategorizedView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
if (!d->isCategorized()) {
const QPair<QModelIndex, QModelIndex> intersecting = d->intersectingIndexesWithRect(viewport()->rect().intersected(event->rect()));
QPainter p(viewport());
Q_ASSERT(selectionModel()->model() == d->proxyModel);
//BEGIN: draw categories
QHash<QString, Private::Block>::ConstIterator it(d->blocks.constBegin());
while (it != d->blocks.constEnd()) {
const Private::Block &block = *it;
const QModelIndex categoryIndex = d->proxyModel->index(block.firstIndex.row(), d->proxyModel->sortColumn(), rootIndex());
QStyleOptionViewItemV4 option(viewOptions());
option.features |= d->alternatingBlockColors && block.alternate ? QStyleOptionViewItemV4::Alternate
: QStyleOptionViewItemV4::None;
option.state |= !d->collapsibleBlocks || !block.collapsed ? QStyle::State_Open
: QStyle::State_None;
const int height = d->categoryDrawer->categoryHeight(categoryIndex, option);
QPoint pos = d->blockPosition(it.key());
pos.ry() -= height;
option.rect.setWidth(d->viewportWidth() + d->categoryDrawer->leftMargin() + d->categoryDrawer->rightMargin());
option.rect.setHeight(height + d->blockHeight(it.key()));
option.rect = d->mapToViewport(option.rect);
if (!option.rect.intersects(viewport()->rect())) {
d->categoryDrawer->drawCategory(categoryIndex, d->proxyModel->sortRole(), option, &p);
//END: draw categories
if (intersecting.first.isValid() && intersecting.second.isValid()) {
//BEGIN: draw items
int i = intersecting.first.row();
int indexToCheckIfBlockCollapsed = i;
QModelIndex categoryIndex;
QString category;
Private::Block *block = 0;
while (i <= intersecting.second.row()) {
//BEGIN: first check if the block is collapsed. if so, we have to skip the item painting
if (i == indexToCheckIfBlockCollapsed) {
categoryIndex = d->proxyModel->index(i, d->proxyModel->sortColumn(), rootIndex());
category = categoryIndex.data(KCategorizedSortFilterProxyModel::CategoryDisplayRole).toString();
block = &d->blocks[category];
indexToCheckIfBlockCollapsed = block->firstIndex.row() + block->items.count();
if (block->collapsed) {
i = indexToCheckIfBlockCollapsed;
//END: first check if the block is collapsed. if so, we have to skip the item painting
const bool alternateItem = (i - block->firstIndex.row()) % 2;
const QModelIndex index = d->proxyModel->index(i, modelColumn(), rootIndex());
const Qt::ItemFlags flags = d->proxyModel->flags(index);
QStyleOptionViewItemV4 option(viewOptions());
option.rect = visualRect(index);
option.widget = this;
option.features |= wordWrap() ? QStyleOptionViewItemV2::WrapText
: QStyleOptionViewItemV2::None;
option.features |= alternatingRowColors() && alternateItem ? QStyleOptionViewItemV4::Alternate
: QStyleOptionViewItemV4::None;
if (flags & Qt::ItemIsSelectable) {
option.state |= selectionModel()->isSelected(index) ? QStyle::State_Selected
: QStyle::State_None;
} else {
option.state &= ~QStyle::State_Selected;
option.state |= (index == currentIndex()) ? QStyle::State_HasFocus
: QStyle::State_None;
if (!(flags & Qt::ItemIsEnabled)) {
option.state &= ~QStyle::State_Enabled;
} else {
option.state |= (index == d->hoveredIndex) ? QStyle::State_MouseOver
: QStyle::State_None;
itemDelegate(index)->paint(&p, option, index);
//END: draw items
//BEGIN: draw selection rect
if (isSelectionRectVisible() && d->rubberBandRect.isValid()) {
QStyleOptionRubberBand opt;
opt.shape = QRubberBand::Rectangle;
opt.opaque = false;
opt.rect = d->mapToViewport(d->rubberBandRect).intersected(viewport()->rect().adjusted(-16, -16, 16, 16));
style()->drawControl(QStyle::CE_RubberBand, &opt, &p);
//END: draw selection rect
void KCategorizedView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
void KCategorizedView::setSelection(const QRect &rect,
QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags flags)
if (!d->isCategorized()) {
QListView::setSelection(rect, flags);
if (rect.topLeft() == rect.bottomRight()) {
const QModelIndex index = indexAt(rect.topLeft());
selectionModel()->select(index, flags);
const QPair<QModelIndex, QModelIndex> intersecting = d->intersectingIndexesWithRect(rect);
QItemSelection selection;
//TODO: think of a faster implementation
QModelIndex firstIndex;
QModelIndex lastIndex;
for (int i = intersecting.first.row(); i <= intersecting.second.row(); ++i) {
const QModelIndex index = d->proxyModel->index(i, modelColumn(), rootIndex());
const bool visualRectIntersects = visualRect(index).intersects(rect);
if (firstIndex.isValid()) {
if (visualRectIntersects) {
lastIndex = index;
} else {
selection << QItemSelectionRange(firstIndex, lastIndex);
firstIndex = QModelIndex();
} else if (visualRectIntersects) {
firstIndex = index;
lastIndex = index;
if (firstIndex.isValid()) {
selection << QItemSelectionRange(firstIndex, lastIndex);
selectionModel()->select(selection, flags);
void KCategorizedView::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
d->hoveredIndex = indexAt(event->pos());
const SelectionMode itemViewSelectionMode = selectionMode();
if (state() == DragSelectingState && isSelectionRectVisible() && itemViewSelectionMode != SingleSelection
&& itemViewSelectionMode != NoSelection) {
QRect rect(d->pressedPosition, event->pos() + QPoint(horizontalOffset(), verticalOffset()));
rect = rect.normalized();
d->rubberBandRect = rect;
if (!d->categoryDrawer) {
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
QHash<QString, Private::Block>::ConstIterator it(d->blocks.constBegin());
while (it != d->blocks.constEnd()) {
const Private::Block &block = *it;
const QModelIndex categoryIndex = d->proxyModel->index(block.firstIndex.row(), d->proxyModel->sortColumn(), rootIndex());
QStyleOptionViewItemV4 option(viewOptions());
const int height = d->categoryDrawer->categoryHeight(categoryIndex, option);
QPoint pos = d->blockPosition(it.key());
pos.ry() -= height;
option.rect.setWidth(d->viewportWidth() + d->categoryDrawer->leftMargin() + d->categoryDrawer->rightMargin());
option.rect.setHeight(height + d->blockHeight(it.key()));
option.rect = d->mapToViewport(option.rect);
const QPoint mousePos = viewport()->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos());
if (option.rect.contains(mousePos)) {
if (d->categoryDrawer && d->hoveredBlock->height != -1 && *d->hoveredBlock != block) {
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
const QModelIndex categoryIndex = d->proxyModel->index(d->hoveredBlock->firstIndex.row(), d->proxyModel->sortColumn(), rootIndex());
const QStyleOptionViewItemV4 option = d->blockRect(categoryIndex);
d->categoryDrawer->mouseLeft(categoryIndex, option.rect);
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
*d->hoveredBlock = block;
d->hoveredCategory = it.key();
} else if (d->hoveredBlock->height == -1) {
*d->hoveredBlock = block;
d->hoveredCategory = it.key();
} else {
d->categoryDrawer->mouseMoved(categoryIndex, option.rect, event);
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
if (d->categoryDrawer && d->hoveredBlock->height != -1) {
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
const QModelIndex categoryIndex = d->proxyModel->index(d->hoveredBlock->firstIndex.row(), d->proxyModel->sortColumn(), rootIndex());
const QStyleOptionViewItemV4 option = d->blockRect(categoryIndex);
d->categoryDrawer->mouseLeft(categoryIndex, option.rect);
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
*d->hoveredBlock = Private::Block();
d->hoveredCategory = QString();
void KCategorizedView::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
d->pressedPosition = event->pos();
d->pressedPosition.rx() += horizontalOffset();
d->pressedPosition.ry() += verticalOffset();
if (!d->categoryDrawer) {
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
QHash<QString, Private::Block>::ConstIterator it(d->blocks.constBegin());
while (it != d->blocks.constEnd()) {
const Private::Block &block = *it;
const QModelIndex categoryIndex = d->proxyModel->index(block.firstIndex.row(), d->proxyModel->sortColumn(), rootIndex());
const QStyleOptionViewItemV4 option = d->blockRect(categoryIndex);
const QPoint mousePos = viewport()->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos());
if (option.rect.contains(mousePos)) {
d->categoryDrawer->mouseButtonPressed(categoryIndex, option.rect, event);
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
if (!event->isAccepted()) {
void KCategorizedView::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
d->pressedPosition = QPoint();
d->rubberBandRect = QRect();
if (!d->categoryDrawer) {
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
QHash<QString, Private::Block>::ConstIterator it(d->blocks.constBegin());
while (it != d->blocks.constEnd()) {
const Private::Block &block = *it;
const QModelIndex categoryIndex = d->proxyModel->index(block.firstIndex.row(), d->proxyModel->sortColumn(), rootIndex());
const QStyleOptionViewItemV4 option = d->blockRect(categoryIndex);
const QPoint mousePos = viewport()->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos());
if (option.rect.contains(mousePos)) {
d->categoryDrawer->mouseButtonReleased(categoryIndex, option.rect, event);
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
if (!event->isAccepted()) {
void KCategorizedView::leaveEvent(QEvent *event)
if (d->hoveredIndex.isValid()) {
d->hoveredIndex = QModelIndex();
if (d->categoryDrawer && d->hoveredBlock->height != -1) {
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
const QModelIndex categoryIndex = d->proxyModel->index(d->hoveredBlock->firstIndex.row(), d->proxyModel->sortColumn(), rootIndex());
const QStyleOptionViewItemV4 option = d->blockRect(categoryIndex);
d->categoryDrawer->mouseLeft(categoryIndex, option.rect);
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
*d->hoveredBlock = Private::Block();
d->hoveredCategory = QString();
void KCategorizedView::startDrag(Qt::DropActions supportedActions)
void KCategorizedView::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event)
d->hoveredIndex = indexAt(event->pos());
void KCategorizedView::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event)
void KCategorizedView::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *event)
void KCategorizedView::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event)
//TODO: improve se we take into account collapsed blocks
//TODO: take into account when there is no grid and no uniformItemSizes
QModelIndex KCategorizedView::moveCursor(CursorAction cursorAction,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers)
if (!d->isCategorized()) {
return QListView::moveCursor(cursorAction, modifiers);
const QModelIndex current = currentIndex();
const QRect currentRect = visualRect(current);
if (!current.isValid()) {
const int rowCount = d->proxyModel->rowCount(rootIndex());
if (!rowCount) {
return QModelIndex();
return d->proxyModel->index(0, modelColumn(), rootIndex());
switch (cursorAction) {
case MoveLeft: {
if (!current.row()) {
return QModelIndex();
const QModelIndex previous = d->proxyModel->index(current.row() - 1, modelColumn(), rootIndex());
const QRect previousRect = visualRect(previous);
if (previousRect.top() == currentRect.top()) {
return previous;
return QModelIndex();
case MoveRight: {
if (current.row() == d->proxyModel->rowCount() - 1) {
return QModelIndex();
const QModelIndex next = d->proxyModel->index(current.row() + 1, modelColumn(), rootIndex());
const QRect nextRect = visualRect(next);
if (nextRect.top() == currentRect.top()) {
return next;
return QModelIndex();
case MoveDown: {
if (d->hasGrid() || uniformItemSizes()) {
const QModelIndex current = currentIndex();
const QSize itemSize = d->hasGrid() ? gridSize()
: sizeHintForIndex(current);
const Private::Block &block = d->blocks[d->categoryForIndex(current)];
const int maxItemsPerRow = qMax(d->viewportWidth() / itemSize.width(), 1);
const bool canMove = current.row() + maxItemsPerRow < block.firstIndex.row() +
if (canMove) {
return d->proxyModel->index(current.row() + maxItemsPerRow, modelColumn(), rootIndex());
const int currentRelativePos = (current.row() - block.firstIndex.row()) % maxItemsPerRow;
const QModelIndex nextIndex = d->proxyModel->index(block.firstIndex.row() + block.items.count(), modelColumn(), rootIndex());
if (!nextIndex.isValid()) {
return QModelIndex();
const Private::Block &nextBlock = d->blocks[d->categoryForIndex(nextIndex)];
if (nextBlock.items.count() <= currentRelativePos) {
return QModelIndex();
if (currentRelativePos < (block.items.count() % maxItemsPerRow)) {
return d->proxyModel->index(nextBlock.firstIndex.row() + currentRelativePos, modelColumn(), rootIndex());
return QModelIndex();
case MoveUp: {
if (d->hasGrid() || uniformItemSizes()) {
const QModelIndex current = currentIndex();
const QSize itemSize = d->hasGrid() ? gridSize()
: sizeHintForIndex(current);
const Private::Block &block = d->blocks[d->categoryForIndex(current)];
const int maxItemsPerRow = qMax(d->viewportWidth() / itemSize.width(), 1);
const bool canMove = current.row() - maxItemsPerRow >= block.firstIndex.row();
if (canMove) {
return d->proxyModel->index(current.row() - maxItemsPerRow, modelColumn(), rootIndex());
const int currentRelativePos = (current.row() - block.firstIndex.row()) % maxItemsPerRow;
const QModelIndex prevIndex = d->proxyModel->index(block.firstIndex.row() - 1, modelColumn(), rootIndex());
if (!prevIndex.isValid()) {
return QModelIndex();
const Private::Block &prevBlock = d->blocks[d->categoryForIndex(prevIndex)];
if (prevBlock.items.count() <= currentRelativePos) {
return QModelIndex();
const int remainder = prevBlock.items.count() % maxItemsPerRow;
if (currentRelativePos < remainder) {
return d->proxyModel->index(prevBlock.firstIndex.row() + prevBlock.items.count() - remainder + currentRelativePos, modelColumn(), rootIndex());
return QModelIndex();
return QModelIndex();
void KCategorizedView::rowsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent,
int start,
int end)
if (!d->isCategorized()) {
QListView::rowsAboutToBeRemoved(parent, start, end);
*d->hoveredBlock = Private::Block();
d->hoveredCategory = QString();
if (end - start + 1 == d->proxyModel->rowCount()) {
QListView::rowsAboutToBeRemoved(parent, start, end);
// Removal feels a bit more complicated than insertion. Basically we can consider there are
// 3 different cases when going to remove items. (*) represents an item, Items between ([) and
// (]) are the ones which are marked for removal.
// - 1st case:
// ... * * * * * * [ * * * ...
// The items marked for removal are the last part of this category. No need to mark any item
// of this category as in quarantine, because no special offset will be pushed to items at
// the right because of any changes (since the removed items are those on the right most part
// of the category).
// - 2nd case:
// ... * * * * * * ] * * * ...
// The items marked for removal are the first part of this category. We have to mark as in
// quarantine all items in this category. Absolutely all. All items will have to be moved to
// the left (or moving up, because rows got a different offset).
// - 3rd case:
// ... * * [ * * * * ] * * ...
// The items marked for removal are in between of this category. We have to mark as in
// quarantine only those items that are at the right of the end of the removal interval,
// (starting on "]").
// It hasn't been explicitly said, but when we remove, we have to mark all blocks that are
// located under the top most affected category as in quarantine (the block itself, as a whole),
// because such a change can force it to have a different offset (note that items themselves
// contain relative positions to the block, so marking the block as in quarantine is enough).
// Also note that removal implicitly means that we have to update correctly firstIndex of each
// block, and in general keep updated the internal information of elements.
QStringList listOfCategoriesMarkedForRemoval;
QString lastCategory;
int alreadyRemoved = 0;
for (int i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
const QModelIndex index = d->proxyModel->index(i, modelColumn(), parent);
const QString category = d->categoryForIndex(index);
if (lastCategory != category) {
lastCategory = category;
alreadyRemoved = 0;
Private::Block &block = d->blocks[category];
block.items.removeAt(i - block.firstIndex.row() - alreadyRemoved);
if (!block.items.count()) {
listOfCategoriesMarkedForRemoval << category;
block.height = -1;
//BEGIN: update the items that are in quarantine in affected categories
const QModelIndex lastIndex = d->proxyModel->index(end, modelColumn(), parent);
const QString category = d->categoryForIndex(lastIndex);
Private::Block &block = d->blocks[category];
if (block.items.count() && start <= block.firstIndex.row() && end >= block.firstIndex.row()) {
block.firstIndex = d->proxyModel->index(end + 1, modelColumn(), parent);
block.quarantineStart = block.firstIndex;
//END: update the items that are in quarantine in affected categories
Q_FOREACH (const QString &category, listOfCategoriesMarkedForRemoval) {
//BEGIN: mark as in quarantine those categories that are under the affected ones
//BEGIN: order for marking as alternate those blocks that are alternate
QList<Private::Block> blockList = d->blocks.values();
qSort(blockList.begin(), blockList.end(), Private::Block::lessThan);
QList<int> firstIndexesRows;
foreach (const Private::Block &block, blockList) {
firstIndexesRows << block.firstIndex.row();
//END: order for marking as alternate those blocks that are alternate
for (QHash<QString, Private::Block>::Iterator it = d->blocks.begin(); it != d->blocks.end(); ++it) {
Private::Block &block = *it;
if (block.firstIndex.row() > start) {
block.outOfQuarantine = false;
block.alternate = firstIndexesRows.indexOf(block.firstIndex.row()) % 2;
} else if (block.firstIndex.row() == start) {
block.alternate = firstIndexesRows.indexOf(block.firstIndex.row()) % 2;
//END: mark as in quarantine those categories that are under the affected ones
QListView::rowsAboutToBeRemoved(parent, start, end);
void KCategorizedView::updateGeometries()
const int oldVerticalOffset = verticalOffset();
const Qt::ScrollBarPolicy verticalP = verticalScrollBarPolicy(), horizontalP = horizontalScrollBarPolicy();
//BEGIN bugs 213068, 287847 ------------------------------------------------------------
* QListView::updateGeometries() has it's own opinion on whether the scrollbars should be visible (valid range) or not
* and triggers a (sometimes additionally timered) resize through ::layoutChildren()
* http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/blobs/4.7/src/gui/itemviews/qlistview.cpp#line1499
* (the comment above the main block isn't all accurate, layoutChldren is called regardless of the policy)
* As a result QListView and KCategorizedView occasionally started a race on the scrollbar visibility, effectively blocking the UI
* So we prevent QListView from having an own opinion on the scrollbar visibility by
* fixing it before calling the baseclass QListView::updateGeometries()
* Since the implicit show/hide by the followin range setting will cause further resizes if the policy is Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded
* we keep it static until we're done, then restore the original value and ultimately change the scrollbar visibility ourself.
if (d->isCategorized()) { // important! - otherwise we'd pollute the setting if the view is initially not categorized
setVerticalScrollBarPolicy((verticalP == Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn || verticalScrollBar()->isVisibleTo(this)) ?
Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn : Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy((horizontalP == Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn || horizontalScrollBar()->isVisibleTo(this)) ?
Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn : Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
//END bugs 213068, 287847 --------------------------------------------------------------
if (!d->isCategorized()) {
const int rowCount = d->proxyModel->rowCount();
if (!rowCount) {
verticalScrollBar()->setRange(0, 0);
// unconditional, see function end todo
horizontalScrollBar()->setRange(0, 0);
const QModelIndex lastIndex = d->proxyModel->index(rowCount - 1, modelColumn(), rootIndex());
QRect lastItemRect = visualRect(lastIndex);
if (d->hasGrid()) {
} else {
if (uniformItemSizes()) {
QSize itemSize = sizeHintForIndex(lastIndex);
itemSize.setHeight(itemSize.height() + spacing());
} else {
QSize itemSize = sizeHintForIndex(lastIndex);
const QString category = d->categoryForIndex(lastIndex);
itemSize.setHeight(d->highestElementInLastRow(d->blocks[category]) + spacing());
const int bottomRange = lastItemRect.bottomRight().y() + verticalOffset() - viewport()->height();
if (verticalScrollMode() == ScrollPerItem) {
const int rowsPerPage = qMax(viewport()->height() / lastItemRect.height(), 1);
verticalScrollBar()->setPageStep(rowsPerPage * lastItemRect.height());
verticalScrollBar()->setRange(0, bottomRange);
//TODO: also consider working with the horizontal scroll bar. since at this level I am not still
// supporting "top to bottom" flow, there is no real problem. If I support that someday
// (think how to draw categories), we would have to take care of the horizontal scroll bar too.
// In theory, as KCategorizedView has been designed, there is no need of horizontal scroll bar.
horizontalScrollBar()->setRange(0, 0);
//BEGIN bugs 213068, 287847 ------------------------------------------------------------
// restoring values from above ...
// ... and correct the visibility
bool validRange = verticalScrollBar()->maximum() != verticalScrollBar()->minimum();
if (verticalP == Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded && (verticalScrollBar()->isVisibleTo(this) != validRange))
validRange = horizontalScrollBar()->maximum() > horizontalScrollBar()->minimum();
if (horizontalP == Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded && (horizontalScrollBar()->isVisibleTo(this) != validRange))
//END bugs 213068, 287847 --------------------------------------------------------------
void KCategorizedView::currentChanged(const QModelIndex &current,
const QModelIndex &previous)
QListView::currentChanged(current, previous);
void KCategorizedView::dataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft,
const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
QListView::dataChanged(topLeft, bottomRight);
if (!d->isCategorized()) {
*d->hoveredBlock = Private::Block();
d->hoveredCategory = QString();
//BEGIN: since the model changed data, we need to reconsider item sizes
int i = topLeft.row();
int indexToCheck = i;
QModelIndex categoryIndex;
QString category;
Private::Block *block;
while (i <= bottomRight.row()) {
const QModelIndex currIndex = d->proxyModel->index(i, modelColumn(), rootIndex());
if (i == indexToCheck) {
categoryIndex = d->proxyModel->index(i, d->proxyModel->sortColumn(), rootIndex());
category = categoryIndex.data(KCategorizedSortFilterProxyModel::CategoryDisplayRole).toString();
block = &d->blocks[category];
block->quarantineStart = currIndex;
indexToCheck = block->firstIndex.row() + block->items.count();
//END: since the model changed data, we need to reconsider item sizes
void KCategorizedView::rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent,
int start,
int end)
QListView::rowsInserted(parent, start, end);
if (!d->isCategorized()) {
*d->hoveredBlock = Private::Block();
d->hoveredCategory = QString();
d->rowsInserted(parent, start, end);
void KCategorizedView::slotLayoutChanged()
if (!d->isCategorized()) {
*d->hoveredBlock = Private::Block();
d->hoveredCategory = QString();
if (d->proxyModel->rowCount()) {
d->rowsInserted(rootIndex(), 0, d->proxyModel->rowCount() - 1);
//END: Public part
#include "moc_kcategorizedview.cpp"