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453 lines
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* Copyright 2011-2012 Lamarque V. Souza <Lamarque.Souza.ext@basyskom.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Library General Public License for more details
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
. use kde-runtime/plasma/declarativeimports/plasmacomponents/qml/ContextMenu.qml
instead of a custom ContextMenu component.
import QtQuick 1.1
import org.kde.plasma.core 0.1 as PlasmaCore
import org.kde.plasma.components 0.1 as PlasmaComponents
import "helper.js" as Helper
PlasmaCore.FrameSvgItem {
id: shutdownUi
property int realMarginTop: margins.top
property int realMarginBottom: margins.bottom
property int realMarginLeft: margins.left
property int realMarginRight: margins.right
width: realMarginLeft + 2 * buttonsLayout.width + realMarginRight
height: realMarginTop + 4 + automaticallyDoLabel.height + 4 + buttonsLayout.height + realMarginBottom
imagePath: "dialogs/shutdowndialog"
signal logoutRequested()
signal haltRequested()
signal suspendRequested(int spdMethod)
signal rebootRequested()
signal rebootRequested2(int opt)
signal cancelRequested()
signal lockScreenRequested()
property variant focusedButton: 0
property variant lastButton: 0
property int automaticallyDoSeconds: 30
PlasmaCore.Theme {
id: theme
/* This is not necessary for themes that follow the specification.
Uncomment this and [1] below if the dialog appears without borders or background.
You should not use broken themes though.
PlasmaCore.SvgItem {
id: background
anchors {
top: parent.top
topMargin: realMarginTop
bottom: parent.bottom
bottomMargin: realMarginBottom
left: parent.left
leftMargin: realMarginLeft
right: parent.right
rightMargin: realMarginRight
svg: PlasmaCore.Svg {
imagePath: "dialogs/shutdowndialog"
elementId: "center"
Component.onCompleted: {
// Hacky but works :-)
logoutButton.width = buttonsLayout.width
shutdownButton.width = buttonsLayout.width
rebootButton.width = buttonsLayout.width
if (margins.left == 0) {
realMarginTop = 9
realMarginBottom = 7
realMarginLeft = 12
realMarginRight = 12
if (leftPicture.naturalSize.width < 1) {
// [1]
//background.elementId = "background"
shutdownUi.width = buttonsLayout.width + realMarginLeft + realMarginRight
shutdownUi.height += realMarginTop + realMarginBottom
automaticallyDoLabel.anchors.topMargin = 2*realMarginTop
automaticallyDoLabel.anchors.rightMargin = 2*realMarginRight
leftPicture.anchors.leftMargin = 2*realMarginLeft
buttonsLayout.anchors.rightMargin = 2*realMarginRight
} else {
var pictureWidth = buttonsLayout.height * leftPicture.naturalSize.width / leftPicture.naturalSize.height
if (pictureWidth < leftPicture.naturalSize.width) {
leftPicture.width = pictureWidth;
leftPicture.height = pictureWidth * leftPicture.naturalSize.height / leftPicture.naturalSize.width
shutdownUi.width = realMarginLeft + leftPicture.width + buttonsLayout.width + realMarginRight
if (choose || sdtype == ShutdownType.ShutdownTypeNone) {
if (sdtype == ShutdownType.ShutdownTypeNone) {
focusedButton = logoutButton
if (maysd) {
if(choose || sdtype == ShutdownType.ShutdownTypeHalt) {
if (sdtype == ShutdownType.ShutdownTypeHalt) {
focusedButton = shutdownButton
if (choose || sdtype == ShutdownType.ShutdownTypeReboot) {
if (sdtype == ShutdownType.ShutdownTypeReboot) {
focusedButton = rebootButton
timer.running = true;
// implement label accelerators in the buttons (the '&' in button's text).
var buttons = [ logoutButton, shutdownButton, rebootButton, cancelButton ]
for (var b = 0; b < buttons.length; ++b ) {
if (buttons[b].accelKey > -1) {
Helper.buttonForAccel[String.fromCharCode(buttons[b].accelKey)] = buttons[b];
// trigger action on Alt+'accelerator' key press. For example: if KSMButton.text == &Cancel,
// pressing Alt+'C' or Alt+'c' will trigger KSMButton.clicked().
Keys.onPressed: {
if ((event.modifiers & Qt.AltModifier) && Helper.buttonForAccel[String.fromCharCode(event.key)] != undefined) {
Timer {
id: timer
repeat: true
running: false
interval: 1000
onTriggered: {
if (focusedButton != lastButton) {
lastButton = focusedButton
automaticallyDoSeconds = 30
if (focusedButton != 0) {
if (automaticallyDoSeconds <= 0) { // timeout is at 0, do selected action
// following code is required to provide a clean way to translate strings
} else if (focusedButton.text == logoutButton.text) {
automaticallyDoLabel.text = i18np("Logging out in 1 second.",
"Logging out in %1 seconds.", automaticallyDoSeconds)
} else if (focusedButton.text == shutdownButton.text) {
automaticallyDoLabel.text = i18np("Turning off computer in 1 second.",
"Turning off computer in %1 seconds.", automaticallyDoSeconds)
} else if (focusedButton.text == rebootButton.text) {
automaticallyDoLabel.text = i18np("Restarting computer in 1 second.",
"Restarting computer in %1 seconds.", automaticallyDoSeconds)
} else {
automaticallyDoLabel.text = ""
Text {
id: automaticallyDoLabel
font.pointSize: theme.desktopFont.pointSize >= 10 ? theme.desktopFont.pointSize*0.9 : theme.desktopFont.pointSize
color: theme.textColor
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
anchors {
top: parent.top
topMargin: realMarginTop
right: parent.right
rightMargin: realMarginRight
left: parent.left
leftMargin: realMarginLeft
PlasmaCore.SvgItem {
id: leftPicture
width: naturalSize.width
height: width * naturalSize.height / naturalSize.width
smooth: true
anchors {
verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
left: parent.left
leftMargin: realMarginLeft
svg: PlasmaCore.Svg {
imagePath: "dialogs/shutdowndialog"
elementId: "picture"
FocusScope {
id: scope
width: buttonsLayout.width
height: buttonsLayout.height
anchors {
top: automaticallyDoLabel.bottom
topMargin: 4
right: parent.right
rightMargin: realMarginRight
bottom: parent.bottom
bottomMargin: realMarginBottom
Column {
id: buttonsLayout
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
spacing: 9
Column {
spacing: 4
KSMButton {
id: logoutButton
text: i18n("&Logout")
iconSource: "system-log-out"
anchors.right: parent.right
visible: (choose || sdtype == ShutdownType.ShutdownTypeNone)
tabStopNext: shutdownButton
tabStopBack: cancelButton
onClicked: {
//console.log("main.qml: logoutRequested")
onActiveFocusChanged: {
shutdownUi.focusedButton = logoutButton
KSMButton {
id: shutdownButton
text: i18n("&Turn Off Computer")
iconSource: "system-shutdown"
anchors.right: parent.right
visible: (choose || sdtype == ShutdownType.ShutdownTypeHalt)
menu: spdMethods.StandbyState | spdMethods.SuspendState | spdMethods.HibernateState
tabStopNext: rebootButton
tabStopBack: logoutButton
onClicked: {
//console.log("main.qml: haltRequested")
onPressAndHold: {
if (!menu) {
if (!contextMenu) {
contextMenu = shutdownOptionsComponent.createObject(shutdownButton)
if (spdMethods.StandbyState) {
// 1 == Solid::PowerManagement::StandbyState
contextMenu.append({itemIndex: 1, itemText: i18n("&Standby"), itemSubMenu: null, itemAllowAmpersand: false})
if (spdMethods.SuspendState) {
// 2 == Solid::PowerManagement::SuspendState
contextMenu.append({itemIndex: 2, itemText: i18n("Suspend to &RAM"), itemSubMenu: null, itemAllowAmpersand: false})
if (spdMethods.HibernateState) {
// 4 == Solid::PowerManagement::HibernateState
contextMenu.append({itemIndex: 4, itemText: i18n("Suspend to &Disk"), itemSubMenu: null, itemAllowAmpersand: false})
onActiveFocusChanged: {
shutdownUi.focusedButton = shutdownButton
Component {
id: shutdownOptionsComponent
ContextMenu {
visualParent: shutdownButton
KSMButton {
id: rebootButton
text: i18n("&Restart Computer")
iconSource: "system-reboot"
anchors.right: parent.right
visible: (choose || sdtype == ShutdownType.ShutdownTypeReboot)
menu: rebootOptions["options"].length > 0
tabStopNext: cancelButton
tabStopBack: shutdownButton
onClicked: {
//console.log("main.qml: rebootRequested")
// recursive, let's hope the user does not have too many menu entries.
function findAndCreateMenu(index, options, menus, menuId)
if (index.value < 0) {
var sep = " >> "
var text = options[index.value]
var pos = text.lastIndexOf(sep)
if (pos > -1) {
var temp = text.substr(0, pos).trim()
if (temp != menuId) {
menuId = temp
if (!menus[menuId]) {
//console.log("creating menu for " + menuId)
menus[menuId] = rebootOptionsComponent.createObject(rebootButton)
} else {
menuId = ""
//console.log("index == " + index.value + " of " + options.length + " '" + text + "' menuId == '" + menuId + "'");
var itemData = new Object
itemData["itemIndex"] = index.value
itemData["itemText"] = text
if (index.value == rebootOptions["default"]) {
itemData["itemText"] += i18nc("default option in boot loader", " (default)")
var currentMenuId = menuId
findAndCreateMenu(index, options, menus, menuId)
itemData["itemSubMenu"] = menus[itemData["itemText"]]
// remove menuId string from itemText
text = itemData["itemText"]
var i = text.lastIndexOf(sep)
if (i > -1) {
text = text.substr(i+sep.length).trim()
itemData["itemText"] = text
itemData["itemAllowAmpersand"] = true
//console.log("appending " + itemData["itemText"] + " to menu '" + currentMenuId + "'")
onPressAndHold: {
if (!menu) {
if (!contextMenu) {
var options = rebootOptions["options"]
//console.log("bootManager == " + bootManager)
if (bootManager === "Grub2" || bootManager === "Burg") {
// javascript passes primitive types by value, I need this one passed by reference.
function Index() { this.value = 0 }
var index = new Index()
var menus = {}
var menuId = ""
// starts backwards so that the top of the stack is the first menu entry.
index.value = options.length - 1
menus[menuId] = rebootOptionsComponent.createObject(rebootButton)
findAndCreateMenu(index, options, menus, menuId)
contextMenu = menus[menuId]
} else {
contextMenu = rebootOptionsComponent.createObject(rebootButton)
for (var index = 0; index < options.length; ++index) {
var itemData = new Object
itemData["itemIndex"] = index
itemData["itemText"] = options[index]
itemData["itemSubMenu"] = null
itemData["itemAllowAmpersand"] = true
if (index == rebootOptions["default"]) {
itemData["itemText"] += i18nc("default option in boot loader", " (default)")
onActiveFocusChanged: {
shutdownUi.focusedButton = rebootButton
Component {
id: rebootOptionsComponent
ContextMenu {
visualParent: rebootButton
KSMButton {
id: cancelButton
anchors.right: parent.right
text: i18n("&Cancel")
iconSource: "dialog-cancel"
smallButton: true
tabStopNext: logoutButton
tabStopBack: rebootButton
onClicked: {
onActiveFocusChanged: {
shutdownUi.focusedButton = cancelButton