/* * KFontInst - KDE Font Installer * * Copyright 2003-2007 Craig Drummond * * ---- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "FontThroughAnalyzer.h" #define STRIGI_IMPORT_API #include #include #include #include #include "Fc.h" #include "KfiConstants.h" #include "Misc.h" #include "FontEngine.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace Strigi; using namespace std; using namespace KFI; class FontThroughAnalyzerFactory : public StreamThroughAnalyzerFactory { friend class FontThroughAnalyzer; public: const RegisteredField * constFamilyNameField; const RegisteredField * constFoundryField; const RegisteredField * constWeightField; const RegisteredField * constWidthField; const RegisteredField * constSpacingField; const RegisteredField * constSlantField; const RegisteredField * constVersionField; const char * name() const { return "FontThroughAnalyzer"; } StreamThroughAnalyzer * newInstance() const { return new FontThroughAnalyzer(this); } void registerFields(FieldRegister ®); }; void FontThroughAnalyzerFactory::registerFields(FieldRegister ®) { constFamilyNameField=reg.registerField("font.family", FieldRegister::stringType, 1, 0); constWeightField=reg.registerField("font.weight", FieldRegister::stringType, 1, 0); constSlantField=reg.registerField("font.slant", FieldRegister::stringType, 1, 0); constWidthField=reg.registerField("font.width", FieldRegister::stringType, 1, 0); constSpacingField=reg.registerField("font.spacing", FieldRegister::stringType, 1, 0); constFoundryField=reg.registerField("font.foundry", FieldRegister::stringType, 1, 0); constVersionField=reg.registerField("content.version", FieldRegister::stringType, 1, 0); } class Factory : public AnalyzerFactoryFactory { public: list streamThroughAnalyzerFactories() const { list af; af.push_back(new FontThroughAnalyzerFactory()); return af; } }; // macro that initializes the Factory when the plugin is loaded STRIGI_ANALYZER_FACTORY(Factory) static QString getFamily(const QString &font) { int commaPos=font.lastIndexOf(','); return -1==commaPos ? font : font.left(commaPos); } static QString toMime(CFontEngine::EType type) { switch(type) { case CFontEngine::TYPE_OTF: return "application/x-font-otf"; case CFontEngine::TYPE_TTF: case CFontEngine::TYPE_TTC: return "application/x-font-ttf"; case CFontEngine::TYPE_TYPE1: return "application/x-font-type1"; case CFontEngine::TYPE_PCF: return "application/x-font-pcf"; case CFontEngine::TYPE_BDF: return "application/x-font-bdf"; case CFontEngine::TYPE_AFM: return "application/x-font-afm"; default: break; } return QString(); } FontThroughAnalyzer::FontThroughAnalyzer(const FontThroughAnalyzerFactory *f) : factory(f) { } InputStream * FontThroughAnalyzer::connectInputStream(InputStream *in) { KUrl url(analysisResult->path().c_str()); bool fontsProt = KFI_KIO_FONTS_PROTOCOL == url.protocol(), fileProt = "file" == url.protocol() || url.protocol().isEmpty(); int face(0); if(fontsProt) { // OK, it is a fonts:/ url - stat to get appropriate info QString path, name, mime; quint32 styleInfo=KFI_NO_STYLE_INFO; KIO::UDSEntry udsEntry; if(KIO::NetAccess::stat(url, udsEntry, NULL)) { if(udsEntry.numberValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_HIDDEN, 0)) { path=udsEntry.stringValue(UDS_EXTRA_FILE_NAME); face=udsEntry.numberValue(UDS_EXTRA_FILE_FACE, 0); } name=udsEntry.stringValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_NAME); styleInfo=udsEntry.numberValue(UDS_EXTRA_FC_STYLE); mime=udsEntry.stringValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_MIME_TYPE); } if(path.isEmpty()) { // Enabled font... if(!name.isEmpty()) { int weight, width, slant; FC::decomposeStyleVal(styleInfo, weight, width, slant); name=getFamily(name); FcObjectSet *os = FcObjectSetBuild(FC_SPACING, FC_FOUNDRY, FC_FONTVERSION, (void *)0); FcPattern *pat = FcPatternBuild(NULL, FC_FAMILY, FcTypeString, (const FcChar8 *)(name.toUtf8().data()), FC_WEIGHT, FcTypeInteger, weight, FC_SLANT, FcTypeInteger, slant, #ifndef KFI_FC_NO_WIDTHS FC_WIDTH, FcTypeInteger, width, #endif static_cast(NULL)); FcFontSet *set = FcFontList(0, pat, os); FcPatternDestroy(pat); FcObjectSetDestroy(os); if(set && set->nfont) { int spacing, version; QString foundry(FC::getFcString(set->fonts[0], FC_FOUNDRY, 0)), versionStr; FcPatternGetInteger(set->fonts[0], FC_SPACING, 0, &spacing); FcPatternGetInteger(set->fonts[0], FC_FONTVERSION, 0, &version); if(version) versionStr.setNum(CFontEngine::decodeFixed(version)); result(name, CFontEngine::fixFoundry(foundry), KFI::FC::weightStr(weight, false), KFI::FC::widthStr(width, false), KFI::FC::spacingStr(spacing), KFI::FC::slantStr(slant, false), versionStr, mime); } } } else // It is a disabled font, so read file... { CFontEngine fe; QByteArray data; if(fe.openFont(CFontEngine::TYPE_UNKNOWN, data, QFile::encodeName(path).constData(), face) && !fe.getFamilyName().isEmpty()) result(fe.getFamilyName(), fe.getFoundry(), KFI::FC::weightStr(fe.getWeight(), false), KFI::FC::widthStr(fe.getWidth(), false), KFI::FC::spacingStr(fe.getSpacing()), KFI::FC::slantStr(fe.getItalic(), false), fe.getVersion(), mime); } } if( in != 0 && fileProt) { CFontEngine::EType type(CFontEngine::getType(analysisResult->path().c_str(), in)); if(CFontEngine::TYPE_UNKNOWN!=type) { // For some reason, when called vie KFileMetaInfo in->size() is 0. So, set a maximum // size that we want to read in... static const int constMaxFileSize=30*1024*1024; int size=in->size()>0 ? in->size() : constMaxFileSize; const char *d; int n=in->read(d, size, -1); in->reset(0); if(n <= 0) return in; CFontEngine fe; QByteArray data=QByteArray::fromRawData(d, n); face=Misc::getIntQueryVal(url, KFI_KIO_FACE, 0); if(fe.openFont(type, data, analysisResult->path().c_str(), face) && !fe.getFamilyName().isEmpty()) result(fe.getFamilyName(), fe.getFoundry(), KFI::FC::weightStr(fe.getWeight(), false), KFI::FC::widthStr(fe.getWidth(), false), KFI::FC::spacingStr(fe.getSpacing()), KFI::FC::slantStr(fe.getItalic(), false), fe.getVersion(), toMime(type)); } } return in; } void FontThroughAnalyzer::result(const QString &family, const QString &foundry, const QString &weight, const QString &width, const QString &spacing, const QString &slant, const QString &version, const QString &mime) { analysisResult->addValue(factory->constFamilyNameField, (const char *)family.toUtf8()); analysisResult->addValue(factory->constWeightField, (const char *)weight.toUtf8()); analysisResult->addValue(factory->constSlantField, (const char *)slant.toUtf8()); analysisResult->addValue(factory->constWidthField, (const char *)width.toUtf8()); analysisResult->addValue(factory->constSpacingField, (const char *)spacing.toUtf8()); analysisResult->addValue(factory->constFoundryField, foundry.isEmpty() ? (const char *)i18n(KFI_UNKNOWN_FOUNDRY).toUtf8() : (const char *)foundry.toUtf8()); if(!version.isEmpty()) analysisResult->addValue(factory->constVersionField, (const char *)version.toUtf8()); analysisResult->setMimeType((const char *)mime.toUtf8()); }