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/* This file is part of the KDE libraries and the Kate part.
* Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Hamish Rodda <rodda@kde.org>
* Copyright (C) 2007-2008 David Nolden <david.nolden.kdevelop@art-master.de>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <QFrame>
#include <QObject>
#include <QToolButton>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QTimer>
#include "katepartinterfaces_export.h"
#include <ktexteditor/movingrange.h>
#include <ktexteditor/codecompletioninterface.h>
#include <ktexteditor/codecompletionmodel.h>
class KateView;
class KateCompletionModel;
class KateCompletionTree;
class KateArgumentHintTree;
class KateArgumentHintModel;
namespace KTextEditor {
class EmbeddedWidgetInterface;
* This is the code completion's main widget, and also contains the
* core interface logic.
* @author Hamish Rodda <rodda@kde.org>
class KATEPARTINTERFACES_EXPORT KateCompletionWidget : public QFrame
explicit KateCompletionWidget(KateView* parent);
KateView* view() const;
KateCompletionTree* treeView() const;
bool isCompletionActive() const;
void startCompletion(KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::InvocationType invocationType, const QList<KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel*>& models = QList<KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel*>());
void startCompletion(const KTextEditor::Range& word, KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel* model, KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::InvocationType invocationType = KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::ManualInvocation);
void startCompletion(const KTextEditor::Range& word, const QList<KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel*>& models = QList<KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel*>(), KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::InvocationType invocationType = KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::ManualInvocation);
void userInvokedCompletion();
public Q_SLOTS:
//Executed when return is pressed while completion is active.
void execute();
void cursorDown();
void cursorUp();
void tab(bool shift);
///Returns whether the current item was expanded/unexpanded
bool toggleExpanded(bool forceExpand = false, bool forceUnExpand = false);
const KateCompletionModel* model() const;
KateCompletionModel* model();
void registerCompletionModel(KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel* model);
void unregisterCompletionModel(KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel* model);
int automaticInvocationDelay() const;
void setAutomaticInvocationDelay(int delay);
struct CompletionRange{
CompletionRange() : range(0) {
CompletionRange(KTextEditor::MovingRange* r) : range(r) {
bool operator==(const CompletionRange& rhs) const {
return range->toRange() == rhs.range->toRange();
KTextEditor::MovingRange* range;
//Whenever the cursor goes before this position, the completion is stopped, unless it is invalid.
KTextEditor::Cursor leftBoundary;
KTextEditor::MovingRange* completionRange(KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel* model = 0) const;
QMap<KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel*, CompletionRange> completionRanges( ) const;
// Navigation
void pageDown();
void pageUp();
void top();
void bottom();
QWidget* currentEmbeddedWidget();
bool canExpandCurrentItem() const;
bool canCollapseCurrentItem() const;
void setCurrentItemExpanded( bool );
//Returns true if a screen border has been hit
bool updatePosition(bool force = false);
virtual bool eventFilter( QObject * watched, QEvent * event );
KateArgumentHintTree* argumentHintTree() const;
KateArgumentHintModel* argumentHintModel() const;
///Called by KateViewInternal, because we need the specific information from the event.
void updateHeight();
public Q_SLOTS:
void waitForModelReset();
void abortCompletion();
void showConfig();
/* void viewFocusIn();
void viewFocusOut();*/
void updatePositionSlot();
void automaticInvocation();
/* void updateFocus();*/
void argumentHintsChanged(bool hasContent);
bool navigateUp();
bool navigateDown();
bool navigateLeft();
bool navigateRight();
bool navigateAccept();
bool navigateBack();
bool hadNavigation() const;
void resetHadNavigation();
virtual void showEvent ( QShowEvent * event );
virtual void resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * event );
// virtual void focusInEvent ( QFocusEvent * event );
private Q_SLOTS:
void completionModelReset();
void modelDestroyed(QObject* model);
void modelContentChanged();
void cursorPositionChanged();
void modelReset();
void rowsInserted(const QModelIndex& parent, int row, int rowEnd);
void viewFocusOut();
void wrapLine (const KTextEditor::Cursor &position);
void unwrapLine (int line);
void insertText (const KTextEditor::Cursor &position, const QString &text);
void removeText (const KTextEditor::Range &range);
void updateAndShow();
void updateArgumentHintGeometry();
QModelIndex selectedIndex() const;
void clear();
//Switch cursor between argument-hint list / completion-list
void switchList();
KTextEditor::Range determineRange() const;
void completionRangeChanged(KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel*, const KTextEditor::Range& word);
void deleteCompletionRanges();
QList<KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel*> m_sourceModels;
KateCompletionModel* m_presentationModel;
QMap<KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel*, CompletionRange> m_completionRanges;
QSet<KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel*> m_waitingForReset;
KTextEditor::Cursor m_lastCursorPosition;
KateCompletionTree* m_entryList;
KateArgumentHintModel* m_argumentHintModel;
KateArgumentHintTree* m_argumentHintTree;
QTimer* m_automaticInvocationTimer;
//QTimer* m_updateFocusTimer;
QWidget* m_statusBar;
QToolButton* m_sortButton;
QLabel* m_sortText;
QToolButton* m_filterButton;
QLabel* m_filterText;
QPushButton* m_configButton;
KTextEditor::Cursor m_automaticInvocationAt;
QString m_automaticInvocationLine;
int m_automaticInvocationDelay;
bool m_filterInstalled;
class KateCompletionConfig* m_configWidget;
bool m_lastInsertionByUser;
bool m_inCompletionList; //Are we in the completion-list? If not, we're in the argument-hint list
bool m_isSuspended;
bool m_dontShowArgumentHints; //Used temporarily to prevent flashing
bool m_needShow;
bool m_hadCompletionNavigation;
bool m_haveExactMatch;
bool m_noAutoHide;
* is a completion edit ongoing?
bool m_completionEditRunning;
int m_expandedAddedHeightBase;
KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::InvocationType m_lastInvocationType;