2014-11-13 19:30:51 +02:00

406 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2010 Andriy Rysin (rysin@kde.org)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "xkb_rules.h"
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QRegExp>
#include <QtGui/QTextDocument> // for Qt::escape
#include <QtXml/QXmlAttributes>
#include <QtCore/QtConcurrentFilter>
//#include <libintl.h>
//#include <locale.h>
#include "x11_helper.h"
// for findXkbRuleFile
#include <QtGui/QX11Info>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <X11/XKBlib.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XKBrules.h>
#include <fixx11h.h>
#include <config-workspace.h>
class RulesHandler : public QXmlDefaultHandler
RulesHandler(Rules* rules_, bool fromExtras_):
bool startElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName,
const QString &qName, const QXmlAttributes &attributes);
bool endElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName,
const QString &qName);
bool characters(const QString &str);
// bool fatalError(const QXmlParseException &exception);
// QString errorString() const;
// QString getString(const QString& text);
QStringList path;
Rules* rules;
const bool fromExtras;
static QString translate_xml_item(const QString& itemText)
return i18n(Qt::escape(itemText).toUtf8());
// return QString::fromUtf8(dgettext("xkeyboard-config", itemText.toAscii()));
static QString translate_description(ConfigItem* item)
return item->description.isEmpty()
? item->name : translate_xml_item(item->description);
static bool notEmpty(const ConfigItem* item)
return ! item->name.isEmpty();
template<class T>
void removeEmptyItems(QList<T*>& list)
QtConcurrent::blockingFilter(list, notEmpty);
void postProcess(Rules* rules)
//TODO remove elements with empty names to safeguard us
// setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
// bindtextdomain("xkeyboard-config", LOCALE_DIR);
foreach(ModelInfo* modelInfo, rules->modelInfos) {
modelInfo->vendor = translate_xml_item(modelInfo->vendor);
modelInfo->description = translate_description(modelInfo);
foreach(LayoutInfo* layoutInfo, rules->layoutInfos) {
layoutInfo->description = translate_description(layoutInfo);
foreach(VariantInfo* variantInfo, layoutInfo->variantInfos) {
variantInfo->description = translate_description(variantInfo);
foreach(OptionGroupInfo* optionGroupInfo, rules->optionGroupInfos) {
optionGroupInfo->description = translate_description(optionGroupInfo);
foreach(OptionInfo* optionInfo, optionGroupInfo->optionInfos) {
optionInfo->description = translate_description(optionInfo);
QString Rules::getRulesName()
XkbRF_VarDefsRec vd;
char *tmp = NULL;
if (XkbRF_GetNamesProp(QX11Info::display(), &tmp, &vd) && tmp != NULL ) {
// qDebug() << "namesprop" << tmp ;
const QString name(tmp);
return name;
return QString::null;
static QString findXkbRulesFile()
QString rulesFile;
QString rulesName = Rules::getRulesName();
if ( ! rulesName.isNull() ) {
QString xkbParentDir;
QString base(XLIBDIR);
if( base.count('/') >= 3 ) {
// .../usr/lib/X11 -> /usr/share/X11/xkb vs .../usr/X11/lib -> /usr/X11/share/X11/xkb
QString delta = base.endsWith("X11") ? "/../../share/X11" : "/../share/X11";
QDir baseDir(base + delta);
if( baseDir.exists() ) {
xkbParentDir = baseDir.absolutePath();
else {
QDir baseDir(base + "/X11"); // .../usr/X11/lib/X11/xkb (old XFree)
if( baseDir.exists() ) {
xkbParentDir = baseDir.absolutePath();
if( xkbParentDir.isEmpty() ) {
xkbParentDir = "/usr/share/X11";
rulesFile = QString("%1/xkb/rules/%2.xml").arg(xkbParentDir, rulesName);
return rulesFile;
void mergeRules(Rules* rules, Rules* extraRules)
rules->modelInfos.append( extraRules->modelInfos );
rules->optionGroupInfos.append( extraRules->optionGroupInfos ); // need to iterate and merge?
QList<LayoutInfo*> layoutsToAdd;
foreach(LayoutInfo* extraLayoutInfo, extraRules->layoutInfos) {
LayoutInfo* layoutInfo = findByName(rules->layoutInfos, extraLayoutInfo->name);
if( layoutInfo != NULL ) {
layoutInfo->variantInfos.append( extraLayoutInfo->variantInfos );
layoutInfo->languages.append( extraLayoutInfo->languages );
else {
kDebug() << "Merged from extra rules:" << extraRules->layoutInfos.size() << "layouts," << extraRules->modelInfos.size() << "models," << extraRules->optionGroupInfos.size() << "option groups";
// base rules now own the objects - remove them from extra rules so that it does not try to delete them
const char Rules::XKB_OPTION_GROUP_SEPARATOR = ':';
Rules* Rules::readRules(ExtrasFlag extrasFlag)
Rules* rules = new Rules();
QString rulesFile = findXkbRulesFile();
if( ! readRules(rules, rulesFile, false) ) {
delete rules;
return NULL;
if( extrasFlag == Rules::READ_EXTRAS ) {
QRegExp regex("\\.xml$");
Rules* rulesExtra = new Rules();
QString extraRulesFile = rulesFile.replace(regex, ".extras.xml");
if( readRules(rulesExtra, extraRulesFile, true) ) { // not fatal if it fails
mergeRules(rules, rulesExtra);
delete rulesExtra;
return rules;
Rules* Rules::readRules(Rules* rules, const QString& filename, bool fromExtras)
QFile file(filename);
if( !file.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text) ) {
kError() << "Cannot open the rules file" << file.fileName();
return NULL;
RulesHandler rulesHandler(rules, fromExtras);
QXmlSimpleReader reader;
QXmlInputSource xmlInputSource(&file);
kDebug() << "Parsing xkb rules from" << file.fileName();
if( ! reader.parse(xmlInputSource) ) {
kError() << "Failed to parse the rules file" << file.fileName();
delete rules;
return NULL;
return rules;
bool RulesHandler::startElement(const QString &/*namespaceURI*/, const QString &/*localName*/,
const QString &qName, const QXmlAttributes &attributes)
path << QString(qName);
QString strPath = path.join("/");
if( strPath.endsWith("layoutList/layout/configItem") ) {
rules->layoutInfos << new LayoutInfo(fromExtras);
else if( strPath.endsWith("layoutList/layout/variantList/variant") ) {
rules->layoutInfos.last()->variantInfos << new VariantInfo(fromExtras);
else if( strPath.endsWith("modelList/model") ) {
rules->modelInfos << new ModelInfo();
else if( strPath.endsWith("optionList/group") ) {
rules->optionGroupInfos << new OptionGroupInfo();
rules->optionGroupInfos.last()->exclusive = (attributes.value("allowMultipleSelection") != "true");
else if( strPath.endsWith("optionList/group/option") ) {
rules->optionGroupInfos.last()->optionInfos << new OptionInfo();
else if( strPath == ("xkbConfigRegistry") && ! attributes.value("version").isEmpty() ) {
rules->version = attributes.value("version");
kDebug() << "xkbConfigRegistry version" << rules->version;
return true;
bool RulesHandler::endElement(const QString &/*namespaceURI*/, const QString &/*localName*/, const QString &/*qName*/)
return true;
bool RulesHandler::characters(const QString &str)
if( !str.trimmed().isEmpty() ) {
QString strPath = path.join("/");
if( strPath.endsWith("layoutList/layout/configItem/name") ) {
if( rules->layoutInfos.last() != NULL ) {
rules->layoutInfos.last()->name = str.trimmed();
// qDebug() << "name:" << str;
// skipping invalid entry
else if( strPath.endsWith("layoutList/layout/configItem/description") ) {
rules->layoutInfos.last()->description = str.trimmed();
// qDebug() << "descr:" << str;
else if( strPath.endsWith("layoutList/layout/configItem/languageList/iso639Id") ) {
rules->layoutInfos.last()->languages << str.trimmed();
// qDebug() << "\tlang:" << str;
else if( strPath.endsWith("layoutList/layout/variantList/variant/configItem/name") ) {
rules->layoutInfos.last()->variantInfos.last()->name = str.trimmed();
// qDebug() << "\tvariant name:" << str;
else if( strPath.endsWith("layoutList/layout/variantList/variant/configItem/description") ) {
rules->layoutInfos.last()->variantInfos.last()->description = str.trimmed();
// qDebug() << "\tvariant descr:" << str;
else if( strPath.endsWith("layoutList/layout/variantList/variant/configItem/languageList/iso639Id") ) {
rules->layoutInfos.last()->variantInfos.last()->languages << str.trimmed();
// qDebug() << "\tvlang:" << str;
else if( strPath.endsWith("modelList/model/configItem/name") ) {
rules->modelInfos.last()->name = str.trimmed();
// qDebug() << "name:" << str;
else if( strPath.endsWith("modelList/model/configItem/description") ) {
rules->modelInfos.last()->description = str.trimmed();
// qDebug() << "\tdescr:" << str;
else if( strPath.endsWith("modelList/model/configItem/vendor") ) {
rules->modelInfos.last()->vendor = str.trimmed();
// qDebug() << "\tvendor:" << str;
else if( strPath.endsWith("optionList/group/configItem/name") ) {
rules->optionGroupInfos.last()->name = str.trimmed();
// qDebug() << "name:" << str;
else if( strPath.endsWith("optionList/group/configItem/description") ) {
rules->optionGroupInfos.last()->description = str.trimmed();
// qDebug() << "\tdescr:" << str;
else if( strPath.endsWith("optionList/group/option/configItem/name") ) {
rules->optionGroupInfos.last()->optionInfos.last()->name = str.trimmed();
// qDebug() << "name:" << str;
else if( strPath.endsWith("optionList/group/option/configItem/description") ) {
rules->optionGroupInfos.last()->optionInfos.last()->description = str.trimmed();
// qDebug() << "\tdescr:" << str;
return true;
bool LayoutInfo::isLanguageSupportedByLayout(const QString& lang) const
if( languages.contains(lang) || isLanguageSupportedByVariants(lang) )
return true;
// // return yes if no languages found in layout or its variants
// if( languages.empty() ) {
// foreach(const VariantInfo* info, variantInfos) {
// if( ! info->languages.empty() )
// return false;
// }
// return true;
// }
return false;
bool LayoutInfo::isLanguageSupportedByVariants(const QString& lang) const
foreach(const VariantInfo* info, variantInfos) {
if( info->languages.contains(lang) )
return true;
return false;
bool LayoutInfo::isLanguageSupportedByDefaultVariant(const QString& lang) const
if( languages.contains(lang) )
return true;
if( languages.empty() && isLanguageSupportedByVariants(lang) )
return true;
return false;
bool LayoutInfo::isLanguageSupportedByVariant(const VariantInfo* variantInfo, const QString& lang) const
if( variantInfo->languages.contains(lang) )
return true;
// if variant has no languages try to "inherit" them from layout
if( variantInfo->languages.empty() && languages.contains(lang) )
return true;
return false;