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// oxygenstyle.h
// Oxygen widget style for KDE 4
// -------------------
// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Hugo Pereira Da Costa <hugo.pereira@free.fr>
// Copyright (C) 2008 Long Huynh Huu <long.upcase@googlemail.com>
// Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Casper Boemann <cbr@boemann.dk>
// Copyright (C) 2007 Matthew Woehlke <mw_triad@users.sourceforge.net>
// Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Sandro Giessl <sandro@giessl.com>
// based on the KDE style "dotNET":
// Copyright (C) 2001-2002, Chris Lee <clee@kde.org>
// Carsten Pfeiffer <pfeiffer@kde.org>
// Karol Szwed <gallium@kde.org>
// Drawing routines completely reimplemented from KDE3 HighColor, which was
// originally based on some stuff from the KDE2 HighColor.
// based on drawing routines of the style "Keramik":
// Copyright (c) 2002 Malte Starostik <malte@kde.org>
// (c) 2002,2003 Maksim Orlovich <mo002j@mail.rochester.edu>
// based on the KDE3 HighColor Style
// Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Karol Szwed <gallium@kde.org>
// (C) 2001-2002 Fredrik Höglund <fredrik@kde.org>
// Drawing routines adapted from the KDE2 HCStyle,
// Copyright (C) 2000 Daniel M. Duley <mosfet@kde.org>
// (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller <mueller@kde.org>
// (C) 2001 Martijn Klingens <klingens@kde.org>
// Progressbar code based on KStyle,
// Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Karol Szwed <gallium@kde.org>
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Library General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
// along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
// the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
// Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "oxygenmetrics.h"
#include "oxygentileset.h"
#include <QtCore/QMap>
#include <QtGui/QAbstractScrollArea>
#include <QtGui/QCommonStyle>
#include <QtGui/QDockWidget>
#include <QtGui/QMdiSubWindow>
#include <QtGui/QStyleOption>
#include <QtGui/qstyleoption.h>
#include <QtGui/QToolBar>
#include <QtGui/QToolBox>
#include <QtGui/QWidget>
#include <QtGui/QProgressBar>
#include <KIcon>
namespace Oxygen
class Animations;
class FrameShadowFactory;
class MdiWindowShadowFactory;
class Mnemonics;
class ShadowHelper;
class StyleHelper;
class Transitions;
class WindowManager;
class WidgetExplorer;
//! toplevel manager
class TopLevelManager: public QObject
//! constructor
TopLevelManager( QObject* parent, const StyleHelper& helper ):
QObject( parent ),
_helper( helper )
//! event filter
virtual bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *);
//! helper
const StyleHelper& _helper;
//! base class for oxygen style
/*! it is responsible to draw all the primitives to be displayed on screen, on request from Qt paint engine */
class Style: public QCommonStyle
/* this tells kde applications that custom style elements are supported, using the kstyle mechanism */
Q_CLASSINFO ("X-KDE-CustomElements", "true")
//! constructor
explicit Style( void );
//! destructor
virtual ~Style( void );
//! widget polishing
virtual void polish( QWidget* );
//! widget unpolishing
virtual void unpolish( QWidget* );
//! needed to avoid warnings at compilation time
using QCommonStyle::polish;
using QCommonStyle::unpolish;
//! pixel metrics
virtual int pixelMetric(PixelMetric, const QStyleOption* = 0, const QWidget* = 0) const;
//! style hints
virtual int styleHint(StyleHint, const QStyleOption* = 0, const QWidget* = 0, QStyleHintReturn* = 0) const;
//! returns rect corresponding to one widget's subelement
virtual QRect subElementRect( SubElement subRect, const QStyleOption*, const QWidget* ) const;
//! returns rect corresponding to one widget's subcontrol
virtual QRect subControlRect( ComplexControl, const QStyleOptionComplex*, SubControl, const QWidget* ) const;
//! returns size matching contents
QSize sizeFromContents( ContentsType, const QStyleOption*, const QSize&, const QWidget* ) const;
//! returns which subcontrol given QPoint corresponds to
SubControl hitTestComplexControl( ComplexControl, const QStyleOptionComplex*, const QPoint&, const QWidget* ) const;
//! primitives
void drawPrimitive( PrimitiveElement, const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
//! controls
void drawControl( ControlElement, const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
//! complex controls
void drawComplexControl( ComplexControl, const QStyleOptionComplex*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
//! generic text rendering
virtual void drawItemText(
QPainter*, const QRect&, int alignment, const QPalette&, bool enabled,
const QString&, QPalette::ColorRole = QPalette::NoRole) const;
//! event filters
virtual bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *);
//!@name specialized event filters
Note: one could use separate objects to install these event filters
This would have the advantage to avoid the big 'if' statement in the
Style::eventFilter method
bool eventFilterComboBoxContainer( QWidget*, QEvent* );
bool eventFilterDockWidget( QDockWidget*, QEvent* );
bool eventFilterMdiSubWindow( QMdiSubWindow*, QEvent* );
bool eventFilterScrollBar( QWidget*, QEvent* );
bool eventFilterTabBar( QWidget*, QEvent* );
bool eventFilterToolBar( QToolBar*, QEvent* );
bool eventFilterToolBox( QToolBox*, QEvent* );
bool eventFilterProgressBar( QProgressBar*, QEvent* );
//! install event filter to object, in a unique way
void addEventFilter( QObject* object )
object->removeEventFilter( this );
object->installEventFilter( this );
protected slots:
//! update oxygen configuration
void oxygenConfigurationChanged( void );
//! needed to update style when configuration is changed
void globalPaletteChanged( void );
//! copied from kstyle
#ifndef QT_KATIE
int layoutSpacingImplementation(
virtual int layoutSpacing(
QSizePolicy::ControlType, QSizePolicy::ControlType, Qt::Orientation,
const QStyleOption* option, const QWidget* widget ) const
{ return pixelMetric(PM_DefaultLayoutSpacing, option, widget); }
//! standard icons
#ifndef QT_KATIE
virtual QIcon standardIconImplementation(
virtual QIcon standardIcon(
StandardPixmap standardIcon,
const QStyleOption *option,
const QWidget *widget) const;
//! initialize kGlobalSettings conections
void initializeKGlobalSettings( void );
//! helper
StyleHelper& helper( void ) const
{ return *_helper; }
//! shadow Helper
ShadowHelper& shadowHelper( void ) const
{ return *_shadowHelper; }
//!@name enumerations and convenience classes
//! arrow orientation
enum ArrowOrientation
//! get polygon corresponding to generic arrow
enum ArrowSize
//! internal option flags to pass arguments around
enum StyleOption
Sunken = 0x1,
Focus = 0x2,
Hover = 0x4,
Disabled = 0x8,
NoFill = 0x10,
SubtleShadow = 0x20
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(StyleOptions, StyleOption)
//! used to store slab characteristics
class SlabRect
//! constructor
_tiles( TileSet::Ring )
//! constructor
SlabRect( const QRect& r, const int& tiles ):
_r( r ),
_tiles( TileSet::Tiles( tiles ) )
QRect _r;
TileSet::Tiles _tiles;
//! list of slabs
typedef QList<SlabRect> SlabRectList;
tabBar data class needed for
the rendering of tabbars when
one tab is being drawn
class TabBarData: public QObject
//! constructor
explicit TabBarData( Style* parent ):
QObject( parent ),
_style( parent ),
_dirty( false )
//! destructor
virtual ~TabBarData( void )
//! assign target tabBar
void lock( const QWidget* widget )
{ _tabBar = widget; }
//! true if tabbar is locked
bool locks( const QWidget* widget ) const
{ return _tabBar && _tabBar.data() == widget; }
//! set dirty
void setDirty( const bool& value = true )
{ _dirty = value; }
//! release
void release( void )
{ _tabBar.clear(); }
//! draw tabBarBase
virtual void drawTabBarBaseControl( const QStyleOptionTab*, QPainter*, const QWidget* );
//! pointer to parent style object
QWeakPointer<const Style> _style;
//! pointer to target tabBar
QWeakPointer<const QWidget> _tabBar;
//! if true, will paint on next TabBarTabShapeControlCall
bool _dirty;
//! window manager
WindowManager& windowManager( void ) const
{ return *_windowManager; }
//! frame shadows
FrameShadowFactory& frameShadowFactory( void ) const
{ return *_frameShadowFactory; }
//! mdi window shadows
MdiWindowShadowFactory& mdiWindowShadowFactory( void ) const
{ return *_mdiWindowShadowFactory; }
//! mdi window shadows
Mnemonics& mnemonics( void ) const
{ return *_mnemonics; }
//! widget explorer
this is used for debugging. Provides information about
widgets, widgets' geometry, and ancestry tree
WidgetExplorer& widgetExplorer( void ) const
{ return *_widgetExplorer; }
//! tabBar data
TabBarData& tabBarData( void ) const
{ return *_tabBarData; }
//!@name subelementRect specialized functions
//! default implementation. Does not change anything
QRect defaultSubElementRect( const QStyleOption* option, const QWidget* ) const
{ return option->rect; }
//! pushbutton contents
QRect pushButtonContentsRect( const QStyleOption* option, const QWidget* ) const
return insideMargin( option->rect,
PushButton_ContentsMargin_Bottom );
//! toolbox tab
QRect toolBoxTabContentsRect( const QStyleOption* option, const QWidget* ) const
{ return insideMargin( option->rect, 0, 5, 0, 5, 0 ); }
//! checkbox contents
QRect checkBoxContentsRect( const QStyleOption* option, const QWidget* ) const
{ return handleRTL( option, option->rect.adjusted( CheckBox_Size + CheckBox_BoxTextSpace, 0, 0, 0 ) ); }
//! progressbar contents
QRect progressBarContentsRect( const QStyleOption* option, const QWidget* ) const;
//! tabBar buttons
QRect tabBarTabLeftButtonRect( const QStyleOption* option, const QWidget* widget ) const
{ return tabBarTabButtonRect( SE_TabBarTabLeftButton, option, widget ); }
QRect tabBarTabRightButtonRect( const QStyleOption* option, const QWidget* widget ) const
{ return tabBarTabButtonRect( SE_TabBarTabRightButton, option, widget ); }
QRect tabBarTabButtonRect( SubElement, const QStyleOption*, const QWidget* ) const;
// tabbar tab text
QRect tabBarTabTextRect( const QStyleOption* option, const QWidget* widget ) const
{ return QCommonStyle::subElementRect( SE_TabBarTabText, option, widget ).adjusted( 6, 0, -6, 0 ); }
// tab widgets
QRect tabWidgetTabContentsRect( const QStyleOption*, const QWidget* ) const;
QRect tabWidgetTabPaneRect( const QStyleOption*, const QWidget* ) const;
QRect tabWidgetLeftCornerRect( const QStyleOption* option, const QWidget* widget ) const;
QRect tabWidgetRightCornerRect( const QStyleOption* option, const QWidget* widget ) const;
//!@name subcontrol Rect specialized functions
QRect groupBoxSubControlRect( const QStyleOptionComplex*, SubControl, const QWidget* ) const;
QRect comboBoxSubControlRect( const QStyleOptionComplex*, SubControl, const QWidget* ) const;
QRect scrollBarSubControlRect( const QStyleOptionComplex*, SubControl, const QWidget* ) const;
QRect spinBoxSubControlRect( const QStyleOptionComplex*, SubControl, const QWidget* ) const;
//! this properly handles single/double or no scrollBar buttons
QRect scrollBarInternalSubControlRect( const QStyleOptionComplex*, SubControl ) const;
//!@name sizeFromContents
QSize checkBoxSizeFromContents( const QStyleOption*, const QSize&, const QWidget* ) const;
QSize comboBoxSizeFromContents( const QStyleOption*, const QSize&, const QWidget* ) const;
QSize headerSectionSizeFromContents( const QStyleOption*, const QSize&, const QWidget* ) const;
QSize menuBarSizeFromContents( const QStyleOption*, const QSize& size, const QWidget* ) const
{ return size; }
QSize menuBarItemSizeFromContents( const QStyleOption*, const QSize& size, const QWidget* ) const
{ return expandSize( size, MenuBarItem_Margin, MenuBarItem_Margin_Left, 0, MenuBarItem_Margin_Right, 0 ); }
QSize menuItemSizeFromContents( const QStyleOption*, const QSize&, const QWidget* ) const;
QSize pushButtonSizeFromContents( const QStyleOption*, const QSize&, const QWidget* ) const;
QSize tabWidgetSizeFromContents( const QStyleOption*, const QSize& size, const QWidget* ) const
{ return expandSize( size, TabWidget_ContentsMargin - 2 ); }
QSize tabBarTabSizeFromContents( const QStyleOption*, const QSize& size, const QWidget* ) const;
QSize toolButtonSizeFromContents( const QStyleOption*, const QSize&, const QWidget* ) const;
//!@name primitives specialized functions
bool emptyPrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const
{ return true; }
bool drawFramePrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawFrameFocusRectPrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawFrameGroupBoxPrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawFrameMenuPrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawFrameTabBarBasePrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawFrameTabWidgetPrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawFrameWindowPrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawIndicatorTabClose( const QStyleOption* option, QPainter* painter, const QWidget* widget ) const;
bool drawIndicatorArrowUpPrimitive( const QStyleOption* option, QPainter* painter, const QWidget* widget ) const
{ return drawIndicatorArrowPrimitive( ArrowUp, option, painter, widget ); }
bool drawIndicatorArrowDownPrimitive( const QStyleOption* option, QPainter* painter, const QWidget* widget ) const
{ return drawIndicatorArrowPrimitive( ArrowDown, option, painter, widget ); }
bool drawIndicatorArrowLeftPrimitive( const QStyleOption* option, QPainter* painter, const QWidget* widget ) const
{ return drawIndicatorArrowPrimitive( ArrowLeft, option, painter, widget ); }
bool drawIndicatorArrowRightPrimitive( const QStyleOption* option, QPainter* painter, const QWidget* widget ) const
{ return drawIndicatorArrowPrimitive( ArrowRight, option, painter, widget ); }
bool drawIndicatorArrowPrimitive( ArrowOrientation, const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
//! dock widget separators
/*! it uses the same painting as QSplitter, but due to Qt, the horizontal/vertical convention is inverted */
bool drawIndicatorDockWidgetResizeHandlePrimitive( const QStyleOption* option, QPainter* painter, const QWidget* widget) const
renderSplitter( option, painter, widget, !(option->state & State_Horizontal ) );
return true;
bool drawIndicatorHeaderArrowPrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawPanelButtonCommandPrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawPanelMenuPrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawPanelButtonToolPrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawPanelScrollAreaCornerPrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawPanelTipLabelPrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawPanelItemViewItemPrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawPanelLineEditPrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawIndicatorMenuCheckMarkPrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawIndicatorBranchPrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawIndicatorButtonDropDownPrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawIndicatorCheckBoxPrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawIndicatorRadioButtonPrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawIndicatorTabTearPrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawIndicatorToolBarHandlePrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawIndicatorToolBarSeparatorPrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawWidgetPrimitive( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
//!@name controls specialized functions
bool emptyControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const
{ return true; }
virtual bool drawCapacityBarControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
virtual bool drawComboBoxLabelControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
virtual bool drawDockWidgetTitleControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
virtual bool drawHeaderEmptyAreaControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
virtual bool drawHeaderLabelControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
virtual bool drawHeaderSectionControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
virtual bool drawMenuBarItemControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
virtual bool drawMenuItemControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
virtual bool drawProgressBarControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
virtual bool drawProgressBarContentsControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
virtual bool drawProgressBarGrooveControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
virtual bool drawProgressBarLabelControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
virtual bool drawPushButtonLabelControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
virtual bool drawRubberBandControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
//! scrollbar
virtual bool drawScrollBarSliderControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
virtual bool drawScrollBarAddLineControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
virtual bool drawScrollBarSubLineControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
virtual bool drawScrollBarAddPageControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
virtual bool drawScrollBarSubPageControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
virtual bool drawShapedFrameControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
// size grip
virtual bool drawSizeGripControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const
// size grips, whose usage is discouraged in KDE, are not rendered at all by oxygen
return true;
// splitters
virtual bool drawSplitterControl( const QStyleOption* option, QPainter* painter, const QWidget* widget ) const
renderSplitter( option, painter, widget, option->state & State_Horizontal );
return true;
virtual bool drawTabBarTabLabelControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
//! tabbar tabs.
/*! there are two methods (_Single and _Plain) implemented, to deal with tabbar appearance selected from options */
virtual bool drawTabBarTabShapeControl_Single( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
virtual bool drawTabBarTabShapeControl_Plain( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
virtual bool drawToolBoxTabLabelControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
virtual bool drawToolBoxTabShapeControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
virtual bool drawToolButtonLabelControl( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
//!@name complex ontrols specialized functions
bool drawComboBoxComplexControl( const QStyleOptionComplex*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawDialComplexControl( const QStyleOptionComplex*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawGroupBoxComplexControl( const QStyleOptionComplex*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawSliderComplexControl( const QStyleOptionComplex*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawSpinBoxComplexControl( const QStyleOptionComplex*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawTitleBarComplexControl( const QStyleOptionComplex*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
bool drawToolButtonComplexControl( const QStyleOptionComplex*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
//! true if widget is child of KTextEdit
bool isKTextEditFrame( const QWidget* widget ) const
{ return ( widget && widget->parentWidget() && qobject_cast<const QFrame*>( widget ) && widget->parentWidget()->inherits( "KTextEditor::View" ) ); }
//! adjust rect based on provided margins
QRect insideMargin( const QRect& r, int main, int left = 0, int top = 0, int right = 0, int bottom = 0 ) const
{ return r.adjusted( main+left, main+top, -main-right, -main-bottom ); }
//! expand size based on margins
QSize expandSize( const QSize& size, int main, int left = 0, int top = 0, int right = 0, int bottom = 0 ) const
{ return size + QSize( 2*main+left+right, 2*main+top+bottom ); }
//! returns true for vertical tabs
bool isVerticalTab( const QStyleOptionTab* option ) const
{ return isVerticalTab( option->shape ); }
bool isVerticalTab( const QTabBar::Shape& shape ) const
return shape == QTabBar::RoundedEast
|| shape == QTabBar::RoundedWest
|| shape == QTabBar::TriangularEast
|| shape == QTabBar::TriangularWest;
//! returns true for reflected tabs
bool isReflected( const QStyleOptionTab* option ) const
{ return isReflected( option->shape ); }
bool isReflected( const QTabBar::Shape& shape ) const
return shape == QTabBar::RoundedEast
|| shape == QTabBar::RoundedSouth
|| shape == QTabBar::TriangularEast
|| shape == QTabBar::TriangularSouth;
//! right to left alignment handling
QRect handleRTL(const QStyleOption* opt, const QRect& subRect) const
{ return visualRect(opt->direction, opt->rect, subRect); }
//! right to left alignment handling
QPoint handleRTL(const QStyleOption* opt, const QPoint& pos) const
{ return visualPos(opt->direction, opt->rect, pos); }
QRect centerRect(const QRect &in, const QSize& s ) const
{ return centerRect( in, s.width(), s.height() ); }
QRect centerRect(const QRect &in, int w, int h) const
{ return QRect(in.x() + (in.width() - w)/2, in.y() + (in.height() - h)/2, w, h); }
Checks whether the point is before the bound rect for
bound of given orientation
inline bool preceeds( const QPoint&, const QRect&, const QStyleOption* ) const;
//! return which arrow button is hit by point for scrollbar double buttons
inline QStyle::SubControl scrollBarHitTest( const QRect&, const QPoint&, const QStyleOption* ) const;
//! polish scrollarea
void polishScrollArea( QAbstractScrollArea* ) const;
//! tiles from tab orientation
inline TileSet::Tiles tilesByShape( const QTabBar::Shape& shape) const;
//! toolbar mask
/*! this masks out toolbar expander buttons, when visible, from painting */
QRegion tabBarClipRegion( const QTabBar* ) const;
//! adjusted slabRect
inline void adjustSlabRect( SlabRect& slab, const QRect&, bool documentMode, bool vertical ) const;
//!@name internal rendering methods
/*! here mostly to avoid code duplication */
//! qdial slab
void renderDialSlab( QPainter* p, const QRect& r, const QColor& c, const QStyleOption* option, StyleOptions opts = 0 ) const;
//! generic button slab
void renderButtonSlab( QPainter* p, QRect r, const QColor& c, StyleOptions opts = 0, TileSet::Tiles tiles = TileSet::Ring) const;
//! generic slab
void renderSlab( QPainter* painter, const SlabRect& slab, const QColor& color, StyleOptions options = 0 ) const
{ renderSlab( painter, slab._r, color, options, slab._tiles ); }
//! generic slab
void renderSlab( QPainter* painter, QRect rect, const QColor& color, StyleOptions options = 0, TileSet::Tiles tiles = TileSet::Ring) const;
// render tab background
void renderTabBackground( QPainter*, const QRect&, const QPalette&, const QTabBar::Shape, const QWidget* ) const;
//! tab background
/*! this paints window background behind tab when tab is being dragged */
void fillTabBackground( QPainter*, const QRect&, const QColor&, const QTabBar::Shape, const QWidget* ) const;
//! tab filling
void fillTab( QPainter*, const QRect&, const QColor&, const QTabBar::Shape, bool active ) const;
//! spinbox arrows
void renderSpinBoxArrow( QPainter*, const QStyleOptionSpinBox*, const QWidget*, const SubControl& ) const;
//! splitter
void renderSplitter( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget*, bool ) const;
//! mdi subwindow titlebar button
void renderTitleBarButton( QPainter*, const QStyleOptionTitleBar*, const QWidget*, const SubControl& ) const;
void renderTitleBarButton( QPainter*, const QRect& r, const QColor&, const QColor&, const SubControl& ) const;
void renderTitleBarIcon( QPainter*, const QRect&, const SubControl& ) const;
//! header background
void renderHeaderBackground( const QRect&, const QPalette&, QPainter*, const QWidget*, bool horizontal, bool reverse ) const;
void renderHeaderLines( const QRect&, const QPalette&, QPainter*, TileSet::Tiles ) const;
void renderMenuItemRect( const QStyleOption*, const QRect&, const QColor&, const QPalette&, QPainter* p ) const;
//! checkbox state (used for checkboxes _and_ radio buttons)
enum CheckBoxState
//! checkbox
void renderCheckBox( QPainter*, const QRect&, const QPalette&, StyleOptions, CheckBoxState) const;
//! radio button
void renderRadioButton( QPainter*, const QRect&, const QPalette&, StyleOptions, CheckBoxState ) const;
//! scrollbar hole
void renderScrollBarHole( QPainter*, const QRect&, const QColor&, const Qt::Orientation&, const TileSet::Tiles& = TileSet::Full ) const;
//! scrollbar handle (non animated)
void renderScrollBarHandle(
QPainter* painter, const QRect& r, const QPalette& palette,
const Qt::Orientation& orientation, const bool& hover) const;
//! scrollbar arrow
void renderScrollBarArrow( QPainter*, const QRect&, const QColor&, const QColor&, ArrowOrientation ) const;
//! returns true if given scrollbar arrow is animated
QColor scrollBarArrowColor( const QStyleOptionSlider*, const SubControl&, const QWidget* ) const;
//! slider tickmarks
void renderSliderTickmarks( QPainter*, const QStyleOptionSlider*, const QWidget* ) const;
//! slab glowing color
QColor slabShadowColor( QColor, StyleOptions ) const;
//! returns point position for generic arrows
QPolygonF genericArrow( ArrowOrientation, ArrowSize = ArrowNormal ) const;
//! scrollbar buttons
enum ScrollBarButtonType
//! returns height for scrollbar buttons depending of button types
int scrollBarButtonHeight( const ScrollBarButtonType& type ) const
switch( type )
case NoButton: return _noButtonHeight;
case SingleButton: return _singleButtonHeight;
case DoubleButton: return _doubleButtonHeight;
default: return 0;
//!@name custom elemenents
//! generic element
int newStyleElement( const QString &element, const char *check, int &counter )
if( !element.contains(check) ) return 0;
int id = _styleElements.value(element, 0);
if( !id )
id = counter;
_styleElements.insert(element, id);
return id;
//! style hint
QStyle::StyleHint newStyleHint( const QString &element )
{ return (StyleHint) newStyleElement( element, "SH_", _hintCounter ); }
//! control element
QStyle::ControlElement newControlElement( const QString &element )
{ return (ControlElement)newStyleElement( element, "CE_", _controlCounter ); }
//! subElement
QStyle::SubElement newSubElement(const QString &element )
{ return (SubElement)newStyleElement( element, "SE_", _subElementCounter ); }
//! true if KGlobalSettings signals are initialized
bool _kGlobalSettingsInitialized;
//!@name scrollbar button types (for addLine and subLine )
ScrollBarButtonType _addLineButtons;
ScrollBarButtonType _subLineButtons;
//!@name metrics for scrollbar buttons
int _noButtonHeight;
int _singleButtonHeight;
int _doubleButtonHeight;
//! helper
StyleHelper* _helper;
//! shadow helper
ShadowHelper* _shadowHelper;
//! window manager
WindowManager* _windowManager;
//! toplevel manager
TopLevelManager* _topLevelManager;
//! frame shadows
FrameShadowFactory* _frameShadowFactory;
//! mdi window shadows
MdiWindowShadowFactory* _mdiWindowShadowFactory;
//! keyboard accelerators
Mnemonics* _mnemonics;
//! widget explorer
WidgetExplorer* _widgetExplorer;
//! tabBar data
TabBarData* _tabBarData;
//! pointer to primitive specialized function
typedef bool (Style::*StylePrimitive)( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
StylePrimitive _frameFocusPrimitive;
//! pointer to control specialized function
typedef bool (Style::*StyleControl)( const QStyleOption*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
StyleControl _tabBarTabShapeControl;
//! pointer to control specialized function
typedef bool (Style::*StyleComplexControl)( const QStyleOptionComplex*, QPainter*, const QWidget* ) const;
//!@name custom elements
int _hintCounter;
int _controlCounter;
int _subElementCounter;
QHash<QString, int> _styleElements;
//! use Argb Drag and Drop Window
QStyle::StyleHint SH_ArgbDndWindow;
//! styled painting for KCapacityBar
QStyle::ControlElement CE_CapacityBar;
//! tab close button icon (cached)
mutable KIcon _tabCloseIcon;
bool Style::preceeds( const QPoint& point, const QRect& bound, const QStyleOption* option ) const
if( option->state&QStyle::State_Horizontal)
if( option->direction == Qt::LeftToRight) return point.x() < bound.right();
else return point.x() > bound.x();
} else return point.y() < bound.y();
QStyle::SubControl Style::scrollBarHitTest( const QRect& rect, const QPoint& point, const QStyleOption* option ) const
if( option->state & QStyle::State_Horizontal)
if( option->direction == Qt::LeftToRight ) return point.x() < rect.center().x() ? QStyle::SC_ScrollBarSubLine : QStyle::SC_ScrollBarAddLine;
else return point.x() > rect.center().x() ? QStyle::SC_ScrollBarSubLine : QStyle::SC_ScrollBarAddLine;
} else return point.y() < rect.center().y() ? QStyle::SC_ScrollBarSubLine : QStyle::SC_ScrollBarAddLine;
TileSet::Tiles Style::tilesByShape( const QTabBar::Shape& shape ) const
switch( shape )
case QTabBar::RoundedNorth:
case QTabBar::TriangularNorth:
return TileSet::Top | TileSet::Left | TileSet::Right;
case QTabBar::RoundedSouth:
case QTabBar::TriangularSouth:
return TileSet::Bottom | TileSet::Left | TileSet::Right;
case QTabBar::RoundedEast:
case QTabBar::TriangularEast:
return TileSet::Right | TileSet::Top | TileSet::Bottom;
case QTabBar::RoundedWest:
case QTabBar::TriangularWest:
return TileSet::Left | TileSet::Top | TileSet::Bottom;
return TileSet::Ring;
void Style::adjustSlabRect( SlabRect& slab, const QRect& tabWidgetRect, bool documentMode, bool vertical ) const
// no tabWidget found, do nothing
if( documentMode || !tabWidgetRect.isValid() ) return;
else if( vertical )
slab._r.setTop( qMax( slab._r.top(), tabWidgetRect.top() ) );
slab._r.setBottom( qMin( slab._r.bottom(), tabWidgetRect.bottom() ) );
} else {
slab._r.setLeft( qMax( slab._r.left(), tabWidgetRect.left() ) );
slab._r.setRight( qMin( slab._r.right(), tabWidgetRect.right() ) );