Ivailo Monev 38cdd9c0f4 generic: cast pointers with QObject as base class via qobject_cast<T>()
Signed-off-by: Ivailo Monev <xakepa10@gmail.com>
2022-06-01 21:54:59 +03:00

529 lines
18 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE libraries and the Kate part.
* Copyright (C) 2007 David Nolden <david.nolden.kdevelop@art-master.de>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "expandingwidgetmodel.h"
#include <QTreeView>
#include <QtCore/qabstractitemmodel.h>
#include <QBrush>
#include <ktexteditor/codecompletionmodel.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <ktextedit.h>
#include "kcolorutils.h"
#include "expandingdelegate.h"
#include <qapplication.h>
QIcon ExpandingWidgetModel::m_expandedIcon;
QIcon ExpandingWidgetModel::m_collapsedIcon;
using namespace KTextEditor;
inline QModelIndex firstColumn( const QModelIndex& index ) {
return index.sibling(index.row(), 0);
ExpandingWidgetModel::ExpandingWidgetModel( QWidget* parent ) :
ExpandingWidgetModel::~ExpandingWidgetModel() {
static QColor doAlternate(QColor color) {
QColor background = QApplication::palette().background().color();
return KColorUtils::mix(color, background, 0.15);
uint ExpandingWidgetModel::matchColor(const QModelIndex& index) const {
int matchQuality = contextMatchQuality( index.sibling(index.row(), 0) );
if( matchQuality > 0 )
bool alternate = index.row() & 1;
QColor badMatchColor(0xff00aa44); //Blue-ish green
QColor goodMatchColor(0xff00ff00); //Green
QColor background = treeView()->palette().light().color();
QColor totalColor = KColorUtils::mix(badMatchColor, goodMatchColor, ((float)matchQuality)/10.0);
totalColor = doAlternate(totalColor);
const float dynamicTint = 0.2;
const float minimumTint = 0.2;
double tintStrength = (dynamicTint*matchQuality)/10;
tintStrength += minimumTint; //Some minimum tinting strength, else it's not visible any more
return KColorUtils::tint(background, totalColor, tintStrength ).rgb();
return 0;
QVariant ExpandingWidgetModel::data( const QModelIndex & index, int role ) const
switch( role ) {
case Qt::BackgroundRole:
if( index.column() == 0 ) {
//Highlight by match-quality
uint color = matchColor(index);
if( color )
return QBrush( color );
//Use a special background-color for expanded items
if( isExpanded(index) ) {
if( index.row() & 1 ) {
return doAlternate(treeView()->palette().toolTipBase().color());
} else {
return treeView()->palette().toolTipBase();
return QVariant();
void ExpandingWidgetModel::clearMatchQualities() {
QModelIndex ExpandingWidgetModel::partiallyExpandedRow() const {
if( m_partiallyExpanded.isEmpty() )
return QModelIndex();
return m_partiallyExpanded.constBegin().key();
void ExpandingWidgetModel::clearExpanding() {
QMap<QModelIndex,ExpandingWidgetModel::ExpandingType> oldExpandState = m_expandState;
foreach( const QPointer<QWidget> &widget, m_expandingWidgets )
widget->deleteLater(); // By using deleteLater, we prevent crashes when an action within a widget makes the completion cancel
for( QMap<QModelIndex, ExpandingWidgetModel::ExpandingType>::const_iterator it = oldExpandState.constBegin(); it != oldExpandState.constEnd(); ++it )
if(it.value() == Expanded)
emit dataChanged(it.key(), it.key());
ExpandingWidgetModel::ExpansionType ExpandingWidgetModel::isPartiallyExpanded(const QModelIndex& index) const {
if( m_partiallyExpanded.contains(firstColumn(index)) )
return m_partiallyExpanded[firstColumn(index)];
return NotExpanded;
void ExpandingWidgetModel::partiallyUnExpand(const QModelIndex& idx_)
QModelIndex index( firstColumn(idx_) );
int ExpandingWidgetModel::partiallyExpandWidgetHeight() const {
return 60; ///@todo use font-metrics text-height*2 for 2 lines
void ExpandingWidgetModel::rowSelected(const QModelIndex& idx_)
QModelIndex idx( firstColumn(idx_) );
if( !m_partiallyExpanded.contains( idx ) )
QModelIndex oldIndex = partiallyExpandedRow();
//Unexpand the previous partially expanded row
if( !m_partiallyExpanded.isEmpty() )
{ ///@todo allow multiple partially expanded rows
while( !m_partiallyExpanded.isEmpty() )
//partiallyUnExpand( m_partiallyExpanded.begin().key() );
//Notify the underlying models that the item was selected, and eventually get back the text for the expanding widget.
if( !idx.isValid() ) {
//All items have been unselected
if( oldIndex.isValid() )
emit dataChanged(oldIndex, oldIndex);
} else {
QVariant variant = data(idx, CodeCompletionModel::ItemSelected);
if( !isExpanded(idx) && variant.type() == QVariant::String) {
//Either expand upwards or downwards, choose in a way that
//the visible fields of the new selected entry are not moved.
if( oldIndex.isValid() && (oldIndex < idx || (!(oldIndex < idx) && oldIndex.parent() < idx.parent()) ) )
m_partiallyExpanded.insert(idx, ExpandUpwards);
m_partiallyExpanded.insert(idx, ExpandDownwards);
//Say that one row above until one row below has changed, so no items will need to be moved(the space that is taken from one item is given to the other)
if( oldIndex.isValid() && oldIndex < idx ) {
emit dataChanged(oldIndex, idx);
if( treeView()->verticalScrollMode() == QAbstractItemView::ScrollPerItem )
//Qt fails to correctly scroll in ScrollPerItem mode, so the selected index is completely visible,
//so we do the scrolling by hand.
QRect selectedRect = treeView()->visualRect(idx);
QRect frameRect = treeView()->frameRect();
if( selectedRect.bottom() > frameRect.bottom() ) {
int diff = selectedRect.bottom() - frameRect.bottom();
//We need to scroll down
QModelIndex newTopIndex = idx;
QModelIndex nextTopIndex = idx;
QRect nextRect = treeView()->visualRect(nextTopIndex);
while( nextTopIndex.isValid() && nextRect.isValid() && nextRect.top() >= diff ) {
newTopIndex = nextTopIndex;
nextTopIndex = treeView()->indexAbove(nextTopIndex);
if( nextTopIndex.isValid() )
nextRect = treeView()->visualRect(nextTopIndex);
treeView()->scrollTo( newTopIndex, QAbstractItemView::PositionAtTop );
//This is needed to keep the item we are expanding completely visible. Qt does not scroll the view to keep the item visible.
//But we must make sure that it isn't too expensive.
//We need to make sure that scrolling is efficient, and the whole content is not repainted.
//Since we are scrolling anyway, we can keep the next line visible, which might be a cool feature.
//Since this also doesn't work smoothly, leave it for now
//treeView()->scrollTo( nextLine, QAbstractItemView::EnsureVisible );
} else if( oldIndex.isValid() && idx < oldIndex ) {
emit dataChanged(idx, oldIndex);
//For consistency with the down-scrolling, we keep one additional line visible above the current visible.
//Since this also doesn't work smoothly, leave it for now
/* QModelIndex prevLine = idx.sibling(idx.row()-1, idx.column());
if( prevLine.isValid() )
treeView()->scrollTo( prevLine );*/
} else
emit dataChanged(idx, idx);
} else if( oldIndex.isValid() ) {
//We are not partially expanding a new row, but we previously had a partially expanded row. So signalize that it has been unexpanded.
emit dataChanged(oldIndex, oldIndex);
kDebug( 13035 ) << "ExpandingWidgetModel::rowSelected: Row is already partially expanded";
QString ExpandingWidgetModel::partialExpandText(const QModelIndex& idx) const {
if( !idx.isValid() )
return QString();
return data(firstColumn(idx), CodeCompletionModel::ItemSelected).toString();
QRect ExpandingWidgetModel::partialExpandRect(const QModelIndex& idx_) const
QModelIndex idx(firstColumn(idx_));
if( !idx.isValid() )
return QRect();
ExpansionType expansion = ExpandDownwards;
if( m_partiallyExpanded.find(idx) != m_partiallyExpanded.constEnd() )
expansion = m_partiallyExpanded[idx];
//Get the whole rectangle of the row:
QModelIndex rightMostIndex = idx;
QModelIndex tempIndex = idx;
while( (tempIndex = rightMostIndex.sibling(rightMostIndex.row(), rightMostIndex.column()+1)).isValid() )
rightMostIndex = tempIndex;
QRect rect = treeView()->visualRect(idx);
QRect rightMostRect = treeView()->visualRect(rightMostIndex);
rect.setLeft( rect.left() + 20 );
rect.setRight( rightMostRect.right() - 5 );
//These offsets must match exactly those used in ExpandingDelegate::sizeHint()
int top = rect.top() + 5;
int bottom = rightMostRect.bottom() - 5 ;
if( expansion == ExpandDownwards )
top += basicRowHeight(idx);
bottom -= basicRowHeight(idx);
rect.setTop( top );
rect.setBottom( bottom );
return rect;
bool ExpandingWidgetModel::isExpandable(const QModelIndex& idx_) const
QModelIndex idx(firstColumn(idx_));
if( !m_expandState.contains(idx) )
m_expandState.insert(idx, NotExpandable);
QVariant v = data(idx, CodeCompletionModel::IsExpandable);
if( v.canConvert<bool>() && v.value<bool>() )
m_expandState[idx] = Expandable;
return m_expandState[idx] != NotExpandable;
bool ExpandingWidgetModel::isExpanded(const QModelIndex& idx_) const
QModelIndex idx(firstColumn(idx_));
return m_expandState.contains(idx) && m_expandState[idx] == Expanded;
void ExpandingWidgetModel::setExpanded(QModelIndex idx_, bool expanded)
QModelIndex idx(firstColumn(idx_));
//kDebug( 13035 ) << "Setting expand-state of row " << idx.row() << " to " << expanded;
if( !idx.isValid() )
if( isExpandable(idx) ) {
if( !expanded && m_expandingWidgets.contains(idx) && m_expandingWidgets[idx] ) {
m_expandState[idx] = expanded ? Expanded : Expandable;
if( expanded )
if( expanded && !m_expandingWidgets.contains(idx) )
QVariant v = data(idx, CodeCompletionModel::ExpandingWidget);
if( v.canConvert<QWidget*>() ) {
m_expandingWidgets[idx] = v.value<QWidget*>();
} else if( v.canConvert<QString>() ) {
//Create a html widget that shows the given string
KTextEdit* edit = new KTextEdit( v.value<QString>() );
edit->resize(200, 50); //Make the widget small so it embeds nicely.
m_expandingWidgets[idx] = edit;
} else {
m_expandingWidgets[idx] = 0;
//Eventually partially expand the row
if( !expanded && firstColumn(treeView()->currentIndex()) == idx && !isPartiallyExpanded(idx) )
rowSelected(idx); //Partially expand the row.
emit dataChanged(idx, idx);
int ExpandingWidgetModel::basicRowHeight( const QModelIndex& idx_ ) const
QModelIndex idx(firstColumn(idx_));
ExpandingDelegate* delegate = qobject_cast<ExpandingDelegate*>( treeView()->itemDelegate(idx) );
if( !delegate || !idx.isValid() ) {
kDebug( 13035 ) << "ExpandingWidgetModel::basicRowHeight: Could not get delegate";
return 15;
return delegate->basicSizeHint( idx ).height();
void ExpandingWidgetModel::placeExpandingWidget(const QModelIndex& idx_)
QModelIndex idx(firstColumn(idx_));
QWidget* w = 0;
if( m_expandingWidgets.contains(idx) )
w = m_expandingWidgets[idx];
if( w && isExpanded(idx) ) {
if( !idx.isValid() )
QRect rect = treeView()->visualRect(idx);
if( !rect.isValid() || rect.bottom() < 0 || rect.top() >= treeView()->height() ) {
//The item is currently not visible
QModelIndex rightMostIndex = idx;
QModelIndex tempIndex = idx;
while( (tempIndex = rightMostIndex.sibling(rightMostIndex.row(), rightMostIndex.column()+1)).isValid() )
rightMostIndex = tempIndex;
QRect rightMostRect = treeView()->visualRect(rightMostIndex);
//Find out the basic height of the row
rect.setLeft( rect.left() + 20 );
rect.setRight( rightMostRect.right() - 5 );
//These offsets must match exactly those used in KateCompletionDeleage::sizeHint()
rect.setTop( rect.top() + basicRowHeight(idx) + 5 );
rect.setHeight( w->height() );
if( w->parent() != treeView()->viewport() || w->geometry() != rect || !w->isVisible() ) {
w->setParent( treeView()->viewport() );
void ExpandingWidgetModel::placeExpandingWidgets() {
for( QMap<QModelIndex, QPointer<QWidget> >::const_iterator it = m_expandingWidgets.constBegin(); it != m_expandingWidgets.constEnd(); ++it ) {
int ExpandingWidgetModel::expandingWidgetsHeight() const
int sum = 0;
for( QMap<QModelIndex, QPointer<QWidget> >::const_iterator it = m_expandingWidgets.constBegin(); it != m_expandingWidgets.constEnd(); ++it ) {
if( isExpanded(it.key() ) && (*it) )
sum += (*it)->height();
return sum;
QWidget* ExpandingWidgetModel::expandingWidget(const QModelIndex& idx_) const
QModelIndex idx(firstColumn(idx_));
if( m_expandingWidgets.contains(idx) )
return m_expandingWidgets[idx];
return 0;
void ExpandingWidgetModel::cacheIcons() const {
if( m_expandedIcon.isNull() )
m_expandedIcon = KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon("arrow-down", KIconLoader::Small, 10);
if( m_collapsedIcon.isNull() )
m_collapsedIcon = KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon("arrow-right", KIconLoader::Small, 10);
QList<QVariant> mergeCustomHighlighting( int leftSize, const QList<QVariant>& left, int rightSize, const QList<QVariant>& right )
QList<QVariant> ret = left;
if( left.isEmpty() ) {
ret << QVariant(0);
ret << QVariant(leftSize);
ret << QTextFormat(QTextFormat::CharFormat);
if( right.isEmpty() ) {
ret << QVariant(leftSize);
ret << QVariant(rightSize);
ret << QTextFormat(QTextFormat::CharFormat);
} else {
QList<QVariant>::const_iterator it = right.constBegin();
while( it != right.constEnd() ) {
QList<QVariant>::const_iterator testIt = it;
for(int a = 0; a < 2; a++) {
if(testIt == right.constEnd()) {
kWarning() << "Length of input is not multiple of 3";
ret << QVariant( (*it).toInt() + leftSize );
ret << QVariant( (*it).toInt() );
ret << *it;
kDebug( 13035 ) << "Text-format is invalid";
return ret;
//It is assumed that between each two strings, one space is inserted
QList<QVariant> mergeCustomHighlighting( QStringList strings, QList<QVariantList> highlights, int grapBetweenStrings )
if(strings.isEmpty()) {
kWarning() << "List of strings is empty";
return QList<QVariant>();
if(highlights.isEmpty()) {
kWarning() << "List of highlightings is empty";
return QList<QVariant>();
if(strings.count() != highlights.count()) {
kWarning() << "Length of string-list is " << strings.count() << " while count of highlightings is " << highlights.count() << ", should be same";
return QList<QVariant>();
//Merge them together
QString totalString = strings[0];
QVariantList totalHighlighting = highlights[0];
while( !strings.isEmpty() ) {
totalHighlighting = mergeCustomHighlighting( totalString.length(), totalHighlighting, strings[0].length(), highlights[0] );
totalString += strings[0];
for(int a = 0; a < grapBetweenStrings; a++)
totalString += ' ';
//Combine the custom-highlightings
return totalHighlighting;
#include "moc_expandingwidgetmodel.cpp"