/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Andriy Rysin (rysin@kde.org) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "xkb_helper.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "keyboard_config.h" static const char* SETXKBMAP_EXEC = "setxkbmap"; static const char* XMODMAP_EXEC = "xmodmap"; static bool setxkbmapNotFound = false; static QString setxkbmapExe; static bool xmodmapNotFound = false; static QString xmodmapExe; static const QString COMMAND_OPTIONS_SEPARATOR(","); static QString getSetxkbmapExe() { if( setxkbmapNotFound ) return ""; if( setxkbmapExe.isEmpty() ) { setxkbmapExe = KGlobal::dirs()->findExe(SETXKBMAP_EXEC); if( setxkbmapExe.isEmpty() ) { setxkbmapNotFound = true; kError() << "Can't find" << SETXKBMAP_EXEC << "- keyboard layouts won't be configured"; return ""; } } return setxkbmapExe; } static void executeXmodmap(const QString& configFileName) { if( xmodmapNotFound ) return; if( QFile(configFileName).exists() ) { if( xmodmapExe.isEmpty() ) { xmodmapExe = KGlobal::dirs()->findExe(XMODMAP_EXEC); if( xmodmapExe.isEmpty() ) { xmodmapNotFound = true; kError() << "Can't find" << XMODMAP_EXEC << "- xmodmap files won't be run"; return; } } KProcess xmodmapProcess; xmodmapProcess << xmodmapExe; xmodmapProcess << configFileName; kDebug() << "Executing" << xmodmapProcess.program().join(" "); if( xmodmapProcess.execute() != 0 ) { kError() << "Failed to execute " << xmodmapProcess.program(); } } } static void restoreXmodmap() { // TODO: is just home .Xmodmap enough or should system be involved too? // QString configFileName = QDir("/etc/X11/xinit").filePath(".Xmodmap"); // executeXmodmap(configFileName); QString configFileName = QDir::home().filePath(".Xmodmap"); executeXmodmap(configFileName); } //TODO: make private bool XkbHelper::runConfigLayoutCommand(const QStringList& setxkbmapCommandArguments) { QTime timer; timer.start(); KProcess setxkbmapProcess; setxkbmapProcess << getSetxkbmapExe() << setxkbmapCommandArguments; int res = setxkbmapProcess.execute(); if( res == 0 ) { // restore Xmodmap mapping reset by setxkbmap kDebug() << "Executed successfully in " << timer.elapsed() << "ms" << setxkbmapProcess.program().join(" "); restoreXmodmap(); kDebug() << "\t and with xmodmap" << timer.elapsed() << "ms"; return true; } else { kError() << "Failed to run" << setxkbmapProcess.program().join(" ") << "return code:" << res; } return false; } bool XkbHelper::initializeKeyboardLayouts(const QList& layoutUnits) { QStringList layouts; QStringList variants; foreach (const LayoutUnit& layoutUnit, layoutUnits) { layouts.append(layoutUnit.layout); variants.append(layoutUnit.variant); } QStringList setxkbmapCommandArguments; setxkbmapCommandArguments.append("-layout"); setxkbmapCommandArguments.append(layouts.join(COMMAND_OPTIONS_SEPARATOR)); if( ! variants.join("").isEmpty() ) { setxkbmapCommandArguments.append("-variant"); setxkbmapCommandArguments.append(variants.join(COMMAND_OPTIONS_SEPARATOR)); } return runConfigLayoutCommand(setxkbmapCommandArguments); } bool XkbHelper::initializeKeyboardLayouts(KeyboardConfig& config) { QStringList setxkbmapCommandArguments; if( ! config.keyboardModel.isEmpty() ) { XkbConfig xkbConfig; X11Helper::getGroupNames(QX11Info::display(), &xkbConfig, X11Helper::MODEL_ONLY); if( xkbConfig.keyboardModel != config.keyboardModel ) { setxkbmapCommandArguments.append("-model"); setxkbmapCommandArguments.append(config.keyboardModel); } } if( config.configureLayouts ) { QStringList layouts; QStringList variants; QList defaultLayouts = config.getDefaultLayouts(); foreach (const LayoutUnit& layoutUnit, defaultLayouts) { layouts.append(layoutUnit.layout); variants.append(layoutUnit.variant); } setxkbmapCommandArguments.append("-layout"); setxkbmapCommandArguments.append(layouts.join(COMMAND_OPTIONS_SEPARATOR)); if( ! variants.join("").isEmpty() ) { setxkbmapCommandArguments.append("-variant"); setxkbmapCommandArguments.append(variants.join(COMMAND_OPTIONS_SEPARATOR)); } } if( config.resetOldXkbOptions ) { setxkbmapCommandArguments.append("-option"); } if( ! config.xkbOptions.isEmpty() ) { setxkbmapCommandArguments.append("-option"); setxkbmapCommandArguments.append(config.xkbOptions.join(COMMAND_OPTIONS_SEPARATOR)); } if( ! setxkbmapCommandArguments.isEmpty() ) { return runConfigLayoutCommand(setxkbmapCommandArguments); if( config.configureLayouts ) { X11Helper::setDefaultLayout(); } } return false; }