/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2005 Daniel Teske Copyright (C) 2010 David Faure This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or at your option version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "model.h" #include "treeitem_p.h" #include "commands.h" #include "commandhistory.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class KBookmarkModel::Private { public: Private(KBookmarkModel* qq, const KBookmark& root, CommandHistory* commandHistory) : q(qq), mRoot(root), mCommandHistory(commandHistory), mInsertionData(0), mIgnoreNext(0) { mRootItem = new TreeItem(root, 0); } ~Private() { delete mRootItem; mRootItem = 0; } void _kd_slotBookmarksChanged(const QString &groupAddress, const QString &caller = QString()); KBookmarkModel* q; TreeItem * mRootItem; KBookmark mRoot; CommandHistory* mCommandHistory; class InsertionData { public: InsertionData(const QModelIndex& parent, int first, int last) : mFirst(first), mLast(last) { mParentItem = static_cast(parent.internalPointer()); } void insertChildren() { mParentItem->insertChildren(mFirst, mLast); } TreeItem* mParentItem; int mFirst; int mLast; }; InsertionData* mInsertionData; int mIgnoreNext; }; KBookmarkModel::KBookmarkModel(const KBookmark& root, CommandHistory* commandHistory, QObject* parent) : QAbstractItemModel(parent), d(new Private(this, root, commandHistory)) { connect(commandHistory, SIGNAL(notifyCommandExecuted(KBookmarkGroup)), this, SLOT(notifyManagers(KBookmarkGroup))); Q_ASSERT(bookmarkManager()); // update when the model updates after a D-Bus signal, coming from this // process or from another one connect(bookmarkManager(), SIGNAL(changed(QString,QString)), this, SLOT(_kd_slotBookmarksChanged(QString,QString))); } void KBookmarkModel::setRoot(const KBookmark& root) { d->mRoot = root; resetModel(); } KBookmarkModel::~KBookmarkModel() { delete d; } void KBookmarkModel::resetModel() { beginResetModel(); delete d->mRootItem; d->mRootItem = new TreeItem(d->mRoot, 0); endResetModel(); } QVariant KBookmarkModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) return QVariant(); //Text if (role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::EditRole) { const KBookmark bk = bookmarkForIndex(index); if (bk.address().isEmpty()) { if (index.column() == NameColumnId) return QVariant(i18nc("name of the container of all browser bookmarks", "Bookmarks")); else return QVariant(); } switch(index.column()) { case NameColumnId: return bk.fullText(); case UrlColumnId: return bk.url().pathOrUrl(); case CommentColumnId: return bk.description(); case StatusColumnId: { QString text1 = bk.metaDataItem("favstate"); // favicon state QString text2 = bk.metaDataItem("linkstate"); if (text1.isEmpty() || text2.isEmpty()) return QVariant( text1 + text2 ); else return QVariant( text1 + " -- " + text2 ); } default: return QVariant(); //can't happen } } //Icon if (role == Qt::DecorationRole && index.column() == NameColumnId) { KBookmark bk = bookmarkForIndex(index); if (bk.address().isEmpty()) return KIcon("bookmarks"); return KIcon(bk.icon()); } //Special roles if (role == KBookmarkRole) { KBookmark bk = bookmarkForIndex(index); return QVariant::fromValue(bk); } return QVariant(); } //FIXME QModelIndex KBookmarkModel::buddy(const QModelIndex & index) //return parent for empty folder padders // no empty folder padders atm Qt::ItemFlags KBookmarkModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const { const Qt::ItemFlags baseFlags = QAbstractItemModel::flags(index); if (!index.isValid()) return (Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled | baseFlags); static const Qt::ItemFlags groupFlags = Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled; static const Qt::ItemFlags groupDragEditFlags = groupFlags | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemIsEditable; static const Qt::ItemFlags groupEditFlags = groupFlags | Qt::ItemIsEditable; static const Qt::ItemFlags rootFlags = groupFlags; static const Qt::ItemFlags bookmarkFlags = 0; static const Qt::ItemFlags bookmarkDragEditFlags = bookmarkFlags | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemIsEditable; static const Qt::ItemFlags bookmarkEditFlags = bookmarkFlags | Qt::ItemIsEditable; Qt::ItemFlags result = baseFlags; const int column = index.column(); const KBookmark bookmark = bookmarkForIndex(index); if (bookmark.isGroup()) { const bool isRoot = bookmark.address().isEmpty(); result |= (isRoot) ? rootFlags : (column == NameColumnId) ? groupDragEditFlags : (column == CommentColumnId) ? groupEditFlags : /*else*/ groupFlags; } else { result |= (column == NameColumnId) ? bookmarkDragEditFlags : (column != StatusColumnId) ? bookmarkEditFlags /* else */ : bookmarkFlags; } return result; } bool KBookmarkModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) { if (index.isValid() && role == Qt::EditRole) { kDebug() << value.toString(); d->mCommandHistory->addCommand(new EditCommand(this, bookmarkForIndex(index).address(), index.column(), value.toString())); return true; } return false; } QVariant KBookmarkModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if (role == Qt::DisplayRole && orientation == Qt::Horizontal) { QString result; switch(section) { case NameColumnId: result = i18nc("@title:column name of a bookmark", "Name"); break; case UrlColumnId: result = i18nc("@title:column name of a bookmark", "Location"); break; case CommentColumnId: result = i18nc("@title:column comment for a bookmark", "Comment"); break; case StatusColumnId: result = i18nc("@title:column status of a bookmark", "Status"); break; } return result; } else return QVariant(); } QModelIndex KBookmarkModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (!parent.isValid()) return createIndex(row, column, d->mRootItem); TreeItem * item = static_cast(parent.internalPointer()); if (row == item->childCount()) {// Received drop below last row, simulate drop on last row return createIndex(row-1, column, item->child(row-1)); } return createIndex(row, column, item->child(row)); } QModelIndex KBookmarkModel::parent(const QModelIndex &index) const { if (!index.isValid()) { // qt asks for the parent of an invalid parent // either we are in a inconsistent case or more likely // we are dragging and dropping and qt didn't check // what itemAt() returned return index; } KBookmark bk = bookmarkForIndex(index);; const QString rootAddress = d->mRoot.address(); if (bk.address() == rootAddress) return QModelIndex(); KBookmarkGroup parent = bk.parentGroup(); TreeItem * item = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); if (parent.address() != rootAddress) return createIndex(parent.positionInParent(), 0, item->parent()); else //parent is root return createIndex(0, 0, item->parent()); } int KBookmarkModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (parent.isValid()) return static_cast(parent.internalPointer())->childCount(); else //root case return 1; // Only one child: "Bookmarks" } int KBookmarkModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &) const { return NoOfColumnIds; } QModelIndex KBookmarkModel::indexForBookmark(const KBookmark& bk) const { return createIndex(KBookmark::positionInParent(bk.address()) , 0, d->mRootItem->treeItemForBookmark(bk)); } void KBookmarkModel::emitDataChanged(const KBookmark& bk) { QModelIndex idx = indexForBookmark(bk); kDebug() << idx; emit dataChanged(idx, idx.sibling(idx.row(), columnCount()-1)); } static const char* s_mime_bookmark_addresses = "application/x-kde-bookmarkaddresses"; QMimeData * KBookmarkModel::mimeData(const QModelIndexList & indexes) const { QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData; KBookmark::List bookmarks; QByteArray addresses; Q_FOREACH(const QModelIndex& it, indexes) { if (it.column() == NameColumnId) { bookmarks.push_back(bookmarkForIndex(it)); if (!addresses.isEmpty()) addresses.append(';'); addresses.append(bookmarkForIndex(it).address().toLatin1()); kDebug() << "appended" << bookmarkForIndex(it).address(); } } bookmarks.populateMimeData(mimeData); mimeData->setData(s_mime_bookmark_addresses, addresses); return mimeData; } Qt::DropActions KBookmarkModel::supportedDropActions() const { return Qt::CopyAction | Qt::MoveAction; } QStringList KBookmarkModel::mimeTypes() const { return KBookmark::List::mimeDataTypes(); } bool KBookmarkModel::dropMimeData(const QMimeData * data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent) { QModelIndex dropDestIndex; bool isInsertBetweenOp = false; if (row == -1) { dropDestIndex = parent; } else { isInsertBetweenOp = true; dropDestIndex = index(row, column, parent); } KBookmark dropDestBookmark = bookmarkForIndex(dropDestIndex); if (dropDestBookmark.isNull()) { // Presumably an invalid index: assume we want to place this in the root bookmark // folder. dropDestBookmark = d->mRoot; } QString addr = dropDestBookmark.address(); if (dropDestBookmark.isGroup() && !isInsertBetweenOp) { addr += "/0"; } // bookmarkForIndex(...) does not distinguish between the last item in the folder // and the point *after* the last item in the folder (and its hard to see how to // modify it so it does), so do the check here. if (isInsertBetweenOp && row == dropDestBookmark.positionInParent() + 1) { // Attempting to insert underneath the last item in a folder; adjust the address. addr = KBookmark::nextAddress(addr); } if (action == Qt::CopyAction) { KEBMacroCommand * cmd = CmdGen::insertMimeSource(this, "Copy", data, addr); d->mCommandHistory->addCommand(cmd); } else if (action == Qt::MoveAction) { if (data->hasFormat(s_mime_bookmark_addresses)) { KBookmark::List bookmarks; QList addresses = data->data(s_mime_bookmark_addresses).split(';'); qSort(addresses); Q_FOREACH(const QByteArray& address, addresses) { KBookmark bk = bookmarkManager()->findByAddress(QString::fromLatin1(address)); kDebug() << "Extracted bookmark:" << bk.address(); bookmarks.prepend(bk); // reverse order, so that we don't invalidate addresses (#287038) } KEBMacroCommand * cmd = CmdGen::itemsMoved(this, bookmarks, addr, false); d->mCommandHistory->addCommand(cmd); } else { kDebug()<<"NO FORMAT"; KEBMacroCommand * cmd = CmdGen::insertMimeSource(this, "Copy", data, addr); d->mCommandHistory->addCommand(cmd); } } return true; } KBookmark KBookmarkModel::bookmarkForIndex(const QModelIndex& index) const { if (!index.isValid()) { return KBookmark(); } return static_cast(index.internalPointer())->bookmark(); } void KBookmarkModel::beginInsert(const KBookmarkGroup& group, int first, int last) { Q_ASSERT(!d->mInsertionData); const QModelIndex parent = indexForBookmark(group); d->mInsertionData = new Private::InsertionData(parent, first, last); beginInsertRows(parent, first, last); } void KBookmarkModel::endInsert() { Q_ASSERT(d->mInsertionData); d->mInsertionData->insertChildren(); delete d->mInsertionData; d->mInsertionData = 0; endInsertRows(); } #if 0 // Probably correct, but not needed at the moment void KBookmarkModel::removeBookmarks(KBookmarkGroup parent, int first, int last) { const QModelIndex parentIndex = indexForBookmark(parent); beginRemoveRows(parentIndex, first, last); TreeItem* parentItem = static_cast(parentIndex.internalPointer()); // Go to the last bookmark to remove KBookmark bk = parent.first(); for (int i = 1; i < last; ++i) bk = parent.next(bk); // Then remove bookmarks, iterating backwards until 'first' // (so that numbering still works) for (int i = last; i >= first; --i) { KBookmark prev = parent.previous(bk); parent.deleteBookmark(bk); bk = prev; } parentItem->deleteChildren(first, last); endRemoveRows(); } #endif void KBookmarkModel::removeBookmark(KBookmark bookmark) { KBookmarkGroup parentGroup = bookmark.parentGroup(); const QModelIndex parentIndex = indexForBookmark(parentGroup); const int pos = bookmark.positionInParent(); beginRemoveRows(parentIndex, pos, pos); TreeItem* parentItem = static_cast(parentIndex.internalPointer()); parentGroup.deleteBookmark(bookmark); parentItem->deleteChildren(pos, pos); endRemoveRows(); } CommandHistory* KBookmarkModel::commandHistory() { return d->mCommandHistory; } KBookmarkManager* KBookmarkModel::bookmarkManager() { return d->mCommandHistory->bookmarkManager(); } void KBookmarkModel::Private::_kd_slotBookmarksChanged(const QString& groupAddress, const QString& caller) { Q_UNUSED(groupAddress); Q_UNUSED(caller); //kDebug() << "_kd_slotBookmarksChanged" << groupAddress << "caller=" << caller << "mIgnoreNext=" << mIgnoreNext; if (mIgnoreNext > 0) { // We ignore the first changed signal after every change we did --mIgnoreNext; return; } //kDebug() << " setRoot!"; q->setRoot(q->bookmarkManager()->root()); mCommandHistory->clearHistory(); } void KBookmarkModel::notifyManagers(const KBookmarkGroup& grp) { ++d->mIgnoreNext; //kDebug() << "notifyManagers -> mIgnoreNext=" << d->mIgnoreNext; bookmarkManager()->emitChanged(grp); } #include "moc_model.cpp"