/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2000,2002 Carsten Pfeiffer 2000 Malte Starostik This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "textcreator.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { KDE_EXPORT ThumbCreator *new_creator() { return new TextCreator; } } TextCreator::TextCreator() : m_data(0), m_dataSize(0) { } TextCreator::~TextCreator() { delete [] m_data; } static QTextCodec *codecFromContent(const char *data, int dataSize) { #if 0 // ### Use this when KEncodingProber does not return junk encoding for UTF-8 data) KEncodingProber prober; prober.feed(data, dataSize); return QTextCodec::codecForName(prober.encoding()); #else QByteArray ba = QByteArray::fromRawData(data, dataSize); // try to detect UTF text, fall back to locale default (which is usually UTF-8) return QTextCodec::codecForUtfText(ba, KGlobal::locale()->codecForEncoding()); #endif } bool TextCreator::create(const QString &path, int width, int height, QImage &img) { bool ok = false; // determine some sizes... // example: width: 60, height: 64 QSize pixmapSize( width, height ); if (height * 3 > width * 4) pixmapSize.setHeight( width * 4 / 3 ); else pixmapSize.setWidth( height * 3 / 4 ); if ( pixmapSize != m_pixmap.size() ) m_pixmap = QPixmap( pixmapSize ); // one pixel for the rectangle, the rest. whitespace int xborder = 1 + pixmapSize.width()/16; // minimum x-border int yborder = 1 + pixmapSize.height()/16; // minimum y-border // this font is supposed to look good at small sizes QFont font = KGlobalSettings::smallestReadableFont(); font.setPixelSize( qMax(7, qMin( 10, ( pixmapSize.height() - 2 * yborder ) / 16 ) ) ); QFontMetrics fm( font ); // calculate a better border so that the text is centered int canvasWidth = pixmapSize.width() - 2*xborder; int canvasHeight = pixmapSize.height() - 2*yborder; int numLines = (int) ( canvasHeight / fm.height() ); // assumes an average line length of <= 120 chars const int bytesToRead = 120 * numLines; // create text-preview QFile file( path ); if ( file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly )) { if ( !m_data || m_dataSize < bytesToRead + 1 ) { delete [] m_data; m_data = new char[bytesToRead+1]; m_dataSize = bytesToRead + 1; } int read = file.read( m_data, bytesToRead ); if ( read > 0 ) { ok = true; m_data[read] = '\0'; QString text = codecFromContent( m_data, read )->toUnicode( m_data, read ).trimmed(); // FIXME: maybe strip whitespace and read more? // If the text contains tabs or consecutive spaces, it is probably // formatted using white space. Use a fixed pitch font in this case. QStringList textLines = text.split( '\n' ); foreach ( const QString &line, textLines ) { QString trimmedLine = line.trimmed(); if ( trimmedLine.contains( '\t' ) || trimmedLine.contains( " " ) ) { font.setFamily( KGlobalSettings::fixedFont().family() ); break; } } #if 0 QPalette palette; QColor bgColor = palette.color( QPalette::Base ); QColor fgColor = palette.color( QPalette::Text ); if ( qGray( bgColor.rgb() ) > qGray( fgColor.rgb() ) ) { bgColor = bgColor.darker( 103 ); } else { bgColor = bgColor.lighter( 103 ); } #else QColor bgColor = QColor ( 245, 245, 245 ); // light-grey background QColor fgColor = Qt::black; #endif m_pixmap.fill( bgColor ); QRect rect; QPainter painter( &m_pixmap ); painter.setFont( font ); painter.setPen( fgColor ); QTextOption textOption( Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft ); textOption.setTabStop( 8 * painter.fontMetrics().width( ' ' ) ); textOption.setWrapMode( QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere ); painter.drawText( QRect( xborder, yborder, canvasWidth, canvasHeight ), text, textOption ); painter.end(); img = m_pixmap.toImage(); } file.close(); } return ok; } ThumbCreator::Flags TextCreator::flags() const { return (Flags)(DrawFrame | BlendIcon); }