/* * KFontInst - KDE Font Installer * * Copyright 2003-2007 Craig Drummond * * ---- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "Fc.h" #include #include // // KDE font chooser always seems to use Italic - for both Oblique, and Italic. So I guees // the fonts:/ should do too - so as to appear more unified. // // ditto with respect to Medium/Regular #define KFI_HAVE_OBLIQUE // Do we differentiate between Italic and Oblique when comparing slants? #define KFI_DISPLAY_OBLIQUE // Do we want to list "Oblique"? Or always use Italic? #define KFI_HAVE_MEDIUM_WEIGHT // Do we differentiate between Medium and Regular weights when comparing weights? #define KFI_DISPLAY_MEDIUM // Do we want to list "Medium"? Or always use Regular? namespace KFI { namespace FC { #define FC_PROTOCOL QString::fromLatin1("fontconfig") #define FC_STYLE_QUERY QString::fromLatin1("style") #define FC_FILE_QUERY QString::fromLatin1("file") #define FC_INDEX_QUERY QString::fromLatin1("index") KUrl encode(const QString &name, quint32 style, const QString &file, int index) { KUrl url(KUrl::fromPath(name)); url.setProtocol(FC_PROTOCOL); url.addQueryItem(FC_STYLE_QUERY, QString::number(style)); if(!file.isEmpty()) url.addQueryItem(FC_FILE_QUERY, file); if(index>0) url.addQueryItem(FC_INDEX_QUERY, QString::number(index)); return url; } Misc::TFont decode(const KUrl &url) { return FC_PROTOCOL==url.protocol() ? Misc::TFont(url.path(), url.queryItem(FC_STYLE_QUERY).toUInt()) : Misc::TFont(QString(), 0); } QString getFile(const KUrl &url) { return FC_PROTOCOL==url.protocol() ? url.queryItem(FC_FILE_QUERY) : QString(); } int getIndex(const KUrl &url) { return FC_PROTOCOL==url.protocol() ? url.queryItem(FC_INDEX_QUERY).toInt() : 0; } int weight(int w) { if(KFI_NULL_SETTING==w) #ifdef KFI_HAVE_MEDIUM_WEIGHT return FC_WEIGHT_MEDIUM; #else return FC_WEIGHT_REGULAR; #endif if(w>16; width=(styleInfo&0x00FF00)>>8; slant=(styleInfo&0x0000FF); } quint32 styleValFromStr(const QString &style) { if(style.isEmpty()) return KFI_NO_STYLE_INFO; else { quint32 val; QTextStream(const_cast(&style), QIODevice::ReadOnly) >> val; return val; } } QString getFcString(FcPattern *pat, const char *val, int index) { QString rv; FcChar8 *fcStr; if(FcResultMatch==FcPatternGetString(pat, val, index, &fcStr)) rv=QString::fromUtf8((char *)fcStr); return rv; } // // TODO: How correct is this? // Qt/Gtk seem to prefer font family names with FAMILY_LANG=="en" // ...so if possible, use that. Else, use the first non "xx" lang. QString getFcLangString(FcPattern *pat, const char *val, const char *valLang) { QString rv; int langIndex=-1; for(int i=0; true; ++i) { QString lang=getFcString(pat, valLang, i); if(lang.isEmpty()) break; else if(QString::fromLatin1("en")==lang) return getFcString(pat, val, i); else if(QString::fromLatin1("xx")!=lang && -1==langIndex) langIndex=i; } return getFcString(pat, val, langIndex>0 ? langIndex : 0); } int getFcInt(FcPattern *pat, const char *val, int index, int def) { int rv; if (FcResultMatch==FcPatternGetInteger(pat, val, index, &rv)) return rv; return def; } QString getName(const QString &file) { int count=0; FcPattern *pat=FcFreeTypeQuery((const FcChar8 *)(QFile::encodeName(file).constData()), 0, NULL, &count); QString name(i18n("Unknown")); if(pat) { name=FC::createName(pat); FcPatternDestroy(pat); } return name; } void getDetails(FcPattern *pat, QString &family, quint32 &styleVal, int &index, QString &foundry) { int weight=getFcInt(pat, FC_WEIGHT, 0, KFI_NULL_SETTING), width= #ifdef KFI_FC_NO_WIDTHS KFI_NULL_SETTING, #else getFcInt(pat, FC_WIDTH, 0, KFI_NULL_SETTING), #endif slant=getFcInt(pat, FC_SLANT, 0, KFI_NULL_SETTING); index=getFcInt(pat, FC_INDEX, 0, 0); // #ifdef KFI_USE_TRANSLATED_FAMILY_NAME family=getFcLangString(pat, FC_FAMILY, FC_FAMILYLANG); // #else // family=getFcString(pat, FC_FAMILY, 0); // #endif styleVal=createStyleVal(weight, width, slant); foundry=getFcString(pat, FC_FOUNDRY, 0); } QString createName(FcPattern *pat) { QString family, foundry; quint32 styleVal; int index; getDetails(pat, family, styleVal, index, foundry); return createName(family, styleVal); } QString createName(const QString &family, quint32 styleInfo) { int weight, width, slant; decomposeStyleVal(styleInfo, weight, width, slant); return createName(family, weight, width, slant); } QString createName(const QString &family, int weight, int width, int slant) { return family+QString::fromLatin1(", ")+createStyleName(weight, width, slant); } QString createStyleName(quint32 styleInfo) { int weight, width, slant; decomposeStyleVal(styleInfo, weight, width, slant); return createStyleName(weight, width, slant); } QString createStyleName(int weight, int width, int slant) { // //CPD: TODO: the names *need* to match up with kfontchooser's... // : Removing KFI_DISPLAY_OBLIQUE and KFI_DISPLAY_MEDIUM help this. // However, I have at least one bad font: // Rockwell Extra Bold. Both fontconfig, and kcmshell fonts list family // as "Rockwell Extra Bold" -- good (well at least they match). *But* fontconfig // is returning the weight "Extra Bold", and kcmshell fonts is using "Bold" :-( // QString name, weightString, widthString, slantString; #ifndef KFI_FC_NO_WIDTHS if(KFI_NULL_SETTING!=width) widthString=widthStr(width); #endif if(KFI_NULL_SETTING!=slant) slantString=slantStr(slant); // // If weight is "Regular", we only want to display it if slant and width are empty. if(KFI_NULL_SETTING!=weight) { weightString=weightStr(weight, !slantString.isEmpty() || !widthString.isEmpty()); if(!weightString.isEmpty()) name=weightString; } #ifndef KFI_FC_NO_WIDTHS if(!widthString.isEmpty()) { if(!name.isEmpty()) name+=QChar(' '); name+=widthString; } #endif if(!slantString.isEmpty()) { if(!name.isEmpty()) name+=QChar(' '); name+=slantString; } return name; } QString weightStr(int w, bool emptyNormal) { switch(weight(w)) { case FC_WEIGHT_THIN: return i18n(KFI_WEIGHT_THIN); case FC_WEIGHT_EXTRALIGHT: return i18n(KFI_WEIGHT_EXTRALIGHT); case FC_WEIGHT_LIGHT: return i18n(KFI_WEIGHT_LIGHT); case FC_WEIGHT_MEDIUM: #ifdef KFI_DISPLAY_MEDIUM return i18n(KFI_WEIGHT_MEDIUM); #endif case FC_WEIGHT_REGULAR: return emptyNormal ? QString() : i18n(KFI_WEIGHT_REGULAR); case FC_WEIGHT_DEMIBOLD: return i18n(KFI_WEIGHT_DEMIBOLD); case FC_WEIGHT_BOLD: return i18n(KFI_WEIGHT_BOLD); case FC_WEIGHT_EXTRABOLD: return i18n(KFI_WEIGHT_EXTRABOLD); default: return i18n(KFI_WEIGHT_BLACK); } } QString widthStr(int w, bool emptyNormal) { switch(width(w)) { case KFI_FC_WIDTH_ULTRACONDENSED: return i18n(KFI_WIDTH_ULTRACONDENSED); case KFI_FC_WIDTH_EXTRACONDENSED: return i18n(KFI_WIDTH_EXTRACONDENSED); case KFI_FC_WIDTH_CONDENSED: return i18n(KFI_WIDTH_CONDENSED); case KFI_FC_WIDTH_SEMICONDENSED: return i18n(KFI_WIDTH_SEMICONDENSED); case KFI_FC_WIDTH_NORMAL: return emptyNormal ? QString() : i18n(KFI_WIDTH_NORMAL); case KFI_FC_WIDTH_SEMIEXPANDED: return i18n(KFI_WIDTH_SEMIEXPANDED); case KFI_FC_WIDTH_EXPANDED: return i18n(KFI_WIDTH_EXPANDED); case KFI_FC_WIDTH_EXTRAEXPANDED: return i18n(KFI_WIDTH_EXTRAEXPANDED); default: return i18n(KFI_WIDTH_ULTRAEXPANDED); } } QString slantStr(int s, bool emptyNormal) { switch(slant(s)) { case FC_SLANT_OBLIQUE: #ifdef KFI_DISPLAY_OBLIQUE return i18n(KFI_SLANT_OBLIQUE); #endif case FC_SLANT_ITALIC: return i18n(KFI_SLANT_ITALIC); default: return emptyNormal ? QString() : i18n(KFI_SLANT_ROMAN); } } QString spacingStr(int s) { switch(spacing(s)) { case FC_MONO: return i18n(KFI_SPACING_MONO); case FC_CHARCELL: return i18n(KFI_SPACING_CHARCELL); default: return i18n(KFI_SPACING_PROPORTIONAL); } } bool bitmapsEnabled() { // // On some systems, such as KUbuntu, fontconfig is configured to ignore all bitmap fonts. // The following check tries to get a list of installed bitmaps, if it an empty list is returned // it is assumed that bitmaps are disabled. static bool enabled(false); static bool checked(false); // Do not keep on checking! if(!checked) { FcObjectSet *os = FcObjectSetBuild(FC_FAMILY, (void *)0); FcPattern *pat = FcPatternBuild(NULL, FC_SCALABLE, FcTypeBool, FcFalse, static_cast(NULL)); FcFontSet *set = FcFontList(0, pat, os); FcPatternDestroy(pat); FcObjectSetDestroy(os); if (set) { if(set->nfont) enabled=true; FcFontSetDestroy(set); } checked=true; } return enabled; } } }