2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
# for documentation look at FindKDE4Internal.cmake
# this file contains the following macros (or functions):
# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Alexander Neundorf, <neundorf@kde.org>
# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, Laurent Montel, <montel@kde.org>
# Copyright (c) 2007 Matthias Kretz <kretz@kde.org>
# Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license.
# For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file.
macro ( KDE4_ADD_KCFG_FILES _sources )
foreach ( _current_ARG ${ ARGN } )
2015-07-08 04:24:17 +03:00
if ( ${ _current_ARG } STREQUAL "GENERATE_MOC" )
set ( _kcfg_generatemoc TRUE )
endif ( ${ _current_ARG } STREQUAL "GENERATE_MOC" )
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
if ( ${ _current_ARG } STREQUAL "USE_RELATIVE_PATH" )
set ( _kcfg_relativepath TRUE )
endif ( ${ _current_ARG } STREQUAL "USE_RELATIVE_PATH" )
endforeach ( _current_ARG ${ ARGN } )
foreach ( _current_FILE ${ ARGN } )
get_filename_component ( _tmp_FILE ${ _current_FILE } ABSOLUTE )
get_filename_component ( _abs_PATH ${ _tmp_FILE } PATH )
if ( _kcfg_relativepath ) # Process relative path only if the option was set
# Get relative path
get_filename_component ( _rel_PATH ${ _current_FILE } PATH )
if ( IS_ABSOLUTE ${ _rel_PATH } )
# We got an absolute path
set ( _rel_PATH "" )
endif ( IS_ABSOLUTE ${ _rel_PATH } )
endif ( _kcfg_relativepath )
get_filename_component ( _basename ${ _tmp_FILE } NAME_WE )
# If we had a relative path and we're asked to use it, then change the basename accordingly
if ( NOT ${ _rel_PATH } STREQUAL "" )
set ( _basename ${ _rel_PATH } / ${ _basename } )
endif ( NOT ${ _rel_PATH } STREQUAL "" )
file ( READ ${ _tmp_FILE } _contents )
string ( REGEX REPLACE "^(.*\n)?File=([^\n]+kcfg).*\n.*$" "\\2" _kcfg_FILENAME "${_contents}" )
set ( _src_FILE ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR } / ${ _basename } .cpp )
set ( _header_FILE ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR } / ${ _basename } .h )
set ( _moc_FILE ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR } / ${ _basename } .moc )
set ( _kcfg_FILE ${ _abs_PATH } / ${ _kcfg_FILENAME } )
# Maybe the .kcfg is a generated file?
if ( NOT EXISTS "${_kcfg_FILE}" )
set ( _kcfg_FILE ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR } / ${ _kcfg_FILENAME } )
endif ( NOT EXISTS "${_kcfg_FILE}" )
if ( NOT EXISTS "${_kcfg_FILE}" )
message ( ERROR "${_kcfg_FILENAME} not found; tried in ${_abs_PATH} and ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" )
endif ( NOT EXISTS "${_kcfg_FILE}" )
# make sure the directory exist in the build directory
# set(IMPORT_KCONFIG_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE "${KDE_HOST_TOOLS_PATH}/ImportKConfigCompilerExecutable.cmake" CACHE FILEPATH "Point it to the export file of kconfig_compiler from a native build")
# set(KDE4_KCFGC_EXECUTABLE kconfig_compiler)
# the command for creating the source file from the kcfg file
add_custom_command ( OUTPUT ${ _header_FILE } ${ _src_FILE }
C O M M A N D $ { K D E 4 _ K C F G C _ E X E C U T A B L E }
A R G S $ { _ k c f g _ F I L E } $ { _ t m p _ F I L E } - d $ { C M A K E _ C U R R E N T _ B I N A R Y _ D I R } / $ { _ r e l _ P A T H }
M A I N _ D E P E N D E N C Y $ { _ t m p _ F I L E }
D E P E N D S $ { _ k c f g _ F I L E } $ { _ K D E 4 _ K C O N F I G _ C O M P I L E R _ D E P } )
2015-07-08 04:24:17 +03:00
if ( _kcfg_generatemoc )
qt4_generate_moc ( ${ _header_FILE } ${ _moc_FILE } )
set_source_files_properties ( ${ _src_FILE } PROPERTIES SKIP_AUTOMOC TRUE ) # don't run automoc on this file
list ( APPEND ${ _sources } ${ _moc_FILE } )
endif ( _kcfg_generatemoc )
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
list ( APPEND ${ _sources } ${ _src_FILE } ${ _header_FILE } )
endforeach ( _current_FILE )
endmacro ( KDE4_ADD_KCFG_FILES )
get_filename_component ( KDE4_MODULE_DIR ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE } PATH )
#create the implementation files from the ui files and add them to the list of sources
#usage: KDE4_ADD_UI_FILES(foo_SRCS ${ui_files})
macro ( KDE4_ADD_UI_FILES _sources )
foreach ( _current_FILE ${ ARGN } )
get_filename_component ( _tmp_FILE ${ _current_FILE } ABSOLUTE )
get_filename_component ( _basename ${ _tmp_FILE } NAME_WE )
set ( _header ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR } /ui_ ${ _basename } .h )
# we need to run uic and replace some things in the generated file
# this is done by executing the cmake script kde4uic.cmake
add_custom_command ( OUTPUT ${ _header }
C O M M A N D $ { C M A K E _ C O M M A N D }
- D K D E 4 _ H E A D E R : B O O L = O N
- D K D E _ U I C _ E X E C U T A B L E : F I L E P A T H = $ { Q T _ U I C _ E X E C U T A B L E }
- D K D E _ U I C _ F I L E : F I L E P A T H = $ { _ t m p _ F I L E }
- D K D E _ U I C _ H _ F I L E : F I L E P A T H = $ { _ h e a d e r }
- D K D E _ U I C _ B A S E N A M E : S T R I N G = $ { _ b a s e n a m e }
- P $ { K D E 4 _ M O D U L E _ D I R } / k d e 4 u i c . c m a k e
M A I N _ D E P E N D E N C Y $ { _ t m p _ F I L E }
list ( APPEND ${ _sources } ${ _header } )
endforeach ( _current_FILE )
endmacro ( KDE4_ADD_UI_FILES )
# this is basically a copy of the qt4_get_moc_flags() macros from FindQt4.cmake
# which is for internal use only, so we should not use it here:
macro ( _KDE4_GET_MOC_FLAGS _moc_flags )
set ( ${ _moc_flags } )
get_directory_property ( _inc_DIRS INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES )
foreach ( _current ${ _inc_DIRS } )
set ( ${ _moc_flags } ${ ${_moc_flags } } "-I${_current}" )
endforeach ( _current ${ _inc_DIRS } )
get_directory_property ( _defines COMPILE_DEFINITIONS )
foreach ( _current ${ _defines } )
set ( ${ _moc_flags } ${ ${_moc_flags } } "-D${_current}" )
endforeach ( _current ${ _defines } )
# if Qt is installed only as framework, add -F /library/Frameworks to the moc arguments
# otherwise moc can't find the headers in the framework include dirs
if ( APPLE AND "${QT_QTCORE_INCLUDE_DIR}" MATCHES "/Library/Frameworks/" )
set ( ${ _moc_INC_DIRS } ${ ${_moc_INC_DIRS } } "-F/Library/Frameworks" )
endif ( APPLE AND "${QT_QTCORE_INCLUDE_DIR}" MATCHES "/Library/Frameworks/" )
endmacro ( _KDE4_GET_MOC_FLAGS )
macro ( _KDE4_SET_CUSTOM_TARGET_PROPERTY _target_name _property_name _property )
string ( REGEX REPLACE "[/ ]" "_" _dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" )
set ( _kde4_ ${ _dir } _ ${ _target_name } _ ${ _property_name } "${_property}" )
macro ( _KDE4_GET_CUSTOM_TARGET_PROPERTY _var _target_name _property_name )
string ( REGEX REPLACE "[/ ]" "_" _dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" )
set ( ${ _var } "${_kde4_${_dir}_${_target_name}_${_property_name}}" )
macro ( KDE4_INSTALL_TS_FILES _lang _sdir )
file ( GLOB_RECURSE _ts_files RELATIVE ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR } ${ _sdir } /* )
foreach ( _current_TS_FILES ${ _ts_files } )
string ( REGEX MATCH "\\.svn/" _in_svn ${ _current_TS_FILES } )
if ( NOT _in_svn )
get_filename_component ( _subpath ${ _current_TS_FILES } PATH )
install ( FILES ${ _current_TS_FILES } DESTINATION ${ LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR } / ${ _lang } /LC_SCRIPTS/ ${ _subpath } )
endif ( NOT _in_svn )
endforeach ( _current_TS_FILES )
endmacro ( KDE4_INSTALL_TS_FILES )
macro ( KDE4_CREATE_MANPAGE _docbook _section )
get_filename_component ( _input ${ _docbook } ABSOLUTE )
get_filename_component ( _base ${ _input } NAME )
string ( REGEX REPLACE "\\.${_section}\\.docbook$" "" _base ${ _base } )
set ( _doc ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR } / ${ _base } . ${ _section } )
# sometimes we have "man-" prepended
string ( REGEX REPLACE "/man-" "/" _outdoc ${ _doc } )
add_custom_command ( OUTPUT ${ _outdoc }
2014-12-31 01:25:08 +00:00
C O M M A N D x s l t p r o c $ { _ i n p u t }
D E P E N D S $ { _ i n p u t } x s l t p r o c
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
get_filename_component ( _targ ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR } NAME )
set ( _targ "${_targ}-manpage-${_base}" )
add_custom_target ( ${ _targ } ALL DEPENDS "${_outdoc}" )
set ( _args ${ ARGN } )
set ( _installDest )
if ( _args )
list ( GET _args 0 _tmp )
list ( GET _args 1 _installDest )
list ( REMOVE_AT _args 0 1 )
endif ( _args )
get_filename_component ( dirname ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR } NAME_WE )
if ( _args )
list ( GET _args 0 _tmp )
if ( "${_tmp}" STREQUAL "SUBDIR" )
list ( GET _args 1 dirname )
list ( REMOVE_AT _args 0 1 )
endif ( "${_tmp}" STREQUAL "SUBDIR" )
endif ( _args )
if ( _installDest )
install ( FILES ${ _outdoc } DESTINATION ${ _installDest } /man ${ _section } )
endif ( _installDest )
endmacro ( KDE4_CREATE_MANPAGE )
# Update mtime of hicolor icon theme dir.
# We don't always have touch command (e.g. on Windows), so instead create
# and delete a temporary file in the theme dir.
install ( CODE "
file ( WRITE \"${ICON_INSTALL_DIR}/hicolor/temp.txt\" \"update\")
file ( REMOVE \"${ICON_INSTALL_DIR}/hicolor/temp.txt\")
" )
# a "map" of short type names to the directories
# unknown names should give empty results
# KDE 3 compatibility
set ( _KDE4_ICON_GROUP_mime "mimetypes" )
set ( _KDE4_ICON_GROUP_filesys "places" )
set ( _KDE4_ICON_GROUP_device "devices" )
set ( _KDE4_ICON_GROUP_app "apps" )
set ( _KDE4_ICON_GROUP_action "actions" )
# KDE 4 / icon naming specification compatibility
set ( _KDE4_ICON_GROUP_mimetypes "mimetypes" )
set ( _KDE4_ICON_GROUP_places "places" )
set ( _KDE4_ICON_GROUP_devices "devices" )
set ( _KDE4_ICON_GROUP_apps "apps" )
set ( _KDE4_ICON_GROUP_actions "actions" )
set ( _KDE4_ICON_GROUP_categories "categories" )
set ( _KDE4_ICON_GROUP_status "status" )
set ( _KDE4_ICON_GROUP_emblems "emblems" )
set ( _KDE4_ICON_GROUP_emotes "emotes" )
set ( _KDE4_ICON_GROUP_animations "animations" )
set ( _KDE4_ICON_GROUP_intl "intl" )
# a "map" of short theme names to the theme directory
2014-11-30 23:10:20 +00:00
set ( _KDE4_ICON_THEME_ox "ariya" )
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
set ( _KDE4_ICON_THEME_cr "crystalsvg" )
set ( _KDE4_ICON_THEME_lo "locolor" )
set ( _KDE4_ICON_THEME_hi "hicolor" )
# only used internally by KDE4_INSTALL_ICONS
macro ( _KDE4_ADD_ICON_INSTALL_RULE _install_SCRIPT _install_PATH _group _orig_NAME _install_NAME _l10n_SUBDIR )
# if the string doesn't match the pattern, the result is the full string, so all three have the same content
if ( NOT ${ _group } STREQUAL ${ _install_NAME } )
set ( _icon_GROUP ${ _KDE4_ICON_GROUP_${_group } } )
if ( NOT _icon_GROUP )
set ( _icon_GROUP "actions" )
endif ( NOT _icon_GROUP )
# message(STATUS "icon: ${_current_ICON} size: ${_size} group: ${_group} name: ${_name} l10n: ${_l10n_SUBDIR}")
install ( FILES ${ _orig_NAME } DESTINATION ${ _install_PATH } / ${ _icon_GROUP } / ${ _l10n_SUBDIR } / RENAME ${ _install_NAME } )
endif ( NOT ${ _group } STREQUAL ${ _install_NAME } )
macro ( KDE4_INSTALL_ICONS _defaultpath )
# the l10n-subdir if language given as second argument (localized icon)
set ( _lang ${ ARGV1 } )
if ( _lang )
set ( _l10n_SUBDIR l10n/ ${ _lang } )
else ( _lang )
set ( _l10n_SUBDIR "." )
endif ( _lang )
# first the png icons
file ( GLOB _icons *.png )
foreach ( _current_ICON ${ _icons } )
# since CMake 2.6 regex matches are stored in special variables CMAKE_MATCH_x, if it didn't match, they are empty
string ( REGEX MATCH "^.*/([a-zA-Z]+)([0-9]+)\\-([a-z]+)\\-(.+\\.png)$" _dummy "${_current_ICON}" )
set ( _type "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}" )
set ( _size "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}" )
set ( _group "${CMAKE_MATCH_3}" )
set ( _name "${CMAKE_MATCH_4}" )
set ( _theme_GROUP ${ _KDE4_ICON_THEME_${_type } } )
if ( _theme_GROUP )
$ { _ d e f a u l t p a t h } / $ { _ t h e m e _ G R O U P } / $ { _ s i z e } x $ { _ s i z e }
$ { _ g r o u p } $ { _ c u r r e n t _ I C O N } $ { _ n a m e } $ { _ l 1 0 n _ S U B D I R } )
endif ( _theme_GROUP )
endforeach ( _current_ICON )
# mng icons
file ( GLOB _icons *.mng )
foreach ( _current_ICON ${ _icons } )
# since CMake 2.6 regex matches are stored in special variables CMAKE_MATCH_x, if it didn't match, they are empty
string ( REGEX MATCH "^.*/([a-zA-Z]+)([0-9]+)\\-([a-z]+)\\-(.+\\.mng)$" _dummy "${_current_ICON}" )
set ( _type "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}" )
set ( _size "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}" )
set ( _group "${CMAKE_MATCH_3}" )
set ( _name "${CMAKE_MATCH_4}" )
set ( _theme_GROUP ${ _KDE4_ICON_THEME_${_type } } )
if ( _theme_GROUP )
$ { _ d e f a u l t p a t h } / $ { _ t h e m e _ G R O U P } / $ { _ s i z e } x $ { _ s i z e }
$ { _ g r o u p } $ { _ c u r r e n t _ I C O N } $ { _ n a m e } $ { _ l 1 0 n _ S U B D I R } )
endif ( _theme_GROUP )
endforeach ( _current_ICON )
# and now the svg icons
file ( GLOB _icons *.svgz )
foreach ( _current_ICON ${ _icons } )
# since CMake 2.6 regex matches are stored in special variables CMAKE_MATCH_x, if it didn't match, they are empty
string ( REGEX MATCH "^.*/([a-zA-Z]+)sc\\-([a-z]+)\\-(.+\\.svgz)$" _dummy "${_current_ICON}" )
set ( _type "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}" )
set ( _group "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}" )
set ( _name "${CMAKE_MATCH_3}" )
set ( _theme_GROUP ${ _KDE4_ICON_THEME_${_type } } )
if ( _theme_GROUP )
$ { _ d e f a u l t p a t h } / $ { _ t h e m e _ G R O U P } / s c a l a b l e
$ { _ g r o u p } $ { _ c u r r e n t _ I C O N } $ { _ n a m e } $ { _ l 1 0 n _ S U B D I R } )
endif ( _theme_GROUP )
endforeach ( _current_ICON )
kde4_update_iconcache ( )
endmacro ( KDE4_INSTALL_ICONS )
# This macro doesn't set up the RPATH related options for executables anymore,
# since now (wioth cmake 2.6) just the full RPATH is used always for everything.
# It does create wrapper shell scripts for the executables.
# It overrides the defaults set in FindKDE4Internal.cmake.
# For every executable a wrapper script is created, which sets the appropriate
# environment variable for the platform (LD_LIBRARY_PATH on most UNIX systems,
# DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on OS X and PATH in Windows) so that it points to the built
# but not yet installed versions of the libraries. So if RPATH is disabled, the executables
# can be run via these scripts from the build tree and will find the correct libraries.
# If RPATH is not disabled, these scripts are also used but only for consistency, because
# they don't really influence anything then, because the compiled-in RPATH overrides
# the LD_LIBRARY_PATH env. variable.
if ( UNIX )
if ( APPLE )
set ( _library_path_variable "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" )
elseif ( CYGWIN )
set ( _library_path_variable "PATH" )
else ( APPLE )
set ( _library_path_variable "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" )
endif ( APPLE )
if ( APPLE )
# OSX already has the RPATH in libraries and executables, putting runtime directories in
# DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH actually breaks things
set ( _ld_library_path "${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/:${KDE4_LIB_DIR}" )
else ( APPLE )
endif ( APPLE )
get_target_property ( _executable ${ _target_NAME } LOCATION )
# use add_custom_target() to have the sh-wrapper generated during build time instead of cmake time
add_custom_command ( TARGET ${ _target_NAME } POST_BUILD
C O M M A N D $ { C M A K E _ C O M M A N D }
- D _ f i l e n a m e = $ { _ e x e c u t a b l e } . s h e l l - D _ l i b r a r y _ p a t h _ v a r i a b l e = $ { _ l i b r a r y _ p a t h _ v a r i a b l e }
- D _ l d _ l i b r a r y _ p a t h = " $ { _ l d _ l i b r a r y _ p a t h } " - D _ e x e c u t a b l e = $ < T A R G E T _ F I L E : $ { _ t a r g e t _ N A M E } >
- P $ { K D E 4 _ M O D U L E _ D I R } / k d e 4 _ e x e c _ v i a _ s h . c m a k e
else ( )
add_custom_command ( TARGET ${ _target_NAME } POST_BUILD
C O M M A N D $ { C M A K E _ C O M M A N D }
- D _ f i l e n a m e = $ { _ e x e c u t a b l e } . s h e l l - D _ l i b r a r y _ p a t h _ v a r i a b l e = $ { _ l i b r a r y _ p a t h _ v a r i a b l e }
- D _ l d _ l i b r a r y _ p a t h = " $ { _ l d _ l i b r a r y _ p a t h } " - D _ e x e c u t a b l e = $ { _ e x e c u t a b l e }
- P $ { K D E 4 _ M O D U L E _ D I R } / k d e 4 _ e x e c _ v i a _ s h . c m a k e
endif ( )
macro_additional_clean_files ( ${ _executable } .shell )
# under UNIX, set the property WRAPPER_SCRIPT to the name of the generated shell script
# so it can be queried and used later on easily
set_target_properties ( ${ _target_NAME } PROPERTIES WRAPPER_SCRIPT ${ _executable } .shell )
else ( UNIX )
# under windows, set the property WRAPPER_SCRIPT just to the name of the executable
# maybe later this will change to a generated batch file (for setting the PATH so that the Qt libs are found)
get_target_property ( _executable ${ _target_NAME } LOCATION )
set_target_properties ( ${ _target_NAME } PROPERTIES WRAPPER_SCRIPT ${ _executable } )
get_target_property ( _executable ${ _target_NAME } LOCATION )
# use add_custom_target() to have the batch-file-wrapper generated during build time instead of cmake time
add_custom_command ( TARGET ${ _target_NAME } POST_BUILD
C O M M A N D $ { C M A K E _ C O M M A N D }
- D _ f i l e n a m e = " $ { _ e x e c u t a b l e } . b a t "
- D _ l d _ l i b r a r y _ p a t h = " $ { _ l d _ l i b r a r y _ p a t h } " - D _ e x e c u t a b l e = " $ { _ e x e c u t a b l e } "
- P $ { K D E 4 _ M O D U L E _ D I R } / k d e 4 _ e x e c _ v i a _ s h . c m a k e
endif ( UNIX )
macro ( KDE4_ADD_PLUGIN _target_NAME )
#if the first argument is "WITH_PREFIX" then keep the standard "lib" prefix,
#otherwise set the prefix empty
set ( _args ${ ARGN } )
# default to module
set ( _add_lib_param "MODULE" )
set ( _with_pre FALSE )
foreach ( arg ${ _args } )
set ( _with_pre TRUE )
endif ( arg STREQUAL "WITH_PREFIX" )
if ( arg STREQUAL "STATIC" )
set ( _add_lib_param STATIC )
endif ( arg STREQUAL "STATIC" )
if ( arg STREQUAL "SHARED" )
set ( _add_lib_param SHARED )
endif ( arg STREQUAL "SHARED" )
if ( arg STREQUAL "MODULE" )
set ( _add_lib_param MODULE )
endif ( arg STREQUAL "MODULE" )
endforeach ( arg )
if ( _with_pre )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM _args "WITH_PREFIX" )
endif ( _with_pre )
if ( _add_lib_param STREQUAL "STATIC" )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM _args "STATIC" )
endif ( _add_lib_param STREQUAL "STATIC" )
if ( _add_lib_param STREQUAL "SHARED" )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM _args "SHARED" )
endif ( _add_lib_param STREQUAL "SHARED" )
if ( _add_lib_param STREQUAL "MODULE" )
list ( REMOVE_ITEM _args "MODULE" )
endif ( _add_lib_param STREQUAL "MODULE" )
set ( _SRCS ${ _args } )
if ( "${_add_lib_param}" STREQUAL "STATIC" )
add_definitions ( -DQT_STATICPLUGIN )
endif ( "${_add_lib_param}" STREQUAL "STATIC" )
2015-03-02 04:57:24 +00:00
add_library ( ${ _target_NAME } ${ _add_lib_param } ${ _SRCS } )
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
if ( NOT _with_pre )
set_target_properties ( ${ _target_NAME } PROPERTIES PREFIX "" )
endif ( NOT _with_pre )
# for shared libraries/plugins a -DMAKE_target_LIB is required
string ( TOUPPER ${ _target_NAME } _symbol )
string ( REGEX REPLACE "[^_A-Za-z0-9]" "_" _symbol ${ _symbol } )
set ( _symbol "MAKE_${_symbol}_LIB" )
set_target_properties ( ${ _target_NAME } PROPERTIES DEFINE_SYMBOL ${ _symbol } )
endmacro ( KDE4_ADD_PLUGIN _target_NAME _with_PREFIX )
# this macro is intended to check whether a list of source
# files has the "NOGUI" or "RUN_UNINSTALLED" keywords at the beginning
# in _output_LIST the list of source files is returned with the "NOGUI"
# and "RUN_UNINSTALLED" keywords removed
# if "NOGUI" is in the list of files, the _nogui argument is set to
# "NOGUI" (which evaluates to TRUE in cmake), otherwise it is set empty
# (which evaluates to FALSE in cmake)
# "RUN_UNINSTALLED" in the list of files is ignored, it is not necessary anymore
# since KDE 4.2 (with cmake 2.6.2), since then all executables are always built
# with RPATH pointing into the build dir.
# if "TEST" is in the list of files, the _test argument is set to
# "TEST" (which evaluates to TRUE in cmake), otherwise it is set empty
# (which evaluates to FALSE in cmake)
macro ( KDE4_CHECK_EXECUTABLE_PARAMS _output_LIST _nogui _test )
set ( ${ _nogui } )
set ( ${ _test } )
set ( ${ _output_LIST } ${ ARGN } )
list ( LENGTH ${ _output_LIST } count )
list ( GET ${ _output_LIST } 0 first_PARAM )
set ( second_PARAM "NOTFOUND" )
if ( ${ count } GREATER 1 )
list ( GET ${ _output_LIST } 1 second_PARAM )
endif ( ${ count } GREATER 1 )
set ( remove "NOTFOUND" )
if ( ${ first_PARAM } STREQUAL "NOGUI" )
set ( ${ _nogui } "NOGUI" )
set ( remove 0 )
endif ( ${ first_PARAM } STREQUAL "NOGUI" )
set ( remove 0 )
if ( ${ first_PARAM } STREQUAL "TEST" )
set ( ${ _test } "TEST" )
set ( remove 0 )
endif ( ${ first_PARAM } STREQUAL "TEST" )
if ( ${ second_PARAM } STREQUAL "NOGUI" )
set ( ${ _nogui } "NOGUI" )
set ( remove 0;1 )
endif ( ${ second_PARAM } STREQUAL "NOGUI" )
set ( remove 0;1 )
endif ( ${ second_PARAM } STREQUAL "RUN_UNINSTALLED" )
if ( ${ second_PARAM } STREQUAL "TEST" )
set ( ${ _test } "TEST" )
set ( remove 0;1 )
endif ( ${ second_PARAM } STREQUAL "TEST" )
if ( NOT "${remove}" STREQUAL "NOTFOUND" )
list ( REMOVE_AT ${ _output_LIST } ${ remove } )
endif ( NOT "${remove}" STREQUAL "NOTFOUND" )
kde4_check_executable_params ( _SRCS _nogui _test ${ ARGN } )
2015-06-22 19:22:59 +03:00
configure_file ( ${ KDE4_MODULE_DIR } /kde4init_dummy.cpp.in ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR } / ${ _target_NAME } _dummy.cpp )
set_source_files_properties ( ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR } / ${ _target_NAME } _dummy.cpp PROPERTIES SKIP_AUTOMOC TRUE )
# under Windows, build a normal executable and additionally a dummy kdeinit4_foo.lib, whose only purpose on windows is to
# keep the linking logic from the CMakeLists.txt on UNIX working (under UNIX all necessary libs are linked against the kdeinit
# library instead against the executable, under windows we want to have everything in the executable, but for compatibility we have to
# keep the library there-
2015-03-02 04:57:24 +00:00
add_library ( kdeinit_ ${ _target_NAME } SHARED ${ _SRCS } )
2014-11-27 18:22:42 +00:00
set_target_properties ( kdeinit_ ${ _target_NAME } PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME kdeinit4_ ${ _target_NAME } )
kde4_add_executable ( ${ _target_NAME } "${_nogui}" ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR } / ${ _target_NAME } _dummy.cpp ${ _resourcefile } )
target_link_libraries ( ${ _target_NAME } kdeinit_ ${ _target_NAME } )
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
# Add a unit test, which is executed when running make test .
# The targets are always created, but only built for the "all"
# target if the option KDE4_BUILD_TESTS is enabled. Otherwise the rules for the target
# are created but not built by default. You can build them by manually building the target.
# The name of the target can be specified using TESTNAME <testname>, if it is not given
# the macro will default to the <name>
macro ( KDE4_ADD_UNIT_TEST _test_NAME )
set ( _srcList ${ ARGN } )
set ( _targetName ${ _test_NAME } )
set ( _targetName ${ ARGV2 } )
list ( REMOVE_AT _srcList 0 1 )
endif ( ${ ARGV1 } STREQUAL "TESTNAME" )
2015-01-23 18:51:39 +00:00
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
set ( _nogui )
list ( GET _srcList 0 first_PARAM )
if ( ${ first_PARAM } STREQUAL "NOGUI" )
set ( _nogui "NOGUI" )
endif ( ${ first_PARAM } STREQUAL "NOGUI" )
kde4_add_executable ( ${ _test_NAME } TEST ${ _srcList } )
set ( KDE4_TEST_OUTPUT plaintext )
set ( KDE4_TEST_OUTPUT ${ KDE4_TEST_OUTPUT } CACHE STRING "The output to generate when running the QTest unit tests" )
set ( using_qtest "" )
foreach ( _filename ${ _srcList } )
if ( NOT using_qtest )
if ( EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_filename}" )
file ( READ ${ _filename } file_CONTENT )
string ( REGEX MATCH "QTEST_(KDE)?MAIN" using_qtest "${file_CONTENT}" )
endif ( EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_filename}" )
endif ( NOT using_qtest )
endforeach ( _filename )
get_target_property ( loc ${ _test_NAME } LOCATION )
2014-11-27 18:22:42 +00:00
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
if ( using_qtest AND KDE4_TEST_OUTPUT STREQUAL "xml" )
#MESSAGE(STATUS "${_targetName} : Using QTestLib, can produce XML report.")
add_test ( ${ _targetName } ${ _executable } -xml -o ${ _targetName } .tml )
else ( using_qtest AND KDE4_TEST_OUTPUT STREQUAL "xml" )
#MESSAGE(STATUS "${_targetName} : NOT using QTestLib, can't produce XML report, please use QTestLib to write your unit tests.")
add_test ( ${ _targetName } ${ _executable } )
endif ( using_qtest AND KDE4_TEST_OUTPUT STREQUAL "xml" )
# add_test( ${_targetName} ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/${_test_NAME} -xml -o ${_test_NAME}.tml )
2015-01-23 18:51:39 +00:00
# if the tests are EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL, add a target "buildtests" to build all tests
get_directory_property ( _buildtestsAdded BUILDTESTS_ADDED )
if ( NOT _buildtestsAdded )
add_custom_target ( buildtests )
set_directory_properties ( PROPERTIES BUILDTESTS_ADDED TRUE )
endif ( NOT _buildtestsAdded )
add_dependencies ( buildtests ${ _test_NAME } )
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
endmacro ( KDE4_ADD_UNIT_TEST )
# add a manifest file to executables.
# There is a henn-egg problem when a target runtime part is renamed using
# the OUTPUT_NAME option of cmake's set_target_properties command.
# At now the Makefiles rules creating for manifest adding are performed
# *after* the cmake's add_executable command but *before* an optional
# set_target_properties command.
# This means that in KDE4_ADD_MANIFEST the LOCATION property contains
# the unchanged runtime part name of the target. :-(
# The recently used workaround is to specify a variable build off the target name followed
# by _OUTPUT_NAME before calling kde4_add_executable as shown in the following example:
# set(xyz_OUTPUT_NAME test)
# kde4_add_executable( xyz <source>)
# set_target_properties( xyz PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${xyz_OUTPUT_NAME} )
# The full solution would be to introduce a kde4_target_link_libraries macro and to
# call KDE4_ADD_MANIFEST inside instead of calling in kde4_add_executable.
# This would require patching of *all* places in the KDE sources where target_link_libraries
# is used and to change the related docs.
# Because yet I found only 2 locations where this problem occurs (kjs, k3b), the workaround
# seems to be a pragmatically solution.
# This macro is an internal macro only used by kde4_add_executable
macro ( _KDE4_ADD_MANIFEST _target_NAME )
set ( x ${ _target_NAME } _OUTPUT_NAME )
if ( ${ x } )
get_target_property ( _var ${ _target_NAME } LOCATION )
string ( REPLACE "${_target_NAME}" "${${x}}" _executable ${ _var } )
else ( ${ x } )
get_target_property ( _executable ${ _target_NAME } LOCATION )
endif ( ${ x } )
2015-01-23 18:51:39 +00:00
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
if ( _kdeBootStrapping )
set ( _cmake_module_path ${ CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR } /cmake/modules )
else ( _kdeBootStrapping )
set ( _cmake_module_path ${ KDE4_INSTALL_DIR } /share/apps/cmake/modules )
endif ( _kdeBootStrapping )
2015-01-23 18:51:39 +00:00
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
set ( _manifest ${ _cmake_module_path } /Win32.Manifest.in )
#message(STATUS ${_executable} ${_manifest})
add_custom_command (
T A R G E T $ { _ t a r g e t _ N A M E }
P O S T _ B U I L D
C O M M A N D $ { K D E 4 _ M T _ E X E C U T A B L E }
- m a n i f e s t $ { _ m a n i f e s t }
- u p d a t e r e s o u r c e : $ { _ e x e c u t a b l e }
C O M M E N T " a d d i n g v i s t a t r u s t I n f o m a n i f e s t t o $ { _ t a r g e t _ N A M E } "
endmacro ( _KDE4_ADD_MANIFEST )
macro ( KDE4_ADD_EXECUTABLE _target_NAME )
kde4_check_executable_params ( _SRCS _nogui _test ${ ARGN } )
set ( _add_executable_param )
if ( _nogui )
set ( _add_executable_param )
endif ( _nogui )
set ( _add_executable_param ${ _add_executable_param } EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL )
endif ( _test AND NOT KDE4_BUILD_TESTS )
2015-03-02 04:57:24 +00:00
add_executable ( ${ _target_NAME } ${ _add_executable_param } ${ _SRCS } )
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
_kde4_add_manifest ( ${ _target_NAME } )
if ( _test )
set_target_properties ( ${ _target_NAME } PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS -DKDESRCDIR= "\\" ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR } /\\ "" )
endif ( _test )
kde4_handle_rpath_for_executable ( ${ _target_NAME } )
endmacro ( KDE4_ADD_EXECUTABLE )
macro ( KDE4_ADD_LIBRARY _target_NAME _lib_TYPE )
set ( _first_SRC ${ _lib_TYPE } )
set ( _add_lib_param )
if ( ${ _lib_TYPE } STREQUAL "STATIC" )
set ( _first_SRC )
set ( _add_lib_param STATIC )
endif ( ${ _lib_TYPE } STREQUAL "STATIC" )
if ( ${ _lib_TYPE } STREQUAL "SHARED" )
set ( _first_SRC )
set ( _add_lib_param SHARED )
endif ( ${ _lib_TYPE } STREQUAL "SHARED" )
if ( ${ _lib_TYPE } STREQUAL "MODULE" )
set ( _first_SRC )
set ( _add_lib_param MODULE )
endif ( ${ _lib_TYPE } STREQUAL "MODULE" )
set ( _SRCS ${ _first_SRC } ${ ARGN } )
2015-03-02 04:57:24 +00:00
add_library ( ${ _target_NAME } ${ _add_lib_param } ${ _SRCS } )
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
# for shared libraries a -DMAKE_target_LIB is required
string ( TOUPPER ${ _target_NAME } _symbol )
string ( REGEX REPLACE "[^_A-Za-z0-9]" "_" _symbol ${ _symbol } )
set ( _symbol "MAKE_${_symbol}_LIB" )
set_target_properties ( ${ _target_NAME } PROPERTIES DEFINE_SYMBOL ${ _symbol } )
endmacro ( KDE4_ADD_LIBRARY _target_NAME _lib_TYPE )
macro ( KDE4_ADD_WIDGET_FILES _sources )
foreach ( _current_FILE ${ ARGN } )
get_filename_component ( _input ${ _current_FILE } ABSOLUTE )
get_filename_component ( _basename ${ _input } NAME_WE )
set ( _source ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR } / ${ _basename } widgets.cpp )
set ( _moc ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR } / ${ _basename } widgets.moc )
# create source file from the .widgets file
add_custom_command ( OUTPUT ${ _source }
C O M M A N D $ { K D E 4 _ M A K E K D E W I D G E T S _ E X E C U T A B L E }
A R G S - o $ { _ s o u r c e } $ { _ i n p u t }
M A I N _ D E P E N D E N C Y $ { _ i n p u t } D E P E N D S $ { _ K D E 4 _ M A K E K D E W I D G E T S _ D E P } $ { K D E 4 _ M A K E K D E W I D G E T S _ E X E C U T A B L E } )
# create moc file
qt4_generate_moc ( ${ _source } ${ _moc } )
list ( APPEND ${ _sources } ${ _source } ${ _moc } )
endforeach ( _current_FILE )
endmacro ( KDE4_ADD_WIDGET_FILES )
# the files listed here will be removed by remove_obsoleted_cmake_files.cmake, Alex
install ( SCRIPT ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR } /remove_files.cmake )
set ( module_install_dir ${ DATA_INSTALL_DIR } /cmake/modules )
file ( WRITE ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR } /remove_files.cmake "#generated by cmake, don't edit\n\n" )
foreach ( _current_FILE ${ ARGN } )
file ( APPEND ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR } /remove_files.cmake "message(STATUS \" Removing ${ module_install_dir } / ${ _current_FILE } \" ) \ n " )
file ( APPEND ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR } /remove_files.cmake "exec_program( ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ARGS -E remove ${module_install_dir}/${_current_FILE} OUTPUT_VARIABLE _dummy)\n" )
endforeach ( _current_FILE )
macro ( KDE4_CREATE_EXPORTS_HEADER _outputFile _libName )
string ( TOUPPER ${ _libName } _libNameUpperCase )
string ( REGEX REPLACE "[^_A-Za-z0-9]" "_" _libNameUpperCase ${ _libNameUpperCase } )
# the next line is is required, because in CMake arguments to macros are not real
# variables, but handled differently. The next line create a real CMake variable,
# so configure_file() will replace it correctly.
set ( _libName ${ _libName } )
# compared to write(FILE) configure_file() only really writes the file if the
# contents have changed. Otherwise we would have a lot of recompiles.
configure_file ( ${ KDE4_MODULE_DIR } /kde4exportsheader.h.in ${ _outputFile } )
endmacro ( KDE4_CREATE_EXPORTS_HEADER _outputFile _libName )
# adds application icon to target source list
# for detailed documentation see the top of FindKDE4Internal.cmake
macro ( KDE4_ADD_APP_ICON appsources pattern )
set ( _outfilename ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR } / ${ appsources } )
endmacro ( KDE4_ADD_APP_ICON )
# This macro is only kept around for compatibility, it is not needed/used anymore
# since CMake 2.6.0. With CMake 2.6.0 it is not necessary anymore link libraries again
# ("relink") to change their RPATH. Since this is fast now, they are now always built with
# full RPATH.
# Still keep this macro here, since somebody might use it and so that would break
# if we would just remove it from here.
# What it does now it sets the target properties of the given target the same way as
# they were set by the old version of the macro with the option FULL_RPATH enabled.
# This one may be a candidate for removal. Alex
message ( STATUS "You are using the macro KDE4_HANDLE_RPATH_FOR_LIBRARY(), which is an internal macro and shouldn't be used by external projects. Please remove it." )
# This macro adds the needed files for an helper executable meant to be used by applications using KAuth.
# It accepts the helper target, the helper ID (the DBUS name) and the user under which the helper will run on.
# This macro takes care of generate the needed files, and install them in the right location. This boils down
# to a DBus policy to let the helper register on the system bus, and a service file for letting the helper
# being automatically activated by the system bus.
# *WARNING* You have to install the helper in ${LIBEXEC_INSTALL_DIR} to make sure everything will work.
2014-11-24 15:01:31 +00:00
if ( _kdeBootStrapping )
set ( _stubFilesDir ${ CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR } /kdecore/auth/backends/dbus/ )
else ( _kdeBootStrapping )
set ( _stubFilesDir ${ KDE4_DATA_INSTALL_DIR } /kauth/ )
endif ( _kdeBootStrapping )
configure_file ( ${ _stubFilesDir } /dbus_policy.stub
$ { C M A K E _ C U R R E N T _ B I N A R Y _ D I R } / $ { H E L P E R _ I D } . c o n f )
install ( FILES ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR } / ${ HELPER_ID } .conf
D E S T I N A T I O N $ { S Y S C O N F _ I N S T A L L _ D I R } / d b u s - 1 / s y s t e m . d / )
configure_file ( ${ _stubFilesDir } /dbus_service.stub
$ { C M A K E _ C U R R E N T _ B I N A R Y _ D I R } / $ { H E L P E R _ I D } . s e r v i c e )
install ( FILES ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR } / ${ HELPER_ID } .service
D E S T I N A T I O N $ { D B U S _ S Y S T E M _ S E R V I C E S _ I N S T A L L _ D I R } )
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00
# This macro generates an action file, depending on the backend used, for applications using KAuth.
# It accepts the helper id (the DBUS name) and a file containing the actions (check kdelibs/kdecore/auth/example
# for file format). The macro will take care of generating the file according to the backend specified,
# and to install it in the right location. This (at the moment) means that on Linux (PolicyKit) a .policy
# file will be generated and installed into the policykit action directory (usually /usr/share/PolicyKit/policy/),
# and on Mac (Authorization Services) will be added to the system action registry using the native MacOS API during
# the install phase
2014-11-21 01:38:25 +00:00
message ( AUTHOR_WARNING "PolicyKit/Polikt actions are not required" )
2014-11-13 01:04:59 +02:00