/* * Copyright 2007 Aaron Seigo * Copyright 2007 Matt Broadstone * Copyright 2007 André Duffeck * Copyright 2008 Chani Armitage * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "saverview.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "plasmaapp.h" static const int SUPPRESS_SHOW_TIMEOUT = 500; // Number of millis to prevent reshow of dashboard class ScreenSaverWidgetExplorer : public Plasma::WidgetExplorer { public: ScreenSaverWidgetExplorer(QGraphicsWidget *parent) : Plasma::WidgetExplorer(parent) { connect(this, SIGNAL(closeClicked()), this, SLOT(deleteLater())); m_svg = new Plasma::FrameSvg(this); m_svg->setImagePath("widgets/frame"); m_svg->setElementPrefix("raised"); m_svg->setEnabledBorders(Plasma::FrameSvg::TopBorder); } protected: void resizeEvent(QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent *event) { m_svg->resizeFrame(event->newSize()); } void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { Q_UNUSED(option) Q_UNUSED(widget) m_svg->paintFrame(painter); } private: Plasma::FrameSvg *m_svg; }; SaverView::SaverView(Plasma::Containment *containment, QWidget *parent) : Plasma::View(containment, parent), m_suppressShow(false), m_setupMode(false), m_init(false) { setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint); //app is doing this for us - if needed //QDesktopWidget *desktop = QApplication::desktop(); //setGeometry(desktop->screenGeometry(containment->screen())); setWallpaperEnabled(true); containment->corona()->installEventFilter(this); } SaverView::~SaverView() { delete m_widgetExplorer.data(); } void SaverView::enableSetupMode() { if (!m_setupMode) { m_setupMode = true; update(); } } void SaverView::disableSetupMode() { if (m_setupMode) { m_setupMode = false; update(); } } void SaverView::drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QRectF & rect) { if (PlasmaApp::hasComposite()) { painter->setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); painter->fillRect(rect, Qt::transparent); } else { Plasma::View::drawBackground(painter, rect); } } void SaverView::showWidgetExplorer() { Plasma::Containment *c = containment(); if (!c) { return; } if (m_widgetExplorer) { delete m_widgetExplorer.data(); } else { ScreenSaverWidgetExplorer *widgetExplorer = new ScreenSaverWidgetExplorer(c); widgetExplorer->installEventFilter(this); widgetExplorer->setContainment(c); widgetExplorer->setLocation(Plasma::BottomEdge); widgetExplorer->populateWidgetList(); widgetExplorer->setMaximumWidth(width()); widgetExplorer->adjustSize(); widgetExplorer->setZValue(1000000); widgetExplorer->resize(width(), widgetExplorer->size().height()); widgetExplorer->setPos(0, containment()->geometry().height() - widgetExplorer->geometry().height()); m_widgetExplorer = widgetExplorer; } } void SaverView::hideWidgetExplorer() { delete m_widgetExplorer.data(); } void SaverView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { Plasma::View::paintEvent(event); if (!m_setupMode) { return; } // now draw a little label reminding the user their screen's not quite locked const QRect r = rect(); const QString text = i18n("Setup Mode - Screen is NOT locked"); QFont f = font(); f.bold(); const QFontMetrics fm(f); const int margin = 6; const int textWidth = fm.width(text); const QPoint centered(r.width() / 2 - textWidth / 2 - margin, r.y()); const QRect boundingBox(centered, QSize(margin * 2 + textWidth, fm.height() + margin * 2)); if (!viewport() || !event->rect().intersects(boundingBox)) { return; } QPainterPath box; box.moveTo(boundingBox.topLeft()); box.lineTo(boundingBox.bottomLeft() + QPoint(0, -margin * 2)); box.quadTo(boundingBox.bottomLeft(), boundingBox.bottomLeft() + QPoint(margin * 2, 0)); box.lineTo(boundingBox.bottomRight() + QPoint(-margin * 2, 0)); box.quadTo(boundingBox.bottomRight(), boundingBox.bottomRight() + QPoint(0, -margin * 2)); box.lineTo(boundingBox.topRight()); box.closeSubpath(); QPainter painter(viewport()); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); painter.setFont(f); //kDebug() << "******************** painting from" << centered << boundingBox << rect() << event->rect(); QColor highlight = palette().highlight().color(); highlight.setAlphaF(0.7); painter.setPen(highlight.darker()); painter.setBrush(highlight); painter.drawPath(box); painter.setPen(palette().highlightedText().color()); painter.drawText(boundingBox, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter, text); } bool SaverView::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event) { if (containment() && (watched == (QObject*)m_widgetExplorer.data()) && (event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneResize || event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMove)) { Plasma::WidgetExplorer *widgetExplorer = m_widgetExplorer.data(); widgetExplorer->setPos(0, containment()->geometry().height() - widgetExplorer->geometry().height()); } else if (watched == containment()->corona() && event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress) { activateWindow(); grabKeyboard(); } return false; } void SaverView::showView() { if (isHidden()) { if (m_suppressShow) { kDebug() << "show was suppressed"; return; } setWindowState(Qt::WindowFullScreen); //KWindowSystem::setOnAllDesktops(winId(), true); //KWindowSystem::setState(winId(), NET::KeepAbove|NET::SkipTaskbar); show(); raise(); m_suppressShow = true; QTimer::singleShot(SUPPRESS_SHOW_TIMEOUT, this, SLOT(suppressShowTimeout())); activateWindow(); grabKeyboard(); } } void SaverView::setContainment(Plasma::Containment *newContainment) { if (m_init && newContainment == containment()) { return; } m_init = true; if (containment()) { disconnect(containment(), SIGNAL(showAddWidgetsInterface(QPointF)), this, SLOT(showWidgetExplorer())); } if (newContainment) { connect(newContainment, SIGNAL(showAddWidgetsInterface(QPointF)), this, SLOT(showWidgetExplorer())); } if (m_widgetExplorer) { m_widgetExplorer.data()->setContainment(newContainment); } View::setContainment(newContainment); } void SaverView::hideView() { if (isHidden()) { return; } hideWidgetExplorer(); if (containment()) { containment()->closeToolBox(); } hide(); //let the lockprocess know emit hidden(); } void SaverView::suppressShowTimeout() { kDebug() << "SaverView::suppressShowTimeout"; m_suppressShow = false; } void SaverView::openToolBox() { kDebug() << "close toolbox"; containment()->openToolBox(); } void SaverView::closeToolBox() { kDebug() << "close toolbox"; containment()->closeToolBox(); } void SaverView::adjustSize(int screen) { QDesktopWidget *desktop = QApplication::desktop(); int thisScreen = desktop->screenNumber(this); if(screen == thisScreen) { setGeometry(desktop->screenGeometry(screen)); } } #include "saverview.moc"