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475 lines
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/* This file is part of KDE
Copyright (c) 2007 David Faure <faure@kde.org>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "konqpopupmenutest.h"
#include <kconfiggroup.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kbookmarkmanager.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "qtest_kde.h"
#include <QDir>
#include <knewfilemenu.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kfileitemlistproperties.h>
: m_actionCollection(this)
static QStringList extractActionNames(const QMenu& menu)
QString lastObjectName;
QStringList ret;
bool lastIsSeparator = false;
foreach (const QAction* action, menu.actions()) {
if (action->isSeparator()) {
if (!lastIsSeparator) // Qt gets rid of duplicate separators, so we should too
lastIsSeparator = true;
} else {
lastIsSeparator = false;
//qDebug() << action->objectName() << action->metaObject()->className() << action->text();
const QString objectName = action->objectName();
if (objectName.isEmpty()) {
if (action->menu()) // if this fails, then we have an unnamed action somewhere...
else {
ret.append("UNNAMED " + action->text());
} else {
if (objectName == "menuaction" // a single service-menu action, or a service-menu submenu: skip; too variable.
|| objectName == "actions_submenu") {
} else if (objectName == "openWith_submenu") {
} else if (objectName == "openwith_browse" && lastObjectName == "openwith") {
// We had "open with foo" followed by openwith_browse, all is well.
// The expected lists only say "openwith" so that they work in both cases
// -> skip the browse action.
} else {
lastObjectName = action->objectName();
return ret;
void KonqPopupMenuTest::initTestCase()
KSharedConfig::Ptr dolphin = KSharedConfig::openConfig("dolphinrc");
KConfigGroup(dolphin, "General").writeEntry("ShowCopyMoveMenu", true);
m_thisDirectoryItem = KFileItem(QDir::currentPath(), "inode/directory", S_IFDIR + 0777);
m_fileItem = KFileItem(KUrl(QDir::currentPath() + "/Makefile"), "text/x-makefile", S_IFREG + 0660);
m_linkItem = KFileItem(KUrl("http://www.kde.org/foo"), "text/html", S_IFREG + 0660);
m_subDirItem = KFileItem(KUrl(QDir::currentPath() + "/CMakeFiles"), "inode/directory", S_IFDIR + 0755);
m_cut = KStandardAction::cut(0, 0, this);
m_actionCollection.addAction("cut", m_cut);
m_copy = KStandardAction::copy(0, 0, this);
m_actionCollection.addAction("copy", m_copy);
m_paste = KStandardAction::paste(0, 0, this);
m_actionCollection.addAction("paste", m_paste);
m_pasteTo = KStandardAction::paste(0, 0, this);
m_actionCollection.addAction("pasteto", m_pasteTo);
m_back = new QAction(this);
m_actionCollection.addAction("go_back", m_back);
m_forward = new QAction(this);
m_actionCollection.addAction("go_forward", m_forward);
m_up = new QAction(this);
m_actionCollection.addAction("go_up", m_up);
m_reload = new QAction(this);
m_actionCollection.addAction("reload", m_reload);
m_properties = new QAction(this);
m_actionCollection.addAction("properties", m_properties);
m_tabHandlingActions = new QActionGroup(this);
m_newWindow = new QAction(m_tabHandlingActions);
m_actionCollection.addAction("openInNewWindow", m_newWindow);
m_newTab = new QAction(m_tabHandlingActions);
m_actionCollection.addAction("openInNewTab", m_newTab);
QAction* separator = new QAction(m_tabHandlingActions);
QCOMPARE(m_tabHandlingActions->actions().count(), 3);
m_previewActions = new QActionGroup(this);
m_preview1 = new QAction(m_previewActions);
m_actionCollection.addAction("preview1", m_preview1);
m_preview2 = new QAction(m_previewActions);
m_actionCollection.addAction("preview2", m_preview2);
m_fileEditActions = new QActionGroup(this);
m_rename = new QAction(m_fileEditActions);
m_actionCollection.addAction("rename", m_rename);
m_trash = new QAction(m_fileEditActions);
m_actionCollection.addAction("trash", m_trash);
m_htmlEditActions = new QActionGroup(this);
// TODO use m_htmlEditActions like in khtml (see khtml_popupmenu.rc)
m_linkActions = new QActionGroup(this);
QAction* saveLinkAs = new QAction(m_linkActions);
m_actionCollection.addAction("savelinkas", saveLinkAs);
QAction* copyLinkLocation = new QAction(m_linkActions);
m_actionCollection.addAction("copylinklocation", copyLinkLocation);
// TODO there's a whole bunch of things for frames, and for images, see khtml_popupmenu.rc
m_partActions = new QActionGroup(this);
separator = new QAction(m_partActions);
m_partActions->addAction(separator); // we better start with a separator
QAction* viewDocumentSource = new QAction(m_partActions);
m_actionCollection.addAction("viewDocumentSource", viewDocumentSource);
m_newMenu = new KNewFileMenu(&m_actionCollection, "newmenu", 0);
// Check if extractActionNames works
QMenu popup;
QMenu* subMenu = new QMenu(&popup);
QStringList actions = extractActionNames(popup);
kDebug() << actions;
QCOMPARE(actions, QStringList() << "go_back" << "submenu");
void KonqPopupMenuTest::testFile()
KFileItemList itemList;
itemList << m_fileItem;
KUrl viewUrl = QDir::currentPath();
KonqPopupMenu::PopupFlags beflags = KonqPopupMenu::NoPlugins;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowProperties;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowReload;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowUrlOperations;
KonqPopupMenu::ActionGroupMap actionGroups;
actionGroups.insert("tabhandling", m_tabHandlingActions->actions());
actionGroups.insert("editactions", m_fileEditActions->actions());
actionGroups.insert("preview", QList<QAction *>() << m_preview1);
KonqPopupMenu popup(itemList, viewUrl, m_actionCollection, m_newMenu, beflags,
0 /*parent*/, 0 /*bookmark manager*/, actionGroups);
QStringList actions = extractActionNames(popup);
kDebug() << actions;
QStringList expectedActions;
expectedActions << "openInNewWindow" << "openInNewTab" << "separator"
<< "cut" << "copy" << "rename" << "trash" << "separator"
<< "openwith"
<< "preview1";
if (!KStandardDirs::locate("services", "ServiceMenus/ark_addtoservicemenu.desktop").isEmpty())
expectedActions << "services_submenu";
expectedActions << "separator";
expectedActions << "copyTo_submenu" << "moveTo_submenu" << "separator";
// (came from arkplugin) << "compress"
expectedActions << "properties";
kDebug() << "Expected:" << expectedActions;
QCOMPARE(actions, expectedActions);
void KonqPopupMenuTest::testFileInReadOnlyDirectory()
static const QString notwritablefile = QString::fromLatin1("/etc/passwd");
QFileInfo fileinfo(notwritablefile);
if (fileinfo.permission(QFile::WriteUser)) {
QSKIP("/etc/passwd file is writable", SkipSingle);
const KFileItem item(KFileItem::Unknown, KFileItem::Unknown, KUrl(notwritablefile));
KFileItemList itemList;
itemList << item;
KFileItemListProperties capabilities(itemList);
KUrl viewUrl("/etc");
KonqPopupMenu::PopupFlags beflags = KonqPopupMenu::NoPlugins;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowProperties;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowReload;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowUrlOperations;
KonqPopupMenu::ActionGroupMap actionGroups;
actionGroups.insert("tabhandling", m_tabHandlingActions->actions());
// DolphinPart doesn't add rename/trash when supportsMoving is false
// Maybe we should test dolphinpart directly :)
//actionGroups.insert("editactions", m_fileEditActions->actions());
actionGroups.insert("preview", QList<QAction *>() << m_preview1);
KonqPopupMenu popup(itemList, viewUrl, m_actionCollection, m_newMenu, beflags,
0 /*parent*/, 0 /*bookmark manager*/, actionGroups);
QStringList actions = extractActionNames(popup);
kDebug() << actions;
QStringList expectedActions;
expectedActions << "openInNewWindow" << "openInNewTab" << "separator"
<< "copy" << "separator"
<< "openwith"
<< "preview1";
expectedActions << "separator";
expectedActions << "copyTo_submenu" << "separator";
expectedActions << "properties";
kDebug() << "Expected:" << expectedActions;
QCOMPARE(actions, expectedActions);
void KonqPopupMenuTest::testFilePreviewSubMenu()
// Same as testFile, but this time the "preview" action group has more than one action
KFileItemList itemList;
itemList << m_fileItem;
KUrl viewUrl = QDir::currentPath();
KonqPopupMenu::PopupFlags beflags = KonqPopupMenu::NoPlugins;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowProperties;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowReload;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowUrlOperations;
KonqPopupMenu::ActionGroupMap actionGroups;
actionGroups.insert("tabhandling", m_tabHandlingActions->actions());
actionGroups.insert("editactions", m_fileEditActions->actions());
actionGroups.insert("preview", m_previewActions->actions());
KonqPopupMenu popup(itemList, viewUrl, m_actionCollection, m_newMenu, beflags,
0 /*parent*/, 0 /*bookmark manager*/, actionGroups);
QStringList actions = extractActionNames(popup);
kDebug() << actions;
QStringList expectedActions;
expectedActions << "openInNewWindow" << "openInNewTab" << "separator"
<< "cut" << "copy" << "rename" << "trash" << "separator"
<< "openwith"
<< "preview_submenu";
if (!KStandardDirs::locate("services", "ServiceMenus/ark_addtoservicemenu.desktop").isEmpty())
expectedActions << "services_submenu";
expectedActions << "separator";
expectedActions << "copyTo_submenu" << "moveTo_submenu" << "separator";
expectedActions << "properties";
kDebug() << "Expected:" << expectedActions;
QCOMPARE(actions, expectedActions);
void KonqPopupMenuTest::testSubDirectory()
KFileItemList itemList;
itemList << m_subDirItem;
KUrl viewUrl = QDir::currentPath();
KonqPopupMenu::PopupFlags beflags = KonqPopupMenu::NoPlugins;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowProperties;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowUrlOperations;
KonqPopupMenu::ActionGroupMap actionGroups;
actionGroups.insert("tabhandling", m_tabHandlingActions->actions());
actionGroups.insert("editactions", m_fileEditActions->actions());
actionGroups.insert("preview", m_previewActions->actions());
KonqPopupMenu popup(itemList, viewUrl, m_actionCollection, m_newMenu, beflags,
0 /*parent*/, 0 /*bookmark manager*/, actionGroups);
QStringList actions = extractActionNames(popup);
kDebug() << actions;
QStringList expectedActions;
expectedActions << "openInNewWindow" << "openInNewTab" << "separator"
<< "cut" << "copy" << "pasteto" << "rename" << "trash" << "separator"
<< "openwith"
<< "preview_submenu";
expectedActions << "separator";
expectedActions << "copyTo_submenu" << "moveTo_submenu" << "separator";
expectedActions << "properties";
expectedActions << "separator" << "share";
kDebug() << "Expected:" << expectedActions;
QCOMPARE(actions, expectedActions);
void KonqPopupMenuTest::testViewDirectory()
KFileItemList itemList;
itemList << m_thisDirectoryItem;
KUrl viewUrl = m_thisDirectoryItem.url();
KonqPopupMenu::PopupFlags beflags = KonqPopupMenu::NoPlugins;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowNavigationItems;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowUp;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowCreateDirectory;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowUrlOperations;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowProperties;
// KonqMainWindow says: doTabHandling = !openedForViewURL && ... So we don't add tabhandling here
KonqPopupMenu::ActionGroupMap actionGroups;
actionGroups.insert("preview", m_previewActions->actions());
KonqPopupMenu popup(itemList, viewUrl, m_actionCollection, m_newMenu, beflags,
0 /*parent*/, 0 /*bookmark manager*/, actionGroups);
QStringList actions = extractActionNames(popup);
qDebug() << actions;
QStringList expectedActions;
expectedActions << "newmenu" << "separator"
<< "go_up" << "go_back" << "go_forward" << "separator"
<< "paste" << "separator"
<< "openwith"
<< "preview_submenu";
expectedActions << "separator";
expectedActions << "copyTo_submenu" << "moveTo_submenu" << "separator";
expectedActions << "properties";
expectedActions << "separator" << "share";
kDebug() << "Expected:" << expectedActions;
QCOMPARE(actions, expectedActions);
void KonqPopupMenuTest::testViewReadOnlyDirectory()
static const QString notreadabledir = QDir::rootPath();
QFileInfo dirinfo(notreadabledir);
if (dirinfo.permission(QFile::ReadUser)) {
QSKIP("/root directory is readable", SkipSingle);
KFileItem rootItem(notreadabledir, "inode/directory", KFileItem::Unknown);
KFileItemList itemList;
itemList << rootItem;
KUrl viewUrl = rootItem.url();
KonqPopupMenu::PopupFlags beflags = KonqPopupMenu::NoPlugins;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowNavigationItems;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowUp;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowCreateDirectory;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowUrlOperations;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowProperties;
// KonqMainWindow says: doTabHandling = !openedForViewURL && ... So we don't add tabhandling here
KonqPopupMenu::ActionGroupMap actionGroups;
actionGroups.insert("preview", m_previewActions->actions());
KonqPopupMenu popup(itemList, viewUrl, m_actionCollection, m_newMenu, beflags,
0 /*parent*/, 0 /*bookmark manager*/, actionGroups);
QStringList actions = extractActionNames(popup);
qDebug() << actions;
QStringList expectedActions;
expectedActions << "go_up" << "go_back" << "go_forward" << "separator"
// << "paste" // no paste since readonly
<< "openwith"
<< "preview_submenu";
expectedActions << "separator";
expectedActions << "copyTo_submenu" << "separator"; // no moveTo_submenu, since readonly
expectedActions << "properties";
expectedActions << "separator" << "share";
kDebug() << "Expected:" << expectedActions;
QCOMPARE(actions, expectedActions);
void KonqPopupMenuTest::testHtmlLink()
KFileItemList itemList;
itemList << m_linkItem;
//KUrl viewUrl = m_fileItem.url();
KUrl viewUrl("http://www.kde.org");
KonqPopupMenu::PopupFlags beflags = KonqPopupMenu::NoPlugins;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowBookmark;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowReload;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::IsLink;
KonqPopupMenu::ActionGroupMap actionGroups;
actionGroups.insert("tabhandling", m_tabHandlingActions->actions());
actionGroups.insert("preview", m_previewActions->actions());
actionGroups.insert("editactions", m_htmlEditActions->actions());
actionGroups.insert("linkactions", m_linkActions->actions());
actionGroups.insert("partactions", m_partActions->actions());
KonqPopupMenu popup(itemList, viewUrl, m_actionCollection, m_newMenu, beflags,
0 /*parent*/, KBookmarkManager::userBookmarksManager(), actionGroups);
QStringList actions = extractActionNames(popup);
kDebug() << actions;
QStringList expectedActions;
expectedActions << "openInNewWindow" << "openInNewTab" << "separator"
<< "bookmark_add" << "savelinkas" << "copylinklocation"
<< "separator"
<< "openwith"
<< "preview_submenu"
<< "separator"
<< "viewDocumentSource";
kDebug() << "Expected:" << expectedActions;
QCOMPARE(actions, expectedActions);
void KonqPopupMenuTest::testHtmlPage()
KFileItemList itemList;
itemList << m_linkItem;
KUrl viewUrl = m_linkItem.url();
KonqPopupMenu::PopupFlags beflags = KonqPopupMenu::NoPlugins;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowBookmark;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowReload;
beflags |= KonqPopupMenu::ShowNavigationItems;
KonqPopupMenu::ActionGroupMap actionGroups;
// KonqMainWindow says: doTabHandling = !openedForViewURL && ... So we don't add tabhandling here
// TODO we could just move that logic to KonqPopupMenu...
//actionGroups.insert("tabhandling", m_tabHandlingActions->actions());
actionGroups.insert("preview", m_previewActions->actions());
actionGroups.insert("editactions", m_htmlEditActions->actions());
//actionGroups.insert("linkactions", m_linkActions->actions());
QAction* security = new QAction(m_partActions);
m_actionCollection.addAction("security", security);
QAction* setEncoding = new QAction(m_partActions);
m_actionCollection.addAction("setEncoding", setEncoding);
actionGroups.insert("partactions", m_partActions->actions());
KonqPopupMenu popup(itemList, viewUrl, m_actionCollection, m_newMenu, beflags,
0 /*parent*/, KBookmarkManager::userBookmarksManager(), actionGroups);
QStringList actions = extractActionNames(popup);
kDebug() << actions;
QStringList expectedActions;
expectedActions << "go_back" << "go_forward" << "reload" << "separator"
<< "bookmark_add"
<< "separator"
<< "openwith"
<< "preview_submenu"
<< "separator"
// << TODO "stopanimations"
<< "viewDocumentSource" << "security" << "setEncoding";
kDebug() << "Expected:" << expectedActions;
QCOMPARE(actions, expectedActions);
// TODO test ShowReload (khtml passes it, but not the file views. Maybe show it if "not a directory" or "not local")
// (because file viewers don't react on changes, and remote things don't notify) -- then get rid of ShowReload.
// TODO test ShowBookmark. Probably the same logic?
// TODO separate filemanager and webbrowser bookmark managers, too (share file bookmarks with file dialog)
// TODO test text selection actions in khtml
// TODO trash:/ tests
// TODO test NoDeletion part flag