/* * kcmmisc.cpp * * Copyright (c) 1997 Patrick Dowler dowler@morgul.fsh.uvic.ca * * Layout management, cleanups: * Copyright (c) 1999 Dirk A. Mueller * * Requires the Qt widget libraries, available at no cost at * http://www.troll.no/ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kcmmisc.h" #include "ui_kcmmiscwidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include KCMiscKeyboardWidget::KCMiscKeyboardWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(*new Ui_KeyboardConfigWidget) { ui.setupUi(this); ui.delay->setRange(100, 5000, 50); ui.delay->setSliderEnabled(false); ui.rate->setRange(0.2, 50, 5, false); sliderMax = (int)floor (0.5 + 2*(log(5000.0L)-log(100.0L)) / (log(5000.0L)-log(4999.0L))); ui.delaySlider->setRange(0, sliderMax); ui.delaySlider->setSingleStep(sliderMax/100); ui.delaySlider->setPageStep(sliderMax/10); ui.delaySlider->setTickInterval(sliderMax/10); ui.rateSlider->setRange(20, 5000); ui.rateSlider->setSingleStep(30); ui.rateSlider->setPageStep(500); ui.rateSlider->setTickInterval(498); connect(ui.keyboardRepeatButtonGroup, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(changed())); connect(ui.keyboardRepeatButtonGroup, SIGNAL(changed(int)), this, SLOT(keyboardRepeatStateChanged(int))); connect(ui.delay, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(delaySpinboxChanged(int))); connect(ui.delaySlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(delaySliderChanged(int))); connect(ui.rate, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(rateSpinboxChanged(double))); connect(ui.rateSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(rateSliderChanged(int))); connect(ui.click, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changed())); connect(ui.numlockButtonGroup, SIGNAL(released(int)), this, SLOT(changed())); // Not sure why we need this - if XKB is not found the whole keyboard module won't be compiled //#if !defined(HAVE_XTEST) && !defined(HAVE_XKB) // ui.numlockButtonGroup->setDisabled( true ); //#endif //#if !defined(HAVE_XKB) && !defined(HAVE_XF86MISC) // ui.delay->setDisabled( true ); // ui.rate->setDisabled( true ); //#endif } KCMiscKeyboardWidget::~KCMiscKeyboardWidget() { delete &ui; } int KCMiscKeyboardWidget::getClick() { return ui.click->value(); } // set the slider and LCD values void KCMiscKeyboardWidget::setRepeat(TriState keyboardRepeat, int delay_, double rate_) { TriStateHelper::setTriState( ui.keyboardRepeatButtonGroup, keyboardRepeat ); // ui.repeatBox->setChecked(r == AutoRepeatModeOn); ui.delay->setValue(delay_); ui.rate->setValue(rate_); delaySpinboxChanged(delay_); rateSpinboxChanged(rate_); } void KCMiscKeyboardWidget::setClickVolume(int v) { ui.click->setValue(v); } TriState TriStateHelper::getTriState(const KButtonGroup* group) { int selected = group->selected(); return selected < 0 ? STATE_UNCHANGED : getTriState(selected); } void TriStateHelper::setTriState(KButtonGroup* group, TriState state) { group->setSelected( getInt(state) ); } void KCMiscKeyboardWidget::load() { KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig("kcminputrc", KConfig::NoGlobals), "Keyboard"); ui.delay->blockSignals(true); ui.rate->blockSignals(true); ui.click->blockSignals(true); // need to read as string to support old "true/false" parameter QString key = config.readEntry("KeyboardRepeating", TriStateHelper::getString(STATE_ON)); if( key == "true" || key == TriStateHelper::getString(STATE_ON)) { keyboardRepeat = STATE_ON; } else if( key == "false" || key == TriStateHelper::getString(STATE_OFF)) { keyboardRepeat = STATE_OFF; } else { keyboardRepeat = STATE_UNCHANGED; } // keyboardRepeat = (key ? AutoRepeatModeOn : AutoRepeatModeOff); float delay = config.readEntry( "RepeatDelay", 660 ); float rate = config.readEntry( "RepeatRate", 25. ); setRepeat(keyboardRepeat, delay, rate); XKeyboardState kbd; XGetKeyboardControl(QX11Info::display(), &kbd); clickVolume = config.readEntry("ClickVolume", kbd.key_click_percent); setClickVolume(clickVolume); // setRepeat(kbd.global_auto_repeat, ui.delay->value(), ui.rate->value()); numlockState = TriStateHelper::getTriState(config.readEntry( "NumLock", TriStateHelper::getInt(STATE_UNCHANGED) )); TriStateHelper::setTriState( ui.numlockButtonGroup, numlockState ); ui.delay->blockSignals(false); ui.rate->blockSignals(false); ui.click->blockSignals(false); } void KCMiscKeyboardWidget::save() { KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig("kcminputrc", KConfig::NoGlobals), "Keyboard"); clickVolume = getClick(); keyboardRepeat = TriStateHelper::getTriState(ui.keyboardRepeatButtonGroup); numlockState = TriStateHelper::getTriState(ui.numlockButtonGroup); config.writeEntry("ClickVolume",clickVolume); config.writeEntry("KeyboardRepeating", TriStateHelper::getInt(keyboardRepeat)); config.writeEntry("RepeatRate", ui.rate->value() ); config.writeEntry("RepeatDelay", ui.delay->value() ); config.writeEntry("NumLock", TriStateHelper::getInt(numlockState) ); config.sync(); } void KCMiscKeyboardWidget::defaults() { setClickVolume(50); setRepeat(STATE_ON, 660, 25); TriStateHelper::setTriState( ui.numlockButtonGroup, STATE_UNCHANGED ); emit changed(true); } QString KCMiscKeyboardWidget::quickHelp() const { return QString(); /* "


This module allows you to choose options" " for the way in which your keyboard works. The actual effect of" " setting these options depends upon the features provided by your" " keyboard hardware and the X server on which KDE is running.

" " For example, you may find that changing the key click volume" " has no effect because this feature is not available on your system." */ } void KCMiscKeyboardWidget::delaySliderChanged (int value) { double alpha = sliderMax / (log(5000.0L) - log(100.0L)); double linearValue = exp (value/alpha + log(100.0L)); ui.delay->setValue((int)floor(0.5 + linearValue)); emit changed(true); } void KCMiscKeyboardWidget::delaySpinboxChanged (int value) { double alpha = sliderMax / (log(5000.0L) - log(100.0L)); double logVal = alpha * (log((double)value)-log(100.0L)); ui.delaySlider->setValue ((int)floor (0.5 + logVal)); emit changed(true); } void KCMiscKeyboardWidget::rateSliderChanged (int value) { ui.rate->setValue(value/100.0); emit changed(true); } void KCMiscKeyboardWidget::rateSpinboxChanged (double value) { ui.rateSlider->setValue ((int)(value*100)); emit changed(true); } void KCMiscKeyboardWidget::changed() { emit changed(true); } void KCMiscKeyboardWidget::keyboardRepeatStateChanged(int selection) { bool enabled = selection == TriStateHelper::getInt(STATE_ON); ui.keyboardRepeatParamsGroupBox->setEnabled(enabled); changed(); }