/* * Copyright (C) 2003 by Unai Garro * Copyright (C) 2004 by Enrico Ros * Copyright (C) 2004 by Stephan Kulow * Copyright (C) 2004 by Oswald Buddenhagen * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* * Generic Kdm Item */ #include "kdmitem.h" #include "kdmlayout.h" #include "kdmthemer.h" #include // debug* #include #include #include static bool toBool(const QString &str) { bool ok; int val = str.toInt(&ok); if (!ok) return str == "true"; return val != 0; } KdmItem::KdmItem(QObject *parent, const QDomNode &node) : QObject(parent) , boxManager(0) , fixedManager(0) , myWidget(0) , m_showTypeInvert(false) , m_minScrWidth(0) , m_minScrHeight(0) , m_visible(true) , m_shown(true) { QDomNode showNode = node.namedItem("show"); if (!showNode.isNull()) { QDomElement sel = showNode.toElement(); QString modes = sel.attribute("modes"); if (!modes.isNull() && (modes == "nowhere" || (modes != "everywhere" && !modes.split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts).contains("console")))) { m_visible = false; return; } m_showType = sel.attribute("type"); if (!m_showType.isNull()) { if (m_showType[0] == '!') { m_showType.remove(0, 1); m_showTypeInvert = true; } if (!m_showType.startsWith("plugin-") && themer()->typeVisible(m_showType) == m_showTypeInvert) { m_visible = false; return; } } m_minScrWidth = sel.attribute("min-screen-width").toInt(); m_minScrHeight = sel.attribute("min-screen-height").toInt(); } // Set default layout for every item currentManager = MNone; geom.pos.x.type = geom.pos.y.type = geom.size.x.type = geom.size.y.type = DTnone; geom.minSize.x.type = geom.minSize.y.type = geom.maxSize.x.type = geom.maxSize.y.type = DTpixel; geom.minSize.x.val = geom.minSize.y.val = 0; geom.maxSize.x.val = geom.maxSize.y.val = 1000000; geom.anchor = "nw"; geom.expand = 0; // Set defaults for derived item's properties state = Snormal; KdmItem *parentItem = qobject_cast(parent); if (!parentItem) style.frame = false, style.guistyle = 0; else style = parentItem->style; // Read the mandatory Pos tag. Other tags such as normal, prelighted, // etc.. are read under specific implementations. QDomNodeList childList = node.childNodes(); for (int nod = 0; nod < childList.count(); nod++) { QDomNode child = childList.item(nod); QDomElement el = child.toElement(); QString tagName = el.tagName(); if (tagName == "pos") { parseSize(el.attribute("x", QString()), geom.pos.x); parseSize(el.attribute("y", QString()), geom.pos.y); parseSize(el.attribute("width", QString()), geom.size.x); parseSize(el.attribute("height", QString()), geom.size.y); parseSize(el.attribute("min-width", QString()), geom.minSize.x); parseSize(el.attribute("min-height", QString()), geom.minSize.y); parseSize(el.attribute("max-width", QString()), geom.maxSize.x); parseSize(el.attribute("max-height", QString()), geom.maxSize.y); geom.anchor = el.attribute("anchor", "nw"); geom.expand = toBool(el.attribute("expand", "false")); } else if (tagName == "buddy") { buddy = el.attribute("idref", ""); } else if (tagName == "style") { parseStyle(el, style); } } if (!style.font.present) parseFont("Sans 14", style.font); QDomElement el = node.toElement(); setObjectName(el.attribute("id", QString::number((ulong)this, 16))); isButton = toBool(el.attribute("button", "false")); isBackground = toBool(el.attribute("background", "false")); QString screen = el.attribute("screen", isBackground ? "all" : "greeter"); paintOnScreen = screen == "greeter" ? ScrGreeter : screen == "other" ? ScrOther : ScrAll; if (!parentItem) // The "toplevel" node (the screen) is really just like a fixed node setFixedLayout(); else // Tell 'parent' to add 'me' to its children parentItem->addChildItem(this); } KdmItem::~KdmItem() { delete boxManager; delete fixedManager; } void KdmItem::update() { forEachChild (itm) itm->update(); } void KdmItem::needUpdate() { emit needUpdate(area.x(), area.y(), area.width(), area.height()); } void KdmItem::updateThisVisible() { bool show = m_shown; if (show && (!m_showType.isNull() || m_minScrWidth || m_minScrHeight)) { KdmThemer *thm = themer(); if ((!m_showType.isNull() && !(thm->typeVisible(m_showType) ^ m_showTypeInvert)) || (thm->widget() && (thm->widget()->width() < m_minScrWidth || thm->widget()->height() < m_minScrHeight))) { show = false; } } if (m_visible != show) { m_visible = show; emit needPlacement(); } } void KdmItem::setVisible(bool show) { m_shown = show; updateThisVisible(); } void KdmItem::updateVisible() { updateThisVisible(); forEachChild (itm) itm->updateVisible(); } KdmThemer * KdmItem::themer() { if (KdmThemer *thm = qobject_cast(parent())) return thm; if (KdmItem *parentItem = qobject_cast(parent())) return parentItem->themer(); return 0; } void KdmItem::setWidget(QWidget *widget) { if ((myWidget = widget)) { myWidget->hide(); // yes, really connect(myWidget, SIGNAL(destroyed()), SLOT(widgetGone())); setWidgetAttribs(myWidget); } emit needPlugging(); emit needPlacement(); } void KdmItem::widgetGone() { myWidget = 0; emit needPlugging(); emit needPlacement(); } void KdmItem::setWidgetAttribs(QWidget *widget) { widget->setStyle(style.guistyle); widget->setPalette(style.palette); ::setWidgetAttribs(widget, style, style.frame); widget->installEventFilter(this); updatePalette(widget); } void KdmItem::updatePalette(QWidget *w) { // line edits set Base as the background role. however, they actively paint // the background of the "text area" themselves anyway, and setting this // property would also fill the surrounding window aera, which is ugly. bool set = !qobject_cast(w) && w->palette().isBrushSet(w->palette().currentColorGroup(), w->backgroundRole()); w->setAutoFillBackground(set); } bool KdmItem::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::WindowActivate || e->type() == QEvent::WindowDeactivate || e->type() == QEvent::EnabledChange) { updatePalette((QWidget *)o); } else if (e->type() == QEvent::ChildAdded) { ::setWidgetAttribs(myWidget, style, style.frame); } return false; } void KdmItem::showWidget(bool show) { if (!isVisible()) show = false; if (myWidget) { if (show) { QSize sz(area.size().expandedTo(myWidget->minimumSize()) .boundedTo(myWidget->maximumSize())); QSize off((area.size() - sz) / 2); myWidget->setGeometry( area.x() + off.width(), area.y() + off.height(), sz.width(), sz.height()); } myWidget->setVisible(show); } forEachChild (itm) itm->showWidget(show); } void KdmItem::plugActions(bool plug) { if (myWidget) plug = false; doPlugActions(plug); forEachChild (itm) itm->plugActions(plug); } void KdmItem::doPlugActions(bool) { } /* This is called as a result of KdmLayout::update, and directly on the root */ void KdmItem::setGeometry(QStack &parentSizes, const QRect &newGeometry, bool force) { enter("Item::setGeometry") << objectName() << newGeometry; // check if already 'in place' if (!force && area == newGeometry) { leave() << "unchanged"; return; } area = newGeometry; // recurr to all boxed children if (boxManager && !boxManager->isEmpty()) boxManager->update(parentSizes, newGeometry, force); // recurr to all fixed children if (fixedManager && !fixedManager->isEmpty()) fixedManager->update(parentSizes, newGeometry, force); // TODO send *selective* repaint signal leave() << "done"; } void KdmItem::paint(QPainter *p, const QRect &rect, bool background, bool primaryScreen) { if (!isVisible()) return; if (background && (p->device()->width() < m_minScrWidth || p->device()->height() < m_minScrHeight)) return; if (myWidget) return; QRect contentsRect = area.intersected(rect); if (!contentsRect.isEmpty() && (!background || isBackground) && (paintOnScreen == ScrAll || ((paintOnScreen == ScrGreeter) == primaryScreen))) { drawContents(p, contentsRect); if (debugLevel & DEBUG_THEMING) { // Draw bounding rect for this item QPen pen(Qt::white); pen.setCapStyle(Qt::FlatCap); pen.setDashPattern(QVector() << 5 << 6); p->setPen(pen); p->setBackgroundMode(Qt::OpaqueMode); p->setBackground(Qt::black); p->drawRect(area.x(), area.y(), area.width() - 1, area.height() - 1); p->setBackgroundMode(Qt::TransparentMode); } } // Dispatch paint events to children forEachChild (itm) itm->paint(p, rect, background, primaryScreen); } bool KdmItem::childrenContain(int x, int y) { forEachVisibleChild (itm) { if (itm->area.contains(x, y)) return true; if (itm->childrenContain(x, y)) return true; } return false; } void KdmItem::activateBuddy() { if (KdmItem *itm = themer()->findNode(buddy)) if (itm->myWidget) { itm->myWidget->setFocus(); if (QLineEdit *le = qobject_cast(itm->myWidget)) le->selectAll(); } } KdmItem *KdmItem::currentActive = 0; void KdmItem::mouseEvent(int x, int y, bool pressed, bool released) { if (!isVisible()) return; ItemState oldState = state; if (area.contains(x, y) || (isButton && childrenContain(x, y))) { if (released && oldState == Sactive) { if (isButton) emit activated(objectName()); state = Sprelight; currentActive = 0; } else if (pressed && !buddy.isEmpty()) { activateBuddy(); } else if (pressed || currentActive == this) { state = Sactive; currentActive = this; } else if (!currentActive) { state = Sprelight; } else { state = Snormal; } } else { if (released) currentActive = 0; if (currentActive == this) state = Sprelight; else state = Snormal; } if (oldState != state) statusChanged(isButton); if (!isButton) forEachChild (itm) itm->mouseEvent(x, y, pressed, released); } void KdmItem::statusChanged(bool descend) { if (descend) forEachChild (o) { o->state = state; o->statusChanged(descend); } } // BEGIN protected inheritable QSize KdmItem::sizeHint() { if (myWidget) return myWidget->sizeHint(); return QSize( geom.size.x.type == DTpixel ? geom.size.x.val : 0, geom.size.y.type == DTpixel ? geom.size.y.val : 0); } const QSize & KdmItem::ensureHintedSize(QSize &hintedSize) { if (!hintedSize.isValid()) { hintedSize = sizeHint(); debug() << "hinted" << hintedSize; } return hintedSize; } const QSize & KdmItem::ensureBoxHint(QSize &boxHint, QStack &parentSizes, QSize &hintedSize) { if (!boxHint.isValid()) { if (myWidget || !boxManager) boxHint = ensureHintedSize(hintedSize); else boxHint = boxManager->sizeHint(parentSizes); debug() << "boxHint" << boxHint; } return boxHint; } static const QSize & getParentSize(const QStack &parentSizes, int levels) { int off = parentSizes.size() - 1 - levels; if (off < 0) { kError() << "Theme references element below the root."; off = 0; } return parentSizes[off]; } void KdmItem::calcSize( const DataPair &sz, QStack &parentSizes, QSize &hintedSize, QSize &boxHint, QSize &io) { int w, h; if (sz.x.type == DTpixel) w = sz.x.val; else if (sz.x.type == DTnpixel) w = io.width() - sz.x.val; else if (sz.x.type == DTpercent) w = (getParentSize(parentSizes, sz.x.levels).width() * sz.x.val + 50) / 100; else if (sz.x.type == DTbox) w = ensureBoxHint(boxHint, parentSizes, hintedSize).width(); else w = ensureHintedSize(hintedSize).width(); if (sz.y.type == DTpixel) h = sz.y.val; else if (sz.y.type == DTnpixel) h = io.height() - sz.y.val; else if (sz.y.type == DTpercent) h = (getParentSize(parentSizes, sz.y.levels).height() * sz.y.val + 50) / 100; else if (sz.y.type == DTbox) h = ensureBoxHint(boxHint, parentSizes, hintedSize).height(); else h = ensureHintedSize(hintedSize).height(); if (sz.x.type == DTscale && h && ensureHintedSize(hintedSize).height()) w = w * h / hintedSize.height(); else if (sz.y.type == DTscale && w && ensureHintedSize(hintedSize).width()) h = w * h / hintedSize.width(); io.setWidth(w); io.setHeight(h); } void KdmItem::sizingHint(QStack &parentSizes, SizeHint &hint) { enter("Item::sizingHint") << objectName() << NoSpace << "parentSize #" << parentSizes.size() << Space << parentSizes.top(); QSize hintedSize, boxHint; hint.min = hint.opt = hint.max = parentSizes.top(); calcSize(geom.size, parentSizes, hintedSize, boxHint, hint.opt); calcSize(geom.minSize, parentSizes, hintedSize, boxHint, hint.min); calcSize(geom.maxSize, parentSizes, hintedSize, boxHint, hint.max); leave() << "size" << hint.opt << "min" << hint.min << "max" << hint.max; hint.max = hint.max.expandedTo(hint.min); // if this triggers, the theme is bust hint.opt = hint.opt.boundedTo(hint.max).expandedTo(hint.min); // Note: no clipping to parent because this broke many themes! } QRect KdmItem::placementHint(QStack &sizes, const QSize &sz, const QPoint &offset) { const QSize &parentSize = sizes.top(); int x = offset.x(), y = offset.y(), w = parentSize.width(), h = parentSize.height(); enter("Item::placementHint") << objectName() << NoSpace << "parentSize #" << sizes.size() << Space << parentSize << "size" << sz << "offset" << offset; if (geom.pos.x.type == DTpixel) x += geom.pos.x.val; else if (geom.pos.x.type == DTnpixel) x += w - geom.pos.x.val; else if (geom.pos.x.type == DTpercent) x += (w * geom.pos.x.val + 50) / 100; if (geom.pos.y.type == DTpixel) y += geom.pos.y.val; else if (geom.pos.y.type == DTnpixel) y += h - geom.pos.y.val; else if (geom.pos.y.type == DTpercent) y += (h * geom.pos.y.val + 50) / 100; // defaults to center int dx = sz.width() / 2, dy = sz.height() / 2; // anchor the rect to an edge / corner if (geom.anchor.length() > 0 && geom.anchor.length() < 3) { if (geom.anchor.indexOf('n') >= 0) dy = 0; if (geom.anchor.indexOf('s') >= 0) dy = sz.height(); if (geom.anchor.indexOf('w') >= 0) dx = 0; if (geom.anchor.indexOf('e') >= 0) dx = sz.width(); } leave() << "x:" << x << "dx:" << dx << "y:" << y << "dy:" << dy; y -= dy; x -= dx; return QRect(x, y, sz.width(), sz.height()); } QRect KdmItem::placementHint(QStack &sizes, const QPoint &offset) { SizeHint sh; sizingHint(sizes, sh); return placementHint(sizes, sh.opt, offset); } // END protected inheritable void KdmItem::showStructure(const QString &pfx) { { QDebug ds(QtDebugMsg); if (!pfx.isEmpty()) ds << (qPrintable(pfx) + 1); ds << objectName() << qPrintable(itemType) << area; } if (!m_children.isEmpty()) { QString npfx(pfx); npfx.replace('\\', ' ').replace('-', ' '); for (int i = 0; i < m_children.count() - 1; i++) m_children[i]->showStructure(npfx + " |-"); m_children[m_children.count() - 1]->showStructure(npfx + " \\-"); } } void KdmItem::addChildItem(KdmItem *item) { m_children.append(item); switch (currentManager) { case MNone: // fallback to the 'fixed' case setFixedLayout(); case MFixed: fixedManager->addItem(item); break; case MBox: boxManager->addItem(item); break; } } void KdmItem::setBoxLayout(const QDomNode &node) { if (!boxManager) boxManager = new KdmLayoutBox(node); currentManager = MBox; } void KdmItem::setFixedLayout(const QDomNode &node) { if (!fixedManager) fixedManager = new KdmLayoutFixed(node); currentManager = MFixed; } #include "kdmitem.moc"