#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Note: This file is taken, and modified, from gucharmap/gen-guch-unicode-tables.pl - svn revision 1040 # # $Id$ # # generates in the current directory: # - UnicodeBlocks.h # - unicode-names.h # - unicode-nameslist.h # - unicode-unihan.h # - UnicodeCategories.h # - UnicodeScripts.h # # usage: ./gen-guch-unicode-tables.pl UNICODE-VERSION DIRECTORY # where DIRECTORY contains UnicodeData.txt Unihan.zip NamesList.txt Blocks.txt Scripts.txt # use strict; use vars ('$UNZIP', '$ICONV'); # if these things aren't in your path you can put full paths to them here $UNZIP = 'unzip'; $ICONV = 'iconv'; sub process_unicode_data_txt ($); sub process_unihan_zip ($); sub process_nameslist_txt ($); sub process_blocks_txt ($); sub process_scripts_txt ($); $| = 1; # flush stdout buffer if (@ARGV != 2) { $0 =~ s@.*/@@; die < unicode-names.h") or die; print "processing $unicodedata_txt..."; # # print $out "/* unicode-names.h */\n"; # print $out "/* THIS IS A GENERATED FILE. CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN. */\n"; # print $out "/* Generated by $0 */\n"; # print $out "/* Generated from UCD version $v */\n\n"; # # print $out "#ifndef UNICODE_NAMES_H\n"; # print $out "#define UNICODE_NAMES_H\n\n"; # # print $out "#include \n\n"; # print $out "#include \"gucharmap-intl.h\"\n\n"; # # my @unicode_pairs; # my %names; # # while (my $line = <$unicodedata>) # { # chomp $line; # $line =~ /^([^;]+);([^;]+)/ or die; # # my $hex = $1; # my $name = $2; # # $names{$name} = 1; # push @unicode_pairs, [$hex, $name]; # } # # print $out "static const char unicode_names_strings[] = \\\n"; # # my $offset = 0; # # foreach my $name (sort keys %names) { # print $out " \"$name\\0\"\n"; # $names{$name} = $offset; # $offset += length($name) + 1; # } # # undef $offset; # # print $out ";\n"; # # print $out "typedef struct _UnicodeName UnicodeName;\n\n"; # # print $out "static const struct _UnicodeName\n"; # print $out "{\n"; # print $out " gunichar index;\n"; # print $out " guint32 name_offset;\n"; # print $out "} \n"; # print $out "unicode_names[] =\n"; # print $out "{\n"; # # my $first_line = 1; # # foreach my $pair (@unicode_pairs) { # if (!$first_line) { # print $out ",\n"; # } else { # $first_line = 0; # } # # my ($hex, $name) = @{$pair}; # my $offset = $names{$name}; # print $out " {0x$hex, $offset}"; # } # # print $out "\n};\n\n"; # # print $out <name_offset; # return unicode_names_strings + offset; # } # # EOT # # print $out "#endif /* #ifndef UNICODE_NAMES_H */\n"; # # undef %names; # undef @unicode_pairs; # # close ($unicodedata); # close ($out); # part 2: categories open ($unicodedata, $unicodedata_txt) or die; open (my $out, "> UnicodeCategories.h") or die; # Map general category code onto symbolic name. my %mappings = ( # Normative. 'Lu' => "UNICODE_UPPERCASE_LETTER", 'Ll' => "UNICODE_LOWERCASE_LETTER", 'Lt' => "UNICODE_TITLECASE_LETTER", 'Mn' => "UNICODE_NON_SPACING_MARK", 'Mc' => "UNICODE_COMBINING_MARK", 'Me' => "UNICODE_ENCLOSING_MARK", 'Nd' => "UNICODE_DECIMAL_NUMBER", 'Nl' => "UNICODE_LETTER_NUMBER", 'No' => "UNICODE_OTHER_NUMBER", 'Zs' => "UNICODE_SPACE_SEPARATOR", 'Zl' => "UNICODE_LINE_SEPARATOR", 'Zp' => "UNICODE_PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR", 'Cc' => "UNICODE_CONTROL", 'Cf' => "UNICODE_FORMAT", 'Cs' => "UNICODE_SURROGATE", 'Co' => "UNICODE_PRIVATE_USE", 'Cn' => "UNICODE_UNASSIGNED", # Informative. 'Lm' => "UNICODE_MODIFIER_LETTER", 'Lo' => "UNICODE_OTHER_LETTER", 'Pc' => "UNICODE_CONNECT_PUNCTUATION", 'Pd' => "UNICODE_DASH_PUNCTUATION", 'Ps' => "UNICODE_OPEN_PUNCTUATION", 'Pe' => "UNICODE_CLOSE_PUNCTUATION", 'Pi' => "UNICODE_INITIAL_PUNCTUATION", 'Pf' => "UNICODE_FINAL_PUNCTUATION", 'Po' => "UNICODE_OTHER_PUNCTUATION", 'Sm' => "UNICODE_MATH_SYMBOL", 'Sc' => "UNICODE_CURRENCY_SYMBOL", 'Sk' => "UNICODE_MODIFIER_SYMBOL", 'So' => "UNICODE_OTHER_SYMBOL" ); # these shouldn't be -1 my ($codepoint, $last_codepoint, $start_codepoint) = (-999, -999, -999); my ($category, $last_category) = ("FAKE1", "FAKE2"); my ($started_range, $finished_range) = (undef, undef); print $out "/* UnicodeCategories.h */\n"; print $out "/* THIS IS A GENERATED FILE. CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN. */\n"; print $out "/* Generated by $0 */\n"; print $out "/* Generated from UCD version $v */\n\n"; print $out "#ifndef UNICODE_CATEGORIES_H\n"; print $out "#define UNICODE_CATEGORIES_H\n\n"; print $out "#include \n\n"; print $out "enum EUnicodeCategory\n"; print $out "{\n"; print $out " UNICODE_UPPERCASE_LETTER,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_LOWERCASE_LETTER,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_TITLECASE_LETTER,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_NON_SPACING_MARK,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_COMBINING_MARK,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_ENCLOSING_MARK,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_DECIMAL_NUMBER,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_LETTER_NUMBER,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_OTHER_NUMBER,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_SPACE_SEPARATOR,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_LINE_SEPARATOR,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_CONTROL,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_FORMAT,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_SURROGATE,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_PRIVATE_USE,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_UNASSIGNED,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_MODIFIER_LETTER,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_OTHER_LETTER,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_CONNECT_PUNCTUATION,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_DASH_PUNCTUATION,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_OPEN_PUNCTUATION,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_CLOSE_PUNCTUATION,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_INITIAL_PUNCTUATION,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_FINAL_PUNCTUATION,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_OTHER_PUNCTUATION,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_MATH_SYMBOL,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_CURRENCY_SYMBOL,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_MODIFIER_SYMBOL,\n"; print $out " UNICODE_OTHER_SYMBOL,\n"; print $out "\n"; print $out " UNICODE_INVALID\n"; print $out "};\n\n"; print $out "struct TUnicodeCategory\n"; print $out "{\n"; print $out " quint32 start;\n"; print $out " quint32 end;\n"; print $out " EUnicodeCategory category;\n"; print $out "};\n\n"; print $out "static const TUnicodeCategory constUnicodeCategoryList[] =\n"; print $out "{\n"; while (my $line = <$unicodedata>) { $line =~ /^([0-9A-F]*);([^;]*);([^;]*);/ or die; my $codepoint = hex ($1); my $name = $2; my $category = $mappings{$3}; if ($finished_range or ($category ne $last_category) or (not $started_range and $codepoint != $last_codepoint + 1)) { if ($last_codepoint >= 0) { printf $out (" { 0x%4.4X, 0x%4.4X, \%s },\n", $start_codepoint, $last_codepoint, $last_category); } $start_codepoint = $codepoint; } if ($name =~ /^<.*First>$/) { $started_range = 1; $finished_range = undef; } elsif ($name =~ /^<.*Last>$/) { $started_range = undef; $finished_range = 1; } elsif ($finished_range) { $finished_range = undef; } $last_codepoint = $codepoint; $last_category = $category; } printf $out (" { 0x%4.4X, 0x%4.4X, \%s },\n", $start_codepoint, $last_codepoint, $last_category); printf $out " { 0x0, 0x0, UNICODE_INVALID }\n"; print $out "};\n\n"; print $out "#endif\n"; close ($out); print " done.\n"; } #------------------------# # XXX should do kFrequency too sub process_unihan_zip ($) { my ($unihan_zip) = @_; open (my $unihan, "$UNZIP -c $unihan_zip |") or die; open (my $out, "> unicode-unihan.h") or die; print "processing $unihan_zip"; print $out "/* unicode-unihan.h */\n"; print $out "/* THIS IS A GENERATED FILE. CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN. */\n"; print $out "/* Generated by $0 */\n"; print $out "/* Generated from UCD version $v */\n\n"; print $out "#ifndef UNICODE_UNIHAN_H\n"; print $out "#define UNICODE_UNIHAN_H\n\n"; print $out "#include \n\n"; print $out "typedef struct _Unihan Unihan;\n\n"; print $out "static const struct _Unihan\n"; print $out "{\n"; print $out " gunichar index;\n"; print $out " gint32 kDefinition;\n"; print $out " gint32 kCantonese;\n"; print $out " gint32 kMandarin;\n"; print $out " gint32 kTang;\n"; print $out " gint32 kKorean;\n"; print $out " gint32 kJapaneseKun;\n"; print $out " gint32 kJapaneseOn;\n"; print $out "} \n"; print $out "unihan[] =\n"; print $out "{\n"; my @strings; my $offset = 0; my $wc = 0; my ($kDefinition, $kCantonese, $kMandarin, $kTang, $kKorean, $kJapaneseKun, $kJapaneseOn); my $i = 0; while (my $line = <$unihan>) { chomp $line; $line =~ /^U\+([0-9A-F]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+(.+)$/ or next; my $new_wc = hex ($1); my $field = $2; my $value = $3; $value =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $value =~ s/\"/\\"/g; if ($new_wc != $wc) { if (defined $kDefinition or defined $kCantonese or defined $kMandarin or defined $kTang or defined $kKorean or defined $kJapaneseKun or defined $kJapaneseOn) { printf $out (" { 0x%04X, \%d, \%d, \%d, \%d, \%d, \%d, \%d },\n", $wc, (defined($kDefinition) ? $kDefinition : -1), (defined($kCantonese) ? $kCantonese: -1), (defined($kMandarin) ? $kMandarin : -1), (defined($kTang) ? $kTang : -1), (defined($kKorean) ? $kKorean : -1), (defined($kJapaneseKun) ? $kJapaneseKun : -1), (defined($kJapaneseOn) ? $kJapaneseOn : -1)); } $wc = $new_wc; undef $kDefinition; undef $kCantonese; undef $kMandarin; undef $kTang; undef $kKorean; undef $kJapaneseKun; undef $kJapaneseOn; } for my $f (qw(kDefinition kCantonese kMandarin kTang kKorean kJapaneseKun kJapaneseOn)) { if ($field eq $f) { push @strings, $value; my $last_offset = $offset; $offset += length($value) + 1; $value = $last_offset; last; } } if ($field eq "kDefinition") { $kDefinition = $value; } elsif ($field eq "kCantonese") { $kCantonese = $value; } elsif ($field eq "kMandarin") { $kMandarin = $value; } elsif ($field eq "kTang") { $kTang = $value; } elsif ($field eq "kKorean") { $kKorean = $value; } elsif ($field eq "kJapaneseKun") { $kJapaneseKun = $value; } elsif ($field eq "kJapaneseOn") { $kJapaneseOn = $value; } if ($i++ % 32768 == 0) { print "."; } } print $out "};\n\n"; print $out "static const char unihan_strings[] = \\\n"; for my $s (@strings) { print $out " \"$s\\0\"\n"; } print $out ";\n\n"; print $out "static const Unihan *_get_unihan (gunichar uc)\n;"; for my $name (qw(kDefinition kCantonese kMandarin kTang kKorean kJapaneseKun kJapaneseOn)) { print $out <$name; if (offset == -1) return NULL; return unihan_strings + offset; } G_CONST_RETURN gchar * gucharmap_get_unicode_$name (gunichar uc) { const Unihan *uh = _get_unihan (uc); if (uh == NULL) return NULL; else return unihan_get_$name (uh); } EOT } print $out "#endif /* #ifndef UNICODE_UNIHAN_H */\n"; close ($unihan); close ($out); print " done.\n"; } #------------------------# # $nameslist_hash = # { # 0x0027 => { '=' => { # 'index' => 30, # 'values' => [ 'APOSTROPHE-QUOTE', 'APL quote' ] # } # '*' => { # 'index' => 50, # 'values' => [ 'neutral (vertical) glyph with mixed usage', # '2019 is preferred for apostrophe', # 'preferred characters in English for paired quotation marks are 2018 & 2019' # ] # } # # etc # } # # etc # }; # sub process_nameslist_txt ($) { my ($nameslist_txt) = @_; open (my $nameslist, "$ICONV -f 'ISO8859-1' -t 'UTF-8' $nameslist_txt |") or die; print "processing $nameslist_txt..."; my ($equal_i, $ex_i, $star_i, $pound_i, $colon_i) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0); my $wc = 0; my $nameslist_hash; while (my $line = <$nameslist>) { chomp ($line); if ($line =~ /^@/) { next; } elsif ($line =~ /^([0-9A-F]+)/) { $wc = hex ($1); } elsif ($line =~ /^\s+=\s+(.+)$/) { my $value = $1; $value =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $value =~ s/\"/\\"/g; if (not defined $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'='}->{'index'}) { $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'='}->{'index'} = $equal_i; } push (@{$nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'='}->{'values'}}, $value); $equal_i++; } elsif ($line =~ /^\s+\*\s+(.+)$/) { my $value = $1; $value =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $value =~ s/\"/\\"/g; if (not defined $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'*'}->{'index'}) { $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'*'}->{'index'} = $star_i; } push (@{$nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'*'}->{'values'}}, $value); $star_i++; } elsif ($line =~ /^\s+#\s+(.+)$/) { my $value = $1; $value =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $value =~ s/\"/\\"/g; if (not defined $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'#'}->{'index'}) { $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'#'}->{'index'} = $pound_i; } push (@{$nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'#'}->{'values'}}, $value); $pound_i++; } elsif ($line =~ /^\s+:\s+(.+)$/) { my $value = $1; $value =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $value =~ s/\"/\\"/g; if (not defined $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{':'}->{'index'}) { $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{':'}->{'index'} = $colon_i; } push (@{$nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{':'}->{'values'}}, $value); $colon_i++; } elsif ($line =~ /^\s+x\s+.*([0-9A-F]{4,6})\)$/) # this one is different { my $value = hex ($1); if (not defined $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'x'}->{'index'}) { $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'x'}->{'index'} = $ex_i; } push (@{$nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'x'}->{'values'}}, $value); $ex_i++; } } close ($nameslist); open (my $out, "> unicode-nameslist.h") or die; print $out "/* unicode-nameslist.h */\n"; print $out "/* THIS IS A GENERATED FILE. CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN. */\n"; print $out "/* Generated by $0 */\n"; print $out "/* Generated from UCD version $v */\n\n"; print $out "#ifndef UNICODE_NAMESLIST_H\n"; print $out "#define UNICODE_NAMESLIST_H\n\n"; print $out "#include \n\n"; print $out "typedef struct _UnicharString UnicharString;\n"; print $out "typedef struct _UnicharUnichar UnicharUnichar;\n"; print $out "typedef struct _NamesList NamesList;\n\n"; print $out "struct _UnicharString\n"; print $out "{\n"; print $out " gunichar index;\n"; print $out " const gchar *value;\n"; print $out "}; \n\n"; print $out "struct _UnicharUnichar\n"; print $out "{\n"; print $out " gunichar index;\n"; print $out " gunichar value;\n"; print $out "}; \n\n"; print $out "struct _NamesList\n"; print $out "{\n"; print $out " gunichar index;\n"; print $out " gint equals_index; /* -1 means */\n"; print $out " gint stars_index; /* this character */\n"; print $out " gint exes_index; /* doesn't */\n"; print $out " gint pounds_index; /* have any */\n"; print $out " gint colons_index;\n"; print $out "};\n\n"; print $out "static const UnicharString names_list_equals[] = \n"; print $out "{\n"; for $wc (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$nameslist_hash}) { next if not exists $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'='}; for my $value (@{$nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'='}->{'values'}}) { printf $out (qq/ { 0x%04X, "\%s" },\n/, $wc, $value); } } print $out " { (gunichar)(-1), 0 }\n"; print $out "};\n\n"; print $out "static const UnicharString names_list_stars[] = \n"; print $out "{\n"; for $wc (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$nameslist_hash}) { next if not exists $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'*'}; for my $value (@{$nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'*'}->{'values'}}) { printf $out (qq/ { 0x%04X, "\%s" },\n/, $wc, $value); } } print $out " { (gunichar)(-1), 0 }\n"; print $out "};\n\n"; print $out "static const UnicharString names_list_pounds[] = \n"; print $out "{\n"; for $wc (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$nameslist_hash}) { next if not exists $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'#'}; for my $value (@{$nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'#'}->{'values'}}) { printf $out (qq/ { 0x%04X, "\%s" },\n/, $wc, $value); } } print $out " { (gunichar)(-1), 0 }\n"; print $out "};\n\n"; print $out "static const UnicharUnichar names_list_exes[] = \n"; print $out "{\n"; for $wc (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$nameslist_hash}) { next if not exists $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'x'}; for my $value (@{$nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'x'}->{'values'}}) { printf $out (qq/ { 0x%04X, 0x%04X },\n/, $wc, $value); } } print $out " { (gunichar)(-1), 0 }\n"; print $out "};\n\n"; print $out "static const UnicharString names_list_colons[] = \n"; print $out "{\n"; for $wc (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$nameslist_hash}) { next if not exists $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{':'}; for my $value (@{$nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{':'}->{'values'}}) { printf $out (qq/ { 0x%04X, "\%s" },\n/, $wc, $value); } } print $out " { (gunichar)(-1), 0 }\n"; print $out "};\n\n"; print $out "static const NamesList names_list[] =\n"; print $out "{\n"; for $wc (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$nameslist_hash}) { my $eq = exists $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'='}->{'index'} ? $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'='}->{'index'} : -1; my $star = exists $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'*'}->{'index'} ? $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'*'}->{'index'} : -1; my $ex = exists $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'x'}->{'index'} ? $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'x'}->{'index'} : -1; my $pound = exists $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'#'}->{'index'} ? $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{'#'}->{'index'} : -1; my $colon = exists $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{':'}->{'index'} ? $nameslist_hash->{$wc}->{':'}->{'index'} : -1; printf $out (" { 0x%04X, \%d, \%d, \%d, \%d, \%d },\n", $wc, $eq, $star, $ex, $pound, $colon); } print $out "};\n\n"; print $out "#endif /* #ifndef UNICODE_NAMESLIST_H */\n"; close ($out); print " done.\n"; } #------------------------# sub process_blocks_txt ($) { my ($blocks_txt) = @_; open (my $blocks, $blocks_txt) or die; open (my $out, "> UnicodeBlocks.h") or die; print "processing $blocks_txt..."; print $out "/* UnicodeBlocks.h */\n"; print $out "/* THIS IS A GENERATED FILE. CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN. */\n"; print $out "/* Generated by $0 */\n"; print $out "/* Generated from UCD version $v */\n\n"; print $out "#ifndef __UNICODE_BLOCKS_H__\n"; print $out "#define __UNICODE_BLOCKS_H__\n\n"; print $out "#include \n"; print $out "#include \n\n"; print $out "struct TUnicodeBlock\n"; print $out "{\n"; print $out " quint32 start,\n"; print $out " end;\n"; print $out " const char *blockName;\n"; print $out "};\n\n"; print $out "static const struct TUnicodeBlock constUnicodeBlocks[] =\n"; print $out "{\n"; while (my $line = <$blocks>) { $line =~ /^([0-9A-F]+)\.\.([0-9A-F]+); (.+)$/ or next; print $out qq/ { 0x$1, 0x$2, I18N_NOOP("$3") },\n/; } print $out " { 0x0, 0x0, NULL }\n"; print $out "};\n\n"; print $out "#endif\n\n"; close ($blocks); close ($out); print " done.\n"; } #------------------------# sub process_scripts_txt ($) { my ($scripts_txt) = @_; my %script_hash; my %scripts; open (my $scripts, $scripts_txt) or die; open (my $out, "> UnicodeScripts.h") or die; print "processing $scripts_txt..."; while (my $line = <$scripts>) { my ($start, $end, $raw_script); if ($line =~ /^([0-9A-F]+)\.\.([0-9A-F]+)\s+;\s+(\S+)/) { $start = hex ($1); $end = hex ($2); $raw_script = $3; } elsif ($line =~ /^([0-9A-F]+)\s+;\s+(\S+)/) { $start = hex ($1); $end = $start; $raw_script = $2; } else { next; } my $script = $raw_script; $script =~ tr/_/ /; $script =~ s/(\w+)/\u\L$1/g; $script_hash{$start} = { 'end' => $end, 'script' => $script }; $scripts{$script} = 1; } close ($scripts); # Adds Common to make sure works with UCD <= 4.0.0 $scripts{"Common"} = 1; print $out "/* UnicodeScripts.h */\n"; print $out "/* THIS IS A GENERATED FILE. CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN. */\n"; print $out "/* Generated by $0 */\n"; print $out "/* Generated from UCD version $v */\n\n"; print $out "#ifndef __UNICODE_SCRIPTS_H__\n"; print $out "#define __UNICODE_SCRIPTS_H__\n\n"; print $out "#include \n"; print $out "#include \n\n"; print $out "static const char * const constUnicodeScriptList[] =\n"; print $out "{\n"; my $i = 0; for my $script (sort keys %scripts) { $scripts{$script} = $i; print $out qq/ I18N_NOOP("$script"),\n/; $i++; } print $out " NULL\n"; print $out "};\n\n"; print $out "struct TUnicodeScript\n"; print $out "{\n"; print $out " quint32 start,\n"; print $out " end;\n"; print $out " int scriptIndex; /* index into constUnicodeScriptList */\n"; print $out "};\n\n"; print $out "static const TUnicodeScript constUnicodeScripts[] =\n"; print $out "{\n"; for my $start (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %script_hash) { printf $out (qq/ { 0x%04X, 0x%04X, \%2d },\n/, $start, $script_hash{$start}->{'end'}, $scripts{$script_hash{$start}->{'script'}}); } printf $out " { 0x0, 0x0, -1 }\n"; print $out "};\n\n"; print $out "#endif\n\n"; close ($out); print " done.\n"; }