2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
* This file is part of the KDE libraries
* Copyright (c) 2008 John Layt <john@layt.net>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kcupsoptionsjobwidget_p.h"
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QLayout>
#include <QTime>
#include <QTableWidget>
#include <QTableWidgetItem>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include <QPrinter>
#include <QPrintEngine>
#include <kcombobox.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdatetime.h>
//#include <kdebug.h>
/** @internal */
KCupsOptionsJobWidget::KCupsOptionsJobWidget( QPrintDialog *parent ) : KCupsOptionsWidget( parent )
ui.setupUi( this );
//set all the default values
//TODO restore last used values
void KCupsOptionsJobWidget::setupCupsOptions( QStringList &cupsOptions )
switch ( jobHold() )
case NoHold : break; //default
case Indefinite : setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "job-hold-until", "indefinite" ); break;
case DayTime : setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "job-hold-until", "day-time" ); break;
case Night : setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "job-hold-until", "night" ); break;
case SecondShift : setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "job-hold-until", "second-shift" ); break;
case ThirdShift : setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "job-hold-until", "third-shift" ); break;
case Weekend : setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "job-hold-until", "weekend" ); break;
case SpecificTime : //CUPS expects the time in UTC, user has entered in local time, so get the UTS equivalent
KDateTime localDateTime = KDateTime::currentLocalDateTime();
//Check if time is for tomorrow in case of DST change overnight
if ( jobHoldTime() < localDateTime.time() ) localDateTime.addDays(1);
localDateTime.setTime( jobHoldTime() );
setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "job-hold-until", localDateTime.toUtc().time().toString("HH:mm") );
if ( !jobBilling().isEmpty() ) {
setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "job-billing", jobBilling() );
if ( jobPriority() != 50 ) {
setCupsOption( cupsOptions, "job-priority", QString( jobPriority() ) );
//cupsOptions << jobOptions();
void KCupsOptionsJobWidget::initJobHold()
ui.jobHoldComboBox->addItem( i18n("Print Immediately"), QVariant( NoHold ) );
ui.jobHoldComboBox->addItem( i18n("Hold Indefinitely"), QVariant( Indefinite ) );
ui.jobHoldComboBox->addItem( i18n("Day (06:00 to 17:59)"), QVariant( DayTime ) );
ui.jobHoldComboBox->addItem( i18n("Night (18:00 to 05:59)"), QVariant( Night ) );
ui.jobHoldComboBox->addItem( i18n("Second Shift (16:00 to 23:59)"), QVariant( SecondShift ) );
ui.jobHoldComboBox->addItem( i18n("Third Shift (00:00 to 07:59)"), QVariant( ThirdShift ) );
ui.jobHoldComboBox->addItem( i18n("Weekend (Saturday to Sunday)"), QVariant( Weekend ) );
ui.jobHoldComboBox->addItem( i18n("Specific Time"), QVariant( SpecificTime ) );
connect( ui.jobHoldComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(toggleJobHoldTime()) );
setJobHold( NoHold );
setJobHoldTime( QTime( 0, 0 ) );
void KCupsOptionsJobWidget::setJobHold( KCupsOptionsJobWidget::JobHoldUntil jobHold )
ui.jobHoldComboBox->setCurrentIndex( ui.jobHoldComboBox->findData( QVariant( jobHold ) ) );
KCupsOptionsJobWidget::JobHoldUntil KCupsOptionsJobWidget::jobHold() const
return (KCupsOptionsJobWidget::JobHoldUntil) ui.jobHoldComboBox->itemData( ui.jobHoldComboBox->currentIndex() ).toInt();
void KCupsOptionsJobWidget::toggleJobHoldTime()
if ( jobHold() == SpecificTime ) {
} else {
void KCupsOptionsJobWidget::setJobHoldTime( QTime holdUntilTime )
ui.jobHoldTimeEdit->setTime( holdUntilTime );
QTime KCupsOptionsJobWidget::jobHoldTime() const
return ui.jobHoldTimeEdit->time();
void KCupsOptionsJobWidget::initJobBilling()
setJobBilling( "" );
void KCupsOptionsJobWidget::setJobBilling( const QString jobBilling )
ui.jobBillingLineEdit->insert( jobBilling );
QString KCupsOptionsJobWidget::jobBilling() const
return ui.jobBillingLineEdit->text();
void KCupsOptionsJobWidget::initJobPriority()
setJobPriority( 50 );
void KCupsOptionsJobWidget::setJobPriority( int jobPriority )
ui.jobPrioritySpinBox->setValue( jobPriority );
int KCupsOptionsJobWidget::jobPriority() const
return ui.jobPrioritySpinBox->value();
void KCupsOptionsJobWidget::initJobOptions()
ui.jobOptionsTable->horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode( QHeaderView::Stretch );
void KCupsOptionsJobWidget::setJobOptions( QStringList jobOptions )
for ( int x = 1; x <= ui.jobOptionsTable->rowCount() && jobOptions.size() <= x*2; x++ ) {
if ( !ui.jobOptionsTable->item( x, 1 )->text().isEmpty() ) {
ui.jobOptionsTable->item( x, 1 )->setText( jobOptions.at( (x*2)-1 ) );
ui.jobOptionsTable->item( x, 2 )->setText( jobOptions.at( (x*2) ) );
QStringList KCupsOptionsJobWidget::jobOptions() const
QStringList optionList;
for ( int x = 1; x <= ui.jobOptionsTable->rowCount(); x++ ) {
//TODO this cause a crash in text
if ( !ui.jobOptionsTable->item(x,1)->text().isEmpty() ) {
optionList << ui.jobOptionsTable->item(x,1)->text() << ui.jobOptionsTable->item(x,2)->text();
return optionList;
2015-02-27 07:40:26 +00:00
#include "moc_kcupsoptionsjobwidget_p.cpp"