true true Selecting this option has the effect, that the clipboard can never be emptied. E.g. when an application exits, the clipboard would usually be emptied. true false When an area of the screen is selected with mouse or keyboard, this is called "the selection".<br/>If this option is set, the selection is not entered into the clipboard history, though it is still available for pasting using the middle mouse button. false When an area of the screen is selected with mouse or keyboard, this is called "the selection".<br/>If this option is selected, the selection and the clipboard is kept the same, so that anything in the selection is immediately available for pasting elsewhere using any method, including the traditional middle mouse button. Otherwise, the selection is recorded in the clipboard history, but the selection can only be pasted using the middle mouse button. Also see the 'Ignore Selection' option. true When an area of the screen is selected with mouse or keyboard, this is called "the selection".<br/>If this option is selected, only text selections are stored in the history, while images and other selections are not. false Navigator,navigator:browser,konqueror,keditbookmarks,mozilla-bin,Mozilla,Opera main window,opera,gnumeric,Gnumeric,Galeon,kcontrol,ksirc,MozillaFirebird-bin,firefox-bin,Firefox-bin,klipper,Gecko,gecko 8 0 200 A value of 0 disables the timeout 7 1 2048 true Sometimes, the selected text has some whitespace at the end, which, if loaded as URL in a browser would cause an error. Enabling this option removes any whitespace at the beginning or end of the selected string (the original clipboard contents will not be modified). false true