KWinDesktopConfigForm 0 0 572 310 0 0 Desktops Layout QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow Here you can set how many virtual desktops you want on your KDE desktop. Number of desktops: numberSpinBox Here you can set how many virtual desktops you want on your KDE desktop. 1 20 4 true Number of rows: rowsSpinBox true Desktop Names Qt::Vertical 20 40 Switching Enable this option if you want keyboard or active desktop border navigation beyond the edge of a desktop to take you to the opposite edge of the new desktop. Desktop navigation wraps around Desktop Effect Animation QFormLayout::ExpandingFieldsGrow Animation: effectComboBox 0 0 0 0 Desktop Switch On-Screen Display true false QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow Duration: popupHideSpinBox msec 5000 50 Enabling this option will show a small preview of the desktop layout indicating the selected desktop. Show desktop layout indicators Shortcuts QFrame::NoFrame QFrame::Plain 0 Show shortcuts for all possible desktops KIntSpinBox QSpinBox
KPushButton QPushButton
KComboBox QComboBox
KWin::DesktopNamesWidget QWidget
1 numberChanged(int)
numberSpinBox valueChanged(int) desktopNames numberChanged(int) 327 144 326 209