/* Shutdown dialog Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 2000 Steffen Hansen Copyright (C) 2000-2003,2005 Oswald Buddenhagen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kdmshutdown.h" #include "kdm_greet.h" #include "utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int KDMShutdownBase::curPlugin = -1; PluginList KDMShutdownBase::pluginList; KDMShutdownBase::KDMShutdownBase(int _uid, QWidget *_parent) : inherited(_parent) , box(new QVBoxLayout(this)) #ifdef HAVE_VTS , willShut(true) #endif , mayNuke(false) , doesNuke(false) , mayOk(true) , maySched(false) , rootlab(0) , verify(0) , needRoot(-1) , uid(_uid) { } KDMShutdownBase::~KDMShutdownBase() { hide(); delete verify; } void KDMShutdownBase::complete(QWidget *prevWidget) { QSizePolicy fp(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); if (uid && ((willShut && _allowShutdown == SHUT_ROOT) || (mayNuke && _allowNuke == SHUT_ROOT))) { rootlab = new QLabel(i18n("Root authorization required."), this); box->addWidget(rootlab); if (curPlugin < 0) { curPlugin = 0; pluginList = KGVerify::init(_pluginsShutdown); } verify = new KGStdVerify(this, this, prevWidget, "root", pluginList, KGreeterPlugin::Authenticate, KGreeterPlugin::Shutdown); verify->selectPlugin(curPlugin); box->addLayout(verify->getLayout()); QAction *action = new QAction(this); action->setShortcut(Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_A); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotActivatePlugMenu())); } box->addWidget(new KSeparator(Qt::Horizontal, this)); QBoxLayout *hlay = new QHBoxLayout(); box->addLayout(hlay); hlay->addStretch(1); if (mayOk) { okButton = new KPushButton(KStandardGuiItem::ok(), this); okButton->setSizePolicy(fp); okButton->setDefault(true); hlay->addWidget(okButton); hlay->addStretch(1); connect(okButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(accept())); } if (maySched) { KPushButton *schedButton = new KPushButton(KGuiItem(i18nc("@action:inmenu verb", "&Schedule...")), this); schedButton->setSizePolicy(fp); hlay->addWidget(schedButton); hlay->addStretch(1); connect(schedButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotSched())); } cancelButton = new KPushButton(KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), this); cancelButton->setSizePolicy(fp); if (!mayOk) cancelButton->setDefault(true); hlay->addWidget(cancelButton); hlay->addStretch(1); connect(cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(reject())); updateNeedRoot(); adjustSize(); layout()->activate(); } void KDMShutdownBase::slotActivatePlugMenu() { if (needRoot) { QMenu *cmnu = verify->getPlugMenu(); if (!cmnu) return; QSize sh(cmnu->sizeHint() / 2); cmnu->exec(geometry().center() - QPoint(sh.width(), sh.height())); } } void KDMShutdownBase::accept() { if (needRoot == 1) verify->accept(); else accepted(); } void KDMShutdownBase::slotSched() { done(Schedule); } void KDMShutdownBase::updateNeedRoot() { int nNeedRoot = uid && (((willShut && _allowShutdown == SHUT_ROOT) || (_allowNuke == SHUT_ROOT && doesNuke))); if (verify && nNeedRoot != needRoot) { if (needRoot == 1) verify->abort(); needRoot = nNeedRoot; rootlab->setEnabled(needRoot); verify->setEnabled(needRoot); if (needRoot) verify->start(); } } void KDMShutdownBase::accepted() { inherited::done(needRoot ? (int)Authed : (int)Accepted); } void KDMShutdownBase::verifyPluginChanged(int id) { curPlugin = id; adjustSize(); } void KDMShutdownBase::verifyOk() { accepted(); } void KDMShutdownBase::verifyFailed() { okButton->setEnabled(false); cancelButton->setEnabled(false); } void KDMShutdownBase::verifyRetry() { okButton->setEnabled(true); cancelButton->setEnabled(true); } void KDMShutdownBase::verifySetUser(const QString &) { } static void doShutdown(int type, const QString &os) { gSet(1); gSendInt(G_Shutdown); gSendInt(type); gSendInt(0); gSendInt(0); gSendInt(SHUT_FORCE); gSendInt(0); /* irrelevant, will timeout immediately anyway */ gSendStr(os.toUtf8().data()); gSet(0); } static bool getBootOptions(QStringList *options, int *defaultTarget, int *oldTarget) { bool ret = false; gSet(1); gSendInt(G_ListBootOpts); if (gRecvInt() == BO_OK) { *options = qStringList(gRecvStrArr(0)); *defaultTarget = gRecvInt(); *oldTarget = gRecvInt(); ret = true; } gSet(0); return ret; } KDMShutdown::KDMShutdown(int _uid, QWidget *_parent) : inherited(_uid, _parent) { QSizePolicy fp(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); QHBoxLayout *hlay = new QHBoxLayout(); box->addLayout(hlay); howGroup = new QGroupBox(i18n("Shutdown Type"), this); hlay->addWidget(howGroup, 0, Qt::AlignTop); QRadioButton *rb; rb = new KDMRadioButton(i18n("&Turn off computer"), howGroup); rb->setChecked(true); rb->setFocus(); restart_rb = new KDMRadioButton(i18n("&Restart computer"), howGroup); QBoxLayout *hwlay = new QVBoxLayout(howGroup); hwlay->addWidget(rb); hwlay->addWidget(restart_rb); connect(rb, SIGNAL(doubleClicked()), SLOT(accept())); connect(restart_rb, SIGNAL(doubleClicked()), SLOT(accept())); QStringList options; int defaultTarget; if (getBootOptions(&options, &defaultTarget, &oldTarget)) { /* XXX show dialog on failure */ targets = new QComboBox(); targets->addItems(options); targets->setCurrentIndex(oldTarget == -1 ? defaultTarget : oldTarget); QHBoxLayout *hb = new QHBoxLayout(); hwlay->addLayout(hb); hb->addSpacing( style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ExclusiveIndicatorWidth) + hb->spacing()); hb->addWidget(targets); connect(targets, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(slotTargetChanged())); } howGroup->setSizePolicy(fp); schedGroup = new QGroupBox(i18nc("@title:group ... of shutdown", "Scheduling"), this); hlay->addWidget(schedGroup, 0, Qt::AlignTop); le_start = new QLineEdit(schedGroup); QLabel *lab1 = new QLabel(i18n("&Start:"), schedGroup); lab1->setBuddy(le_start); le_timeout = new QLineEdit(schedGroup); QLabel *lab2 = new QLabel(i18n("T&imeout:"), schedGroup); lab2->setBuddy(le_timeout); cb_force = new QCheckBox(i18n("&Force after timeout"), schedGroup); if (_allowNuke != SHUT_NONE) { connect(cb_force, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotWhenChanged())); mayNuke = true; } else { cb_force->setEnabled(false); } QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout(schedGroup); grid->addWidget(lab1, 0, 0, Qt::AlignRight); grid->addWidget(le_start, 0, 1); grid->addWidget(lab2, 1, 0, Qt::AlignRight); grid->addWidget(le_timeout, 1, 1); grid->addWidget(cb_force, 2, 0, 1, 2); schedGroup->setSizePolicy(fp); le_start->setText("0"); if (_defSdMode == SHUT_SCHEDULE) { le_timeout->setText("-1"); } else { le_timeout->setText("0"); if (_defSdMode == SHUT_FORCENOW && cb_force->isEnabled()) cb_force->setChecked(true); } complete(schedGroup); } static int getDate(const char *str) { KProcess prc; prc.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::OnlyStdoutChannel); prc << "/bin/date" << "+%s" << "-d" << str; if (prc.execute()) return -1; return prc.readAll().simplified().toInt(); } void KDMShutdown::accept() { if (le_start->text() == "0" || le_start->text() == "now") { sch_st = time(0); } else if (le_start->text()[0] == '+') { sch_st = time(0) + le_start->text().toInt(); } else if ((sch_st = getDate(le_start->text().toLatin1())) < 0) { KFMsgBox::box(this, errorbox, i18n("Entered start date is invalid.")); le_start->setFocus(); return; } if (le_timeout->text() == "-1" || le_timeout->text().startsWith("inf")) { sch_to = TO_INF; } else if (le_timeout->text()[0] == '+') { sch_to = sch_st + le_timeout->text().toInt(); } else if ((sch_to = getDate(le_timeout->text().toLatin1())) < 0) { KFMsgBox::box(this, errorbox, i18n("Entered timeout date is invalid.")); le_timeout->setFocus(); return; } inherited::accept(); } void KDMShutdown::slotTargetChanged() { restart_rb->setChecked(true); } void KDMShutdown::slotWhenChanged() { doesNuke = cb_force->isChecked(); updateNeedRoot(); } void KDMShutdown::accepted() { gSet(1); gSendInt(G_Shutdown); gSendInt(restart_rb->isChecked() ? SHUT_REBOOT : SHUT_HALT); gSendInt(sch_st); gSendInt(sch_to); gSendInt(cb_force->isChecked() ? SHUT_FORCE : SHUT_CANCEL); gSendInt(_allowShutdown == SHUT_ROOT ? 0 : -2); gSendStr((restart_rb->isChecked() && targets && targets->currentIndex() != oldTarget) ? targets->currentText().toLocal8Bit().data() : 0); gSet(0); inherited::accepted(); } void KDMShutdown::scheduleShutdown(QWidget *_parent) { gSet(1); gSendInt(G_QueryShutdown); int how = gRecvInt(); int start = gRecvInt(); int timeout = gRecvInt(); int force = gRecvInt(); int uid = gRecvInt(); char *os = gRecvStr(); gSet(0); if (how) { int ret = KDMCancelShutdown(how, start, timeout, force, uid, os, _parent).exec(); if (!ret) return; doShutdown(0, 0); uid = ret == Authed ? 0 : -1; } else { uid = -1; } free(os); KDMShutdown(uid, _parent).exec(); } KDMRadioButton::KDMRadioButton(const QString &label, QWidget *parent) : inherited(label, parent) { } void KDMRadioButton::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *) { emit doubleClicked(); } KDMDelayedPushButton::KDMDelayedPushButton(const KGuiItem &item, QWidget *parent) : inherited(item, parent) { popt.setSingleShot(true); popt.setInterval(style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_ToolButton_PopupDelay, 0, this)); } void KDMDelayedPushButton::setDelayedMenu(QMenu *p) { setMenu(p); disconnect(this, 0, this, 0); // Internal button -> popup connection if (p) { connect(this, SIGNAL(pressed()), &popt, SLOT(start())); connect(this, SIGNAL(released()), &popt, SLOT(stop())); connect(&popt, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(showMenu())); } } KDMSlimShutdown::KDMSlimShutdown(QWidget *_parent) : inherited(_parent) { QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout(this); QFrame *lfrm = new QFrame(this); hbox->addWidget(lfrm, Qt::AlignCenter); QLabel *icon = new QLabel(lfrm); icon->setPixmap(QPixmap(KStandardDirs::locate("data", "kdm/pics/shutdown.png"))); icon->setFixedSize(icon->sizeHint()); lfrm->setFixedSize(icon->sizeHint()); QVBoxLayout *buttonlay = new QVBoxLayout(); hbox->addLayout(buttonlay); buttonlay->addStretch(1); KPushButton *btnHalt = new KPushButton(KGuiItem(i18n("&Turn Off Computer"), "system-shutdown"), this); buttonlay->addWidget(btnHalt); connect(btnHalt, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotHalt())); buttonlay->addSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()); KDMDelayedPushButton *btnReboot = new KDMDelayedPushButton(KGuiItem(i18n("&Restart Computer"), "system-reboot"), this); buttonlay->addWidget(btnReboot); connect(btnReboot, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotReboot())); int dummy, cur; if (getBootOptions(&targetList, &dummy, &cur)) { QMenu *targets = new QMenu(this); for (int i = 0; i < targetList.size(); i++) (targets->addAction(i == cur ? i18nc("current option in boot loader", "%1 (current)", targetList[i]) : targetList[i]))->setData(i); btnReboot->setDelayedMenu(targets); connect(targets, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), SLOT(slotReboot(QAction*))); } buttonlay->addStretch(1); if (_scheduledSd != SHUT_NEVER) { KPushButton *btnSched = new KPushButton(KGuiItem(i18nc("@action:button verb", "&Schedule...")), this); buttonlay->addWidget(btnSched); connect(btnSched, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotSched())); buttonlay->addStretch(1); } buttonlay->addWidget(new KSeparator(this)); buttonlay->addSpacing(0); KPushButton *btnBack = new KPushButton(KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), this); buttonlay->addWidget(btnBack); connect(btnBack, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(reject())); buttonlay->addSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()); } void KDMSlimShutdown::slotSched() { reject(); KDMShutdown::scheduleShutdown(); } void KDMSlimShutdown::slotHalt() { if (checkShutdown(SHUT_HALT, 0)) doShutdown(SHUT_HALT, 0); } void KDMSlimShutdown::slotReboot() { if (checkShutdown(SHUT_REBOOT, 0)) doShutdown(SHUT_REBOOT, 0); } void KDMSlimShutdown::slotReboot(QAction *action) { int opt = action->data().toInt(); if (checkShutdown(SHUT_REBOOT, targetList[opt])) doShutdown(SHUT_REBOOT, targetList[opt]); } bool KDMSlimShutdown::checkShutdown(int type, const QString &os) { reject(); QList sess = fetchSessions(lstRemote | lstTTY); if (sess.isEmpty() && _allowShutdown != SHUT_ROOT) return true; int ret = KDMConfShutdown(-1, sess, type, os).exec(); if (ret == Schedule) { KDMShutdown::scheduleShutdown(); return false; } return ret; } void KDMSlimShutdown::externShutdown(int type, const QString &os, int uid, bool ask) { QList sess = fetchSessions(lstRemote | lstTTY); if (ask || !sess.isEmpty() || (uid && _allowShutdown == SHUT_ROOT)) { int ret = KDMConfShutdown(uid, sess, type, os).exec(); if (ret == Schedule) { KDMShutdown(uid).exec(); return; } else if (!ret) { return; } } doShutdown(type, os); } #define SHUT_CONSOLE_HELP I18N_NOOP(\ "
Switching to console mode will terminate all local X servers and" \ " leave you with console logins only. Graphical mode is automatically" \ " resumed 10 seconds after the last console session ends or after" \ " 40 seconds if no-one logs in in the first place.
") KDMConfShutdown::KDMConfShutdown(int _uid, const QList &sessions, int type, const QString &os, QWidget *_parent) : inherited(_uid, _parent) { #ifdef HAVE_VTS if (type == SHUT_CONSOLE) willShut = false; #endif QLabel *lbl = new QLabel(QString("
" "%1%2" "
" #ifdef HAVE_VTS "%3" #endif "
") .arg((type == SHUT_HALT) ? i18n("Turn Off Computer") : #ifdef HAVE_VTS (type == SHUT_CONSOLE) ? i18n("Switch to Console") : #endif i18n("Restart Computer")) .arg(!os.isEmpty() ? i18n("
(Next boot: %1)", os) : QString()) #ifdef HAVE_VTS .arg((type == SHUT_CONSOLE) ? i18n(SHUT_CONSOLE_HELP) : QString()) #endif ); lbl->setWordWrap(true); box->addWidget(lbl); if (!sessions.isEmpty()) { if (willShut && _scheduledSd != SHUT_NEVER) maySched = true; mayNuke = doesNuke = true; if (_allowNuke == SHUT_NONE) mayOk = false; QLabel *lab = new QLabel(mayOk ? i18n("Abort active sessions:") : i18n("No permission to abort active sessions:"), this); box->addWidget(lab); QTreeWidget *lv = new QTreeWidget(this); lv->setRootIsDecorated(false); lv->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::NoSelection); lv->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); lv->setUniformRowHeights(true); lv->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); lv->setColumnCount(2); lv->setHeaderLabels(QStringList() << i18nc("@title:column", "Session") << i18nc("@title:column ... of session", "Location")); int ns = 0; QString user, loc; foreach (const DpySpec &sess, sessions) { decodeSession(sess, user, loc); new QTreeWidgetItem(lv, QStringList() << user << loc); ns++; } int fw = lv->frameWidth() * 2; int hh = lv->header()->sizeHint().height(); int ih = lv->itemDelegate()->sizeHint( QStyleOptionViewItem(), lv->model()->index(0, 0)).height(); lv->setFixedHeight(fw + hh + ih * (ns < 3 ? 3 : ns > 10 ? 10 : ns)); box->addWidget(lv); complete(lv); int cw[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) cw[i] = qMax(static_cast(lv)->sizeHintForColumn(i), lv->header()->sectionSizeHint(i)); int w = lv->maximumViewportSize().width(), w2 = w / 2; int m = (w < cw[0] + cw[1]) ? (cw[0] + (w - cw[1])) / 2 : (cw[0] > w2) ? cw[0] : (cw[1] > w2) ? (w - cw[1]) : w2; lv->header()->resizeSection(0, m); } else { complete(0); } } KDMCancelShutdown::KDMCancelShutdown(int how, int start, int timeout, int force, int uid, const QString &os, QWidget *_parent) : inherited(-1, _parent) { if (force == SHUT_FORCE) { if (_allowNuke == SHUT_NONE) mayOk = false; else if (_allowNuke == SHUT_ROOT) mayNuke = doesNuke = true; } QLabel *lab = new QLabel(mayOk ? i18n("Cancel pending shutdown:") : i18n("No permission to cancel pending shutdown:"), this); box->addWidget(lab); QDateTime qdt; QString strt, end; if (start < time(0)) { strt = i18nc("start of shutdown:", "now"); } else { qdt.setTime_t(start); strt = qdt.toString(Qt::LocalDate); } if (timeout == TO_INF) { end = i18nc("timeout of shutdown:", "infinite"); } else { qdt.setTime_t(timeout); end = qdt.toString(Qt::LocalDate); } QString trg = i18n("Owner: %1" "\nType: %2%5" "\nStart: %3" "\nTimeout: %4", uid == -2 ? i18nc("owner of shutdown:", "console user") : uid == -1 ? i18nc("owner of shutdown:", "control socket") : KUser(uid).loginName() , how == SHUT_HALT ? i18n("turn off computer") : i18n("restart computer") , strt, end , !os.isEmpty() ? i18n("\nNext boot: %1", os) : QString()); if (timeout != TO_INF) trg += i18n("\nAfter timeout: %1", force == SHUT_FORCE ? i18nc("after timeout:", "abort all sessions") : force == SHUT_FORCEMY ? i18nc("after timeout:", "abort own sessions") : i18nc("after timeout:", "cancel shutdown")); lab = new QLabel(trg, this); box->addWidget(lab); complete(0); } #include "kdmshutdown.moc"