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synced 2025-02-23 18:32:50 +00:00
804 lines
26 KiB
804 lines
26 KiB
KSysGuard, the KDE System Guard
Copyright (c) 1999 - 2001 Chris Schlaeger <cs@kde.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License version 2 or at your option version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QCursor>
#include <QLayout>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QEvent>
#include <QtGui/qevent.h>
#include <QtGui/qevent.h>
#include <QFile>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QApplication>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kmenu.h>
#include <ksgrd/SensorManager.h>
#include "DancingBars.h"
#include "DummyDisplay.h"
#include "FancyPlotter.h"
#include "ksysguard.h"
#include "ListView.h"
#include "LogFile.h"
#include "MultiMeter.h"
#include "ProcessController.h"
#include "SensorLogger.h"
#include "WorkSheet.h"
#include "WorkSheetSettings.h"
WorkSheet::WorkSheet( QWidget *parent )
: QWidget( parent )
mGridLayout = 0;
mRows = mColumns = 0;
setAcceptDrops( true );
WorkSheet::WorkSheet( int rows, int columns, float interval, QWidget* parent )
: QWidget( parent)
mGridLayout = 0;
setUpdateInterval( interval );
createGrid( rows, columns );
setAcceptDrops( true );
bool WorkSheet::load( const QString &fileName )
QFile file( fileName );
if ( !file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) {
KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n( "Cannot open the file %1." , fileName ) );
return false;
QDomDocument doc;
// Read in file and check for a valid XML header.
if ( !doc.setContent( &file) ) {
KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n( "The file %1 does not contain valid XML." ,
fileName ) );
return false;
// Check for proper document type.
if ( doc.doctype().name() != "KSysGuardWorkSheet" ) {
KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n( "The file %1 does not contain a valid worksheet "
"definition, which must have a document type 'KSysGuardWorkSheet'.",
fileName ) );
return false;
QDomElement element = doc.documentElement();
bool rowsOk, columnsOk;
int rows = element.attribute( "rows" ).toInt( &rowsOk );
int columns = element.attribute( "columns" ).toInt( &columnsOk );
if ( !( rowsOk && columnsOk ) ) {
KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("The file %1 has an invalid worksheet size.",
fileName ) );
return false;
// Check for proper size.
float interval = element.attribute( "interval", "1" ).toFloat();
if( interval < 0 || interval > 100000 ) //make sure the interval is fairly sane
interval = 1;
setUpdateInterval( interval );
createGrid( rows, columns );
mTitle = element.attribute( "title");
mTranslatedTitle = mTitle.isEmpty() ? "" : i18n(mTitle.toUtf8());
bool ok;
mSharedSettings.locked = element.attribute( "locked" ).toUInt( &ok );
if(!ok) mSharedSettings.locked = false;
int i;
/* Load lists of hosts that are needed for the work sheet and try
* to establish a connection. */
QDomNodeList dnList = element.elementsByTagName( "host" );
for ( i = 0; i < dnList.count(); ++i ) {
QDomElement element = dnList.item( i ).toElement();
bool ok;
int port = element.attribute( "port" ).toInt( &ok );
if ( !ok )
port = -1;
KSGRD::SensorMgr->engage( element.attribute( "name" ),
element.attribute( "shell" ),
element.attribute( "command" ), port );
//if no hosts are specified, at least connect to localhost
if(dnList.count() == 0)
KSGRD::SensorMgr->engage( "localhost", "", "ksysguardd", -1);
// Load the displays and place them into the work sheet.
dnList = element.elementsByTagName( "display" );
for ( i = 0; i < dnList.count(); ++i ) {
QDomElement element = dnList.item( i ).toElement();
int row = element.attribute( "row" ).toInt();
int column = element.attribute( "column" ).toInt();
int rowSpan = element.attribute( "rowSpan", "1" ).toInt();
int columnSpan = element.attribute( "columnSpan", "1" ).toInt();
if ( row < 0 || rowSpan < 0 || (row + rowSpan - 1) >= mRows || column < 0 || columnSpan < 0 || (column + columnSpan - 1) >= mColumns) {
kDebug(1215) << "Row or Column out of range (" << row << ", "
<< column << ")-(" << (row + rowSpan - 1) << ", " << (column + columnSpan - 1) << ")";
return false;
replaceDisplay( row, column, element, rowSpan, columnSpan );
mFullFileName = fileName;
return true;
bool WorkSheet::save( const QString &fileName )
return exportWorkSheet(fileName);
bool WorkSheet::exportWorkSheet( const QString &fileName )
QDomDocument doc( "KSysGuardWorkSheet" );
doc.appendChild( doc.createProcessingInstruction(
"xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"" ) );
// save work sheet information
QDomElement ws = doc.createElement( "WorkSheet" );
doc.appendChild( ws );
ws.setAttribute( "title", mTitle );
ws.setAttribute( "locked", mSharedSettings.locked?"1":"0" );
ws.setAttribute( "interval", updateInterval() );
ws.setAttribute( "rows", mRows );
ws.setAttribute( "columns", mColumns );
QStringList hosts;
collectHosts( hosts );
// save host information (name, shell, etc.)
QStringList::Iterator it;
for ( it = hosts.begin(); it != hosts.end(); ++it ) {
QString shell, command;
int port;
if ( KSGRD::SensorMgr->hostInfo( *it, shell, command, port ) ) {
QDomElement host = doc.createElement( "host" );
ws.appendChild( host );
host.setAttribute( "name", *it );
host.setAttribute( "shell", shell );
host.setAttribute( "command", command );
host.setAttribute( "port", port );
for (int i = 0; i < mGridLayout->count(); i++)
KSGRD::SensorDisplay* display = static_cast<KSGRD::SensorDisplay*>(mGridLayout->itemAt(i)->widget());
if (display->metaObject()->className() != QByteArray("DummyDisplay"))
int row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan;
mGridLayout->getItemPosition(i, &row, &column, &rowSpan, &columnSpan);
QDomElement element = doc.createElement("display");
element.setAttribute("row", row);
element.setAttribute("column", column);
element.setAttribute("rowSpan", rowSpan);
element.setAttribute("columnSpan", columnSpan);
element.setAttribute("class", display->metaObject()->className());
display->saveSettings(doc, element);
QFile file( fileName );
if ( !file.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) ) {
KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n( "Cannot save file %1" , fileName ) );
return false;
QTextStream s( &file );
s.setCodec( "UTF-8" );
s << doc;
return true;
void WorkSheet::cut()
if ( !currentDisplay() || currentDisplay()->metaObject()->className() == QByteArray("DummyDisplay" ) )
QClipboard* clip = QApplication::clipboard();
clip->setText( currentDisplayAsXML() );
removeDisplay( currentDisplay() );
void WorkSheet::copy()
if ( !currentDisplay() || currentDisplay()->metaObject()->className() == QByteArray( "DummyDisplay" ) )
QClipboard* clip = QApplication::clipboard();
clip->setText( currentDisplayAsXML() );
void WorkSheet::paste()
int row, column;
if ( !currentDisplay( &row, &column ) )
QClipboard* clip = QApplication::clipboard();
QDomDocument doc;
/* Get text from clipboard and check for a valid XML header and
* proper document type. */
if ( !doc.setContent( clip->text() ) || doc.doctype().name() != "KSysGuardDisplay" ) {
KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("The clipboard does not contain a valid display "
"description." ) );
QDomElement element = doc.documentElement();
replaceDisplay( row, column, element );
void WorkSheet::setFileName( const QString &fileName )
mFileName = fileName;
QString WorkSheet::fullFileName() const
return mFullFileName;
QString WorkSheet::fileName() const
return mFileName;
void WorkSheet::setTitle( const QString &title )
mTitle = title;
mTranslatedTitle = mTitle.isEmpty() ? "" : i18n(mTitle.toUtf8());
emit titleChanged(this);
QString WorkSheet::translatedTitle() const {
return mTranslatedTitle;
QString WorkSheet::title() const {
return mTitle;
KSGRD::SensorDisplay* WorkSheet::insertDisplay( DisplayType displayType, QString displayTitle, int row, int column, int rowSpan, int columnSpan )
KSGRD::SensorDisplay* newDisplay = 0;
switch(displayType) {
case DisplayDummy:
newDisplay = new DummyDisplay( this, &mSharedSettings );
case DisplayFancyPlotter:
newDisplay = new FancyPlotter( this, displayTitle, &mSharedSettings );
case DisplayMultiMeter:
newDisplay = new MultiMeter( this, displayTitle, &mSharedSettings);
case DisplayDancingBars:
newDisplay = new DancingBars( this, displayTitle, &mSharedSettings);
case DisplaySensorLogger:
newDisplay = new SensorLogger( this, displayTitle, &mSharedSettings);
case DisplayListView:
newDisplay = new ListView( this, displayTitle, &mSharedSettings);
case DisplayLogFile:
newDisplay = new LogFile( this, displayTitle, &mSharedSettings );
case DisplayProcessControllerRemote:
newDisplay = new ProcessController(this, &mSharedSettings);
newDisplay->setObjectName("remote process controller");
case DisplayProcessControllerLocal:
newDisplay = new ProcessController(this, &mSharedSettings);
if (!Toplevel->localProcessController())
Toplevel->setLocalProcessController(static_cast<ProcessController *>(newDisplay));
return NULL;
connect(&mTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), newDisplay, SLOT(timerTick()));
replaceDisplay( row, column, newDisplay, rowSpan, columnSpan );
return newDisplay;
KSGRD::SensorDisplay *WorkSheet::addDisplay( const QString &hostName,
const QString &sensorName,
const QString &sensorType,
const QString& sensorDescr,
int row, int column )
KSGRD::SensorDisplay* display = static_cast<KSGRD::SensorDisplay*>(mGridLayout->itemAtPosition(row, column)->widget());
/* If the by 'row' and 'column' specified display is a QGroupBox dummy
* display we replace the widget. Otherwise we just try to add
* the new sensor to an existing display. */
if ( display->metaObject()->className() == QByteArray( "DummyDisplay" ) ) {
DisplayType displayType = DisplayDummy;
/* If the sensor type is supported by more than one display
* type we popup a menu so the user can select what display is
* wanted. */
if ( sensorType == "integer" || sensorType == "float" ) {
KMenu pm;
pm.addTitle( i18n( "Select Display Type" ) );
QAction *a1 = pm.addAction( i18n( "&Line graph" ) );
QAction *a2 = pm.addAction( i18n( "&Digital display" ) );
QAction *a3 = pm.addAction( i18n( "&Bar graph" ) );
QAction *a4 = pm.addAction( i18n( "Log to a &file" ) );
QAction *execed = pm.exec( QCursor::pos() );
if (execed == a1)
displayType = DisplayFancyPlotter;
else if (execed == a2)
displayType = DisplayMultiMeter;
else if (execed == a3)
displayType = DisplayDancingBars;
else if (execed == a4)
displayType = DisplaySensorLogger;
return 0;
} else if ( sensorType == "listview" ) {
displayType = DisplayListView;
else if ( sensorType == "logfile" ) {
displayType = DisplayLogFile;
else if ( sensorType == "sensorlogger" ) {
displayType = DisplaySensorLogger;
else if ( sensorType == "table" ) {
if(hostName.isEmpty() || hostName == "localhost")
displayType = DisplayProcessControllerLocal;
displayType = DisplayProcessControllerRemote;
else {
kDebug(1215) << "Unknown sensor type: " << sensorType;
return 0;
display = insertDisplay(displayType, sensorDescr, row, column);
if (!display->addSensor( hostName, sensorName, sensorType, sensorDescr )) {
// Failed to add sensor, so we need to remove the display that we just added
return 0;
return display;
void WorkSheet::settings()
WorkSheetSettings dlg( this, mSharedSettings.locked );
dlg.setSheetTitle( mTranslatedTitle );
dlg.setInterval( updateInterval() );
if(!mSharedSettings.locked) {
dlg.setRows( mRows );
dlg.setColumns( mColumns );
if ( dlg.exec() ) {
setUpdateInterval( dlg.interval() );
if (!mSharedSettings.locked)
resizeGrid( dlg.rows(), dlg.columns() );
if(mTranslatedTitle != dlg.sheetTitle()) { //Title has changed
if(mRows == 1 && mColumns == 1) {
} else {
void WorkSheet::showPopupMenu( KSGRD::SensorDisplay *display )
void WorkSheet::applyStyle()
for (int i = 0; i < mGridLayout->count(); i++)
void WorkSheet::dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent* event)
if ( !event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/x-ksysguard") )
void WorkSheet::dragMoveEvent( QDragMoveEvent *event )
/* Find the sensor display that is supposed to get the drop
* event and replace or add sensor. */
const QPoint globalPos = mapToGlobal( event->pos() );
for ( int i = 0; i < mGridLayout->count(); i++ ) {
KSGRD::SensorDisplay* display = static_cast<KSGRD::SensorDisplay*>(mGridLayout->itemAt(i)->widget());
const QRect widgetRect = QRect( display->mapToGlobal( QPoint( 0, 0 ) ),
display->size() );
if ( widgetRect.contains( globalPos ) ) {
QByteArray widgetType = display->metaObject()->className();
if(widgetType == "MultiMeter" || widgetType == "ProcessController" || widgetType == "table")
else if(widgetType != "Dummy")
void WorkSheet::dropEvent( QDropEvent *event )
if ( !event->mimeData()->hasFormat("application/x-ksysguard") )
const QString dragObject = QString::fromUtf8(event->mimeData()->data("application/x-ksysguard"));
// The host name, sensor name and type are separated by a ' '.
QStringList parts = dragObject.split( ' ');
QString hostName = parts[ 0 ];
QString sensorName = parts[ 1 ];
QString sensorType = parts[ 2 ];
QString sensorDescr = parts[ 3 ];
if ( hostName.isEmpty() || sensorName.isEmpty() || sensorType.isEmpty() )
/* Find the sensor display that is supposed to get the drop
* event and replace or add sensor. */
const QPoint globalPos = mapToGlobal( event->pos() );
for ( int i = 0; i < mGridLayout->count(); i++ ) {
KSGRD::SensorDisplay* display = static_cast<KSGRD::SensorDisplay*>(mGridLayout->itemAt(i)->widget());
const QSize displaySize = display->size();
const QPoint displayPoint( displaySize.width(), displaySize.height() );
const QRect widgetRect = QRect( display->mapToGlobal( QPoint( 0, 0 ) ),
display->mapToGlobal( displayPoint ) );
if ( widgetRect.contains( globalPos ) ) {
int row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan;
mGridLayout->getItemPosition(i, &row, &column, &rowSpan, &columnSpan);
addDisplay( hostName, sensorName, sensorType, sensorDescr, row, column );
QSize WorkSheet::sizeHint() const
return QSize( 800,600 );
bool WorkSheet::event( QEvent *e )
if ( e->type() == QEvent::User ) {
// SensorDisplays send out this event if they want to be removed.
if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( this, i18n( "Remove this display?" ),
i18n("Remove Display"), KStandardGuiItem::del() )
== KMessageBox::Continue ) {
KSGRD::SensorDisplay::DeleteEvent *event = static_cast<KSGRD::SensorDisplay::DeleteEvent*>( e );
removeDisplay( event->display() );
return true;
return QWidget::event( e );
bool WorkSheet::replaceDisplay( int row, int column, QDomElement& element, int rowSpan, int columnSpan )
QString classType = element.attribute( "class" );
QString hostName = element.attribute( "hostName" );
DisplayType displayType = DisplayDummy;
KSGRD::SensorDisplay* newDisplay;
if ( classType == "FancyPlotter" )
displayType = DisplayFancyPlotter;
else if ( classType == "MultiMeter" )
displayType = DisplayMultiMeter;
else if ( classType == "DancingBars" )
displayType = DisplayDancingBars;
else if ( classType == "ListView" )
displayType = DisplayListView;
else if ( classType == "LogFile" )
displayType = DisplayLogFile;
else if ( classType == "SensorLogger" )
displayType = DisplaySensorLogger;
else if ( classType == "ProcessController" ) {
if(hostName.isEmpty() || hostName == "localhost")
displayType = DisplayProcessControllerLocal;
displayType = DisplayProcessControllerRemote;
} else {
kDebug(1215) << "Unknown class " << classType;
return false;
newDisplay = insertDisplay(displayType, i18n("Dummy"), row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan);
// load display specific settings
if ( !newDisplay->restoreSettings( element ) )
return false;
return true;
void WorkSheet::replaceDisplay( int row, int column, KSGRD::SensorDisplay* newDisplay, int rowSpan, int columnSpan )
if ( !newDisplay )
newDisplay = new DummyDisplay( this, &mSharedSettings );
// remove the old display && sensor frame at this location
QSet<QLayoutItem*> oldDisplays;
for (int i = row; i < row + rowSpan; i++)
for (int j = column; j < column + columnSpan; j++)
QLayoutItem* item = mGridLayout->itemAtPosition(i, j);
if (item)
for (QSet<QLayoutItem*>::iterator iter = oldDisplays.begin(); iter != oldDisplays.end(); iter++)
QLayoutItem* item = *iter;
int oldDisplayRow, oldDisplayColumn, oldDisplayRowSpan, oldDisplayColumnSpan;
mGridLayout->getItemPosition(mGridLayout->indexOf(item->widget()), &oldDisplayRow, &oldDisplayColumn, &oldDisplayRowSpan, &oldDisplayColumnSpan);
if (item->widget() != Toplevel->localProcessController())
delete item->widget();
delete item;
for (int i = oldDisplayRow; i < oldDisplayRow + oldDisplayRowSpan; i++)
for (int j = oldDisplayColumn; j < oldDisplayColumn + oldDisplayColumnSpan; j++)
if ((i < row || i >= row + rowSpan || j < column || j >= column + columnSpan) && !mGridLayout->itemAtPosition(i, j))
mGridLayout->addWidget(new DummyDisplay(this, &mSharedSettings), i, j);
mGridLayout->addWidget(newDisplay, row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan);
if (newDisplay->metaObject()->className() != QByteArray("DummyDisplay"))
connect(newDisplay, SIGNAL(showPopupMenu(KSGRD::SensorDisplay*)), SLOT(showPopupMenu(KSGRD::SensorDisplay*)));
// if there's only item, the tab's title should be the widget's title
if (row == 0 && mRows == rowSpan && column == 0 && mColumns == columnSpan)
connect(newDisplay, SIGNAL(titleChanged(QString)), SLOT(setTitle(QString)));
if (isVisible())
void WorkSheet::refreshSheet()
for (int i = 0; i < mGridLayout->count(); i++)
void WorkSheet::removeDisplay( KSGRD::SensorDisplay *display )
if ( !display )
int row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan;
mGridLayout->getItemPosition(mGridLayout->indexOf(display), &row, &column, &rowSpan, &columnSpan);
replaceDisplay(row, column);
void WorkSheet::collectHosts( QStringList &list )
for (int i = 0; i < mGridLayout->count(); i++)
void WorkSheet::createGrid( int rows, int columns )
mRows = rows;
mColumns = columns;
// create grid layout with specified dimensions
mGridLayout = new QGridLayout( this );
mGridLayout->setSpacing( 5 );
/* set stretch factors for rows and columns */
for ( int r = 0; r < mRows; ++r )
mGridLayout->setRowStretch( r, 100 );
for ( int c = 0; c < mColumns; ++c )
mGridLayout->setColumnStretch( c, 100 );
for (int r = 0; r < mRows; r++)
for (int c = 0; c < mColumns; c++)
replaceDisplay(r, c);
void WorkSheet::resizeGrid( int newRows, int newColumns )
int oldRows = mRows, oldColumns = mColumns;
mRows = newRows;
mColumns = newColumns;
/* delete any excess displays */
for (int i = 0; i < mGridLayout->count(); i++)
int row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan;
mGridLayout->getItemPosition(i, &row, &column, &rowSpan, &columnSpan);
if (row + rowSpan - 1 >= mRows || column + columnSpan - 1 >= mColumns)
QLayoutItem* item = mGridLayout->takeAt(i);
if (item->widget() != Toplevel->localProcessController())
delete item->widget();
delete item;
/* create new displays */
if (mRows > oldRows || mColumns > oldColumns)
for (int i = 0; i < mRows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < mColumns; ++j)
if (i >= oldRows || j >= oldColumns)
replaceDisplay(i, j);
/* set stretch factors for new rows and columns (if any) */
for ( int r = oldRows; r < mRows; ++r )
mGridLayout->setRowStretch( r, 100 );
for ( int c = oldColumns; c < mColumns; ++c )
mGridLayout->setColumnStretch( c, 100 );
/* Obviously Qt does not shrink the size of the QGridLayout
* automatically. So we simply force the rows and columns that
* are no longer used to have a stretch factor of 0 and hence be
* invisible. */
for ( int r = mRows; r < oldRows; ++r )
mGridLayout->setRowStretch( r, 0 );
for ( int c = mColumns; c < oldColumns; ++c )
mGridLayout->setColumnStretch( c, 0 );
KSGRD::SensorDisplay *WorkSheet::currentDisplay( int * row, int * column )
int dummyRow, dummyColumn, rowSpan, columnSpan;
if (!row) row = &dummyRow;
if (!column) column = &dummyColumn;
for (int i = 0; i < mGridLayout->count(); i++)
KSGRD::SensorDisplay* display = static_cast<KSGRD::SensorDisplay*>(mGridLayout->itemAt(i)->widget());
if (display->hasFocus())
mGridLayout->getItemPosition(i, row, column, &rowSpan, &columnSpan);
return display;
return NULL;
void WorkSheet::fixTabOrder()
QWidget* previous = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mGridLayout->count(); i++)
QWidget* current = mGridLayout->itemAt(i)->widget();
if (previous)
setTabOrder(previous, current);
previous = current;
QString WorkSheet::currentDisplayAsXML()
KSGRD::SensorDisplay* display = currentDisplay();
if ( !display )
return QString();
/* We create an XML description of the current display. */
QDomDocument doc( "KSysGuardDisplay" );
doc.appendChild( doc.createProcessingInstruction(
"xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"" ) );
QDomElement element = doc.createElement( "display" );
doc.appendChild( element );
element.setAttribute( "class", display->metaObject()->className() );
display->saveSettings( doc, element );
return doc.toString();
void WorkSheet::changeEvent( QEvent * event ) {
if (event->type() == QEvent::LanguageChange) {
setTitle(mTitle); //retranslate
void WorkSheet::setUpdateInterval( float secs)
if(secs == 0)
else {
float WorkSheet::updateInterval() const
return mTimer.interval()/1000.0;
return 0;
#include "moc_WorkSheet.cpp"