Ivailo Monev 3cba95c89a generic: adjust to KIntNumInput and KDoubleNumInput changes
Signed-off-by: Ivailo Monev <xakepa10@gmail.com>
2024-05-21 09:00:16 +03:00

1282 lines
44 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE libraries and the Kate part.
* Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Anders Lund <anders@alweb.dk>
* Rewritten based on code of Copyright (c) 2002 Michael Goffioul <kdeprint@swing.be>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kateprinter.h"
#include "kateconfig.h"
#include "katedocument.h"
#include "kateglobal.h"
#include "katehighlight.h"
#include "katetextlayout.h"
#include "katerenderer.h"
#include "kateschema.h"
#include "katetextline.h"
#include "kateview.h"
#include "katebuffer.h"
#include "katetextfolding.h"
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kcolorbutton.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdeprintdialog.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kuser.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <knuminput.h>
#include <kcombobox.h>
#include <kconfiggroup.h>
#include <kdialog.h>
#include <khbox.h>
#include <QtGui/QPainter>
#include <QtGui/QCheckBox>
#include <QtGui/QGroupBox>
#include <QtGui/QPrintDialog>
#include <QtGui/QPrinter>
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include <QtGui/QFontDialog>
#include <QtGui/QLabel>
#include <QtGui/QLayout>
#include <QtCore/QStringList>
#include <kvbox.h>
//BEGIN KatePrinter
void KatePrinter::readSettings(QPrinter& printer)
// NOTE: Saving & loading the margins works around QPrinter/QPrintDialog bugs:
// - https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-15351
// - https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=205802
// - https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=180051
// Changing the margins now works. However, when you reopen the print dialog
// later, the WRONG margins are displayed. The correct ones are still used.
// This is a critical bug in Qt.
KSharedConfigPtr config = KGlobal::config();
KConfigGroup group(config, "Kate Print Settings");
KConfigGroup margins(&group, "Margins");
qreal left, right, top, bottom;
printer.getPageMargins(&left, &top, &right, &bottom, QPrinter::Millimeter);
left = margins.readEntry("left", left);
top = margins.readEntry("top", top);
right = margins.readEntry("right", right);
bottom = margins.readEntry("bottom", bottom);
printer.setPageMargins(left, top, right, bottom, QPrinter::Millimeter);
void KatePrinter::writeSettings(QPrinter& printer)
KSharedConfigPtr config = KGlobal::config();
KConfigGroup group(config, "Kate Print Settings");
KConfigGroup margins(&group, "Margins");
qreal left, right, top, bottom;
printer.getPageMargins(&left, &top, &right, &bottom, QPrinter::Millimeter);
margins.writeEntry( "left", left);
margins.writeEntry( "top", top);
margins.writeEntry( "right", right);
margins.writeEntry( "bottom", bottom);
bool KatePrinter::print (KateDocument *doc)
QPrinter printer;
// docname is now always there, including the right Untitled name
KatePrintTextSettings *kpts = new KatePrintTextSettings;
KatePrintHeaderFooter *kphf = new KatePrintHeaderFooter;
KatePrintLayout *kpl = new KatePrintLayout;
QList<QWidget*> tabs;
tabs << kpts;
tabs << kphf;
tabs << kpl;
QWidget *parentWidget=doc->widget();
if ( !parentWidget )
QScopedPointer<QPrintDialog> printDialog(KdePrint::createPrintDialog(&printer, KdePrint::SystemSelectsPages, tabs, parentWidget));
if ( doc->activeView()->selection() ) {
printDialog->setOption(QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintSelection, true);
if ( printDialog->exec() )
Kate::TextFolding folding (doc->buffer());
KateRenderer renderer(doc, folding, doc->activeKateView());
renderer.config()->setSchema (kpl->colorScheme());
QPainter paint( &printer );
* We work in tree cycles:
* 1) initialize variables and retrieve print settings
* 2) prepare data according to those settings
* 3) draw to the printer
uint pdmWidth = printer.width();
uint pdmHeight = printer.height();
int y = 0;
uint xstart = 0; // beginning point for painting lines
uint lineCount = 0;
uint maxWidth = pdmWidth;
int headerWidth = pdmWidth;
bool pageStarted = true;
int remainder = 0; // remaining sublines from a wrapped line (for the top of a new page)
// Text Settings Page
bool selectionOnly = (printDialog->printRange() == QAbstractPrintDialog::Selection);
bool useGuide = kpts->printGuide();
bool printLineNumbers = kpts->printLineNumbers();
uint lineNumberWidth( 0 );
// Header/Footer Page
QFont headerFont(kphf->font()); // used for header/footer
bool useHeader = kphf->useHeader();
QColor headerBgColor(kphf->headerBackground());
QColor headerFgColor(kphf->headerForeground());
uint headerHeight( 0 ); // further init only if needed
QStringList headerTagList; // do
bool headerDrawBg = false; // do
bool useFooter = kphf->useFooter();
QColor footerBgColor(kphf->footerBackground());
QColor footerFgColor(kphf->footerForeground());
uint footerHeight( 0 ); // further init only if needed
QStringList footerTagList; // do
bool footerDrawBg = false; // do
// Layout Page
renderer.config()->setSchema( kpl->colorScheme() );
bool useBackground = kpl->useBackground();
bool useBox = kpl->useBox();
int boxWidth(kpl->boxWidth());
QColor boxColor(kpl->boxColor());
int innerMargin = useBox ? kpl->boxMargin() : 6;
// Post initialization
int maxHeight = (useBox ? pdmHeight-innerMargin : pdmHeight);
uint currentPage( 1 );
uint lastline = doc->lastLine(); // necessary to print selection only
uint firstline( 0 );
const int fontHeight = renderer.fontHeight();
KTextEditor::Range selectionRange;
* Now on for preparations...
* during preparations, variable names starting with a "_" means
* those variables are local to the enclosing block.
if ( selectionOnly )
// set a line range from the first selected line to the last
selectionRange = doc->activeView()->selectionRange();
firstline = selectionRange.start().line();
lastline = selectionRange.end().line();
lineCount = firstline;
if ( printLineNumbers )
// figure out the horiizontal space required
QString s( QString("%1 ").arg( doc->lines() ) );
s.fill('5', -1); // some non-fixed fonts haven't equally wide numbers
// FIXME calculate which is actually the widest...
lineNumberWidth = renderer.currentFontMetrics().width( s );
// a small space between the line numbers and the text
int _adj = renderer.currentFontMetrics().width( "5" );
// adjust available width and set horizontal start point for data
maxWidth -= (lineNumberWidth + _adj);
xstart += lineNumberWidth + _adj;
if ( useHeader || useFooter )
// Set up a tag map
// This retrieves all tags, ued or not, but
// none of theese operations should be expensive,
// and searcing each tag in the format strings is avoided.
QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
QMap<QString,QString> tags;
KUser u (KUser::UseRealUserID);
tags["u"] = u.loginName();
tags["d"] = KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(dt, QLocale::ShortFormat);
tags["D"] = KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(dt, QLocale::LongFormat);
tags["h"] = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(dt.time(), QLocale::ShortFormat);
tags["y"] = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(dt.date(), QLocale::ShortFormat);
tags["Y"] = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(dt.date(), QLocale::LongFormat);
tags["f"] = doc->url().fileName();
tags["U"] = doc->url().pathOrUrl();
if ( selectionOnly )
QString s( i18n("(Selection of) ") );
tags["f"].prepend( s );
tags["U"].prepend( s );
QRegExp reTags( "%([dDfUhuyY])" ); // TODO tjeck for "%%<TAG>"
if (useHeader)
headerDrawBg = kphf->useHeaderBackground();
headerHeight = QFontMetrics( headerFont ).height();
if ( useBox || headerDrawBg )
headerHeight += innerMargin * 2;
headerHeight += 1 + QFontMetrics( headerFont ).leading();
headerTagList = kphf->headerFormat();
QMutableStringListIterator it(headerTagList);
while ( it.hasNext() ) {
QString tag = it.next();
int pos = reTags.indexIn( tag );
QString rep;
while ( pos > -1 )
rep = tags[reTags.cap( 1 )];
tag.replace( (uint)pos, 2, rep );
pos += rep.length();
pos = reTags.indexIn( tag, pos );
it.setValue( tag );
if (!headerBgColor.isValid())
headerBgColor = Qt::lightGray;
if (!headerFgColor.isValid())
headerFgColor = Qt::black;
if (useFooter)
footerDrawBg = kphf->useFooterBackground();
footerHeight = QFontMetrics( headerFont ).height();
if ( useBox || footerDrawBg )
footerHeight += 2*innerMargin;
footerHeight += 1; // line only
footerTagList = kphf->footerFormat();
QMutableStringListIterator it(footerTagList);
while ( it.hasNext() ) {
QString tag = it.next();
int pos = reTags.indexIn( tag );
QString rep;
while ( pos > -1 )
rep = tags[reTags.cap( 1 )];
tag.replace( (uint)pos, 2, rep );
pos += rep.length();
pos = reTags.indexIn( tag, pos );
it.setValue( tag );
if (!footerBgColor.isValid())
footerBgColor = Qt::lightGray;
if (!footerFgColor.isValid())
footerFgColor = Qt::black;
// adjust maxheight, so we can know when/where to print footer
maxHeight -= footerHeight;
} // if ( useHeader || useFooter )
if ( useBackground )
if ( ! useBox )
xstart += innerMargin;
maxWidth -= innerMargin * 2;
if ( useBox )
if (!boxColor.isValid())
boxColor = Qt::black;
if (boxWidth < 1) // shouldn't be pssible no more!
boxWidth = 1;
// set maxwidth to something sensible
maxWidth -= ( ( boxWidth + innerMargin ) * 2 );
xstart += boxWidth + innerMargin;
// maxheight too..
maxHeight -= boxWidth;
boxWidth = 0;
// now that we know the vertical amount of space needed,
// it is possible to calculate the total number of pages
// if needed, that is if any header/footer tag contains "%P".
if ( !headerTagList.filter("%P").isEmpty() || !footerTagList.filter("%P").isEmpty() )
kDebug(13020)<<"'%P' found! calculating number of pages...";
int pageHeight = maxHeight;
if ( useHeader )
pageHeight -= ( headerHeight + innerMargin );
if ( useFooter )
pageHeight -= innerMargin;
const int linesPerPage = pageHeight / fontHeight;
// kDebug() << "Lines per page:" << linesPerPage;
// calculate total layouted lines in the document
int totalLines = 0;
// TODO: right now ignores selection printing
for (unsigned int i = firstline; i <= lastline; ++i) {
KateLineLayoutPtr rangeptr(new KateLineLayout(renderer));
renderer.layoutLine(rangeptr, (int)maxWidth, false);
totalLines += rangeptr->viewLineCount();
int totalPages = (totalLines / linesPerPage)
+ ((totalLines % linesPerPage) > 0 ? 1 : 0);
// kDebug() << "_______ pages:" << (totalLines / linesPerPage);
// kDebug() << "________ rest:" << (totalLines % linesPerPage);
// TODO: add space for guide if required
// if ( useGuide )
// _lt += (guideHeight + (fontHeight /2)) / fontHeight;
// substitute both tag lists
QString re("%P");
QStringList::Iterator it;
for ( it=headerTagList.begin(); it!=headerTagList.end(); ++it )
(*it).replace( re, QString::number( totalPages ) );
for ( it=footerTagList.begin(); it!=footerTagList.end(); ++it )
(*it).replace( re, QString::number( totalPages ) );
} // end prepare block
On to draw something :-)
while ( lineCount <= lastline )
if ( y + fontHeight > maxHeight )
kDebug(13020)<<"Starting new page,"<<lineCount<<"lines up to now.";
pageStarted = true;
if ( pageStarted )
if ( useHeader )
if ( headerDrawBg )
paint.fillRect(0, 0, headerWidth, headerHeight, headerBgColor);
if (headerTagList.count() == 3)
int valign = ( (useBox||headerDrawBg||useBackground) ?
Qt::AlignVCenter : Qt::AlignTop );
int align = valign|Qt::AlignLeft;
int marg = ( useBox || headerDrawBg ) ? innerMargin : 0;
if ( useBox ) marg += boxWidth;
QString s;
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
s = headerTagList[i];
if (s.indexOf("%p") != -1) s.replace("%p", QString::number(currentPage));
paint.drawText(marg, 0, headerWidth-(marg*2), headerHeight, align, s);
align = valign|(i == 0 ? Qt::AlignHCenter : Qt::AlignRight);
if ( ! ( headerDrawBg || useBox || useBackground ) ) // draw a 1 px (!?) line to separate header from contents
paint.drawLine( 0, headerHeight-1, headerWidth, headerHeight-1 );
//y += 1; now included in headerHeight
y += headerHeight + innerMargin;
if ( useFooter )
if ( ! ( footerDrawBg || useBox || useBackground ) ) // draw a 1 px (!?) line to separate footer from contents
paint.drawLine( 0, maxHeight + innerMargin - 1, headerWidth, maxHeight + innerMargin - 1 );
if ( footerDrawBg )
paint.fillRect(0, maxHeight+innerMargin+boxWidth, headerWidth, footerHeight, footerBgColor);
if (footerTagList.count() == 3)
int align = Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignLeft;
int marg = ( useBox || footerDrawBg ) ? innerMargin : 0;
if ( useBox ) marg += boxWidth;
QString s;
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
s = footerTagList[i];
if (s.indexOf("%p") != -1) s.replace("%p", QString::number(currentPage));
paint.drawText(marg, maxHeight+innerMargin, headerWidth-(marg*2), footerHeight, align, s);
align = Qt::AlignVCenter|(i == 0 ? Qt::AlignHCenter : Qt::AlignRight);
} // done footer
if ( useBackground )
// If we have a box, or the header/footer has backgrounds, we want to paint
// to the border of those. Otherwise just the contents area.
int _y = y, _h = maxHeight - y;
if ( useBox )
_y -= innerMargin;
_h += 2 * innerMargin;
if ( headerDrawBg )
_y -= innerMargin;
_h += innerMargin;
if ( footerDrawBg )
_h += innerMargin;
paint.fillRect( 0, _y, pdmWidth, _h, renderer.config()->backgroundColor());
if ( useBox )
paint.setPen(QPen(boxColor, boxWidth));
paint.drawRect(0, 0, pdmWidth, pdmHeight);
if (useHeader)
paint.drawLine(0, headerHeight, headerWidth, headerHeight);
y += innerMargin;
if ( useFooter ) // drawline is not trustable, grr.
paint.fillRect( 0, maxHeight+innerMargin, headerWidth, boxWidth, boxColor );
if ( useGuide && currentPage == 1 )
{ // FIXME - this may span more pages...
// draw a box unless we have boxes, in which case we end with a box line
int _ystart = y;
QString _hlName = doc->highlight()->name();
QList<KateExtendedAttribute::Ptr> _attributes; // list of highlight attributes for the legend
doc->highlight()->getKateExtendedAttributeList(kpl->colorScheme(), _attributes);
KateAttributeList _defaultAttributes;
KateHlManager::self()->getDefaults ( renderer.config()->schema(), _defaultAttributes );
QColor _defaultPen = _defaultAttributes.at(0)->foreground().color();
int _marg = 0;
if ( useBox )
_marg += (2*boxWidth) + (2*innerMargin);
if ( useBackground )
_marg += 2*innerMargin;
_marg += 1;
y += 1 + innerMargin;
// draw a title string
QFont _titleFont = renderer.config()->font();
paint.setFont( _titleFont );
QRect _r;
paint.drawText( QRect(_marg, y, pdmWidth-(2*_marg), maxHeight - y),
i18n("Typographical Conventions for %1", _hlName ), &_r );
int _w = pdmWidth - (_marg*2) - (innerMargin*2);
int _x = _marg + innerMargin;
y += _r.height() + innerMargin;
paint.drawLine( _x, y, _x + _w, y );
y += 1 + innerMargin;
int _widest( 0 );
foreach (const KateExtendedAttribute::Ptr &attribute, _attributes)
_widest = qMax(QFontMetrics(attribute->font()).width(attribute->name().section(':',1,1)), _widest);
int _guideCols = _w/( _widest + innerMargin );
// draw attrib names using their styles
int _cw = _w/_guideCols;
int _i(0);
QString _currentHlName;
foreach (const KateExtendedAttribute::Ptr &attribute, _attributes)
QString _hl = attribute->name().section(':',0,0);
QString _name = attribute->name().section(':',1,1);
if ( _hl != _hlName && _hl != _currentHlName ) {
_currentHlName = _hl;
if ( _i%_guideCols )
y += fontHeight;
y += innerMargin;
paint.drawText( _x, y, _w, fontHeight, Qt::AlignTop, _hl + ' ' + i18n("text") );
y += fontHeight;
_i = 0;
KTextEditor::Attribute _attr = *_defaultAttributes[attribute->defaultStyleIndex()];
_attr += *attribute;
paint.setPen( _attr.foreground().color() );
paint.setFont( _attr.font() );
if (_attr.hasProperty(QTextFormat::BackgroundBrush) ) {
QRect _rect = QFontMetrics(_attr.font()).boundingRect(_name);
_rect.moveTo(_x + ((_i%_guideCols)*_cw), y);
paint.fillRect(_rect, _attr.background() );
paint.drawText(( _x + ((_i%_guideCols)*_cw)), y, _cw, fontHeight, Qt::AlignTop, _name );
if ( _i && ! ( _i%_guideCols ) )
y += fontHeight;
if ( _i%_guideCols )
y += fontHeight;// last row not full
// draw a box around the legend
paint.setPen ( _defaultPen );
if ( useBox )
paint.fillRect( 0, y+innerMargin, headerWidth, boxWidth, boxColor );
_marg -=1;
paint.drawRect( _marg, _ystart, pdmWidth-(2*_marg), y-_ystart+innerMargin );
y += ( useBox ? boxWidth : 1 ) + (innerMargin*2);
} // useGuide
pageStarted = false;
} // pageStarted; move on to contents:)
if ( printLineNumbers /*&& ! startCol*/ ) // don't repeat!
paint.setFont( renderer.config()->font() );
paint.setPen( renderer.config()->lineNumberColor() );
paint.drawText( (( useBox || useBackground ) ? innerMargin : 0)-xstart, 0,
lineNumberWidth, fontHeight,
Qt::AlignRight, QString::number( lineCount + 1 ) );
// HA! this is where we print [part of] a line ;]]
// FIXME Convert this function + related functionality to a separate KatePrintView
KateLineLayoutPtr rangeptr(new KateLineLayout(renderer));
renderer.layoutLine(rangeptr, (int)maxWidth, false);
// selectionOnly: clip non-selection parts and adjust painter position if needed
int _xadjust = 0;
if (selectionOnly) {
if (doc->activeView()->blockSelection()) {
int _x = renderer.cursorToX(rangeptr->viewLine(0), selectionRange.start());
int _x1 = renderer.cursorToX(rangeptr->viewLine(rangeptr->viewLineCount()-1), selectionRange.end());
_xadjust = _x;
paint.translate(-_xadjust, 0);
paint.setClipRegion(QRegion( _x, 0, _x1 - _x, rangeptr->viewLineCount()*fontHeight));
else if (lineCount == firstline || lineCount == lastline) {
QRegion region(0, 0, maxWidth, rangeptr->viewLineCount()*fontHeight);
if ( lineCount == firstline) {
region = region.subtracted(QRegion(0, 0, renderer.cursorToX(rangeptr->viewLine(0), selectionRange.start()), fontHeight));
if (lineCount == lastline) {
int _x = renderer.cursorToX(rangeptr->viewLine(rangeptr->viewLineCount()-1), selectionRange.end());
region = region.subtracted(QRegion(_x, 0, maxWidth-_x, fontHeight));
// If the line is too long (too many 'viewlines') to fit the remaining vertical space,
// clip and adjust the painter position as necessary
int _lines = rangeptr->viewLineCount(); // number of "sublines" to paint.
int proceedLines = _lines;
if (remainder) {
proceedLines = qMin((maxHeight - y) / fontHeight, remainder);
paint.translate(0, -(_lines-remainder)*fontHeight+1);
paint.setClipRect(0, (_lines-remainder)*fontHeight+1, maxWidth, proceedLines*fontHeight); //### drop the crosspatch in printerfriendly mode???
remainder -= proceedLines;
else if (y + fontHeight * _lines > maxHeight) {
remainder = _lines - ((maxHeight-y)/fontHeight);
paint.setClipRect(0, 0, maxWidth, (_lines-remainder)*fontHeight+1); //### drop the crosspatch in printerfriendly mode???
renderer.paintTextLine(paint, rangeptr, 0, (int)maxWidth);
paint.translate(_xadjust, (fontHeight * (_lines-remainder)));
y += fontHeight * proceedLines;
if ( ! remainder )
} // done lineCount <= lastline
return true;
return false;
//END KatePrinter
//BEGIN KatePrintTextSettings
KatePrintTextSettings::KatePrintTextSettings( QWidget *parent )
: QWidget( parent )
setWindowTitle( i18n("Te&xt Settings") );
QVBoxLayout *lo = new QVBoxLayout ( this );
cbLineNumbers = new QCheckBox( i18n("Print line &numbers"), this );
lo->addWidget( cbLineNumbers );
cbGuide = new QCheckBox( i18n("Print &legend"), this );
lo->addWidget( cbGuide );
lo->addStretch( 1 );
// set defaults - nothing to do :-)
// whatsthis
"<p>If enabled, line numbers will be printed on the left side of the page(s).</p>") );
"<p>Print a box displaying typographical conventions for the document type, as "
"defined by the syntax highlighting being used.</p>") );
bool KatePrintTextSettings::printLineNumbers()
return cbLineNumbers->isChecked();
bool KatePrintTextSettings::printGuide()
return cbGuide->isChecked();
void KatePrintTextSettings::readSettings()
KSharedConfigPtr config = KGlobal::config();
KConfigGroup printGroup( config, "Kate Print Settings" );
KConfigGroup textGroup( &printGroup, "Text" );
bool isLineNumbersChecked = textGroup.readEntry( "LineNumbers", false );
cbLineNumbers->setChecked( isLineNumbersChecked );
bool isLegendChecked = textGroup.readEntry( "Legend", false );
cbGuide->setChecked( isLegendChecked );
void KatePrintTextSettings::writeSettings()
KSharedConfigPtr config = KGlobal::config();
KConfigGroup printGroup( config, "Kate Print Settings" );
KConfigGroup textGroup( &printGroup, "Text" );
textGroup.writeEntry( "LineNumbers", printLineNumbers() );
textGroup.writeEntry( "Legend", printGuide() );
//END KatePrintTextSettings
//BEGIN KatePrintHeaderFooter
KatePrintHeaderFooter::KatePrintHeaderFooter( QWidget *parent )
: QWidget( parent )
setWindowTitle( i18n("Hea&der && Footer") );
QVBoxLayout *lo = new QVBoxLayout ( this );
// enable
QHBoxLayout *lo1 = new QHBoxLayout ();
lo->addLayout( lo1 );
cbEnableHeader = new QCheckBox( i18n("Pr&int header"), this );
lo1->addWidget( cbEnableHeader );
cbEnableFooter = new QCheckBox( i18n("Pri&nt footer"), this );
lo1->addWidget( cbEnableFooter );
// font
QHBoxLayout *lo2 = new QHBoxLayout();
lo->addLayout( lo2 );
lo2->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n("Header/footer font:"), this ) );
hbFontPreview = new KHBox( this );
hbFontPreview->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Sunken );
lFontPreview = new QLabel( hbFontPreview );
const int margin = KDialog::marginHint();
lFontPreview->setContentsMargins(margin, 0, margin, 0);
lo2->addWidget( hbFontPreview );
lo2->setStretchFactor( hbFontPreview, 1 );
QPushButton *btnChooseFont = new QPushButton( i18n("Choo&se Font..."), this );
lo2->addWidget( btnChooseFont );
connect( btnChooseFont, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setHFFont()) );
// header
gbHeader = new QGroupBox( this );
gbHeader->setTitle(i18n("Header Properties"));
QGridLayout* grid = new QGridLayout(gbHeader);
lo->addWidget( gbHeader );
QLabel *lHeaderFormat = new QLabel( i18n("&Format:"), gbHeader );
grid->addWidget(lHeaderFormat, 0, 0);
KHBox *hbHeaderFormat = new KHBox( gbHeader );
grid->addWidget(hbHeaderFormat, 0, 1);
leHeaderLeft = new KLineEdit( hbHeaderFormat );
leHeaderCenter = new KLineEdit( hbHeaderFormat );
leHeaderRight = new KLineEdit( hbHeaderFormat );
lHeaderFormat->setBuddy( leHeaderLeft );
connect(leHeaderLeft, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(showContextMenu(QPoint)));
connect(leHeaderCenter, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(showContextMenu(QPoint)));
connect(leHeaderRight, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(showContextMenu(QPoint)));
grid->addWidget(new QLabel( i18n("Colors:"), gbHeader ), 1, 0);
KHBox *hbHeaderColors = new KHBox( gbHeader );
grid->addWidget(hbHeaderColors, 1, 1);
hbHeaderColors->setSpacing( -1 );
QLabel *lHeaderFgCol = new QLabel( i18n("Foreground:"), hbHeaderColors );
kcbtnHeaderFg = new KColorButton( hbHeaderColors );
lHeaderFgCol->setBuddy( kcbtnHeaderFg );
cbHeaderEnableBgColor = new QCheckBox( i18n("Bac&kground"), hbHeaderColors );
kcbtnHeaderBg = new KColorButton( hbHeaderColors );
gbFooter = new QGroupBox( this );
gbFooter->setTitle(i18n("Footer Properties"));
grid = new QGridLayout(gbFooter);
lo->addWidget( gbFooter );
// footer
QLabel *lFooterFormat = new QLabel( i18n("For&mat:"), gbFooter );
grid->addWidget(lFooterFormat, 0, 0);
KHBox *hbFooterFormat = new KHBox( gbFooter );
grid->addWidget(hbFooterFormat, 0, 1);
hbFooterFormat->setSpacing( -1 );
leFooterLeft = new KLineEdit( hbFooterFormat );
leFooterCenter = new KLineEdit( hbFooterFormat );
leFooterRight = new KLineEdit( hbFooterFormat );
lFooterFormat->setBuddy( leFooterLeft );
connect(leFooterLeft, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(showContextMenu(QPoint)));
connect(leFooterCenter, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(showContextMenu(QPoint)));
connect(leFooterRight, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(showContextMenu(QPoint)));
grid->addWidget(new QLabel( i18n("Colors:"), gbFooter ), 1, 0);
KHBox *hbFooterColors = new KHBox( gbFooter );
grid->addWidget(hbFooterColors, 1, 1);
hbFooterColors->setSpacing( -1 );
QLabel *lFooterBgCol = new QLabel( i18n("Foreground:"), hbFooterColors );
kcbtnFooterFg = new KColorButton( hbFooterColors );
lFooterBgCol->setBuddy( kcbtnFooterFg );
cbFooterEnableBgColor = new QCheckBox( i18n("&Background"), hbFooterColors );
kcbtnFooterBg = new KColorButton( hbFooterColors );
lo->addStretch( 1 );
// user friendly
connect( cbEnableHeader, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), gbHeader, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)) );
connect( cbEnableFooter, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), gbFooter, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)) );
connect( cbHeaderEnableBgColor, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), kcbtnHeaderBg, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)) );
connect( cbFooterEnableBgColor, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), kcbtnFooterBg, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)) );
// set defaults
cbEnableHeader->setChecked( true );
leHeaderLeft->setText( "%y" );
leHeaderCenter->setText( "%f" );
leHeaderRight->setText( "%p" );
kcbtnHeaderFg->setColor( QColor("black") );
cbHeaderEnableBgColor->setChecked( false );
kcbtnHeaderBg->setColor( QColor("lightgrey") );
cbEnableFooter->setChecked( true );
leFooterRight->setText( "%U" );
kcbtnFooterFg->setColor( QColor("black") );
cbFooterEnableBgColor->setChecked( false );
kcbtnFooterBg->setColor( QColor("lightgrey") );
// whatsthis
QString s = i18n("<p>Format of the page header. The following tags are supported:</p>");
QString s1 = i18n(
"<ul><li><tt>%u</tt>: current user name</li>"
"<li><tt>%d</tt>: complete date/time in short format</li>"
"<li><tt>%D</tt>: complete date/time in long format</li>"
"<li><tt>%h</tt>: current time</li>"
"<li><tt>%y</tt>: current date in short format</li>"
"<li><tt>%Y</tt>: current date in long format</li>"
"<li><tt>%f</tt>: file name</li>"
"<li><tt>%U</tt>: full URL of the document</li>"
"<li><tt>%p</tt>: page number</li>"
"<li><tt>%P</tt>: total amount of pages</li>"
"</ul><br />");
leHeaderRight->setWhatsThis(s + s1 );
leHeaderCenter->setWhatsThis(s + s1 );
leHeaderLeft->setWhatsThis(s + s1 );
s = i18n("<p>Format of the page footer. The following tags are supported:</p>");
leFooterRight->setWhatsThis(s + s1 );
leFooterCenter->setWhatsThis(s + s1 );
leFooterLeft->setWhatsThis(s + s1 );
QFont KatePrintHeaderFooter::font()
return lFontPreview->font();
bool KatePrintHeaderFooter::useHeader()
return cbEnableHeader->isChecked();
QStringList KatePrintHeaderFooter::headerFormat()
QStringList l;
l << leHeaderLeft->text() << leHeaderCenter->text() << leHeaderRight->text();
return l;
QColor KatePrintHeaderFooter::headerForeground()
return kcbtnHeaderFg->color();
QColor KatePrintHeaderFooter::headerBackground()
return kcbtnHeaderBg->color();
bool KatePrintHeaderFooter::useHeaderBackground()
return cbHeaderEnableBgColor->isChecked();
bool KatePrintHeaderFooter::useFooter()
return cbEnableFooter->isChecked();
QStringList KatePrintHeaderFooter::footerFormat()
QStringList l;
l<< leFooterLeft->text() << leFooterCenter->text() << leFooterRight->text();
return l;
QColor KatePrintHeaderFooter::footerForeground()
return kcbtnFooterFg->color();
QColor KatePrintHeaderFooter::footerBackground()
return kcbtnFooterBg->color();
bool KatePrintHeaderFooter::useFooterBackground()
return cbFooterEnableBgColor->isChecked();
void KatePrintHeaderFooter::setHFFont()
bool ok = false;
const QString title = KDialog::makeStandardCaption(i18n("Select Font"), this);
// display a font dialog
QFont fnt = QFontDialog::getFont( &ok, lFontPreview->font(), this, title );
if ( ok )
// set preview
lFontPreview->setFont( fnt );
lFontPreview->setText( QString(fnt.family() + ", %1pt").arg( fnt.pointSize() ) );
void KatePrintHeaderFooter::showContextMenu(const QPoint& pos)
QLineEdit* lineEdit = qobject_cast<QLineEdit*>(sender());
if (!lineEdit) {
QMenu* const contextMenu = lineEdit->createStandardContextMenu();
if (contextMenu == NULL) {
// create original context menu
QMenu* menu = contextMenu->addMenu(i18n("Add Placeholder..."));
QAction* a = menu->addAction(i18n("Current User Name") + "\t%u");
a = menu->addAction(i18n("Complete Date/Time (short format)") + "\t%d");
a = menu->addAction(i18n("Complete Date/Time (long format)") + "\t%D");
a = menu->addAction(i18n("Current Time") + "\t%h");
a = menu->addAction(i18n("Current Date (short format)") + "\t%y");
a = menu->addAction(i18n("Current Date (long format)") + "\t%Y");
a = menu->addAction(i18n("File Name") + "\t%f");
a = menu->addAction(i18n("Full document URL") + "\t%U");
a = menu->addAction(i18n("Page Number") + "\t%p");
a = menu->addAction(i18n("Total Amount of Pages") + "\t%P");
QAction* const result = contextMenu->exec(lineEdit->mapToGlobal(pos));
if (result) {
QString placeHolder = result->data().toString();
if (!placeHolder.isEmpty()) {
void KatePrintHeaderFooter::readSettings()
KSharedConfigPtr config = KGlobal::config();
KConfigGroup printGroup( config, "Kate Print Settings" );
// Header
KConfigGroup headerFooterGroup( &printGroup, "HeaderFooter" );
bool isHeaderEnabledChecked = headerFooterGroup.readEntry( "HeaderEnabled", true );
cbEnableHeader->setChecked( isHeaderEnabledChecked );
QString headerFormatLeft = headerFooterGroup.readEntry( "HeaderFormatLeft", "%y" );
leHeaderLeft->setText( headerFormatLeft );
QString headerFormatCenter = headerFooterGroup.readEntry( "HeaderFormatCenter", "%f" );
leHeaderCenter->setText( headerFormatCenter );
QString headerFormatRight = headerFooterGroup.readEntry( "HeaderFormatRight", "%p" );
leHeaderRight->setText( headerFormatRight );
QColor headerForeground = headerFooterGroup.readEntry( "HeaderForeground", QColor("black") );
kcbtnHeaderFg->setColor( headerForeground );
bool isHeaderBackgroundChecked = headerFooterGroup.readEntry( "HeaderBackgroundEnabled", false );
cbHeaderEnableBgColor->setChecked( isHeaderBackgroundChecked );
QColor headerBackground = headerFooterGroup.readEntry( "HeaderBackground", QColor("lightgrey") );
kcbtnHeaderBg->setColor( headerBackground );
// Footer
bool isFooterEnabledChecked = headerFooterGroup.readEntry( "FooterEnabled", true );
cbEnableFooter->setChecked( isFooterEnabledChecked );
QString footerFormatLeft = headerFooterGroup.readEntry( "FooterFormatLeft", QString() );
leFooterLeft->setText( footerFormatLeft );
QString footerFormatCenter = headerFooterGroup.readEntry( "FooterFormatCenter", QString() );
leFooterCenter->setText( footerFormatCenter );
QString footerFormatRight = headerFooterGroup.readEntry( "FooterFormatRight", "%U" );
leFooterRight->setText( footerFormatRight );
QColor footerForeground = headerFooterGroup.readEntry( "FooterForeground", QColor("black") );
kcbtnFooterFg->setColor( footerForeground );
bool isFooterBackgroundChecked = headerFooterGroup.readEntry( "FooterBackgroundEnabled", false );
cbFooterEnableBgColor->setChecked( isFooterBackgroundChecked );
QColor footerBackground = headerFooterGroup.readEntry( "FooterBackground", QColor("lightgrey") );
kcbtnFooterBg->setColor( footerBackground );
// Font
QFont headerFooterFont = headerFooterGroup.readEntry( "HeaderFooterFont", QFont() );
lFontPreview->setFont( headerFooterFont );
lFontPreview->setText( QString(headerFooterFont.family() + ", %1pt").arg( headerFooterFont.pointSize() ) );
void KatePrintHeaderFooter::writeSettings()
KSharedConfigPtr config = KGlobal::config();
KConfigGroup printGroup( config, "Kate Print Settings" );
// Header
KConfigGroup headerFooterGroup( &printGroup, "HeaderFooter" );
headerFooterGroup.writeEntry( "HeaderEnabled", useHeader() );
QStringList format = headerFormat();
headerFooterGroup.writeEntry( "HeaderFormatLeft", format[0] );
headerFooterGroup.writeEntry( "HeaderFormatCenter", format[1] );
headerFooterGroup.writeEntry( "HeaderFormatRight", format[2] );
headerFooterGroup.writeEntry( "HeaderForeground", headerForeground() );
headerFooterGroup.writeEntry( "HeaderBackgroundEnabled", useHeaderBackground() );
headerFooterGroup.writeEntry( "HeaderBackground", headerBackground() );
// Footer
headerFooterGroup.writeEntry( "FooterEnabled", useFooter() );
format = footerFormat();
headerFooterGroup.writeEntry( "FooterFormatLeft", format[0] );
headerFooterGroup.writeEntry( "FooterFormatCenter", format[1] );
headerFooterGroup.writeEntry( "FooterFormatRight", format[2] );
headerFooterGroup.writeEntry( "FooterForeground", footerForeground() );
headerFooterGroup.writeEntry( "FooterBackgroundEnabled", useFooterBackground() );
headerFooterGroup.writeEntry( "FooterBackground", footerBackground() );
// Font
headerFooterGroup.writeEntry( "HeaderFooterFont", font() );
//END KatePrintHeaderFooter
//BEGIN KatePrintLayout
KatePrintLayout::KatePrintLayout( QWidget *parent)
: QWidget( parent )
setWindowTitle( i18n("L&ayout") );
QVBoxLayout *lo = new QVBoxLayout ( this );
KHBox *hb = new KHBox( this );
lo->addWidget( hb );
QLabel *lSchema = new QLabel( i18n("&Schema:"), hb );
cmbSchema = new KComboBox( hb );
cmbSchema->setEditable( false );
lSchema->setBuddy( cmbSchema );
cbDrawBackground = new QCheckBox( i18n("Draw bac&kground color"), this );
lo->addWidget( cbDrawBackground );
cbEnableBox = new QCheckBox( i18n("Draw &boxes"), this );
lo->addWidget( cbEnableBox );
gbBoxProps = new QGroupBox( this );
gbBoxProps->setTitle(i18n("Box Properties"));
QGridLayout* grid = new QGridLayout(gbBoxProps);
lo->addWidget( gbBoxProps );
QLabel *lBoxWidth = new QLabel( i18n("W&idth:"), gbBoxProps );
grid->addWidget(lBoxWidth, 0, 0);
sbBoxWidth = new KIntNumInput( gbBoxProps );
sbBoxWidth->setRange( 1, 100 );
sbBoxWidth->setSingleStep( 1 );
grid->addWidget(sbBoxWidth, 0, 1);
lBoxWidth->setBuddy( sbBoxWidth );
QLabel *lBoxMargin = new QLabel( i18n("&Margin:"), gbBoxProps );
grid->addWidget(lBoxMargin, 1, 0);
sbBoxMargin = new KIntNumInput( gbBoxProps );
sbBoxMargin->setRange( 0, 100 );
sbBoxMargin->setSingleStep( 1 );
grid->addWidget(sbBoxMargin, 1, 1);
lBoxMargin->setBuddy( sbBoxMargin );
QLabel *lBoxColor = new QLabel( i18n("Co&lor:"), gbBoxProps );
grid->addWidget(lBoxColor, 2, 0);
kcbtnBoxColor = new KColorButton( gbBoxProps );
grid->addWidget(kcbtnBoxColor, 2, 1);
lBoxColor->setBuddy( kcbtnBoxColor );
connect( cbEnableBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), gbBoxProps, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)) );
lo->addStretch( 1 );
// set defaults:
sbBoxMargin->setValue( 6 );
gbBoxProps->setEnabled( false );
Q_FOREACH (const KateSchema &schema, KateGlobal::self()->schemaManager()->list())
cmbSchema->addItem (schema.translatedName(), QVariant (schema.rawName));
// default is printing, MUST BE THERE
cmbSchema->setCurrentIndex (cmbSchema->findData (QVariant("Printing")));
// whatsthis
"Select the color scheme to use for the print." ) );
"<p>If enabled, the background color of the editor will be used.</p>"
"<p>This may be useful if your color scheme is designed for a dark background.</p>") );
"<p>If enabled, a box as defined in the properties below will be drawn "
"around the contents of each page. The Header and Footer will be separated "
"from the contents with a line as well.</p>") );
"The width of the box outline" ) );
"The margin inside boxes, in pixels") );
"The line color to use for boxes") );
QString KatePrintLayout::colorScheme()
return cmbSchema->itemData(cmbSchema->currentIndex()).toString();
bool KatePrintLayout::useBackground()
return cbDrawBackground->isChecked();
bool KatePrintLayout::useBox()
return cbEnableBox->isChecked();
int KatePrintLayout::boxWidth()
return sbBoxWidth->value();
int KatePrintLayout::boxMargin()
return sbBoxMargin->value();
QColor KatePrintLayout::boxColor()
return kcbtnBoxColor->color();
void KatePrintLayout::readSettings()
KSharedConfigPtr config = KGlobal::config();
KConfigGroup printGroup(config, "Kate Print Settings");
KConfigGroup layoutGroup(&printGroup, "Layout");
// get color schema back
QString colorScheme = layoutGroup.readEntry( "ColorScheme", "Printing" );
int index = cmbSchema->findData (QVariant (colorScheme));
if (index != -1)
cmbSchema->setCurrentIndex ( index );
bool isBackgroundChecked = layoutGroup.readEntry( "BackgroundColorEnabled", false );
cbDrawBackground->setChecked( isBackgroundChecked );
bool isBoxChecked = layoutGroup.readEntry( "BoxEnabled", false );
cbEnableBox->setChecked( isBoxChecked );
int boxWidth = layoutGroup.readEntry( "BoxWidth", 1 );
sbBoxWidth->setValue( boxWidth );
int boxMargin = layoutGroup.readEntry( "BoxMargin", 6 );
sbBoxMargin->setValue( boxMargin );
QColor boxColor = layoutGroup.readEntry( "BoxColor", QColor() );
kcbtnBoxColor->setColor( boxColor );
void KatePrintLayout::writeSettings()
KSharedConfigPtr config = KGlobal::config();
KConfigGroup printGroup(config, "Kate Print Settings");
KConfigGroup layoutGroup(&printGroup, "Layout");
layoutGroup.writeEntry( "ColorScheme", colorScheme() );
layoutGroup.writeEntry( "BackgroundColorEnabled", useBackground() );
layoutGroup.writeEntry( "BoxEnabled", useBox() );
layoutGroup.writeEntry( "BoxWidth", boxWidth() );
layoutGroup.writeEntry( "BoxMargin", boxMargin() );
layoutGroup.writeEntry( "BoxColor", boxColor() );
//END KatePrintLayout
#include "moc_kateprinter.cpp"
// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;