EmoticonsManager 0 0 630 419 Emoticons Manager 22 22 22 22 0 Create a new emoticon Create a new emoticon by assigning it an icon and some text Add... Modify the selected emoticon icon or text Edit the selected emoticon to change its icon or its text Edit... Remove the selected emoticon Remove the selected emoticon from your disk Remove Qt::Vertical 20 40 Require spaces around emoticons Design a new emoticon theme Start a new theme by assigning it a name. Then use the Add button on the right to add emoticons to this theme. New Theme... Install a theme archive file you already have locally If you already have an emoticon theme archive locally, this button will unpack it and make it available for KDE applications Install Theme File... Remove the selected theme from your disk This will remove the selected theme from your disk. Remove Theme KPushButton QPushButton