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/* This file is part of the KDE Libraries
* Copyright (C) 1998 Thomas Tanghus (tanghus@earthling.net)
* Additions 1999-2000 by Espen Sand (espen@kde.org)
* and Holger Freyther <freyther@kde.org>
* 2005-2009 Olivier Goffart <ogoffart @ kde.org>
* 2006 Tobias Koenig <tokoe@kde.org>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef KDIALOG_H
#define KDIALOG_H
class KPushButton;
class QMenu;
class KDialogPrivate;
#include <kdeui_export.h>
#include <kconfiggroup.h>
#include <kguiitem.h>
#include <QtGui/QDialog>
* @short A dialog base class with standard buttons and predefined layouts.
* Provides basic functionality needed by nearly all dialogs.
* It offers the standard action buttons you'd expect to find in a
* dialog as well as the capability to define at most three configurable
* buttons. You can define a main widget that contains your specific
* dialog layout
* The class takes care of the geometry management. You only need to define
* a minimum size for the widget you want to use as the main widget.
* By default, the dialog is non-modal.
* <b>Standard buttons (action buttons):</b>\n
* You select which buttons should be displayed, but you do not choose the
* order in which they are displayed. This ensures a standard interface in
* KDE. The button order can be changed, but this ability is only available
* for a central KDE control tool. The following buttons are available:
* OK, Cancel/Close, Apply/Try, Default, Help and three user definable
* buttons: User1, User2 and User3. You must specify the text of the UserN
* buttons. Each button emit a signal, so you can choose to connect that signal.
* The default action of the Help button will open the help system if you have
* provided a path to the help text.
* The default action of Ok and Cancel will run QDialog::accept() and QDialog::reject(),
* which you can override by reimplementing slotButtonClicked(). The default
* action of the Close button will close the dialog.
* Note that the KDialog will animate a button press
* when the user presses Escape. The button that is enabled is either Cancel,
* Close or the button that is defined by setEscapeButton().
* Your custom dialog code should reimplement the keyPressEvent and
* animate the cancel button so that the dialog behaves like regular
* dialogs.
* <b>Layout:</b>\n
* The dialog consists of a help area on top (becomes visible if you define
* a help path and use enableLinkedHelp()), the main area which is
* the built-in dialog face or your own widget in the middle and by default
* a button box at the bottom. The button box can also be placed at the
* right edge (to the right of the main widget). Use
* setButtonsOrientation() to control this behavior. A separator
* can be placed above the button box (or to the left when the button box
* is at the right edge).
* <b>Standard compliance:</b>\n
* The marginHint() and spacingHint() sizes shall be used
* whenever you lay out the interior of a dialog. One special note. If
* you make your own action buttons (OK, Cancel etc), the space
* between the buttons shall be spacingHint(), whereas the space
* above, below, to the right and to the left shall be marginHint().
* If you add a separator line above the buttons, there shall be a
* marginHint() between the buttons and the separator and a
* marginHint() above the separator as well.
* <b>Example:</b>\n
* \code
* KDialog *dialog = new KDialog( this );
* dialog->setCaption( "My title" );
* dialog->setButtons( KDialog::Ok | KDialog::Cancel | KDialog::Apply );
* FooWidget *widget = new FooWidget( dialog );
* dialog->setMainWidget( widget );
* connect( dialog, SIGNAL( applyClicked() ), widget, SLOT( save() ) );
* connect( dialog, SIGNAL( okClicked() ), widget, SLOT( save() ) );
* connect( widget, SIGNAL( changed( bool ) ), dialog, SLOT( enableButtonApply( bool ) ) );
* dialog->enableButtonApply( false );
* dialog->show();
* \endcode
* \image html kdialog.png "KDE Dialog example"
* This class can be used in many ways. Note that most KDE ui widgets
* and many of KDE core applications use the KDialog so for more
* inspiration you should study the code for these.
* @see KPageDialog
* @author Thomas Tanghus <tanghus@earthling.net>
* @author Espen Sand <espensa@online.no>
* @author Mirko Boehm <mirko@kde.org>
* @author Olivier Goffart <ogoffart at kde.org>
* @author Tobias Koenig <tokoe@kde.org>
class KDEUI_EXPORT KDialog : public QDialog //krazy:exclude=qclasses
enum ButtonCode
None = 0x00000000,
Help = 0x00000001, ///< Show Help button. (this button will run the help set with setHelp)
Default = 0x00000002, ///< Show Default button.
Ok = 0x00000004, ///< Show Ok button. (this button accept()s the dialog; result set to QDialog::Accepted)
Apply = 0x00000008, ///< Show Apply button.
Try = 0x00000010, ///< Show Try button.
Cancel = 0x00000020, ///< Show Cancel-button. (this button reject()s the dialog; result set to QDialog::Rejected)
Close = 0x00000040, ///< Show Close-button. (this button closes the dialog)
No = 0x00000080, ///< Show No button. (this button closes the dialog and sets the result to KDialog::No)
Yes = 0x00000100, ///< Show Yes button. (this button closes the dialog and sets the result to KDialog::Yes)
Reset = 0x00000200, ///< Show Reset button
Details = 0x00000400, ///< Show Details button. (this button will show the detail widget set with setDetailsWidget)
User1 = 0x00001000, ///< Show User defined button 1.
User2 = 0x00002000, ///< Show User defined button 2.
User3 = 0x00004000, ///< Show User defined button 3.
NoDefault = 0x00008000 ///< Used when specifying a default button; indicates that no button should be marked by default.
// TODO KDE5: remove NoDefault and use the value None instead
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(ButtonCodes, ButtonCode)
enum ButtonPopupMode
InstantPopup = 0,
DelayedPopup = 1
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(ButtonPopupModes, ButtonPopupMode)
* Creates a dialog.
* @param parent The parent of the dialog.
* @param flags The widget flags passed to the QDialog constructor
explicit KDialog( QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0 );
* Destroys the dialog.
* Creates (or recreates) the button box and all the buttons in it.
* Note that some combinations are not possible. That means, you can't
* have the following pairs of buttons in a dialog:
* - Default and Details
* - Cancel and Close
* - Ok and Try
* This will reset all default KGuiItem of all button.
* @param buttonMask Specifies what buttons will be made.
void setButtons( ButtonCodes buttonMask );
* Sets the orientation of the button box.
* It can be @p Vertical or @p Horizontal. If @p Horizontal
* (default), the button box is positioned at the bottom of the
* dialog. If @p Vertical it will be placed at the right edge of the
* dialog.
* @param orientation The button box orientation.
void setButtonsOrientation( Qt::Orientation orientation );
* Sets the button that will be activated when the Escape key
* is pressed.
* By default, the Escape key is mapped to either the Cancel or the Close button
* if one of these buttons are defined. The user expects that Escape will
* cancel an operation so use this function with caution.
* @param id The button code.
void setEscapeButton( ButtonCode id );
* Sets the button that will be activated when the Enter key
* is pressed.
* By default, this is the Ok button if it is present
* @param id The button code.
void setDefaultButton( ButtonCode id );
* Returns the button code of the default button,
* or NoDefault if there is no default button.
ButtonCode defaultButton() const;
* Hide or display the separator line drawn between the action
* buttons an the main widget.
void showButtonSeparator( bool state );
* Hide or display a general action button.
* Only buttons that have
* been created in the constructor can be displayed. This method will
* not create a new button.
* @param id Button identifier.
* @param state true display the button(s).
void showButton( ButtonCode id, bool state );
* Sets the text of any button.
* @param id The button identifier.
* @param text Button text.
void setButtonText( ButtonCode id, const QString &text );
* Returns the text of any button.
QString buttonText( ButtonCode id ) const;
* Sets the icon of any button.
* @param id The button identifier.
* @param icon Button icon.
void setButtonIcon( ButtonCode id, const KIcon &icon );
* Returns the icon of any button.
KIcon buttonIcon( ButtonCode id ) const;
* Sets the tooltip text of any button.
* @param id The button identifier.
* @param text Button text.
void setButtonToolTip( ButtonCode id, const QString &text );
* Returns the tooltip of any button.
QString buttonToolTip( ButtonCode id ) const;
* Sets the "What's this?" text of any button.
* @param id The button identifier.
* @param text Button text.
void setButtonWhatsThis( ButtonCode id, const QString &text );
* Returns the "What's this?" text of any button.
QString buttonWhatsThis( ButtonCode id ) const;
* Sets the KGuiItem directly for the button instead of using 3 methods to
* set the text, tooltip and whatsthis strings. This also allows to set an
* icon for the button which is otherwise not possible for the extra
* buttons beside Ok, Cancel and Apply.
* @param id The button identifier.
* @param item The KGuiItem for the button.
void setButtonGuiItem( ButtonCode id, const KGuiItem &item );
* Sets the menu of any button.
* @param id The button identifier.
* @param menu The menu.
* @param popupmode Choose if KPushButton setMenu or setDelayedMenu is used
void setButtonMenu( ButtonCode id, QMenu *menu, ButtonPopupMode popupmode=InstantPopup);
* Sets the focus to the button of the passed @p id.
void setButtonFocus( ButtonCode id );
* Convenience method. Sets the initial dialog size.
* This method should only be called right before show() or exec().
* The initial size will be ignored if smaller than
* the dialog's minimum size.
* @param size Startup size.
void setInitialSize( const QSize &size );
* Convenience method. Add a size to the default minimum size of a
* dialog.
* This method should only be called right before show() or exec().
* @param size Size added to minimum size.
void incrementInitialSize( const QSize &size );
* Restores the dialog's size from the configuration according to
* the screen size.
* @note the group must be set before calling
* @param config The config group to read from.
void restoreDialogSize( const KConfigGroup& config ) ;
* Saves the dialog's size dependent on the screen dimension either to the
* global or application config file.
* @note the group must be set before calling
* @param config The config group to read from.
* @param options passed to KConfigGroup::writeEntry()
void saveDialogSize( KConfigGroup& config, KConfigGroup::WriteConfigFlags options = KConfigGroup::Normal ) const;
* Returns the help link text.
* If no text has been defined,
* "Get help..." (internationalized) is returned.
* @return The help link text.
* @see enableLinkedHelp()
* @see setHelpLinkText()
* @see setHelp()
QString helpLinkText() const;
* Returns whether any button is enabled.
bool isButtonEnabled( ButtonCode id ) const;
* Returns the button that corresponds to the @p id.
* Normally you should not use this function.
* @em Never delete the object returned by this function.
* See also enableButton(), showButton(), setButtonGuiItem().
* @param id Identifier of the button.
* @return The button or 0 if the button does not exist.
KPushButton* button( ButtonCode id ) const;
* Returns the number of pixels that should be used between a
* dialog edge and the outermost widget(s) according to the KDE standard.
* @deprecated Use the style's pixelMetric() function to query individual margins.
* Different platforms may use different values for the four margins.
static int marginHint();
* Returns the number of pixels that should be used between
* widgets inside a dialog according to the KDE standard.
* @deprecated Use the style's layoutSpacing() function to query individual spacings.
* Different platforms may use different values depending on widget types and pairs.
static int spacingHint();
* Returns the number of pixels that should be used to visually
* separate groups of related options in a dialog according to
* the KDE standard.
* @since 4.2
static int groupSpacingHint();
* @enum StandardCaptionFlag
* Used to specify how to construct a window caption
* @value AppName Indicates that the method shall include
* the application name when making the caption string.
* @value Modified Causes a 'modified' sign will be included in the
* returned string. This is useful when indicating that a file is
* modified, i.e., it contains data that has not been saved.
* @value HIGCompliant The base minimum flags required to align a
* caption with the KDE Human Interface Guidelines
enum CaptionFlag
NoCaptionFlags = 0,
AppNameCaption = 1,
ModifiedCaption = 2,
HIGCompliantCaption = AppNameCaption
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(CaptionFlags, CaptionFlag)
* Builds a caption that contains the application name along with the
* userCaption using a standard layout.
* To make a compliant caption for your window, simply do:
* @p setWindowTitle(KDialog::makeStandardCaption(yourCaption));
* To ensure that the caption is appropriate to the desktop in which the
* application is running, pass in a pointer to the window the caption will
* be applied to.
* If using a KDialog or KMainWindow subclass, call setCaption instead and
* an appropraite standard caption will be created for you
* @param userCaption The caption string you want to display in the
* window caption area. Do not include the application name!
* @param window a pointer to the window this application will apply to
* @param flags
* @return the created caption
static QString makeStandardCaption( const QString &userCaption,
QWidget* window = 0,
CaptionFlags flags = HIGCompliantCaption );
* Resize every layout manager used in @p widget and its nested children.
* @param widget The widget used.
* @param margin The new layout margin.
* @param spacing The new layout spacing.
* @deprecated Use QLayout functions where necessary. Setting margin and spacing
* values recursively for all children prevents QLayout from creating platform native
* layouts.
static void resizeLayout( QWidget *widget, int margin, int spacing );
* Resize every layout associated with @p lay and its children.
* @param lay layout to be resized
* @param margin The new layout margin
* @param spacing The new layout spacing
* @deprecated Use QLayout functions where necessary. Setting margin and spacing
* values recursively for all children prevents QLayout from creating platform native
* layouts.
static void resizeLayout( QLayout *lay, int margin, int spacing );
* Centers @p widget on the desktop, taking multi-head setups into
* account. If @p screen is -1, @p widget will be centered on its
* current screen (if it was shown already) or on the primary screen.
* If @p screen is -3, @p widget will be centered on the screen that
* currently contains the mouse pointer.
* @p screen will be ignored if a merged display (like Xinerama) is not
* in use, or merged display placement is not enabled in kdeglobals.
static void centerOnScreen( QWidget *widget, int screen = -1 );
* Places @p widget so that it doesn't cover a certain @p area of the screen.
* This is typically used by the "find dialog" so that the match it finds can
* be read.
* For @p screen, see centerOnScreen
* @return true on success (widget doesn't cover area anymore, or never did),
* false on failure (not enough space found)
static bool avoidArea( QWidget *widget, const QRect& area, int screen = -1 );
* Sets the main widget of the dialog.
void setMainWidget( QWidget *widget );
* @return The current main widget. Will create a QWidget as the mainWidget
* if none was set before. This way you can write
* \code
* ui.setupUi(mainWidget());
* \endcode
* when using designer.
QWidget *mainWidget();
* Reimplemented from QDialog.
virtual QSize sizeHint() const;
* Reimplemented from QDialog.
virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const;
* Allow embedding the dialogs based on KDialog into a graphics view. By default embedding is not allowed, dialogs
* will appear as separate windows.
* @since 4.6
static void setAllowEmbeddingInGraphicsView( bool allowEmbedding );
public Q_SLOTS:
* Make a KDE compliant caption.
* @param caption Your caption. Do @p not include the application name
* in this string. It will be added automatically according to the KDE
* standard.
virtual void setCaption( const QString &caption );
* Makes a KDE compliant caption.
* @param caption Your caption. @em Do @em not include the application name
* in this string. It will be added automatically according to the KDE
* standard.
* @param modified Specify whether the document is modified. This displays
* an additional sign in the title bar, usually "**".
virtual void setCaption( const QString &caption, bool modified );
* Make a plain caption without any modifications.
* @param caption Your caption. This is the string that will be
* displayed in the window title.
virtual void setPlainCaption( const QString &caption );
* Enable or disable (gray out) a general action button.
* @param id Button identifier.
* @param state @p true enables the button(s).
void enableButton( ButtonCode id, bool state );
* Enable or disable (gray out) the OK button.
* @param state @p true enables the button.
void enableButtonOk( bool state );
* Enable or disable (gray out) the Apply button.
* @param state true enables the button.
void enableButtonApply( bool state );
* Enable or disable (gray out) the Cancel button.
* @param state true enables the button.
void enableButtonCancel( bool state );
* Display or hide the help link area on the top of the dialog.
* @param state @p true will display the area.
* @see helpLinkText()
* @see setHelpLinkText()
* @see setHelp()
void enableLinkedHelp( bool state );
* Sets the text that is shown as the linked text.
* If text is empty,
* the text "Get help..." (internationalized) is used instead.
* @param text The link text.
* @see helpLinkText()
* @see enableLinkedHelp()
* @see setHelp()
void setHelpLinkText( const QString &text );
* Sets the help path and topic.
* @param anchor Defined anchor in your docbook sources
* @param appname Defines the appname the help belongs to
* If empty it's the current one
* @note The help button works differently for the class
* KCMultiDialog, so it does not make sense to call this
* function for Dialogs of that type. See
* KCMultiDialog::slotHelp() for more information.
void setHelp( const QString &anchor, const QString &appname = QString() );
* Returns the status of the Details button.
bool isDetailsWidgetVisible() const;
* Sets the status of the Details button.
void setDetailsWidgetVisible( bool visible );
* Sets the widget that gets shown when "Details" is enabled.
* The dialog takes over ownership of the widget.
* Any previously set widget gets deleted.
void setDetailsWidget( QWidget *detailsWidget );
* Destruct the dialog delayed.
* You can call this function from slots like closeClicked() and hidden().
* You should not use the dialog any more after calling this function.
void delayedDestruct();
* Emitted when the margin size and/or spacing size
* have changed.
* Use marginHint() and spacingHint() in your slot
* to get the new values.
* @deprecated This signal is not emitted. Listen to QEvent::StyleChange events instead.
void layoutHintChanged();
* The Help button was pressed. This signal is only emitted if
* slotButtonClicked() is not replaced
void helpClicked();
* The Default button was pressed. This signal is only emitted if
* slotButtonClicked() is not replaced
void defaultClicked();
* The Reset button was pressed. This signal is only emitted if
* slotButtonClicked() is not replaced
void resetClicked();
* The User3 button was pressed. This signal is only emitted if
* slotButtonClicked() is not replaced
void user3Clicked();
* The User2 button was pressed. This signal is only emitted if
* slotButtonClicked() is not replaced
void user2Clicked();
* The User1 button was pressed. This signal is only emitted if
* slotButtonClicked() is not replaced
void user1Clicked();
* The Apply button was pressed. This signal is only emitted if
* slotButtonClicked() is not replaced
void applyClicked();
* The Try button was pressed. This signal is only emitted if
* slotButtonClicked() is not replaced
void tryClicked();
* The OK button was pressed. This signal is only emitted if
* slotButtonClicked() is not replaced
void okClicked();
* The Yes button was pressed. This signal is only emitted if
* slotButtonClicked() is not replaced
void yesClicked();
* The No button was pressed. This signal is only emitted if
* slotButtonClicked() is not replaced
void noClicked();
* The Cancel button was pressed. This signal is only emitted if
* slotButtonClicked() is not replaced
void cancelClicked();
* The Close button was pressed. This signal is only emitted if
* slotButtonClicked() is not replaced
void closeClicked();
* A button has been pressed. This signal is only emitted if
* slotButtonClicked() is not replaced
* @param button is the code of the pressed button.
void buttonClicked( KDialog::ButtonCode button);
* The dialog is about to be hidden.
* A dialog is hidden after a user clicks a button that ends
* the dialog or when the user switches to another desktop or
* minimizes the dialog.
void hidden();
* The dialog has finished.
* A dialog emits finished after a user clicks a button that ends
* the dialog.
* This signal is also emitted when you call hide()
* If you have stored a pointer to the
* dialog do @em not try to delete the pointer in the slot that is
* connected to this signal.
* You should use deleteLater() instead.
void finished();
* The detailsWidget is about to get shown. This is your last chance
* to call setDetailsWidget if you haven't done so yet.
void aboutToShowDetails();
* Emits the #hidden signal. You can connect to that signal to
* detect when a dialog has been closed.
virtual void hideEvent( QHideEvent * );
* Detects when a dialog is being closed from the window manager
* controls. If the Cancel or Close button is present then the button
* is activated. Otherwise standard QDialog behavior
* will take place.
virtual void closeEvent( QCloseEvent *e );
* @internal
virtual void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* );
protected Q_SLOTS:
* Activated when the button @p button is clicked
* Sample that shows how to catch and handle button clicks within
* an own dialog;
* @code
* class MyDialog : public KDialog {
* protected Q_SLOTS:
* virtual void slotButtonClicked(int button) {
* if (button == KDialog::Ok)
* accept();
* else
* KDialog::slotButtonClicked(button);
* }
* }
* @endcode
* @param button is the type @a KDialog::ButtonCode
virtual void slotButtonClicked(int button);
* Updates the margins and spacings.
* @deprecated KDialog respects the style's margins and spacings automatically. Calling
* this function has no effect.
void updateGeometry();
KDialog(KDialogPrivate &dd, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0);
KDialogPrivate *const d_ptr;
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_ptr, void queuedLayoutUpdate())
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_ptr, void helpLinkClicked())
#endif // KDIALOG_H