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/** @file
* Ordinary differential equation solver using the Runge-Kutta method.
* Copyright (C) 2004 Georg Drenkhahn, Georg.Drenkhahn@gmx.net
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License or (at your option) version 3 or
* any later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor
* approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy defined
* in Section 14 of version 3 of the license.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
#include <KDebug>
/* vector and matrix classes */
#include <Eigen/Core>
/* import most common Eigen types */
using namespace Eigen;
/** @brief Solver class to integrate a first-order ordinary differential
* equation (ODE) by means of a 6. order Runge-Kutta method.
* See the article about the Cash-Karp method
* (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cash%E2%80%93Karp_method) for details on this
* algorithm.
* The ODE system must be given as the derivative
* dy/dx = f(x,y)
* with x in R and y in R^n.
* Within this class the function f() is a pure virtual function, which must be
* reimplemented in a derived class. */
template<typename T, int D>
class RkOdeSolver
/** @brief Constructor
* @param x Initial integration parameter
* @param y Initial function values of function to integrate
* @param dx Initial guess for step size. Will be automatically adjusted to
* guarantee required precision. @a dx > 0
* @param eps Relative precision. @a eps > 0.
* Initialises the solver with start conditions. */
const T& x,// = 0.0,
const Matrix<T,D,1>& y,// = Matrix<T,D,1>::Zero(),
const T& dx = 0.0,
const T& eps = 1e-6);
/** @brief Destructor */
virtual ~RkOdeSolver(void);
/** @brief Integrates the ordinary differential equation from the current x
* value to x+@a dx.
* @param dx x-interval size to integrate over starting from x. dx may be
* negative.
* The integration is performed by calling rkStepCheck() repeatedly until the
* desired x value is reached. */
void integrate(const T& dx);
// Accessors
/** @brief Get current x value.
* @return Reference of x value. */
const T& X(void) const;
/** @brief Set current x value.
* @param a The value to be set. */
void X(const T& a);
/** @brief Get current y value.
* @return Reference of y vector. */
const Matrix<T,D,1>& Y(void) const;
/** @brief Set current y values.
* @param a The vector to be set. */
void Y(const Matrix<T,D,1>& a);
/** @brief Get current dy/dx value.
* @return Reference of dy/dx vector. */
const Matrix<T,D,1>& dYdX(void) const;
/** @brief Get current estimated step size dX.
* @return Reference of dX value. */
const T& dX(void) const;
/** @brief Set estimated step size dX.
* @param a The value to be set. */
void dX(const T& a);
/** @brief Get current presision.
* @return Reference of precision value. */
const T& Eps(void) const;
/** @brief Set estimated presision.
* @param a The value to be set. */
void Eps(const T& a);
/** @brief ODE function
* @param x Integration value
* @param y Function value
* @return Derivation
* This purely virtual function returns the value of dy/dx for the given
* parameter values of x and y. This function is integrated by the
* Runge-Kutta algorithm. */
virtual Matrix<T,D,1>
f(const T& x, const Matrix<T,D,1>& y) const = 0;
/** @brief Perform one integration step with a tolerable relative error given
* by ::mErr.
* @param dx Maximal step size, may be positive or negative depending on
* integration direction.
* @return Flag indicating if made absolute integration step was equal |@a dx
* | (true) less than |@a dx | (false).
* A new estimate for the maximum next step size is saved to ::m_step. The
* new values for x, y and f are saved in ::m_x, ::m_y and ::m_dydx. */
bool rkStepCheck(const T& dx);
/** @brief Perform one Runge-Kutta integration step forward with step size
* ::m_step
* @param dx Step size relative to current x value.
* @param yerr Reference to vector in which the estimated error made in y is
* returned.
* @return The y value after the step at x+@a dx.
* Stored current x,y values are not adjusted. */
Matrix<T,D,1> rkStep(
const T& dx, Matrix<T,D,1>& yerr) const;
/** current x value */
T m_x;
/** current y value */
Matrix<T,D,1> m_y;
/** current value of dy/dx */
Matrix<T,D,1> m_dydx;
/** allowed relative error */
T m_eps;
/** estimated step size for next Runge-Kutta step */
T m_step;
// inline accessors
template<typename T, int D>
inline const T&
RkOdeSolver<T, D>::X(void) const
return m_x;
template<typename T, int D>
inline void
RkOdeSolver<T, D>::X(const T &a)
m_x = a;
template<typename T, int D>
inline const Matrix<T,D,1>&
RkOdeSolver<T, D>::Y(void) const
return m_y;
template<typename T, int D>
inline void
RkOdeSolver<T, D>::Y(const Matrix<T,D,1>& a)
m_y = a;
template<typename T, int D>
inline const Matrix<T,D,1>&
RkOdeSolver<T, D>::dYdX(void) const
return m_dydx;
template<typename T, int D>
inline const T&
RkOdeSolver<T, D>::dX(void) const
return m_step;
template<typename T, int D>
inline const T&
RkOdeSolver<T, D>::Eps(void) const
return m_eps;
template<typename T, int D>
RkOdeSolver<T, D>::RkOdeSolver(
const T& x,
const Matrix<T,D,1>& y,
const T& dx,
const T& eps)
: m_x(x)
// virtual dtor
template<typename T, int D>
RkOdeSolver<T, D>::~RkOdeSolver(void)
// accessors
template<typename T, int D>
RkOdeSolver<T, D>::dX(const T& a)
if (a <= 0.0)
kError() << "RkOdeSolver: dx must be > 0";
m_step = 0.001; // a very arbitrary value
m_step = a;
template<typename T, int D>
RkOdeSolver<T, D>::Eps(const T& a)
if (a <= 0.0)
kError() << "RkOdeSolver: eps must be > 0";
m_eps = 1e-5; // a very arbitrary value
m_eps = a;
// public member functions
template<typename T, int D>
RkOdeSolver<T, D>::integrate(const T& deltaX)
if (deltaX == 0)
return; // nothing to integrate
// init dydx
m_dydx = f(m_x, m_y);
static const unsigned int maxiter = 10000;
const T x2 = m_x + deltaX;
unsigned int iter;
for (iter=0;
iter<maxiter && !rkStepCheck(x2-m_x);
if (iter > maxiter)
<< "RkOdeSolver: More than " << maxiter
<< " iterations in RkOdeSolver::integrate" << endl;
// private member functions
template<typename T, int D>
RkOdeSolver<T, D>::rkStepCheck(const T& dx_requested)
static const T safety = 0.9;
static const T pshrnk = -0.25;
static const T pgrow = -0.2;
// reduce step size by no more than a factor 10
static const T shrinkLimit = 0.1;
// enlarge step size by no more than a factor 5
static const T growthLimit = 5.0;
// errmax_sl = 6561.0
static const T errmax_sl = std::pow(shrinkLimit/safety, 1.0/pshrnk);
// errmax_gl = 1.89e-4
static const T errmax_gl = std::pow(growthLimit/safety, 1.0/pgrow);
static const unsigned int maxiter = 100;
if (dx_requested == 0)
return true; // integration done
Matrix<T,D,1> ytmp, yerr, t;
bool stepSizeWasMaximal;
T dx;
if (std::abs(dx_requested) > m_step)
stepSizeWasMaximal = true;
dx = dx_requested>0 ? m_step : -m_step;
stepSizeWasMaximal = false;
dx = dx_requested;
// generic scaling factor
// |y| + |dx * dy/dx| + 1e-15
Matrix<T,D,1> yscal
= (m_y.array().abs() + (dx*m_dydx).array().abs()).array()
+ 1e-15;
unsigned int iter = 0;
T errmax = 0;
if (errmax >= 1.0)
// reduce step size
dx *= errmax<errmax_sl ? safety * pow(errmax, pshrnk) : shrinkLimit;
stepSizeWasMaximal = true;
if (m_x == m_x + dx)
// stepsize below numerical resolution
<< "RkOdeSolver: stepsize underflow in rkStepCheck"
<< endl;
// new dx -> update scaling vector
= (m_y.array().abs()
+ (dx*m_dydx).array().abs()).array()
+ 1e-15;
ytmp = rkStep(dx, yerr); // try to make a step forward
t = (yerr.array() / yscal.array()).abs(); // calc the error vector
errmax = t.maxCoeff()/m_eps; // calc the rel. maximal error
} while ((iter < maxiter) && (errmax >= 1.0));
if (iter >= maxiter)
<< "RkOdeSolver: too many iterations in rkStepCheck()";
if (stepSizeWasMaximal)
// estimate next step size if used step size was maximal
m_step =
* (errmax>errmax_gl ? safety * pow(errmax, pgrow) : growthLimit);
m_x += dx; // make step forward
m_y = ytmp; // save new function values
m_dydx = f(m_x,m_y); // and update derivatives
return (std::abs(dx) < std::abs(dx_requested));
template<typename T, int D>
RkOdeSolver<T, D>::rkStep(const T& dx, Matrix<T,D,1>& yerr) const
static const T
a2=0.2, a3=0.3, a4=0.6, a5=1.0, a6=0.875,
b31=3.0/40.0, b32=9.0/40.0,
b41=0.3, b42=-0.9, b43=1.2,
b51=-11.0/54.0, b52=2.5, b53=-70.0/27.0, b54=35.0/27.0,
b61=1631.0/55296.0, b62=175.0/512.0, b63=575.0/13824.0,
b64=44275.0/110592.0, b65=253.0/4096.0,
c1=37.0/378.0, c3=250.0/621.0, c4=125.0/594.0, c6=512.0/1771.0,
dc1=c1-2825.0/27648.0, dc3=c3-18575.0/48384.0,
dc4=c4-13525.0/55296.0, dc5=-277.0/14336.0, dc6=c6-0.25;
Matrix<T,D,1> ak2 = f(m_x + a2*dx,
m_y + dx*b21*m_dydx); // 2. step
Matrix<T,D,1> ak3 = f(m_x + a3*dx,
m_y + dx*(b31*m_dydx + b32*ak2)); // 3.step
Matrix<T,D,1> ak4 = f(m_x + a4*dx,
m_y + dx*(b41*m_dydx + b42*ak2
+ b43*ak3)); // 4.step
Matrix<T,D,1> ak5 = f(m_x + a5*dx,
m_y + dx*(b51*m_dydx + b52*ak2
+ b53*ak3 + b54*ak4)); // 5.step
Matrix<T,D,1> ak6 = f(m_x + a6*dx,
m_y + dx*(b61*m_dydx + b62*ak2
+ b63*ak3 + b64*ak4
+ b65*ak5)); // 6.step
yerr = dx*(dc1*m_dydx + dc3*ak3 + dc4*ak4 + dc5*ak5 + dc6*ak6);
return m_y + dx*( c1*m_dydx + c3*ak3 + c4*ak4 + c6*ak6);