/* KSysGuard, the KDE System Guard Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 Chris Schlaeger This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or at your option version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KSG_SENSORBROWSER_H #define KSG_SENSORBROWSER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "ksortfilterproxymodel.h" #include namespace KSGRD { class SensorManager; class SensorAgent; } class SensorInfo; class HostInfo; class SensorBrowserModel : public QAbstractItemModel, private KSGRD::SensorClient { Q_OBJECT public: SensorBrowserModel(); ~SensorBrowserModel(); virtual int columnCount( const QModelIndex &) const; virtual QVariant data( const QModelIndex & parent, int role) const; virtual QVariant headerData ( int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const; virtual QModelIndex index ( int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent) const; virtual QModelIndex parent ( const QModelIndex & index ) const; virtual int rowCount ( const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() ) const; QStringList listSensors( const QString &hostName ) const; ///Returns a list of sensors names. E.g. (cpu/0, mem/free, mem/cache, etc) QStringList listSensors( int parentId ) const; ///Used recursively by listSensor(QString) QStringList listHosts( ) const; ///Returns a list of host names. E.g. (localhost,,...) SensorInfo *getSensorInfo(QModelIndex index) const; HostInfo *getHostInfo(int hostId) const { return mHostInfoMap.value(hostId);} bool hasSensor(int hostId, const QString &sensor) const { return mHostSensorsMap.value(hostId).contains(sensor);} int makeTreeBranch(int parentId, const QString &name); int makeSensor(HostInfo *hostInfo, int parentId, const QString &sensorName, const QString &name, const QString &sensorType); void removeSensor(HostInfo *hostInfo, int parentId, const QString &sensorName); void addHost(KSGRD::SensorAgent *sensorAgent, const QString &hostName); void clear(); void disconnectHost(uint id); void disconnectHost(const HostInfo *hostInfo); void disconnectHost(const QString &hostname); virtual Qt::ItemFlags flags ( const QModelIndex & index ) const; virtual QMimeData * mimeData ( const QModelIndexList & indexes ) const; void retranslate(); /// Retranslate the model Q_SIGNALS: void sensorsAddedToHost(const QModelIndex &index ); public Q_SLOTS: void update(); void hostAdded(KSGRD::SensorAgent *sensorAgent, const QString &hostName); /** * Remove host from this model. The proper way this is called is with the signal in SensorManager * (from disengage), otherwise * if this is called directly the SensorManager container will be out of sync with ours. Calling disconnectHost * from this object will also call disengage. */ void hostRemoved(const QString &hostName); private: virtual void answerReceived( int id, const QList& ); void removeEmptyParentTreeBranches(int hostId, int id, int parentid); HostInfo* findHostInfoByHostName(const QString &hostName) const; void removeAllSensorUnderBranch(HostInfo* hostInfo, int parentId); int mIdCount; ///The lowest id that has not been used yet QMap mHostInfoMap; ///So each host has a number QHash > mTreeMap; ///This describes the structure of the tree. It maps a parent branch number (which can be equal to the hostinfo number if it's a host branch) to a list of children. The children themselves either have branches in the map, or else just relate to a sensor info QHash mParentsTreeMap; /// QHash mTreeNodeNames; ///Maps the mTreeMap node id's to (translated) names QHash > mHostSensorsMap; ///Maps a host id to a hash of sensor names. Let's us quickly check if a sensor is registered for a given host. bool is just ignored QHash mSensorInfoMap; ///Each sensor has a unique number as well. This relates to the ID in mTreeMap }; class SensorBrowserTreeWidget : public QTreeView { Q_OBJECT public: SensorBrowserTreeWidget( QWidget* parent, KSGRD::SensorManager* sm ); ~SensorBrowserTreeWidget(); QStringList listHosts() const { return mSensorBrowserModel.listHosts(); } QStringList listSensors( const QString &hostName ) const { return mSensorBrowserModel.listSensors(hostName); } KSortFilterProxyModel & model() { return mSortFilterProxyModel; } public Q_SLOTS: void disconnect(); void hostReconfigured( const QString &hostName ); protected Q_SLOTS: void expandItem(const QModelIndex& model_index); void updateView(); private: void retranslateUi(); void changeEvent( QEvent * event ); KSGRD::SensorManager* mSensorManager; QString mDragText; SensorBrowserModel mSensorBrowserModel; KSortFilterProxyModel mSortFilterProxyModel; }; /** * The SensorBrowserWidget is the graphical front-end of the SensorManager. It * displays the currently available hosts and their sensors. */ class SensorBrowserWidget : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: SensorBrowserWidget( QWidget* parent, KSGRD::SensorManager* sm ); ~SensorBrowserWidget(); QStringList listHosts() const { return m_treeWidget->listHosts(); } QStringList listSensors( const QString &hostName ) const { return m_treeWidget->listSensors(hostName); } private: SensorBrowserTreeWidget *m_treeWidget; }; class SensorInfo { public: SensorInfo( HostInfo *hostInfo, const QString &name, const QString &description, const QString &type ); /** Returns the name of the sensor. e.g. "cpu/free". Not translated. */ QString name() const; /** Returns the description of the sensor. e.g. "free" */ QString description() const; /** Returns the type of the sensor. e.g. "Integer" */ QString type() const; /** Returns the host that this sensor is on. */ HostInfo *hostInfo() const; private: QString mName; QString mDesc; QString mType; HostInfo *mHostInfo; }; class HostInfo { public: HostInfo( int id, KSGRD::SensorAgent *agent, const QString &name) : mId(id), mSensorAgent(agent), mHostName(name) {} /** Returns the unique id of the host. */ int id() const {return mId;} /** Returns a pointer to the sensor agent of the host. */ KSGRD::SensorAgent* sensorAgent() const {return mSensorAgent;} /** Returns the name of the host. */ QString hostName() const { return mHostName;} private: int mId; KSGRD::SensorAgent* mSensorAgent; const QString mHostName; }; #endif