Ivailo Monev 92d1e03122 generic: minor optimizations
Signed-off-by: Ivailo Monev <xakepa10@gmail.com>
2022-06-01 17:45:25 +03:00

662 lines
17 KiB

KSysGuard, the KDE System Guard
Copyright (c) 2001 Tobias Koenig <tokoe@kde.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <QtCore/qabstractitemmodel.h>
#include <QtCore/qdatetime.h>
#include <QtCore/QFile>
#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
#include <QtGui/qevent.h>
#include <QtGui/QHeaderView>
#include <QtGui/QMenu>
#include <QtGui/QTreeView>
#include <QtGui/QHBoxLayout>
#include <QtXml/qdom.h>
#include <QtXml/qdom.h>
#include <QtXml/qdom.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <knotification.h>
#include <ksgrd/SensorManager.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include "StyleEngine.h"
#include "SensorLoggerDlg.h"
#include "SensorLoggerSettings.h"
#include "SensorLogger.h"
#define NONE -1
LogSensorView::LogSensorView( QWidget *parent )
: QTreeView( parent )
void LogSensorView::contextMenuEvent( QContextMenuEvent *event )
const QModelIndex index = indexAt( event->pos() );
emit contextMenuRequest( index, viewport()->mapToGlobal( event->pos() ) );
class LogSensorModel : public QAbstractTableModel
LogSensorModel( QObject *parent = 0 )
: QAbstractTableModel( parent )
virtual int columnCount( const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex() ) const
Q_UNUSED( parent );
return 5;
virtual int rowCount( const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex() ) const
Q_UNUSED( parent );
return mSensors.count();
virtual QVariant data( const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) const
if ( !index.isValid() )
return QVariant();
if ( index.row() >= mSensors.count() || index.row() < 0 )
return QVariant();
LogSensor *sensor = mSensors[ index.row() ];
if ( role == Qt::DisplayRole ) {
switch ( index.column() ) {
case 1:
return sensor->timerInterval();
case 2:
return sensor->sensorName();
case 3:
return sensor->hostName();
case 4:
return sensor->fileName();
} else if ( role == Qt::DecorationRole ) {
static QPixmap runningPixmap = KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon( "running", KIconLoader::Small, KIconLoader::SizeSmall );
static QPixmap waitingPixmap = KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon( "waiting", KIconLoader::Small, KIconLoader::SizeSmall );
if ( index.column() == 0 ) {
if ( sensor->isLogging() )
return runningPixmap;
return waitingPixmap;
} else if ( role == Qt::ForegroundRole ) {
if ( sensor->limitReached() )
return mAlarmColor;
return mForegroundColor;
} else if ( role == Qt::BackgroundRole ) {
return mBackgroundColor;
return QVariant();
virtual QVariant headerData( int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) const
if ( orientation == Qt::Vertical )
return QVariant();
if ( role == Qt::DisplayRole ) {
switch ( section ) {
case 0:
return i18nc("@title:column", "Logging");
case 1:
return i18nc("@title:column", "Timer Interval");
case 2:
return i18nc("@title:column", "Sensor Name");
case 3:
return i18nc("@title:column", "Host Name");
case 4:
return i18nc("@title:column", "Log File");
return QVariant();
return QVariant();
void addSensor( LogSensor *sensor )
mSensors.append( sensor );
connect( sensor, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SIGNAL(layoutChanged()) );
emit layoutChanged();
void removeSensor( LogSensor *sensor )
delete mSensors.takeAt( mSensors.indexOf( sensor ) );
emit layoutChanged();
LogSensor* sensor( const QModelIndex &index ) const
if ( !index.isValid() || index.row() >= mSensors.count() || index.row() < 0 )
return 0;
return mSensors[ index.row() ];
void clear()
qDeleteAll( mSensors );
const QList<LogSensor*> sensors() const
return mSensors;
void setForegroundColor( const QColor &color ) { mForegroundColor = color; }
QColor foregroundColor() const { return mForegroundColor; }
void setBackgroundColor( const QColor &color ) { mBackgroundColor = color; }
QColor backgroundColor() const { return mBackgroundColor; }
void setAlarmColor( const QColor &color ) { mAlarmColor = color; }
QColor alarmColor() const { return mAlarmColor; }
QColor mForegroundColor;
QColor mBackgroundColor;
QColor mAlarmColor;
QList<LogSensor*> mSensors;
LogSensor::LogSensor( QObject *parent )
: QObject( parent ),
mTimerID( NONE ),
mLowerLimitActive( false ),
mUpperLimitActive( 0 ),
mLowerLimit( 0 ),
mUpperLimit( 0 ),
mLimitReached( false )
void LogSensor::setHostName( const QString& name )
mHostName = name;
QString LogSensor::hostName() const
return mHostName;
void LogSensor::setSensorName( const QString& name )
mSensorName = name;
QString LogSensor::sensorName() const
return mSensorName;
void LogSensor::setFileName( const QString& name )
mFileName = name;
QString LogSensor::fileName() const
return mFileName;
void LogSensor::setUpperLimitActive( bool value )
mUpperLimitActive = value;
bool LogSensor::upperLimitActive() const
return mUpperLimitActive;
void LogSensor::setLowerLimitActive( bool value )
mLowerLimitActive = value;
bool LogSensor::lowerLimitActive() const
return mLowerLimitActive;
void LogSensor::setUpperLimit( double value )
mUpperLimit = value;
double LogSensor::upperLimit() const
return mUpperLimit;
void LogSensor::setLowerLimit( double value )
mLowerLimit = value;
double LogSensor::lowerLimit() const
return mLowerLimit;
void LogSensor::setTimerInterval( int interval )
mTimerInterval = interval;
if ( mTimerID != NONE ) {
int LogSensor::timerInterval() const
return mTimerInterval;
bool LogSensor::isLogging() const
return mTimerID != NONE;
bool LogSensor::limitReached() const
return mLimitReached;
void LogSensor::timerOff()
if ( mTimerID > 0 )
killTimer( mTimerID );
mTimerID = NONE;
void LogSensor::timerOn()
mTimerID = startTimer( mTimerInterval * 1000 );
void LogSensor::startLogging()
void LogSensor::stopLogging()
void LogSensor::timerEvent ( QTimerEvent * event )
KSGRD::SensorMgr->sendRequest( mHostName, mSensorName, static_cast<KSGRD::SensorClient*>(this), 42 );
void LogSensor::answerReceived( int id, const QList<QByteArray>& answer ) //virtual
QFile mLogFile( mFileName );
if ( !mLogFile.open( QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Append ) ) {
switch ( id ) {
case 42: {
QTextStream stream( &mLogFile );
double value = 0;
if ( !answer.isEmpty() )
value = answer[ 0 ].toDouble();
if ( mLowerLimitActive && value < mLowerLimit ) {
mLimitReached = true;
// send notification
KNotification::event( "sensor_alarm", QString( "sensor '%1' at '%2' reached lower limit" )
.arg( mSensorName ).arg( mHostName), QPixmap(), 0 );
} else if ( mUpperLimitActive && value > mUpperLimit ) {
mLimitReached = true;
// send notification
KNotification::event( "sensor_alarm", QString( "sensor '%1' at '%2' reached upper limit" )
.arg( mSensorName).arg( mHostName), QPixmap(), 0 );
} else {
mLimitReached = false;
const QDate date = QDateTime::currentDateTime().date();
const QTime time = QDateTime::currentDateTime().time();
stream << QString( "%1 %2 %3 %4 %5: %6\n" ).arg( date.shortMonthName( date.month() ) )
.arg( date.day() ).arg( time.toString() )
.arg( mHostName).arg( mSensorName ).arg( value );
emit changed();
SensorLogger::SensorLogger( QWidget *parent, const QString& title, SharedSettings *workSheetSettings )
: KSGRD::SensorDisplay( parent, title, workSheetSettings )
mModel = new LogSensorModel( this );
mModel->setForegroundColor( KSGRD::Style->firstForegroundColor() );
mModel->setBackgroundColor( KSGRD::Style->backgroundColor() );
mModel->setAlarmColor( KSGRD::Style->alarmColor() );
QLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout(this);
mView = new LogSensorView( this );
mView->header()->setStretchLastSection( true );
mView->setRootIsDecorated( false );
mView->setItemsExpandable( false );
mView->setModel( mModel );
setPlotterWidget( mView );
connect( mView, SIGNAL(contextMenuRequest(QModelIndex,QPoint)),
this, SLOT(contextMenuRequest(QModelIndex,QPoint)) );
QPalette palette = mView->palette();
palette.setColor( QPalette::Base, KSGRD::Style->backgroundColor() );
mView->setPalette( palette );
setTitle( i18n( "Sensor Logger" ) );
setMinimumSize( 50, 25 );
bool SensorLogger::addSensor( const QString& hostName, const QString& sensorName, const QString& sensorType, const QString& )
if ( sensorType != "integer" && sensorType != "float" )
return false;
SensorLoggerDlg dlg( this );
if ( dlg.exec() ) {
if ( !dlg.fileName().isEmpty() ) {
LogSensor *sensor = new LogSensor( mModel );
sensor->setHostName( hostName );
sensor->setSensorName( sensorName );
sensor->setFileName( dlg.fileName() );
sensor->setTimerInterval( dlg.timerInterval() );
sensor->setLowerLimitActive( dlg.lowerLimitActive() );
sensor->setUpperLimitActive( dlg.upperLimitActive() );
sensor->setLowerLimit( dlg.lowerLimit() );
sensor->setUpperLimit( dlg.upperLimit() );
mModel->addSensor( sensor );
} else {
return false; //User cancelled dialog, so don't add sensor logger
return true;
bool SensorLogger::editSensor( LogSensor* sensor )
SensorLoggerDlg dlg( this );
dlg.setFileName( sensor->fileName() );
dlg.setTimerInterval( sensor->timerInterval() );
dlg.setLowerLimitActive( sensor->lowerLimitActive() );
dlg.setLowerLimit( sensor->lowerLimit() );
dlg.setUpperLimitActive( sensor->upperLimitActive() );
dlg.setUpperLimit( sensor->upperLimit() );
if ( dlg.exec() ) {
if ( !dlg.fileName().isEmpty() ) {
sensor->setFileName( dlg.fileName() );
sensor->setTimerInterval( dlg.timerInterval() );
sensor->setLowerLimitActive( dlg.lowerLimitActive() );
sensor->setUpperLimitActive( dlg.upperLimitActive() );
sensor->setLowerLimit( dlg.lowerLimit() );
sensor->setUpperLimit( dlg.upperLimit() );
return true;
void SensorLogger::configureSettings()
SensorLoggerSettings dlg( this );
dlg.setTitle( title() );
dlg.setForegroundColor( mModel->foregroundColor() );
dlg.setBackgroundColor( mModel->backgroundColor() );
dlg.setAlarmColor( mModel->alarmColor() );
if ( dlg.exec() ) {
setTitle( dlg.title() );
mModel->setForegroundColor( dlg.foregroundColor() );
mModel->setBackgroundColor( dlg.backgroundColor() );
mModel->setAlarmColor( dlg.alarmColor() );
QPalette palette = mView->palette();
palette.setColor( QPalette::Base, dlg.backgroundColor() );
mView->setPalette( palette );
void SensorLogger::applyStyle()
mModel->setForegroundColor( KSGRD::Style->firstForegroundColor() );
mModel->setBackgroundColor( KSGRD::Style->backgroundColor() );
mModel->setAlarmColor( KSGRD::Style->alarmColor() );
QPalette palette = mView->palette();
palette.setColor( QPalette::Base, KSGRD::Style->backgroundColor() );
mView->setPalette( palette );
bool SensorLogger::restoreSettings( QDomElement& element )
mModel->setForegroundColor( restoreColor( element, "textColor", Qt::green) );
mModel->setBackgroundColor( restoreColor( element, "backgroundColor", Qt::black ) );
mModel->setAlarmColor( restoreColor( element, "alarmColor", Qt::red ) );
QDomNodeList dnList = element.elementsByTagName( "logsensors" );
for ( int i = 0; i < dnList.count(); i++ ) {
QDomElement element = dnList.item( i ).toElement();
LogSensor* sensor = new LogSensor( mModel );
sensor->setHostName( element.attribute("hostName") );
sensor->setSensorName( element.attribute("sensorName") );
sensor->setFileName( element.attribute("fileName") );
sensor->setTimerInterval( element.attribute("timerInterval").toInt() );
sensor->setLowerLimitActive( element.attribute("lowerLimitActive").toInt() );
sensor->setLowerLimit( element.attribute("lowerLimit").toDouble() );
sensor->setUpperLimitActive( element.attribute("upperLimitActive").toInt() );
sensor->setUpperLimit( element.attribute("upperLimit").toDouble() );
mModel->addSensor( sensor );
SensorDisplay::restoreSettings( element );
QPalette palette = mView->palette();
palette.setColor( QPalette::Base, mModel->backgroundColor() );
mView->setPalette( palette );
return true;
bool SensorLogger::saveSettings( QDomDocument& doc, QDomElement& element )
saveColor( element, "textColor", mModel->foregroundColor() );
saveColor( element, "backgroundColor", mModel->backgroundColor() );
saveColor( element, "alarmColor", mModel->alarmColor() );
const QList<LogSensor*> sensors = mModel->sensors();
for ( int i = 0; i < sensors.count(); ++i ) {
LogSensor *sensor = sensors[ i ];
QDomElement log = doc.createElement( "logsensors" );
log.setAttribute("sensorName", sensor->sensorName());
log.setAttribute("hostName", sensor->hostName());
log.setAttribute("fileName", sensor->fileName());
log.setAttribute("timerInterval", sensor->timerInterval());
log.setAttribute("lowerLimitActive", QString("%1").arg(sensor->lowerLimitActive()));
log.setAttribute("lowerLimit", QString::number(sensor->lowerLimit()));
log.setAttribute("upperLimitActive", QString("%1").arg(sensor->upperLimitActive()));
log.setAttribute("upperLimit", QString::number(sensor->upperLimit()));
element.appendChild( log );
SensorDisplay::saveSettings( doc, element );
return true;
void SensorLogger::answerReceived( int, const QList<QByteArray>& ) //virtual
// we do not use this, since all answers are received by the LogSensors
void SensorLogger::contextMenuRequest( const QModelIndex &index, const QPoint &point )
LogSensor *sensor = mModel->sensor( index );
QMenu pm;
QAction *action = 0;
if (hasSettingsDialog()) {
action = pm.addAction(i18n("&Properties"));
action->setData( 1 );
if(!mSharedSettings->locked) {
action = pm.addAction(i18n("&Remove Display"));
action->setData( 2 );
action = pm.addAction(i18n("&Remove Sensor"));
action->setData( 3 );
if ( !sensor )
action->setEnabled( false );
action = pm.addAction(i18n("&Edit Sensor..."));
action->setData( 4 );
if ( !sensor )
action->setEnabled( false );
if ( sensor ) {
if ( sensor->isLogging() ) {
action = pm.addAction(i18n("St&op Logging"));
action->setData( 6 );
} else {
action = pm.addAction(i18n("S&tart Logging"));
action->setData( 5 );
action = pm.exec( point );
if ( !action )
switch (action->data().toInt())
case 1:
case 2: {
KSGRD::SensorDisplay::DeleteEvent *ev = new KSGRD::SensorDisplay::DeleteEvent( this );
kapp->postEvent(parent(), ev);
case 3:
if ( sensor )
mModel->removeSensor( sensor );
case 4:
if ( sensor )
editSensor( sensor );
case 5:
if ( sensor )
case 6:
if ( sensor )
#include "moc_SensorLogger.cpp"