/* * Copyright (C) 2003 by Unai Garro * Copyright (C) 2004 by Enrico Ros * Copyright (C) 2004 by Stephan Kulow * Copyright (C) 2004 by Oswald Buddenhagen * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kdmthemer.h" #include "kdmitem.h" #include "kdmpixmap.h" #include "kdmrect.h" #include "kdmlist.h" #include "kdmlabel.h" #include "kdmbutton.h" #include // debug stuff #include // kfmsgbox #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * KdmThemer. The main theming interface */ KdmThemer::KdmThemer(const QString &_filename, const QMap &showTypes, QWidget *w) : QObject() , m_showTypes(showTypes) , rootItem(0) , m_geometryOutdated(true) , m_geometryInvalid(true) , m_widget(0) { // read the XML file and create DOM tree QString filename = _filename; if (!::access(QFile::encodeName(filename + "/KdmGreeterTheme.desktop"), R_OK)) { KConfig _cfg(filename + "/KdmGreeterTheme.desktop", KConfig::SimpleConfig); KConfigGroup cfg(&_cfg, "KdmGreeterTheme"); filename += '/' + cfg.readEntry("Greeter"); } QFile opmlFile(filename); if (!opmlFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { KFMsgBox::box(w, errorbox, i18n("Cannot open theme file %1" , filename)); return; } QDomDocument domTree; if (!domTree.setContent(&opmlFile)) { KFMsgBox::box(w, errorbox, i18n("Cannot parse theme file %1" , filename)); return; } // generate all the items defined in the theme const QDomElement &theme = domTree.documentElement(); // Get its tag, and check it's correct ("greeter") if (theme.tagName() != "greeter") { KFMsgBox::box(w, errorbox, i18n("%1 does not seem to be a correct theme file" , filename)); return; } // Set the root (screen) item rootItem = new KdmRect(this, theme); basedir = QFileInfo(filename).absolutePath(); generateItems(rootItem, theme); } KdmThemer::~KdmThemer() { } void KdmThemer::setWidget(QWidget *w) { if ((m_widget = w)) { rootItem->updateVisible(); m_widget->setStyle(rootItem->style.guistyle); m_widget->setPalette(rootItem->style.palette); m_widget->setFont(rootItem->style.font.font); rootItem->plugActions(); } } KdmItem * KdmThemer::findNode(const QString &item) const { return rootItem->findChild(item); } void KdmThemer::slotNeedPlacement() { m_geometryOutdated = m_geometryInvalid = true; if (widget()) widget()->update(); } void KdmThemer::slotNeedPlugging() { if (widget()) rootItem->plugActions(); } void KdmThemer::update(int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (widget()) widget()->update(x, y, w, h); } // BEGIN other functions void KdmThemer::widgetEvent(QEvent *e) { if (!rootItem) return; switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::MouseMove: { QMouseEvent *me = static_cast(e); rootItem->mouseEvent(me->x(), me->y()); break; } case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: { QMouseEvent *me = static_cast(e); rootItem->mouseEvent(me->x(), me->y(), true); break; } case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: { QMouseEvent *me = static_cast(e); rootItem->mouseEvent(me->x(), me->y(), false, true); break; } case QEvent::Resize: m_geometryOutdated = true; widget()->update(); break; case QEvent::Paint: if (m_geometryOutdated) { debug() << "==== updating geometry ===="; QStack ps; QRect rect(QPoint(0, 0), widget()->size()); rootItem->setGeometry(ps, rect, m_geometryInvalid); if (debugLevel & DEBUG_THEMING) showStructure(); m_geometryOutdated = m_geometryInvalid = false; } { QRect paintRect = static_cast(e)->rect(); //kDebug() << "paint on: " << paintRect; QPainter p(widget()); rootItem->paint(&p, paintRect, false, true); rootItem->showWidget(); } break; default: break; } } void KdmThemer::paintBackground(QPainter *p, const QRect &rect, bool primaryScreen) { debug() << "==== setting background geometry ===="; QStack ps; rootItem->setGeometry(ps, rect, true); rootItem->paint(p, rect, true, primaryScreen); } void KdmThemer::generateItems(KdmItem *parent, const QDomNode &node) { /* * Go through each of the child nodes */ const QDomNodeList &subnodeList = node.childNodes(); for (int nod = 0; nod < subnodeList.count(); nod++) { QDomNode subnode = subnodeList.item(nod); QDomElement el = subnode.toElement(); QString tagName = el.tagName(); if (tagName == "item") { QString type = el.attribute("type"); KdmItem *newItem; if (type == "label") { newItem = new KdmLabel(parent, subnode); } else if (type == "button") { newItem = new KdmButton(parent, subnode); } else if (type == "pixmap") { newItem = new KdmPixmap(parent, subnode); } else if (type == "rect") { newItem = new KdmRect(parent, subnode); } else if (type == "entry") { //newItem = new KdmEntry(parent, subnode); newItem = new KdmRect(parent, subnode); newItem->setType(type); } else if (type == "list") { newItem = new KdmList(parent, subnode); } else if (type == "svg") { newItem = new KdmPixmap(parent, subnode); } else { continue; } if (!newItem->isVisible()) { delete newItem; continue; } connect(newItem, SIGNAL(needUpdate(int,int,int,int)), SLOT(update(int,int,int,int))); connect(newItem, SIGNAL(needPlacement()), SLOT(slotNeedPlacement())); connect(newItem, SIGNAL(needPlugging()), SLOT(slotNeedPlugging())); connect(newItem, SIGNAL(activated(QString)), SIGNAL(activated(QString))); generateLayouts(newItem, subnode); } } } void KdmThemer::generateLayouts(KdmItem *parent, const QDomNode &node) { const QDomNodeList &subnodeList = node.childNodes(); for (int nod = 0; nod < subnodeList.count(); nod++) { QDomNode subnode = subnodeList.item(nod); QString tagName = subnode.toElement().tagName(); if (tagName == "box") { parent->setBoxLayout(subnode); generateItems(parent, subnode); } else if (tagName == "fixed") { parent->setFixedLayout(subnode); generateItems(parent, subnode); } } } void KdmThemer::showStructure() { QDebug(QtDebugMsg) << "======= item tree ======="; rootItem->showStructure(QString()); } void KdmThemer::setTypeVisible(const QString &t, bool show) { m_showTypes[t] = show; rootItem->updateVisible(); } #include "kdmthemer.moc"