/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 by Riccardo Iaconelli * * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 by Sebastian Kügler * * Copyright (C) 2011 by Teo Mrnjavac * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA . * ***************************************************************************/ #include "clock.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Clock::Clock(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args) : ClockApplet(parent, args), m_plainClockFont(KGlobalSettings::generalFont()), m_useCustomColor(false), m_useCustomShadowColor(false), m_drawShadow(true), m_dateStyle(0), m_timeFormat(QLocale::ShortFormat), m_showTimezone(false), m_dateTimezoneBesides(false), m_svg(0) { KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalog("libplasmaclock"); // this catalog is only used once on the first start of the clock to translate the timezone in the configuration file KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalog("timezones4"); setHasConfigurationInterface(true); resize(150, 75); } Clock::~Clock() { } void Clock::init() { ClockApplet::init(); dataEngine("time")->connectSource(currentTimezone(), this, updateInterval(), intervalAlignment()); connect(Plasma::Theme::defaultTheme(), SIGNAL(themeChanged()), this, SLOT(updateColors())); connect(KGlobalSettings::self(), SIGNAL(appearanceChanged()), SLOT(resetSize())); connect(KGlobalSettings::self(), SIGNAL(settingsChanged(int)), SLOT(updateClock(int))); } void Clock::constraintsEvent(Plasma::Constraints constraints) { ClockApplet::constraintsEvent(constraints); if (constraints & Plasma::SizeConstraint || constraints & Plasma::FormFactorConstraint) { updateSize(); } } // In case time format has changed, e.g. from 24h to 12h format. void Clock::updateClock(int category) { if (category != KGlobalSettings::SETTINGS_LOCALE) { return; } generatePixmap(); update(); } void Clock::resetSize() { // Called when the size of the applet may change externally, such as on // font size changes constraintsEvent(Plasma::SizeConstraint); } void Clock::updateSize() { Plasma::FormFactor f = formFactor(); if (f != Plasma::Vertical && f != Plasma::Horizontal) { const QFontMetricsF metrics(KGlobalSettings::smallestReadableFont()); // calculates based on size of "23:59"! const QString timeString = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(QTime(23, 59), m_timeFormat); setMinimumSize(metrics.size(Qt::TextSingleLine, timeString)); } // more magic numbers int aspect = 2; if (m_timeFormat == QLocale::LongFormat) { aspect = 3; } int w, h; if (m_dateStyle || showTimezone()) { const QFont f(KGlobalSettings::smallestReadableFont()); const QFontMetrics metrics(f); // if there's enough vertical space, wrap the words if (contentsRect().height() < f.pointSize() * 6) { QSize s = metrics.size(Qt::TextSingleLine, m_dateString); w = s.width() + metrics.width(" "); h = f.pointSize(); //kDebug() << "uS: singleline" << w; } else { QSize s = metrics.size(Qt::TextWordWrap, m_dateString); w = s.width(); h = f.pointSize(); //kDebug() << "uS: wordwrap" << w; } if (!m_dateTimezoneBesides) { w = qMax(w, (int)(contentsRect().height() * aspect)); h = h+(int)(contentsRect().width() / aspect); } else { w = w+(int)(contentsRect().height() * aspect); h = qMax(h, (int)(contentsRect().width() / aspect)); } } else { w = (int)(contentsRect().height() * aspect); h = (int)(contentsRect().width() / aspect); } if (f == Plasma::Horizontal) { // We have a fixed height, set some sensible width setMinimumSize(QSize(w, 0)); //kDebug() << "DR" << m_dateRect.width() << "CR" << contentsRect().height() * aspect; // kDebug() << contentsRect(); } else { // We have a fixed width, set some sensible height setMinimumSize(QSize(0, h)); } setPreferredSize(QSize(w, h)); emit sizeHintChanged(Qt::PreferredSize); //kDebug() << "minZize: " << minimumSize() << preferredSize(); if (m_isDefaultFont) { const QString fakeTimeString = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(QTime(23,59,59), m_timeFormat); expandFontToMax(m_plainClockFont, fakeTimeString); } generatePixmap(); update(); } void Clock::clockConfigChanged() { KConfigGroup cg = config(); m_showTimezone = cg.readEntry("showTimezone", !isLocalTimezone()); kDebug() << "showTimezone:" << m_showTimezone; if (cg.hasKey("showDate")) { //legacy config entry as of 2011-1-4 m_dateStyle = cg.readEntry("showDate", false) ? 2 : 0; //short date : no date cg.deleteEntry("showDate"); } else { m_dateStyle = cg.readEntry("dateStyle", 0); } if (cg.hasKey("showYear")) { //legacy config entry as of 2011-1-4 if( m_dateStyle ) { m_dateStyle = cg.readEntry("showYear", false) ? 2 : 1; //short date : compact date } cg.deleteEntry("showYear"); } m_timeFormat = static_cast(cg.readEntry("timeFormat", int(QLocale::ShortFormat))); //We don't need to cache the applet if it update every seconds setCacheMode(QGraphicsItem::NoCache); QFont f = cg.readEntry("plainClockFont", m_plainClockFont); m_isDefaultFont = f == m_plainClockFont; m_plainClockFont = f; m_useCustomColor = cg.readEntry("useCustomColor", m_useCustomColor); m_plainClockColor = cg.readEntry("plainClockColor", m_plainClockColor); m_useCustomShadowColor = cg.readEntry("useCustomShadowColor", m_useCustomShadowColor); m_plainClockShadowColor = cg.readEntry("plainClockShadowColor", m_plainClockShadowColor); m_drawShadow = cg.readEntry("plainClockDrawShadow", m_drawShadow); updateColors(); if (m_useCustomColor) { m_pixmap = QPixmap(); delete m_svg; m_svg = 0; } const QFontMetricsF metrics(KGlobalSettings::smallestReadableFont()); const QString timeString = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(QTime(23, 59), m_timeFormat); setMinimumSize(metrics.size(Qt::TextSingleLine, timeString)); if (isUserConfiguring()) { updateSize(); } } bool Clock::showTimezone() const { return m_showTimezone || shouldDisplayTimezone(); } void Clock::dataUpdated(const QString &source, const Plasma::DataEngine::Data &data) { Q_UNUSED(source); m_time = data["Time"].toTime(); m_date = data["Date"].toDate(); if (Plasma::ToolTipManager::self()->isVisible(this)) { updateTipContent(); } updateClockApplet(data); generatePixmap(); update(); } void Clock::createClockConfigurationInterface(KConfigDialog *parent) { //TODO: Make the size settable QWidget *widget = new QWidget(); ui.setupUi(widget); parent->addPage(widget, i18n("Appearance"), "view-media-visualization"); ui.timeFormatBox->addItem(i18nc("A kind of time representation", "Compact time"), QVariant(int(QLocale::NarrowFormat))); ui.timeFormatBox->addItem(i18nc("A kind of time representation", "Short time"), QVariant(int(QLocale::ShortFormat))); ui.timeFormatBox->addItem(i18nc("A kind of time representation", "Long time"), QVariant(int(QLocale::LongFormat))); ui.timeFormatBox->setCurrentIndex(ui.timeFormatBox->findData(int(m_timeFormat))); ui.showTimeZone->setChecked(m_showTimezone); ui.plainClockFontBold->setChecked(m_plainClockFont.bold()); ui.plainClockFontItalic->setChecked(m_plainClockFont.italic()); ui.plainClockFont->setCurrentFont(m_plainClockFont); ui.useCustomColor->setChecked(m_useCustomColor); ui.plainClockColor->setColor(m_plainClockColor); ui.drawShadow->setChecked(m_drawShadow); ui.useCustomShadowColor->setChecked(m_useCustomShadowColor); ui.plainClockShadowColor->setColor(m_plainClockShadowColor); ui.configureDateFormats->setIcon( KIcon( "configure" ) ); QStringList dateStyles; dateStyles << i18nc("A kind of date representation", "No date") << i18nc("A kind of date representation", "Compact date") << i18nc("A kind of date representation", "Short date") << i18nc("A kind of date representation", "Long date"); ui.dateStyle->addItems(dateStyles); ui.dateStyle->setCurrentIndex(m_dateStyle); connect(ui.drawShadow, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(configDrawShadowToggled(bool))); connect(ui.configureDateFormats, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(launchDateKcm())); configDrawShadowToggled(m_drawShadow); connect(ui.plainClockFont, SIGNAL(currentFontChanged(QFont)), parent, SLOT(settingsModified())); connect(ui.plainClockFontBold, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), parent, SLOT(settingsModified())); connect(ui.plainClockFontItalic, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), parent, SLOT(settingsModified())); connect(ui.useCustomColor, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), parent, SLOT(settingsModified())); connect(ui.plainClockColor, SIGNAL(changed(QColor)), parent, SLOT(settingsModified())); connect(ui.drawShadow, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), parent, SLOT(settingsModified())); connect(ui.useCustomShadowColor, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), parent, SLOT(settingsModified())); connect(ui.plainClockShadowColor, SIGNAL(changed(QColor)), parent, SLOT(settingsModified())); connect(ui.showTimeZone, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), parent, SLOT(settingsModified())); connect(ui.timeFormatBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), parent, SLOT(settingsModified())); connect(ui.dateStyle, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), parent, SLOT(settingsModified())); } void Clock::configDrawShadowToggled(bool value) { ui.useCustomShadowColor->setEnabled(value); ui.customShadowColorLabel->setEnabled(value); ui.plainClockShadowColor->setEnabled(value && ui.useCustomShadowColor->isChecked()); } void Clock::clockConfigAccepted() { KConfigGroup cg = config(); m_showTimezone = ui.showTimeZone->isChecked(); cg.writeEntry("showTimezone", m_showTimezone); if (m_isDefaultFont && ui.plainClockFont->currentFont() != m_plainClockFont) { m_isDefaultFont = false; } m_plainClockFont = ui.plainClockFont->currentFont(); m_dateStyle = ui.dateStyle->currentIndex(); cg.writeEntry("dateStyle", m_dateStyle); m_timeFormat = static_cast(ui.timeFormatBox->itemData(ui.timeFormatBox->currentIndex()).toInt()); cg.writeEntry("timeFormat", int(m_timeFormat)); m_useCustomColor = ui.useCustomColor->isChecked(); cg.writeEntry("useCustomColor", m_useCustomColor); if (m_useCustomColor) { m_plainClockColor = ui.plainClockColor->color(); cg.writeEntry("plainClockColor", m_plainClockColor); m_pixmap = QPixmap(); delete m_svg; m_svg = 0; } else { m_plainClockColor = Plasma::Theme::defaultTheme()->color(Plasma::Theme::TextColor); } m_useCustomShadowColor = ui.useCustomShadowColor->isChecked(); cg.writeEntry("useCustomShadowColor", m_useCustomShadowColor); if (m_useCustomShadowColor) { m_plainClockShadowColor = ui.plainClockShadowColor->color(); cg.writeEntry("plainClockShadowColor", m_plainClockShadowColor); } else { m_plainClockShadowColor = Plasma::Theme::defaultTheme()->color(Plasma::Theme::BackgroundColor); } m_drawShadow = ui.drawShadow->isChecked(); cg.writeEntry("plainClockDrawShadow", m_drawShadow); m_plainClockFont.setBold(ui.plainClockFontBold->checkState() == Qt::Checked); m_plainClockFont.setItalic(ui.plainClockFontItalic->checkState() == Qt::Checked); cg.writeEntry("plainClockFont", m_plainClockFont); constraintsEvent(Plasma::SizeConstraint); generatePixmap(); update(); emit sizeHintChanged(Qt::PreferredSize); emit configNeedsSaving(); } void Clock::changeEngineTimezone(const QString &oldTimezone, const QString &newTimezone) { resetLastTimeSeen(); dataEngine("time")->disconnectSource(oldTimezone, this); dataEngine("time")->connectSource(newTimezone, this, updateInterval(), intervalAlignment()); } QRectF Clock::normalLayout(int subtitleWidth, int subtitleHeight, const QRect &contentsRect) { Q_UNUSED(subtitleWidth); QRectF myRect = QRectF(contentsRect.left(), contentsRect.bottom() - subtitleHeight, contentsRect.width(), contentsRect.bottom()); //p->fillRect(myRect, QBrush(QColor("green"))); // Now find out how much space is left for painting the time m_timeRect = QRect(contentsRect.left(), contentsRect.top(), contentsRect.width(), contentsRect.height() - subtitleHeight); return myRect; } QRectF Clock::sideBySideLayout(int subtitleWidth, int subtitleHeight, const QRect &contentsRect) { QRectF myRect = QRectF(contentsRect.right()-subtitleWidth, contentsRect.top() + (contentsRect.height()-subtitleHeight)/2, subtitleWidth, subtitleHeight); // kDebug() << "myRect: " << myRect; // p->fillRect(myRect, QBrush(QColor("grey"))); // Now find out how much space is left for painting the time m_timeRect = QRect(contentsRect.left(), contentsRect.top(), contentsRect.right() - subtitleWidth, contentsRect.bottom()); return myRect; } void Clock::paintInterface(QPainter *p, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, const QRect &contentsRect) { Q_UNUSED(option); if (!m_time.isValid() || !m_date.isValid()) { return; } p->setPen(QPen(m_plainClockColor)); p->setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); /* ... helps debugging contentsRect and sizing ... QColor c = QColor(Qt::blue); c.setAlphaF(.5); p->setBrush(c); p->drawRect(contentsRect); */ // Paint the date, conditionally, and let us know afterwards how much // space is left for painting the time on top of it. QRectF dateRect; const QString timeString = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(m_time, m_timeFormat); const QString fakeTimeString = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(QTime(23,59,59), m_timeFormat); QFont smallFont = KGlobalSettings::smallestReadableFont(); //create the string for the date and/or the timezone if (m_dateStyle || showTimezone()) { QString dateString; //Create the localized date string if needed if (m_dateStyle) { if (m_dateStyle == 1) { //compact date dateString = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(m_date, QLocale::NarrowFormat); } else if (m_dateStyle == 2) { //short date dateString = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(m_date, QLocale::ShortFormat); } else if (m_dateStyle == 3) { //long date dateString = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(m_date, QLocale::LongFormat); } else { //shouldn't happen dateString = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(m_date, QLocale::ShortFormat); } if (showTimezone()) { QString currentTimezone = prettyTimezone(); dateString = i18nc("@label Date with currentTimezone: " "%1 day of the week with date, %2 currentTimezone", "%1 %2", dateString, currentTimezone); } } else if (showTimezone()) { dateString = prettyTimezone(); } dateString = dateString.trimmed(); if (m_dateString != dateString) { // If this string has changed (for example due to changes in the config // we have to reset the sizing of the applet m_dateString = dateString; updateSize(); } // Check sizes // magic 10 is for very big spaces, // where there's enough space to grow without harming time space QFontMetrics fm(smallFont); if (contentsRect.height() > contentsRect.width() * 2) { //kDebug() << Plasma::Vertical << contentsRect.height() < contentsRect.width()){ smallFont.setPixelSize((contentsRect.width() * smallFont.pixelSize())/tempWidth); } } else { smallFont.setPixelSize(qMax(qMin(contentsRect.height(), contentsRect.width())/8, KGlobalSettings::smallestReadableFont().pointSize())); } m_dateRect = preparePainter(p, contentsRect, smallFont, dateString); } // kDebug() << "m_dateRect: " << m_dateRect; const int subtitleHeight = m_dateRect.height(); const int subtitleWidth = m_dateRect.width(); // kDebug() << "subtitleWitdh: " << subtitleWitdh; // kDebug() << "subtitleHeight: " << subtitleHeight; if (m_dateTimezoneBesides) { //kDebug() << contentsRect.height() << subtitleHeight << smallFont.pixelSize(); if (contentsRect.height() - subtitleHeight >= smallFont.pixelSize() || formFactor() != Plasma::Horizontal) { // to small to display the time on top of the date/timezone // put them side by side // kDebug() << "switching to normal"; m_dateTimezoneBesides = false; dateRect = normalLayout(subtitleWidth, subtitleHeight, contentsRect); } else { dateRect = sideBySideLayout(subtitleWidth, subtitleHeight, contentsRect); } } else { /* kDebug() << "checking timezone placement" << contentsRect.height() << dateRect.height() << subtitleHeight << smallFont.pixelSize() << smallFont.pointSize();*/ if (contentsRect.height() - subtitleHeight < smallFont.pixelSize() && formFactor() == Plasma::Horizontal) { // to small to display the time on top of the date/timezone // put them side by side // kDebug() << "switching to s-b-s"; m_dateTimezoneBesides = true; dateRect = sideBySideLayout(subtitleWidth, subtitleHeight, contentsRect); } else { dateRect = normalLayout(subtitleWidth, subtitleHeight, contentsRect); } } } else { m_timeRect = contentsRect; } // kDebug() << "timeRect: " << m_timeRect; // p->fillRect(timeRect, QBrush(QColor("red"))); // kDebug() << m_time; // Choose a relatively big font size to start with m_plainClockFont.setPointSizeF(qMax(m_timeRect.height(), KGlobalSettings::smallestReadableFont().pointSize())); preparePainter(p, m_timeRect, m_plainClockFont, fakeTimeString, true); if (!m_dateString.isEmpty()) { if (m_dateTimezoneBesides) { QFontMetrics fm(m_plainClockFont); //kDebug() << dateRect << m_timeRect << fm.boundingRect(m_timeRect, Qt::AlignCenter, timeString); QRect br = fm.boundingRect(m_timeRect, Qt::AlignCenter, timeString); QFontMetrics smallfm(smallFont); dateRect.moveLeft(br.right() + qMin(0, br.left()) + smallfm.width(" ")); } // When we're relatively low, force everything into a single line QFont f = p->font(); p->setFont(smallFont); QPen datePen = p->pen(); QColor dateColor = m_plainClockColor; dateColor.setAlphaF(0.7); datePen.setColor(dateColor); p->setPen(datePen); if (formFactor() == Plasma::Horizontal && (contentsRect.height() < smallFont.pointSize()*6)) { p->drawText(dateRect, Qt::TextSingleLine | Qt::AlignHCenter, m_dateString); } else { p->drawText(dateRect, Qt::TextWordWrap | Qt::AlignHCenter, m_dateString); } p->setFont(f); } if (m_useCustomColor || !m_svgExistsInTheme) { QFontMetrics fm(p->font()); QPointF timeTextOrigin(QPointF(qMax(0, (m_timeRect.center().x() - fm.width(fakeTimeString) / 2)), (m_timeRect.center().y() + fm.height() / 3))); p->translate(-0.5, -0.5); if (m_drawShadow) { QPen tmpPen = p->pen(); // Paint a backdrop behind the time's text qreal shadowOffset = 1.0; QPen shadowPen; QColor shadowColor = m_plainClockShadowColor; shadowColor.setAlphaF(.4); shadowPen.setColor(shadowColor); p->setPen(shadowPen); QPointF shadowTimeTextOrigin = QPointF(timeTextOrigin.x() + shadowOffset, timeTextOrigin.y() + shadowOffset); p->drawText(shadowTimeTextOrigin, timeString); p->setPen(tmpPen); // Paint the time itself with a linear translucency gradient QLinearGradient gradient = QLinearGradient(QPointF(0, 0), QPointF(0, fm.height())); QColor startColor = m_plainClockColor; startColor.setAlphaF(.95); QColor stopColor = m_plainClockColor; stopColor.setAlphaF(.7); gradient.setColorAt(0.0, startColor); gradient.setColorAt(0.5, stopColor); gradient.setColorAt(1.0, startColor); QBrush gradientBrush(gradient); QPen gradientPen(gradientBrush, tmpPen.width()); p->setPen(gradientPen); } p->drawText(timeTextOrigin, timeString); //when use the custom theme colors, draw the time textured } else { QRect adjustedTimeRect = m_pixmap.rect(); adjustedTimeRect.moveCenter(m_timeRect.center()); p->drawPixmap(adjustedTimeRect, m_pixmap); } } void Clock::generatePixmap() { if (m_useCustomColor || !m_svgExistsInTheme) { return; } if (!m_svg) { m_svg = new Plasma::Svg(this); m_svg->setImagePath("widgets/labeltexture"); m_svg->setContainsMultipleImages(true); } const QString fakeTimeString = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(QTime(23,59,59), m_timeFormat); const QString timeString = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(m_time, m_timeFormat); QRect rect(contentsRect().toRect()); QFont font(m_plainClockFont); prepareFont(font, rect, fakeTimeString, true); m_pixmap = Plasma::PaintUtils::texturedText(timeString, font, m_svg); } void Clock::expandFontToMax(QFont &font, const QString &text) { bool first = true; const QRect rect = contentsRect().toRect(); int oldWidth = 0; int oldHeight = 0; // Starting with the given font, increase its size until it'll fill the rect do { if (first) { first = false; } else { font.setPointSize(font.pointSize() + 1); } const QFontMetrics fm(font); QRect fr = fm.boundingRect(rect, Qt::TextSingleLine, text); if (oldWidth == fr.width() && oldHeight == fr.height()) { // Largest font size reached. break; } oldWidth = fr.width(); oldHeight = fr.height(); if (fr.width() >= rect.width() || fr.height() >= rect.height()) { break; } } while (true); } void Clock::prepareFont(QFont &font, QRect &rect, const QString &text, bool singleline) { QRect tmpRect; bool first = true; const int smallest = KGlobalSettings::smallestReadableFont().pointSize(); // Starting with the given font, decrease its size until it'll fit in the // given rect allowing wrapping where possible do { if (first) { first = false; } else { font.setPointSize(qMax(smallest, font.pointSize() - 1)); } const QFontMetrics fm(font); int flags = (singleline || ((formFactor() == Plasma::Horizontal) && (contentsRect().height() < font.pointSize()*6))) ? Qt::TextSingleLine : Qt::TextWordWrap; tmpRect = fm.boundingRect(rect, flags, text); } while (font.pointSize() > smallest && (tmpRect.width() > rect.width() || tmpRect.height() > rect.height())); rect = tmpRect; } QRect Clock::preparePainter(QPainter *p, const QRect &rect, const QFont &font, const QString &text, bool singleline) { QRect tmpRect = rect; QFont tmpFont = font; prepareFont(tmpFont, tmpRect, text, singleline); p->setFont(tmpFont); return tmpRect; } int Clock::updateInterval() const { // even the short format can include seconds return 1000; } Plasma::IntervalAlignment Clock::intervalAlignment() const { return Plasma::NoAlignment; } void Clock::updateColors() { m_svgExistsInTheme = Plasma::Theme::defaultTheme()->currentThemeHasImage("widgets/labeltexture"); if (!m_useCustomColor) { m_plainClockColor = Plasma::Theme::defaultTheme()->color(Plasma::Theme::TextColor); } if (!m_useCustomShadowColor) { m_plainClockShadowColor = Plasma::Theme::defaultTheme()->color(Plasma::Theme::BackgroundColor); } if (!m_useCustomColor || !m_useCustomShadowColor) { update(); } } void Clock::launchDateKcm() //SLOT { KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("KCModule", "Library == 'kcm_locale'"); if (!offers.isEmpty()) { KService::Ptr service = offers.first(); KRun::run(*service, KUrl::List(), 0); } update(); } #include "moc_clock.cpp"