/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2004 Esben Mose Hansen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "popupproxy.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "historyitem.h" #include "history.h" #include "klipperpopup.h" PopupProxy::PopupProxy( KlipperPopup* parent, int menu_height, int menu_width ) : QObject( parent ), m_proxy_for_menu( parent ), m_spill_uuid(), m_menu_height( menu_height ), m_menu_width( menu_width ) { if (!parent->history()->empty()) { m_spill_uuid = parent->history()->first()->uuid(); } connect( parent->history(), SIGNAL(changed()), SLOT(slotHistoryChanged()) ); connect(m_proxy_for_menu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), parent->history(), SLOT(slotMoveToTop(QAction*))); } void PopupProxy::slotHistoryChanged() { deleteMoreMenus(); } void PopupProxy::deleteMoreMenus() { const KMenu* myParent = parent(); if ( myParent != m_proxy_for_menu ) { KMenu* delme = m_proxy_for_menu; m_proxy_for_menu = static_cast( m_proxy_for_menu->parent() ); while ( m_proxy_for_menu != myParent ) { delme = m_proxy_for_menu; m_proxy_for_menu = static_cast( m_proxy_for_menu->parent() ); } // We are called probably from within the menus event-handler (triggered=>slotMoveToTop=>changed=>slotHistoryChanged=>deleteMoreMenus) // what can result in a crash if we just delete the menu here (#155196 and #165154) So, delay the delete. delme->deleteLater(); } } int PopupProxy::buildParent( int index, const QRegExp& filter ) { deleteMoreMenus(); // Start from top of history (again) m_spill_uuid = parent()->history()->empty() ? QByteArray() : parent()->history()->first()->uuid(); if ( filter.isValid() ) { m_filter = filter; } return insertFromSpill( index ); } KlipperPopup* PopupProxy::parent() { return static_cast( QObject::parent() ); } void PopupProxy::slotAboutToShow() { insertFromSpill(); } void PopupProxy::tryInsertItem( HistoryItem const * const item, int& remainingHeight, const int index ) { QAction *action = new QAction(m_proxy_for_menu); QPixmap image( item->image() ); if ( image.isNull() ) { // Squeeze text strings so that do not take up the entire screen (or more) QString text = m_proxy_for_menu->fontMetrics().elidedText( item->text().simplified(), Qt::ElideMiddle, m_menu_width ); text.replace( '&', "&&" ); action->setText(text); } else { #if 0 // not used because QAction#setIcon does not respect this size; it does scale anyway. TODO: find a way to set a bigger image const QSize max_size( m_menu_width,m_menu_height/4 ); if ( image.height() > max_size.height() || image.width() > max_size.width() ) { image = image.scaled( max_size, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation ); } #endif action->setIcon(QIcon(image)); } action->setData(item->uuid()); // if the m_proxy_for_menu is a submenu (aka a "More" menu) then it may the case, that there is no other action in that menu yet. QAction *before = index < m_proxy_for_menu->actions().count() ? m_proxy_for_menu->actions().at(index) : 0; // insert the new action to the m_proxy_for_menu m_proxy_for_menu->insertAction(before, action); // Determine height of a menu item. QStyleOptionMenuItem style_options; // It would be much easier to use QMenu::initStyleOptions. But that is protected, so until we have a better // excuse to subclass that, I'd rather implement this manually. // Note 2 properties, tabwidth and maxIconWidth, are not available from the public interface, so those are left out (probably not // important for height. Also, Exlsive checkType is disregarded as I don't think we will ever use it) style_options.initFrom(m_proxy_for_menu); style_options.checkType = action->isCheckable() ? QStyleOptionMenuItem::NonExclusive : QStyleOptionMenuItem::NotCheckable; style_options.checked = action->isChecked(); style_options.font = action->font(); style_options.icon = action->icon(); style_options.menuHasCheckableItems = true; style_options.menuRect = m_proxy_for_menu->rect(); style_options.text = action->text(); int font_height = QFontMetrics(m_proxy_for_menu->fontMetrics()).height(); int itemheight = m_proxy_for_menu->style()->sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_MenuItem, &style_options, QSize( 0, font_height ), m_proxy_for_menu).height(); // Subtract the used height remainingHeight -= itemheight; } int PopupProxy::insertFromSpill( int index ) { const History* history = parent()->history(); // This menu is going to be filled, so we don't need the aboutToShow() // signal anymore disconnect( m_proxy_for_menu, 0, this, 0 ); // Insert history items into the current m_proxy_for_menu, // discarding any that doesn't match the current filter. // stop when the total number of items equal m_itemsPerMenu; int count = 0; int remainingHeight = m_menu_height - m_proxy_for_menu->sizeHint().height(); const HistoryItem* item = history->find(m_spill_uuid); if (!item) { return count; } do { if ( m_filter.indexIn( item->text() ) != -1) { tryInsertItem( item, remainingHeight, index++ ); count++; } item = history->find(item->next_uuid()); } while ( item && history->first() != item && remainingHeight >= 0); m_spill_uuid = item->uuid(); // If there is more items in the history, insert a new "More..." menu and // make *this a proxy for that menu ('s content). if (history->first() && m_spill_uuid != history->first()->uuid()) { KMenu* moreMenu = new KMenu(i18n("&More"), m_proxy_for_menu); connect(moreMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), SLOT(slotAboutToShow())); QAction *before = index < m_proxy_for_menu->actions().count() ? m_proxy_for_menu->actions().at(index) : 0; m_proxy_for_menu->insertMenu(before, moreMenu); m_proxy_for_menu = moreMenu; } // Return the number of items inserted. return count; } #include "moc_popupproxy.cpp"