/* KSysGuard, the KDE System Guard Copyright (c) 1999 - 2001 Chris Schlaeger Copyright (c) 2006 - 2007 John Tapsell This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "moc_ksysguardprocesslist.cpp" #include "ksysguardprocesslist.h" #include "../config-ksysguard.h" #include "config-X11.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //For SIGTERM #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ReniceDlg.h" #include "ui_ProcessWidgetUI.h" #include #include //Trolltech have a testing class for classes that inherit QAbstractItemModel. If you want to run with this run-time testing enabled, put the modeltest.* files in this directory and uncomment the next line //#define DO_MODELCHECK #ifdef DO_MODELCHECK #include "modeltest.h" #endif class ProgressBarItemDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate { public: ProgressBarItemDelegate(QObject *parent) : QStyledItemDelegate(parent) { } virtual void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &opt, const QModelIndex &index) const { QStyleOptionViewItemV4 option = opt; initStyleOption(&option,index); float percentage = index.data(ProcessModel::PercentageRole).toFloat(); if (percentage >= 0) drawPercentageDisplay(painter,option, percentage); else QStyledItemDelegate::paint(painter, option, index); } private: inline void drawPercentageDisplay(QPainter *painter, QStyleOptionViewItemV4 &option, float percentage) const { QStyle *style = option.widget ? option.widget->style() : QApplication::style(); // draw the background style->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &option, painter, option.widget); QPalette::ColorGroup cg = option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled ? QPalette::Normal : QPalette::Disabled; if (cg == QPalette::Normal && !(option.state & QStyle::State_Active)) cg = QPalette::Inactive; //Now draw our percentage thingy const QRect &rect = option.rect; int size = qMin(percentage,1.0f) * rect.width(); if(size > 2 ) { //make sure the line will have a width of more than 1 pixel painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); QColor color = option.palette.color(cg, QPalette::Link); color.setAlpha(50); painter->fillRect( rect.x(), rect.y(), size, rect.height(), color); } // draw the text if (!option.text.isEmpty()) { QRect textRect = style->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_ItemViewItemText, &option, option.widget); if (option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) { painter->setPen(option.palette.color(cg, QPalette::HighlightedText)); } else { painter->setPen(option.palette.color(cg, QPalette::Text)); } painter->setFont(option.font); QTextOption textOption; textOption.setWrapMode(QTextOption::ManualWrap); textOption.setTextDirection(option.direction); textOption.setAlignment(QStyle::visualAlignment(option.direction, option.displayAlignment)); painter->drawText(textRect, option.text, textOption); } // draw the focus rect if (option.state & QStyle::State_HasFocus) { QStyleOptionFocusRect o; o.QStyleOption::operator=(option); o.rect = style->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_ItemViewItemFocusRect, &option, option.widget); o.state |= QStyle::State_KeyboardFocusChange; o.state |= QStyle::State_Item; QPalette::ColorGroup cg = (option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled) ? QPalette::Normal : QPalette::Disabled; o.backgroundColor = option.palette.color(cg, (option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) ? QPalette::Highlight : QPalette::Window); style->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_FrameFocusRect, &o, painter, option.widget); } } }; struct KSysGuardProcessListPrivate { KSysGuardProcessListPrivate(KSysGuardProcessList* q, const QString &hostName) : mModel(q, hostName), mFilterModel(q), mUi(new Ui::ProcessWidget()), mProcessContextMenu(NULL), mUpdateTimer(NULL) { mNeedToExpandInit = false; mNumItemsSelected = -1; mResortCountDown = 2; //The items added initially will be already sorted, but without CPU info. On the second refresh we will have CPU usage, so /then/ we can resort renice = new KAction(i18np("Set Priority...", "Set Priority...", 1), q); renice->setShortcut(Qt::Key_F8); selectParent = new KAction(i18n("Jump to Parent Process"), q); selectTracer = new KAction(i18n("Jump to Process Debugging This One"), q); window = new KAction(i18n("Show Application Window"), q); resume = new KAction(i18n("Resume Stopped Process"), q); terminate = new KAction(i18np("End Process", "End Processes", 1), q); terminate->setIcon(KIcon("process-stop")); terminate->setShortcut(Qt::Key_Delete); kill = new KAction(i18np("Forcibly Kill Process", "Forcibly Kill Processes", 1), q); kill->setIcon(KIcon("process-stop")); kill->setShortcut(Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_Delete); sigStop = new KAction(i18n("Suspend (STOP)"), q); sigCont = new KAction(i18n("Continue (CONT)"), q); sigHup = new KAction(i18n("Hangup (HUP)"), q); sigInt = new KAction(i18n("Interrupt (INT)"), q); sigTerm = new KAction(i18n("Terminate (TERM)"), q); sigKill = new KAction(i18n("Kill (KILL)"), q); sigUsr1 = new KAction(i18n("User 1 (USR1)"), q); sigUsr2 = new KAction(i18n("User 2 (USR2)"), q); //Set up '/' as a shortcut to jump to the quick search text widget jumpToSearchFilter = new KAction(i18n("Focus on Quick Search"), q); jumpToSearchFilter->setShortcuts(QList() << QKeySequence::Find << '/'); } ~KSysGuardProcessListPrivate() { delete mUi; mUi = NULL; } /** The number rows and their children for the given parent in the mFilterModel model */ int totalRowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const; /** Helper function to setup 'action' with the given pids */ void setupKAuthAction(KAuth::Action *action, const QList & pids) const; /** fire a timer event if we are set to use our internal timer*/ void fireTimerEvent(); /** The process model. This contains all the data on all the processes running on the system */ ProcessModel mModel; /** The process filter. The mModel is connected to this, and this filter model connects to the view. This lets us * sort the view and filter (by using the combo box or the search line) */ ProcessFilter mFilterModel; /** The graphical user interface for this process list widget, auto-generated by Qt Designer */ Ui::ProcessWidget *mUi; /** The context menu when you right click on a process */ QMenu *mProcessContextMenu; /** A timer to call updateList() every mUpdateIntervalMSecs. * NULL is mUpdateIntervalMSecs is <= 0. */ QTimer *mUpdateTimer; /** The time to wait, in milliseconds, between updating the process list */ int mUpdateIntervalMSecs; /** Number of items that are selected */ int mNumItemsSelected; /** A counter to mark when to resort, so that we do not resort on every update */ int mResortCountDown; bool mNeedToExpandInit; KAction *renice; KAction *terminate; KAction *kill; KAction *selectParent; KAction *selectTracer; KAction *jumpToSearchFilter; KAction *window; KAction *resume; KAction *sigStop; KAction *sigCont; KAction *sigHup; KAction *sigInt; KAction *sigTerm; KAction *sigKill; KAction *sigUsr1; KAction *sigUsr2; }; KSysGuardProcessList::KSysGuardProcessList(QWidget* parent, const QString &hostName) : QWidget(parent), d(new KSysGuardProcessListPrivate(this, hostName)) { qRegisterMetaType >(); qDBusRegisterMetaType >(); d->mUpdateIntervalMSecs = 0; //Set process to not update manually by default d->mUi->setupUi(this); d->mFilterModel.setSourceModel(&d->mModel); d->mUi->treeView->setModel(&d->mFilterModel); #ifdef DO_MODELCHECK new ModelTest(&d->mModel, this); #endif d->mUi->treeView->setItemDelegate(new ProgressBarItemDelegate(d->mUi->treeView)); d->mUi->treeView->header()->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(d->mUi->treeView->header(), SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(showColumnContextMenu(QPoint))); d->mProcessContextMenu = new QMenu(d->mUi->treeView); d->mUi->treeView->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(d->mUi->treeView, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(showProcessContextMenu(QPoint))); d->mUi->treeView->header()->setClickable(true); d->mUi->treeView->header()->setSortIndicatorShown(true); d->mUi->treeView->header()->setCascadingSectionResizes(false); connect(d->mUi->btnKillProcess, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(killSelectedProcesses())); connect(d->mUi->txtFilter, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(filterTextChanged(QString))); connect(d->mUi->cmbFilter, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setStateInt(int))); connect(d->mUi->treeView, SIGNAL(expanded(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(expandAllChildren(QModelIndex))); connect(d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)), this, SLOT(selectionChanged())); connect(&d->mFilterModel, SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)), this, SLOT(rowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int))); connect(&d->mFilterModel, SIGNAL(rowsRemoved(QModelIndex,int,int)), this, SIGNAL(processListChanged())); setMinimumSize(sizeHint()); d->mFilterModel.setFilterKeyColumn(-1); /* Hide various columns by default, to reduce information overload */ d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingVmSize); d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingNiceness); d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingTty); d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingCommand); d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingPid); d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingCPUTime); d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingIoRead); d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingIoWrite); d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingXMemory); // NOTE! After this is all setup, the settings for the header are restored // from the user's last run. (in restoreHeaderState) // So making changes here only affects the default settings. To // test changes temporarily, comment out the lines in restoreHeaderState. // When you are happy with the changes and want to commit, increase the // value of PROCESSHEADERVERSION. This will force the header state // to be reset back to the defaults for all users. d->mUi->treeView->header()->resizeSection(ProcessModel::HeadingCPUUsage, d->mUi->treeView->header()->sectionSizeHint(ProcessModel::HeadingCPUUsage)); d->mUi->treeView->header()->resizeSection(ProcessModel::HeadingMemory, d->mUi->treeView->header()->sectionSizeHint(ProcessModel::HeadingMemory)); d->mUi->treeView->header()->resizeSection(ProcessModel::HeadingSharedMemory, d->mUi->treeView->header()->sectionSizeHint(ProcessModel::HeadingSharedMemory)); d->mUi->treeView->header()->setResizeMode(0, QHeaderView::Interactive); d->mUi->treeView->header()->setStretchLastSection(true); //Process names can have mixed case. Make the filter case insensitive. d->mFilterModel.setFilterCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); d->mFilterModel.setSortCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); d->mUi->txtFilter->installEventFilter(this); d->mUi->treeView->installEventFilter(this); d->mUi->treeView->setDragEnabled(true); d->mUi->treeView->setDragDropMode(QAbstractItemView::DragOnly); //Sort by username by default d->mUi->treeView->sortByColumn(ProcessModel::HeadingUser, Qt::AscendingOrder); // Add all the actions to the main widget, and get all the actions to call actionTriggered when clicked QSignalMapper *signalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this); QList actions; actions << d->renice << d->kill << d->terminate << d->selectParent << d->selectTracer << d->window << d->jumpToSearchFilter; actions << d->resume << d->sigStop << d->sigCont << d->sigHup << d->sigInt << d->sigTerm << d->sigKill << d->sigUsr1 << d->sigUsr2; foreach(QAction *action, actions) { addAction(action); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), signalMapper, SLOT(map())); signalMapper->setMapping(action, action); } connect(signalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(QObject*)), SLOT(actionTriggered(QObject*))); retranslateUi(); d->mUi->btnKillProcess->setIcon(KIcon("process-stop")); d->mUi->btnKillProcess->setToolTip(i18n("End the selected process. Warning - you may lose unsaved work.
Right click on a process to send other signals.
See What's This for technical information.
To target a specific window to kill, press Ctrl+Alt+Esc at any time.")); } KSysGuardProcessList::~KSysGuardProcessList() { delete d; } QTreeView *KSysGuardProcessList::treeView() const { return d->mUi->treeView; } QLineEdit *KSysGuardProcessList::filterLineEdit() const { return d->mUi->txtFilter; } ProcessFilter::State KSysGuardProcessList::state() const { return d->mFilterModel.filter(); } void KSysGuardProcessList::setStateInt(int state) { setState((ProcessFilter::State) state); d->mUi->treeView->scrollTo( d->mUi->treeView->currentIndex()); } void KSysGuardProcessList::setState(ProcessFilter::State state) { //index is the item the user selected in the combo box d->mFilterModel.setFilter(state); d->mModel.setSimpleMode( (state != ProcessFilter::AllProcessesInTreeForm) ); d->mUi->cmbFilter->setCurrentIndex( (int)state); if(isVisible()) expandInit(); } void KSysGuardProcessList::filterTextChanged(const QString &newText) { d->mFilterModel.setFilterRegExp(newText.trimmed()); if(isVisible()) expandInit(); d->mUi->btnKillProcess->setEnabled( d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->hasSelection() ); d->mUi->treeView->scrollTo( d->mUi->treeView->currentIndex()); } int KSysGuardProcessList::visibleProcessesCount() const { //This assumes that all the visible rows are processes. This is true currently, but might not be //true if we add support for showing threads etc if(d->mModel.isSimpleMode()) return d->mFilterModel.rowCount(); return d->totalRowCount(QModelIndex()); } int KSysGuardProcessListPrivate::totalRowCount(const QModelIndex &parent ) const { int numRows = mFilterModel.rowCount(parent); int total = numRows; for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) { QModelIndex index = mFilterModel.index(i, 0,parent); //if it has children add the total if (mFilterModel.hasChildren(index)) total += totalRowCount(index); } return total; } void KSysGuardProcessListPrivate::setupKAuthAction(KAuth::Action *action, const QList & pids) const { action->setHelperID("org.kde.ksysguard.processlisthelper"); int processCount = pids.count(); for(int i = 0; i < processCount; i++) { action->addArgument(QString("pid%1").arg(i), pids[i]); } action->addArgument("pidcount", processCount); } void KSysGuardProcessList::selectionChanged() { int numSelected = d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->selectedRows().size(); if(numSelected == d->mNumItemsSelected) return; d->mNumItemsSelected = numSelected; d->mUi->btnKillProcess->setEnabled( numSelected != 0 ); d->renice->setText(i18np("Set Priority...", "Set Priority...", numSelected)); d->kill->setText(i18np("Forcibly Kill Process", "Forcibly Kill Processes", numSelected)); d->terminate->setText(i18ncp("Context menu", "End Process", "End Processes", numSelected)); } void KSysGuardProcessList::showProcessContextMenu(const QModelIndex &index) { if(!index.isValid()) return; QRect rect = d->mUi->treeView->visualRect(index); QPoint point(rect.x() + rect.width()/4, rect.y() + rect.height()/2 ); showProcessContextMenu(point); } void KSysGuardProcessList::showProcessContextMenu(const QPoint &point) { d->mProcessContextMenu->clear(); QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); int numProcesses = selectedIndexes.size(); if(numProcesses == 0) { //No processes selected, so no process context menu //Check just incase we have no columns visible. In which case show the column context menu //so that users can unhide columns if there are no columns visible for(int i = 0; i < d->mFilterModel.columnCount(); ++i) { if(!d->mUi->treeView->header()->isSectionHidden(i)) return; } showColumnContextMenu(point); return; } QModelIndex realIndex = d->mFilterModel.mapToSource(selectedIndexes.at(0)); KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast (realIndex.internalPointer()); //If the selected process is a zombie, do not bother offering renice and kill options bool showSignalingEntries = numProcesses != 1 || process->status != KSysGuard::Process::Zombie; if(showSignalingEntries) { d->mProcessContextMenu->addAction(d->renice); QMenu *signalMenu = d->mProcessContextMenu->addMenu(i18n("Send Signal")); signalMenu->addAction(d->sigStop); signalMenu->addAction(d->sigCont); signalMenu->addAction(d->sigHup); signalMenu->addAction(d->sigInt); signalMenu->addAction(d->sigTerm); signalMenu->addAction(d->sigKill); signalMenu->addAction(d->sigUsr1); signalMenu->addAction(d->sigUsr2); } if(numProcesses == 1 && process->parent_pid > 1) { //As a design decision, I do not show the 'Jump to parent process' option when the //parent is just 'init'. KSysGuard::Process *parent_process = d->mModel.getProcess(process->parent_pid); if(parent_process) { //it should not be possible for this process to not exist, but check just incase QString parent_name = parent_process->name; if(parent_name.size() > 20) //Elide the text if it is too long parent_name = parent_process->name.left(15) + QString::fromUtf8("…"); d->selectParent->setText(i18n("Jump to Parent Process (%1)", parent_name)); d->mProcessContextMenu->addAction(d->selectParent); } } if(numProcesses == 1 && process->tracerpid >= 0) { //If the process is being debugged, offer to select it d->mProcessContextMenu->addAction(d->selectTracer); } if (numProcesses == 1 && !d->mModel.data(realIndex, ProcessModel::WindowIdRole).isNull()) { d->mProcessContextMenu->addAction(d->window); } if(numProcesses == 1 && process->status == KSysGuard::Process::Stopped) { //If the process is stopped, offer to resume it d->mProcessContextMenu->addAction(d->resume); } if (showSignalingEntries) { d->mProcessContextMenu->addSeparator(); d->mProcessContextMenu->addAction(d->terminate); if (numProcesses == 1 && !process->timeKillWasSent.isNull()) d->mProcessContextMenu->addAction(d->kill); } d->mProcessContextMenu->popup(d->mUi->treeView->viewport()->mapToGlobal(point)); } void KSysGuardProcessList::actionTriggered(QObject *object) { if(!isVisible()) //Ignore triggered actions if we are not visible! return; //Reset the text back to normal d->selectParent->setText(i18n("Jump to Parent Process")); QAction *result = qobject_cast(object); if(result == 0) { //Escape was pressed. Do nothing. } else if(result == d->renice) { reniceSelectedProcesses(); } else if(result == d->terminate) { sendSignalToSelectedProcesses(SIGTERM, true); } else if(result == d->kill) { sendSignalToSelectedProcesses(SIGKILL, true); } else if(result == d->selectParent) { QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); int numProcesses = selectedIndexes.size(); if(numProcesses == 0) return; //No processes selected QModelIndex realIndex = d->mFilterModel.mapToSource(selectedIndexes.at(0)); KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast (realIndex.internalPointer()); if(process) selectAndJumpToProcess(process->parent_pid); } else if(result == d->selectTracer) { QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); int numProcesses = selectedIndexes.size(); if(numProcesses == 0) return; //No processes selected QModelIndex realIndex = d->mFilterModel.mapToSource(selectedIndexes.at(0)); KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast (realIndex.internalPointer()); if(process) selectAndJumpToProcess(process->tracerpid); } else if(result == d->window) { QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); int numProcesses = selectedIndexes.size(); if(numProcesses == 0) return; //No processes selected foreach( const QModelIndex &index, selectedIndexes) { QModelIndex realIndex = d->mFilterModel.mapToSource(index); QVariant widVar= d->mModel.data(realIndex, ProcessModel::WindowIdRole); if( !widVar.isNull() ) { int wid = widVar.toInt(); KWindowSystem::activateWindow(wid); } } } else if(result == d->jumpToSearchFilter) { d->mUi->txtFilter->setFocus(); } else { int sig; if(result == d->resume || result == d->sigCont) sig = SIGCONT; //Despite the function name, this sends a signal, rather than kill it. Silly unix :) else if(result == d->sigStop) sig = SIGSTOP; else if(result == d->sigHup) sig = SIGHUP; else if(result == d->sigInt) sig = SIGINT; else if(result == d->sigTerm) sig = SIGTERM; else if(result == d->sigKill) sig = SIGKILL; else if(result == d->sigUsr1) sig = SIGUSR1; else if(result == d->sigUsr2) sig = SIGUSR2; else return; sendSignalToSelectedProcesses(sig, false); } } void KSysGuardProcessList::selectAndJumpToProcess(int pid) { KSysGuard::Process *process = d->mModel.getProcess(pid); if(!process) return; QModelIndex sourceIndex = d->mModel.getQModelIndex(process, 0); QModelIndex filterIndex = d->mFilterModel.mapFromSource( sourceIndex ); if(!filterIndex.isValid() && !d->mUi->txtFilter->text().isEmpty()) { //The filter is preventing us from finding the parent. Clear the filter //(It could also be the combo box - should we deal with that case as well?) d->mUi->txtFilter->clear(); filterIndex = d->mFilterModel.mapFromSource( sourceIndex ); } d->mUi->treeView->clearSelection(); d->mUi->treeView->setCurrentIndex(filterIndex); d->mUi->treeView->scrollTo( filterIndex, QAbstractItemView::PositionAtCenter); } void KSysGuardProcessList::showColumnContextMenu(const QPoint &point){ QMenu menu; QAction *action; int num_headings = d->mFilterModel.columnCount(); int index = d->mUi->treeView->header()->logicalIndexAt(point); if(index >= 0) { bool anyOtherVisibleColumns = false; for(int i = 0; i < num_headings; ++i) { if(i != index && !d->mUi->treeView->header()->isSectionHidden(i)) { anyOtherVisibleColumns = true; break; } } if(anyOtherVisibleColumns) { //selected a column. Give the option to hide it action = new QAction(&menu); action->setData(-index-1); //We set data to be negative (and minus 1) to hide a column, and positive to show a column action->setText(i18n("Hide Column '%1'", d->mFilterModel.headerData(index, Qt::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole).toString())); menu.addAction(action); if(d->mUi->treeView->header()->sectionsHidden()) { menu.addSeparator(); } } } if(d->mUi->treeView->header()->sectionsHidden()) { for(int i = 0; i < num_headings; ++i) { if(d->mUi->treeView->header()->isSectionHidden(i)) { #ifndef HAVE_XRES if(i == ProcessModel::HeadingXMemory) continue; #endif action = new QAction(&menu); action->setText(i18n("Show Column '%1'", d->mFilterModel.headerData(i, Qt::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole).toString())); action->setData(i); //We set data to be negative (and minus 1) to hide a column, and positive to show a column menu.addAction(action); } } } QAction *actionAuto = NULL; QAction *actionKB = NULL; QAction *actionMB = NULL; QAction *actionGB = NULL; QAction *actionPercentage = NULL; QAction *actionShowCmdlineOptions = NULL; QAction *actionShowTooltips = NULL; QAction *actionNormalizeCPUUsage = NULL; QAction *actionIoCharacters = NULL; QAction *actionIoSyscalls = NULL; QAction *actionIoActualCharacters = NULL; QAction *actionIoShowRate = NULL; bool showIoRate = false; if(index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoRead || index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoWrite) showIoRate = d->mModel.ioInformation() == ProcessModel::BytesRate || d->mModel.ioInformation() == ProcessModel::SyscallsRate || d->mModel.ioInformation() == ProcessModel::ActualBytesRate; if( index == ProcessModel::HeadingVmSize || index == ProcessModel::HeadingMemory || index == ProcessModel::HeadingXMemory || index == ProcessModel::HeadingSharedMemory || ( (index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoRead || index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoWrite) && d->mModel.ioInformation() != ProcessModel::Syscalls)) { //If the user right clicks on a column that contains a memory size, show a toggle option for displaying //the memory in different units. e.g. "2000 k" or "2 m" menu.addSeparator()->setText(i18n("Display Units")); QActionGroup *unitsGroup = new QActionGroup(&menu); /* Automatic (human readable)*/ actionAuto = new QAction(&menu); actionAuto->setText(i18n("Mixed")); actionAuto->setCheckable(true); menu.addAction(actionAuto); unitsGroup->addAction(actionAuto); /* Kilobytes */ actionKB = new QAction(&menu); actionKB->setText((showIoRate)?i18n("Kilobytes per second"):i18n("Kilobytes")); actionKB->setCheckable(true); menu.addAction(actionKB); unitsGroup->addAction(actionKB); /* Megabytes */ actionMB = new QAction(&menu); actionMB->setText((showIoRate)?i18n("Megabytes per second"):i18n("Megabytes")); actionMB->setCheckable(true); menu.addAction(actionMB); unitsGroup->addAction(actionMB); /* Gigabytes */ actionGB = new QAction(&menu); actionGB->setText((showIoRate)?i18n("Gigabytes per second"):i18n("Gigabytes")); actionGB->setCheckable(true); menu.addAction(actionGB); unitsGroup->addAction(actionGB); ProcessModel::Units currentUnit; if(index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoRead || index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoWrite) { currentUnit = d->mModel.ioUnits(); } else { actionPercentage = new QAction(&menu); actionPercentage->setText(i18n("Percentage")); actionPercentage->setCheckable(true); menu.addAction(actionPercentage); unitsGroup->addAction(actionPercentage); currentUnit = d->mModel.units(); } switch(currentUnit) { case ProcessModel::UnitsAuto: actionAuto->setChecked(true); break; case ProcessModel::UnitsKB: actionKB->setChecked(true); break; case ProcessModel::UnitsMB: actionMB->setChecked(true); break; case ProcessModel::UnitsGB: actionGB->setChecked(true); break; case ProcessModel::UnitsPercentage: actionPercentage->setChecked(true); break; default: break; } unitsGroup->setExclusive(true); } else if(index == ProcessModel::HeadingName) { menu.addSeparator(); actionShowCmdlineOptions = new QAction(&menu); actionShowCmdlineOptions->setText(i18n("Display command line options")); actionShowCmdlineOptions->setCheckable(true); actionShowCmdlineOptions->setChecked(d->mModel.isShowCommandLineOptions()); menu.addAction(actionShowCmdlineOptions); } else if(index == ProcessModel::HeadingCPUUsage) { menu.addSeparator(); actionNormalizeCPUUsage = new QAction(&menu); actionNormalizeCPUUsage->setText(i18n("Divide CPU usage by number of CPUs")); actionNormalizeCPUUsage->setCheckable(true); actionNormalizeCPUUsage->setChecked(d->mModel.isNormalizedCPUUsage()); menu.addAction(actionNormalizeCPUUsage); } if(index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoRead || index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoWrite) { menu.addSeparator()->setText(i18n("Displayed Information")); QActionGroup *ioInformationGroup = new QActionGroup(&menu); actionIoCharacters = new QAction(&menu); actionIoCharacters->setText(i18n("Characters read/written")); actionIoCharacters->setCheckable(true); menu.addAction(actionIoCharacters); ioInformationGroup->addAction(actionIoCharacters); actionIoSyscalls = new QAction(&menu); actionIoSyscalls->setText(i18n("Number of Read/Write operations")); actionIoSyscalls->setCheckable(true); menu.addAction(actionIoSyscalls); ioInformationGroup->addAction(actionIoSyscalls); actionIoActualCharacters = new QAction(&menu); actionIoActualCharacters->setText(i18n("Bytes actually read/written")); actionIoActualCharacters->setCheckable(true); menu.addAction(actionIoActualCharacters); ioInformationGroup->addAction(actionIoActualCharacters); actionIoShowRate = new QAction(&menu); actionIoShowRate->setText(i18n("Show I/O rate")); actionIoShowRate->setCheckable(true); actionIoShowRate->setChecked(showIoRate); menu.addAction(actionIoShowRate); switch(d->mModel.ioInformation()) { case ProcessModel::Bytes: case ProcessModel::BytesRate: actionIoCharacters->setChecked(true); break; case ProcessModel::Syscalls: case ProcessModel::SyscallsRate: actionIoSyscalls->setChecked(true); break; case ProcessModel::ActualBytes: case ProcessModel::ActualBytesRate: actionIoActualCharacters->setChecked(true); break; default: break; } } menu.addSeparator(); actionShowTooltips = new QAction(&menu); actionShowTooltips->setCheckable(true); actionShowTooltips->setChecked(d->mModel.isShowingTooltips()); actionShowTooltips->setText(i18n("Show Tooltips")); menu.addAction(actionShowTooltips); QAction *result = menu.exec(d->mUi->treeView->header()->mapToGlobal(point)); if(!result) return; //Menu cancelled if(result == actionAuto) { if(index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoRead || index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoWrite) d->mModel.setIoUnits(ProcessModel::UnitsAuto); else d->mModel.setUnits(ProcessModel::UnitsAuto); return; } else if(result == actionKB) { if(index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoRead || index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoWrite) d->mModel.setIoUnits(ProcessModel::UnitsKB); else d->mModel.setUnits(ProcessModel::UnitsKB); return; } else if(result == actionMB) { if(index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoRead || index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoWrite) d->mModel.setIoUnits(ProcessModel::UnitsMB); else d->mModel.setUnits(ProcessModel::UnitsMB); return; } else if(result == actionGB) { if(index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoRead || index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoWrite) d->mModel.setIoUnits(ProcessModel::UnitsGB); else d->mModel.setUnits(ProcessModel::UnitsGB); return; } else if(result == actionPercentage) { d->mModel.setUnits(ProcessModel::UnitsPercentage); return; } else if(result == actionShowCmdlineOptions) { d->mModel.setShowCommandLineOptions(actionShowCmdlineOptions->isChecked()); return; } else if(result == actionNormalizeCPUUsage) { d->mModel.setNormalizedCPUUsage(actionNormalizeCPUUsage->isChecked()); return; } else if(result == actionShowTooltips) { d->mModel.setShowingTooltips(actionShowTooltips->isChecked()); return; } else if(result == actionIoCharacters) { d->mModel.setIoInformation((showIoRate)?ProcessModel::BytesRate:ProcessModel::Bytes); return; } else if(result == actionIoSyscalls) { d->mModel.setIoInformation((showIoRate)?ProcessModel::SyscallsRate:ProcessModel::Syscalls); return; } else if(result == actionIoActualCharacters) { d->mModel.setIoInformation((showIoRate)?ProcessModel::ActualBytesRate:ProcessModel::ActualBytes); return; } else if(result == actionIoShowRate) { showIoRate = actionIoShowRate->isChecked(); switch(d->mModel.ioInformation()) { case ProcessModel::Bytes: case ProcessModel::BytesRate: d->mModel.setIoInformation((showIoRate)?ProcessModel::BytesRate:ProcessModel::Bytes); break; case ProcessModel::Syscalls: case ProcessModel::SyscallsRate: d->mModel.setIoInformation((showIoRate)?ProcessModel::SyscallsRate:ProcessModel::Syscalls); break; case ProcessModel::ActualBytes: case ProcessModel::ActualBytesRate: d->mModel.setIoInformation((showIoRate)?ProcessModel::ActualBytesRate:ProcessModel::ActualBytes); break; default: break; } } int i = result->data().toInt(); //We set data to be negative to hide a column, and positive to show a column if(i < 0) d->mUi->treeView->hideColumn(-1-i); else { d->mUi->treeView->showColumn(i); updateList(); d->mUi->treeView->resizeColumnToContents(i); d->mUi->treeView->resizeColumnToContents(d->mFilterModel.columnCount()); } menu.deleteLater(); } void KSysGuardProcessList::expandAllChildren(const QModelIndex &parent) { //This is called when the user expands a node. This then expands all of its //children. This will trigger this function again recursively. QModelIndex sourceParent = d->mFilterModel.mapToSource(parent); for(int i = 0; i < d->mModel.rowCount(sourceParent); i++) { d->mUi->treeView->expand(d->mFilterModel.mapFromSource(d->mModel.index(i,0, sourceParent))); } } void KSysGuardProcessList::rowsInserted(const QModelIndex & parent, int start, int end ) { if(d->mModel.isSimpleMode() || parent.isValid()) { emit processListChanged(); return; //No tree or not a root node - no need to expand init } disconnect(&d->mFilterModel, SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)), this, SLOT(rowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int))); //It is a root node that we just inserted - expand it bool expanded = false; for(int i = start; i <= end; i++) { QModelIndex index = d->mFilterModel.index(i, 0, QModelIndex()); if(!d->mUi->treeView->isExpanded(index)) { if(!expanded) { disconnect(d->mUi->treeView, SIGNAL(expanded(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(expandAllChildren(QModelIndex))); expanded = true; } d->mUi->treeView->expand(index); d->mNeedToExpandInit = true; } } if(expanded) connect(d->mUi->treeView, SIGNAL(expanded(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(expandAllChildren(QModelIndex))); connect(&d->mFilterModel, SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)), this, SLOT(rowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int))); emit processListChanged(); } void KSysGuardProcessList::expandInit() { if(d->mModel.isSimpleMode()) return; //No tree - no need to expand init bool expanded = false; for(int i = 0; i < d->mFilterModel.rowCount(QModelIndex()); i++) { QModelIndex index = d->mFilterModel.index(i, 0, QModelIndex()); if(!d->mUi->treeView->isExpanded(index)) { if(!expanded) { disconnect(d->mUi->treeView, SIGNAL(expanded(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(expandAllChildren(QModelIndex))); expanded = true; } d->mUi->treeView->expand(index); } } if(expanded) connect(d->mUi->treeView, SIGNAL(expanded(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(expandAllChildren(QModelIndex))); } void KSysGuardProcessList::hideEvent ( QHideEvent * event ) //virtual protected from QWidget { //Stop updating the process list if we are hidden if(d->mUpdateTimer) d->mUpdateTimer->stop(); QWidget::hideEvent(event); } void KSysGuardProcessList::showEvent ( QShowEvent * event ) //virtual protected from QWidget { //Start updating the process list again if we are shown again updateList(); QHeaderView *header = d->mUi->treeView->header(); d->mUi->treeView->sortByColumn(header->sortIndicatorSection(), header->sortIndicatorOrder()); QWidget::showEvent(event); } void KSysGuardProcessList::changeEvent( QEvent * event ) { if (event->type() == QEvent::LanguageChange) { d->mModel.retranslateUi(); d->mUi->retranslateUi(this); retranslateUi(); } QWidget::changeEvent(event); } void KSysGuardProcessList::retranslateUi() { d->mUi->cmbFilter->setItemIcon(ProcessFilter::AllProcesses, KIcon("view-process-all")); d->mUi->cmbFilter->setItemIcon(ProcessFilter::AllProcessesInTreeForm, KIcon("view-process-all-tree")); d->mUi->cmbFilter->setItemIcon(ProcessFilter::SystemProcesses, KIcon("view-process-system")); d->mUi->cmbFilter->setItemIcon(ProcessFilter::UserProcesses, KIcon("view-process-users")); d->mUi->cmbFilter->setItemIcon(ProcessFilter::OwnProcesses, KIcon("view-process-own")); d->mUi->cmbFilter->setItemIcon(ProcessFilter::ProgramsOnly, KIcon("view-process-all")); } void KSysGuardProcessList::updateList() { if(isVisible()) { KSysGuard::Processes::UpdateFlags updateFlags = KSysGuard::Processes::StandardInformation; if(!d->mUi->treeView->isColumnHidden(ProcessModel::HeadingIoRead) || !d->mUi->treeView->isColumnHidden(ProcessModel::HeadingIoWrite)) updateFlags |= KSysGuard::Processes::IOStatistics; if(!d->mUi->treeView->isColumnHidden(ProcessModel::HeadingXMemory)) updateFlags |= KSysGuard::Processes::XMemory; d->mModel.update(d->mUpdateIntervalMSecs, updateFlags); if(d->mUpdateTimer) d->mUpdateTimer->start(d->mUpdateIntervalMSecs); emit updated(); if (QToolTip::isVisible() && qApp->topLevelAt(QCursor::pos()) == window()) { QWidget *w = d->mUi->treeView->viewport(); if(w->geometry().contains(d->mUi->treeView->mapFromGlobal( QCursor::pos() ))) { QHelpEvent event(QEvent::ToolTip, w->mapFromGlobal( QCursor::pos() ), QCursor::pos()); qApp->notify(w, &event); } } if(--d->mResortCountDown <= 0) { d->mResortCountDown = 2; //resort every second time //resort now QHeaderView *header= d->mUi->treeView->header(); d->mUi->treeView->sortByColumn(header->sortIndicatorSection(), header->sortIndicatorOrder()); } if( d->mNeedToExpandInit ) { expandInit(); d->mNeedToExpandInit = false; } } } int KSysGuardProcessList::updateIntervalMSecs() const { return d->mUpdateIntervalMSecs; } void KSysGuardProcessList::setUpdateIntervalMSecs(int intervalMSecs) { if(intervalMSecs == d->mUpdateIntervalMSecs) return; d->mUpdateIntervalMSecs = intervalMSecs; if(intervalMSecs <= 0) { //no point keep the timer around if we aren't updating automatically delete d->mUpdateTimer; d->mUpdateTimer = NULL; return; } if(!d->mUpdateTimer) { //intervalMSecs is a valid time, so set up a timer d->mUpdateTimer = new QTimer(this); d->mUpdateTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(d->mUpdateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(updateList())); if(isVisible()) d->mUpdateTimer->start(d->mUpdateIntervalMSecs); } else d->mUpdateTimer->setInterval(d->mUpdateIntervalMSecs); } bool KSysGuardProcessList::reniceProcesses(const QList &pids, int niceValue) { QList< long long> unreniced_pids; for (int i = 0; i < pids.size(); ++i) { bool success = d->mModel.processController()->setNiceness(pids.at(i), niceValue); if(!success) { unreniced_pids << pids.at(i); } } if(unreniced_pids.isEmpty()) return true; //All processes were reniced successfully if(!d->mModel.isLocalhost()) return false; //We can't use kauth to renice non-localhost processes KAuth::Action *action = new KAuth::Action("org.kde.ksysguard.processlisthelper.renice"); action->setParentWidget(window()); d->setupKAuthAction( action, unreniced_pids); action->addArgument("nicevalue", niceValue); KAuth::ActionReply reply = action->execute(); if (reply == KAuth::ActionReply::SuccessReply) { updateList(); delete action; } else if (reply != KAuth::ActionReply::UserCancelled && reply != KAuth::ActionReply::AuthorizationDenied) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("You do not have the permission to renice the process and there " "was a problem trying to run as root. Error %1 %2", reply.errorCode(), reply.errorDescription())); delete action; return false; } return true; } QList KSysGuardProcessList::selectedProcesses() const { QList processes; QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); for(int i = 0; i < selectedIndexes.size(); ++i) { KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast (d->mFilterModel.mapToSource(selectedIndexes.at(i)).internalPointer()); processes << process; } return processes; } void KSysGuardProcessList::reniceSelectedProcesses() { QList pids; QPointer reniceDlg; { QList processes = selectedProcesses(); QStringList selectedAsStrings; if (processes.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("You must select a process first.")); return; } int sched = -2; int iosched = -2; foreach(KSysGuard::Process *process, processes) { pids << process->pid; selectedAsStrings << d->mModel.getStringForProcess(process); if(sched == -2) sched = (int)process->scheduler; else if(sched != -1 && sched != (int)process->scheduler) sched = -1; //If two processes have different schedulers, disable the cpu scheduler stuff if(iosched == -2) iosched = (int)process->ioPriorityClass; else if(iosched != -1 && iosched != (int)process->ioPriorityClass) iosched = -1; //If two processes have different schedulers, disable the cpu scheduler stuff } int firstPriority = processes.first()->niceLevel; int firstIOPriority = processes.first()->ioniceLevel; bool supportsIoNice = d->mModel.processController()->supportsIoNiceness(); if(!supportsIoNice) { iosched = -2; firstIOPriority = -2; } reniceDlg = new ReniceDlg(d->mUi->treeView, selectedAsStrings, firstPriority, sched, firstIOPriority, iosched); if(reniceDlg->exec() == QDialog::Rejected) { delete reniceDlg; return; } } //Because we've done into ReniceDlg, which calls processEvents etc, our processes list is no //longer valid QList renicePids; QList changeCPUSchedulerPids; QList changeIOSchedulerPids; foreach (long long pid, pids) { KSysGuard::Process *process = d->mModel.getProcess(pid); if (!process) continue; switch(reniceDlg->newCPUSched) { case -2: case -1: //Invalid, not changed etc. break; //So do nothing case KSysGuard::Process::Other: case KSysGuard::Process::Fifo: if(reniceDlg->newCPUSched != (int)process->scheduler) { changeCPUSchedulerPids << pid; renicePids << pid; } else if(reniceDlg->newCPUPriority != process->niceLevel) renicePids << pid; break; case KSysGuard::Process::RoundRobin: case KSysGuard::Process::Batch: if(reniceDlg->newCPUSched != (int)process->scheduler || reniceDlg->newCPUPriority != process->niceLevel) { changeCPUSchedulerPids << pid; } break; } switch(reniceDlg->newIOSched) { case -2: case -1: //Invalid, not changed etc. break; //So do nothing case KSysGuard::Process::None: if(reniceDlg->newIOSched != (int)process->ioPriorityClass) { // Unfortunately linux doesn't actually let us set the ioniceness back to none after being set to something else if(process->ioPriorityClass != KSysGuard::Process::BestEffort || reniceDlg->newIOPriority != process->ioniceLevel) changeIOSchedulerPids << pid; } break; case KSysGuard::Process::Idle: if(reniceDlg->newIOSched != (int)process->ioPriorityClass) { changeIOSchedulerPids << pid; } break; case KSysGuard::Process::BestEffort: if(process->ioPriorityClass == KSysGuard::Process::None && reniceDlg->newIOPriority == (process->niceLevel + 20)/5) break; //Don't set to BestEffort if it's on None and the nicelevel wouldn't change case KSysGuard::Process::RealTime: if(reniceDlg->newIOSched != (int)process->ioPriorityClass || reniceDlg->newIOPriority != process->ioniceLevel) { changeIOSchedulerPids << pid; } break; } } if(!changeCPUSchedulerPids.isEmpty()) { Q_ASSERT(reniceDlg->newCPUSched >= 0); if(!changeCpuScheduler(changeCPUSchedulerPids, (KSysGuard::Process::Scheduler) reniceDlg->newCPUSched, reniceDlg->newCPUPriority)) { delete reniceDlg; return; } } if(!renicePids.isEmpty()) { Q_ASSERT(reniceDlg->newCPUPriority <= 20 && reniceDlg->newCPUPriority >= -20); if(!reniceProcesses(renicePids, reniceDlg->newCPUPriority)) { delete reniceDlg; return; } } if(!changeIOSchedulerPids.isEmpty()) { if(!changeIoScheduler(changeIOSchedulerPids, (KSysGuard::Process::IoPriorityClass) reniceDlg->newIOSched, reniceDlg->newIOPriority)) { delete reniceDlg; return; } } delete reniceDlg; updateList(); } bool KSysGuardProcessList::changeIoScheduler(const QList< long long> &pids, KSysGuard::Process::IoPriorityClass newIoSched, int newIoSchedPriority) { if(newIoSched == KSysGuard::Process::None) newIoSched = KSysGuard::Process::BestEffort; if(newIoSched == KSysGuard::Process::Idle) newIoSchedPriority = 0; QList< long long> unchanged_pids; for (int i = 0; i < pids.size(); ++i) { bool success = d->mModel.processController()->setIoNiceness(pids.at(i), newIoSched, newIoSchedPriority); if(!success) { unchanged_pids << pids.at(i); } } if(unchanged_pids.isEmpty()) return true; if(!d->mModel.isLocalhost()) return false; //We can't use kauth to affect non-localhost processes KAuth::Action *action = new KAuth::Action("org.kde.ksysguard.processlisthelper.changeioscheduler"); action->setParentWidget(window()); d->setupKAuthAction( action, unchanged_pids); action->addArgument("ioScheduler", (int)newIoSched); action->addArgument("ioSchedulerPriority", newIoSchedPriority); KAuth::ActionReply reply = action->execute(); if (reply == KAuth::ActionReply::SuccessReply) { updateList(); delete action; } else if (reply != KAuth::ActionReply::UserCancelled && reply != KAuth::ActionReply::AuthorizationDenied) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("You do not have the permission to change the I/O priority of the process and there " "was a problem trying to run as root. Error %1 %2", reply.errorCode(), reply.errorDescription())); delete action; return false; } return true; } bool KSysGuardProcessList::changeCpuScheduler(const QList< long long> &pids, KSysGuard::Process::Scheduler newCpuSched, int newCpuSchedPriority) { if(newCpuSched == KSysGuard::Process::Other || newCpuSched == KSysGuard::Process::Batch) newCpuSchedPriority = 0; QList< long long> unchanged_pids; for (int i = 0; i < pids.size(); ++i) { bool success = d->mModel.processController()->setScheduler(pids.at(i), newCpuSched, newCpuSchedPriority); if(!success) { unchanged_pids << pids.at(i); } } if(unchanged_pids.isEmpty()) return true; if(!d->mModel.isLocalhost()) return false; //We can't use KAuth to affect non-localhost processes KAuth::Action *action = new KAuth::Action("org.kde.ksysguard.processlisthelper.changecpuscheduler"); action->setParentWidget(window()); d->setupKAuthAction( action, unchanged_pids); action->addArgument("cpuScheduler", (int)newCpuSched); action->addArgument("cpuSchedulerPriority", newCpuSchedPriority); KAuth::ActionReply reply = action->execute(); if (reply == KAuth::ActionReply::SuccessReply) { updateList(); delete action; } else if (reply != KAuth::ActionReply::UserCancelled && reply != KAuth::ActionReply::AuthorizationDenied) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("You do not have the permission to change the CPU Scheduler for the process and there " "was a problem trying to run as root. Error %1 %2", reply.errorCode(), reply.errorDescription())); delete action; return false; } return true; } bool KSysGuardProcessList::killProcesses(const QList< long long> &pids, int sig) { QList< long long> unkilled_pids; for (int i = 0; i < pids.size(); ++i) { bool success = d->mModel.processController()->sendSignal(pids.at(i), sig); // If we failed due to a reason other than insufficient permissions, elevating to root can't // help us if(!success && (d->mModel.processController()->lastError() == KSysGuard::Processes::InsufficientPermissions || d->mModel.processController()->lastError() == KSysGuard::Processes::Unknown)) { unkilled_pids << pids.at(i); } } if(unkilled_pids.isEmpty()) return true; if(!d->mModel.isLocalhost()) return false; //We can't elevate privileges to kill non-localhost processes KAuth::Action action("org.kde.ksysguard.processlisthelper.sendsignal"); action.setParentWidget(window()); d->setupKAuthAction( &action, unkilled_pids); action.addArgument("signal", sig); KAuth::ActionReply reply = action.execute(); if (reply == KAuth::ActionReply::SuccessReply) { updateList(); } else if (reply.type() == KAuth::ActionReply::HelperError) { if (reply.errorCode() > 0) KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("You do not have the permission to kill the process and there " "was a problem trying to run as root. %1", reply.errorDescription())); return false; } else if (reply != KAuth::ActionReply::UserCancelled && reply != KAuth::ActionReply::AuthorizationDenied) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("You do not have the permission to kill the process and there " "was a problem trying to run as root. Error %1 %2", reply.errorCode(), reply.errorDescription())); return false; } return true; } void KSysGuardProcessList::killSelectedProcesses() { sendSignalToSelectedProcesses(SIGTERM, true); } void KSysGuardProcessList::sendSignalToSelectedProcesses(int sig, bool confirm) { QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); QStringList selectedAsStrings; QList< long long> selectedPids; QList processes = selectedProcesses(); foreach(KSysGuard::Process *process, processes) { selectedPids << process->pid; if (!confirm) continue; QString name = d->mModel.getStringForProcess(process); if(name.size() > 100) name = name.left(95) + QString::fromUtf8("…"); selectedAsStrings << name; } if (selectedPids.isEmpty()) { if (confirm) KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("You must select a process first.")); return; } else if (confirm && (sig == SIGTERM || sig == SIGKILL)) { int count = selectedAsStrings.count(); QString msg; QString title; QString dontAskAgainKey; QString closeButton; if (sig == SIGTERM) { msg = i18np("Are you sure you want to end this process? Any unsaved work may be lost.", "Are you sure you want to end these %1 processes? Any unsaved work may be lost", count); title = i18ncp("Dialog title", "End Process", "End %1 Processes", count); dontAskAgainKey = "endconfirmation"; closeButton = i18n("End"); } else if (sig == SIGKILL) { msg = i18np("Are you sure you want to immediately and forcibly kill this process? Any unsaved work may be lost.", "Are you sure you want to immediately and forcibly kill these %1 processes? Any unsaved work may be lost", count); title = i18ncp("Dialog title", "Forcibly Kill Process", "Forcibly Kill %1 Processes", count); dontAskAgainKey = "killconfirmation"; closeButton = i18n("Kill"); } int res = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancelList(this, msg, selectedAsStrings, title, KGuiItem(closeButton, "process-stop"), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), dontAskAgainKey); if (res != KMessageBox::Continue) return; } //We have shown a GUI dialog box, which processes events etc. //So processes is NO LONGER VALID if (!killProcesses(selectedPids, sig)) return; if (sig == SIGTERM || sig == SIGKILL) { foreach (long long pid, selectedPids) { KSysGuard::Process *process = d->mModel.getProcess(pid); if (process) process->timeKillWasSent.start(); d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->clearSelection(); } } updateList(); } bool KSysGuardProcessList::showTotals() const { return d->mModel.showTotals(); } void KSysGuardProcessList::setShowTotals(bool showTotals) //slot { d->mModel.setShowTotals(showTotals); } ProcessModel::Units KSysGuardProcessList::units() const { return d->mModel.units(); } void KSysGuardProcessList::setUnits(ProcessModel::Units unit) { d->mModel.setUnits(unit); } void KSysGuardProcessList::saveSettings(KConfigGroup &cg) { /* Note that the ksysguard program does not use these functions. It saves the settings itself to an xml file instead */ cg.writeEntry("units", (int)(units())); cg.writeEntry("ioUnits", (int)(d->mModel.ioUnits())); cg.writeEntry("ioInformation", (int)(d->mModel.ioInformation())); cg.writeEntry("showCommandLineOptions", d->mModel.isShowCommandLineOptions()); cg.writeEntry("normalizeCPUUsage", d->mModel.isNormalizedCPUUsage()); cg.writeEntry("showTooltips", d->mModel.isShowingTooltips()); cg.writeEntry("showTotals", showTotals()); cg.writeEntry("filterState", (int)(state())); cg.writeEntry("updateIntervalMSecs", updateIntervalMSecs()); cg.writeEntry("headerState", d->mUi->treeView->header()->saveState()); //If we change, say, the header between versions of ksysguard, then the old headerState settings will not be valid. //The version property lets us keep track of which version we are cg.writeEntry("version", PROCESSHEADERVERSION); } void KSysGuardProcessList::loadSettings(const KConfigGroup &cg) { /* Note that the ksysguard program does not use these functions. It saves the settings itself to an xml file instead */ setUnits((ProcessModel::Units) cg.readEntry("units", (int)ProcessModel::UnitsKB)); d->mModel.setIoUnits((ProcessModel::Units) cg.readEntry("ioUnits", (int)ProcessModel::UnitsKB)); d->mModel.setIoInformation((ProcessModel::IoInformation) cg.readEntry("ioInformation", (int)ProcessModel::ActualBytesRate)); d->mModel.setShowCommandLineOptions(cg.readEntry("showCommandLineOptions", false)); d->mModel.setNormalizedCPUUsage(cg.readEntry("normalizeCPUUsage", true)); d->mModel.setShowingTooltips(cg.readEntry("showTooltips", true)); setShowTotals(cg.readEntry("showTotals", true)); setStateInt(cg.readEntry("filterState", (int)ProcessFilter::AllProcesses)); setUpdateIntervalMSecs(cg.readEntry("updateIntervalMSecs", 2000)); int version = cg.readEntry("version", 0); if(version == PROCESSHEADERVERSION) { //If the header has changed, the old settings are no longer valid. Only restore if version is the same restoreHeaderState(cg.readEntry("headerState", QByteArray())); } } void KSysGuardProcessList::restoreHeaderState(const QByteArray & state) { d->mUi->treeView->header()->restoreState(state); } bool KSysGuardProcessList::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast(event); if(obj == d->mUi->treeView) { if(keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Return) { d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->select(d->mUi->treeView->currentIndex(), QItemSelectionModel::Select | QItemSelectionModel::Rows); showProcessContextMenu(d->mUi->treeView->currentIndex()); return true; } else if(keyEvent->matches(QKeySequence::MoveToPreviousLine) || keyEvent->matches(QKeySequence::SelectPreviousLine) || keyEvent->matches(QKeySequence::MoveToPreviousPage) || keyEvent->matches(QKeySequence::SelectPreviousPage)) { if (d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->selectedRows().size() == 1 && d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->selectedRows().first().row() == 0) { // when first row is selected, pressing up or pgup moves to the textfield d->mUi->txtFilter->setFocus(); return true; } } else if (!keyEvent->text().isEmpty() && keyEvent->key() != Qt::Key_Tab) { // move to textfield and forward keyevent if user starts typing from treeview d->mUi->txtFilter->setFocus(); QApplication::sendEvent(d->mUi->txtFilter, event); return true; } } else { Q_ASSERT(obj == d->mUi->txtFilter); if (d->mUi->treeView->model()->rowCount() == 0) { // treeview is empty, do nothing return false; } if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Return) { // pressing enter will send enter to the first row in the list // the focusin eventfilter will make sure the first row is selected if there was // no previous selection d->mUi->treeView->setFocus(); QApplication::sendEvent(d->mUi->treeView, event); return true; } else if(keyEvent->matches(QKeySequence::MoveToNextLine) || keyEvent->matches(QKeySequence::SelectNextLine) || keyEvent->matches(QKeySequence::MoveToNextPage) || keyEvent->matches(QKeySequence::SelectNextPage)) { // attempting to move down by down-key or pgdown, or pressing enter will move focus // to the treeview d->mUi->treeView->setFocus(); return true; } } } else if (event->type() == QEvent::FocusIn) { if (obj == d->mUi->treeView && !d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->hasSelection()) { // treeview is focused, but there is no current selection. select the first row d->mUi->treeView->setCurrentIndex(d->mUi->treeView->model()->index(0, 0)); } else if (obj == d->mUi->txtFilter) { // text field is focused, so clear treeview selection to communicate that you will not // interact with any elements in the view until the view is focused explicitly d->mUi->treeView->setCurrentIndex(QModelIndex()); } } return false; } ProcessModel *KSysGuardProcessList::processModel() { return &d->mModel; } void KSysGuardProcessList::setKillButtonVisible(bool visible) { d->mUi->btnKillProcess->setVisible(visible); } bool KSysGuardProcessList::isKillButtonVisible() const { return d->mUi->btnKillProcess->isVisible(); }